181855 • Original to City Clerk - {,J4 .T ( CITY OF ST. PAUL 0""- NO M ' , i� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UN CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE• DATE WHEREAS, Upon the recommendation of Downtown Incorporated and the Traffic Committee, mid-block bus stops were established under Council File No. 179593 on Seventh Street between Sibley and St. Peter Streets, and WHEREAS, the operation of such mid-block stops has not resulted in an overall advantage to the convenience of the bus patrons and traffic movement, and WHEREAS, Downtown Incorporated and the Traffic Committee have with- drawn their endorsement of such mid-block stops, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that such mid-block stops on Seventh Street be discontinued and restored to the previous arrangement of near side stops effective upon the passage of this resolution with appropriate allowance of time made for necessary changes in signs and street markings. Council File No. 181855 — By Milton Rosen— Whereas, Upon the recommendation of Downtown Incorporated and the Traffic Committee, mid-block bus stops were established under Council File No. 179593 on Seventh Street between Sib- ley and St. Peter Streets, and Whereas, The operation of such mid- block stops has not resulted in an over- all advantage to the convenience of the bus patrons and traffic movement, and Whereas, Downtown Incorporated and the Traffic Committee have with- drawn their endorsement of such mid- block stops, therefore, be it Resolved, That such mid-block stops on Seventh Street be discontinued and restored to the previous arrangement of near side stops effective upon the passage of this resolution with appro- priate allowance of time made for necessary changes in signs and street markings. Adopted by the Council March 12, 1957. Approved March 12, 1957. (March 16, 1957) RR 12195-I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Nays 1957 Yeas �� Na s -i /lieLourcy and Approved 195- '"Marzitelli --kortinson In Favor �� eterson Mayor ,sen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 � 2 BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION BUREAU OF WATER CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEONARD N. THOMPSON, EDWIN F. JONES. UTILITIES ENGINEER GENERAL MANAGER Capital of Minnesota ACCOUNTANT BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL TESTING LABORATORIES J. L. CONNOLLY RALPH H. ROCKWOOD, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES BUREAU OF MARKETS BUREAU OF LIGHTING A. L. HOGAN, MARKET DIRECTOR 216 Court House • �.� ,.. •��.,�.,�, ,� bIILTON ROSEN, Commissioner WILLIAM P. BEHRENS, Deputy Commissioner March 7, 1957 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Utilities ') City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Pursuant to recommendation made by Downtown Incorporated and the Traffic Committee, a system of mid-block stops was inaugurated in September 1956 on Seventh Street between St. Peter and Jackson Streets and later modified to exclude the block between Wabasha and St. Peter Streets. When this action was originally considered, it was intended to in- corporate mid-block stops in every other block thus eliminating half the bus stops through this area. Due to the objections of various business interests, the skip stop feature was eliminated and the trial was made with mid-block stops alone. The Traffic Engineering Department reports that a slight increase in overall speed of traffic has resulted under this arrangement, but this advantage has been largely offset by complaints from bus patrons of in- convenience in transferring and objections have been received from certain business properties on the mid-block stop arrangement. Under date of February 28, 1957 Downtown Incorporated has withdrawn its endorsement of mid-block stops as now in use; and based upon ob- servation of their operation, I see no advantage in their continuance. Yours very truly',) y/ % Edwin F. Jones Utilities Engineer EFJ:ew