181346 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 181346 By Severin A. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Mortensin—Robert F.Peterson— Whereas, Frank M. and Myrtle Thill,' 9/b/a Radio Cab have made Application f orn f-r license to operate three (3)1 COMMISSIONER PRESENTED BY _v �t `„��_ DATF Febru 5, 195f �.+�+� , f` WHEREAS: Frank N. and Myrtle Thill dba Radio Cab have made Application D 14350 for license to operate three (3) automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as follows: Cab No. Make Serial Insurance 3 Chevrolet B56J024101 Public National Insurance Company Policy No. PAL 99379, expiring 12:C1 A.M. ST, January 2, 1958 50 Chevrolet B57J117869 Public National Insurance Company Policy No. PAL 99397, expiring: 12:01 A.M. ST, January 2, 1958 85 Chevrolet B56J109563 Public National Insurance Company Policy No. PAL 99441, expiring 12:01 A.M. ST, January 2, 1958 WHEREAS: Said applicants have filed a copy of the insurance policies with the City of Saint Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Frank M. and Myrtle Thill dba Radio Cab Co. RENEWAL lR 5 iv COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy FEB 5 195- Holland Approved 195- -iVf Mortinson In Favor / _ Petersen Acting Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon. ? 5M 6-56 2