181829 • Original to City Clerk gilt CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • OUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - DATE. RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Dr. Wallace L. Fritz from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, permission is hereby granted said applicant, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to remodel the apartment building at 709-711-713 Portland Avenue so as to create not to exceed eight additional apartments therein, sub- ject to the obtaining by applicant of the necessary building permits, and in compliance with the requirements of the Building Code. Council File No. 181829—By Bernard T.Holland— Resolved, That upon appeal of Dr. Wallace L. Fritz from the decision of the Commissioner of grounds and Public Buildings,perrmis-1 sion is hereby granted said applicant, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to remodel the apartment building at 709-711-713 Portland Avenue so as to create not to exceed eight additional apartments therein, subject to the obtaining by applicant of the necessary building permits, and in compliance with the requirements of the Building Code. Adopted by the Council March 8, 1957. Vetoed by the Mayor March 13, 1957. Re-adopted notwithstanding the veto March 19, 1957. (March 23, 1957) ved(4,7," s 19.S i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci �^ Yeas Nays YYb Y n�- Holland Approved X95_ /f/y� , Marzitelli Mortinson _In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 2 �,1� _ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota ZONING APPEAL Notice is hereby given that a 'Pt). xi MAR 2J 111'' ' hearing will be held before the city v'..., Council at 10 A.M. on February 21, 1957, in the City Council ou til Chamber in CORI3L1p d•l.al lA, COUNSEL the City Hall and Court House, in the 1 11 VVYY��t3311 ii VoN matter of the appeal of Dr. Wallace L. - Fritz, under Sec. 20 of Ord. No. 5840 (the Zoning Ordinance), for relaxation of off-street parking requirements from 28 off-street parking spaces to 9 so as to permit remodeling of an apartment March 1 1957 building on Lots 22,23 and 24,Block 14, • Holcombe's Addition, also described as 709-11-13 Portland Ave., to provide 28 units instead of 19.units. Dated Februar 1957. t4{.}a r ) , JpziEPH R. OKONESKI, t `" City Clerk. " ` ci. ('February 9, 1957) aotesair Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requests that you draw a resolution granting the appeal of Dr. Fritz, for permission to remodel his apartment at 709- 711-713 Portland Ave. so as to create, not to exceed, eight additional apartments therein, subject to his obtaining the necessary building permits and in compliance with the requirements of the building code. (\i r Very truly yours, '".... T-2///lcvkA, t.--- i ' -,kivit,(. City Clerk �- - f...:„..) k ' I\ it. , ��'' 1,,,,,►ar,l, O :0t• srP. t 11 11 le II r 4., ,, 1 , 1,641.....t.,— 'rtmci. t: - ---TL p. ~. - ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL — MINNESOTA f ......................... .......................... < BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT P A U L 231-232-233 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOLM SAINT PAUL 2,MINNESOTA February 28, 1957 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in reply to the Council referral dated February 21, 1957 for \ further information as to the amount of off-street parking space available at the rear of the premises located at 709-f'11-713 Portland. This investigation is in conjunction with a pending appeal of Dr. Fritz to relax the off-street parking requirements applying to this property. Deference is made to the attached map and the applicant's plans which show two spaces at the rear of the existing apartment structure each of which are approximately 33' wide. These two spaces extend southerly a distance of approximately 36' from the alley which bounds the northerly portion of the premises. On the basis of a width of 3' per car which is the standard set up in the .'coning Ordinance there is space within these two areas to park eight cars, assuming appropriate grading, retaining walls, and removal of a rather large tree. There is also a space some 6' wide extending the length of the portion of the building which parallels the alley which the applicant, in his appeal, assumed could be used for car storage. Hence the applicant' s estimation of the total amount of parking available was stated as nine cars. By virtue of the fact that a parking space 6' wide does not conform to the minimum standards of the Zoning Ordinance the actual maximum number of legal off-street parking spaces which could be provided on this site is eight cars. Si ce y, C c:1 'o s CDL:FS Planning Director Enc. 1 . . • 1 ' , . . ., .• . N Qb Cl4 't .61 t % rt. ra i z .., ,q•-• . .,,,,t,„,,__.,L .,_ _,:t....,_ _ . t..._ t.....,,_,7,,.t...„ t.... .t...,, 11:4_ No,s(),.._ .,_,_,_,=,,,,,s.,,, _ NO .1 ‘43 ts... I t i- ll 1 ill ii I r i 0 1 1 0 i i I II 11 1, II 11 ,... • 4 ii. i g --..... .), i . . Au ae 0V/NE N f I / fi L \ 1 # PrA 4 1 \ • 1 s •1i / ...(0rfite/C4,0VIIP cep ', il V I; ikAWe-16"fr i ii A 11, ‘t t■. cr• to ah.. t.,.. "eV,AelZ44,43 r.-=g', ,r 1 ; ii /OR AVP/EX/AW .:i • 1 f i'1! , I 1 , ;,. /2C-4s5 .. ; I , 4 . ' - . - - ' . . T • — , • I -),,.. 1 v woepor, '9; 9 !■ % i! \ . ir '! i.444:71 1 1Nx ; ! j L____I fl ) fiN.. t: \ f ,/ ' 1 :I ksi 1 L....il 1. 0 ■ il .4;1 ---- n■ .... ___ — ..... _ ....--. —‘........ 1) t■ b APPLICANT: Dr,,, Wallace Z. Fritz FILE NO 3575 F 1 PURPOSE : Relaxation of off-street parking reguiremente t 1 4 1, 4 1\t. .■ DATF : February 21, 1957 :iiale 1 " 100' PRTTARED BY TITE crry. PLANNING BOARD, ST. 7 - . UL MINNF,SOTA 1 • • : RD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL •••• 231.212.213 131$CITY HALL AND COURT NOVAS SAINT PAUL 2.MINNUOTA February 21, 1957 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This letter supplements the report of the Zoning Board dated February 1, 1957 concerning the appeal of Dr. Wallace L. Fritz for the Council to relax the parking requirements of the Zoning Ordinance so as to permit the remodeling of the property located at 709-711-713 Portland Avenue to accommodate additional apartment units. When this matter was first discussed in the Council February 1, the applicant stated he had certain property under option across Portland Avenue to the south which could be used to provide additional parking spaces. At that time certain questions were raised as to the practicality of using the space under consideration for parking accessory to Dr. Fritz's property. Therefore, the entire matter was laid over by the City Council pending a formal hearing. It was the stated desire of the Council at the February 1 hearing to obtain additional facts concerning the parking space to be used in conjunction with Dr. Fritz's apartment building. This report is for the purpose of conveying this additional information. Reference is made to a map attached to this report. The area outlined in red is under option by the applicant and is proposed to be developed for parking purposes incident to his apartment building across the street which is identified on this map as "Delina Court." This proposed parking area is described as the west half of lot 6, all of lot 7 and the east half of lot 9, Holcomb's Addition. The zoning is "A" residence. It has a frontage of 80' along Portland and extends southerly a distance of 77' . The proposed parking area has a capacity of approximately twelve cars. The southerly boundary of the proposed parking area extends to within 52' of the residential structure identified on the map as 705 Summit. Field investigation reveals that the rear yard produced by this arrange- ment is adequate from the standpoint of the requirements of the Building Code and the space available for the parking of the inhabitants of 705 Summit. The property immediately to the east of the proposed parking area functions as the rear yard of the structure identified on the map as 701 Summit Avenue. Directly to the east of this property some 80' from the east line -1- Re: Dr. Fritz - of the proposed parking lot is the Unity Church parking lot. The St. Paul Academy is located directly to the west of the proposed parking area. In order to use this property for parking accessory to the applicant's apartment building, it would be necessary to rezone this property from "A" residence to "C" residence. The property within 200' of the area which would be re-zoned, if this project is pursued, is shown by the green line on the attached map. In summary, if the applicant is able to use this property for parking he will have available some twenty-one car spaces incident to the use of Delina Court. It is the applicant's stated objective to remodel this apartment building from a former capacity of nineteen dwelling units to thirty-eight dwelling units. CDL:FS C. D.oe Enc. Planning Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning • • February 20,1957 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, Sidney M. Gershcow, owner of property at 721-727 Port- land Ave., object to addition to the number of units at 709-11-13 Portland Ave. Each building in the block has multiple dwellings with several cars not being able to find park places at this time. Additional dwelling units would make the parking problem more difficult. There are three churches in this block and they add to the parking problem with their evening services and programs. Very truly yours, Sidney M. Gershcow 11r/1/"// • t , ::::r::<: O: R D OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL •:••••••i:•::::� �w,��.i1 : 211-211E-253 1715 CITY NAIL AND COM'NOVAS SAINT PAUL 2.MINNESOTA February 1, 1957 Mr. Joseph Okoneski • City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of Dr. Wallce L. Fritz for the Council to relax the strict application of section 8, paragraph "1" of the Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to the requirements of off-street parking space incident to an apartment structure located at 709, 711 and 713 Portland Avenue. This property is on the north side of Portland between St. Albans and Grotto and is described as lots 22, 23 and 24 —block 14 - Holcombe's Addition. The zoning is "C" resi- dence. The applicant is the owner of an existing three-story apartment structure located on the premises which presently accommodates nineteen apartment units. Ultimately the applicant desires to divide each of these' apartment units into two units thus providing a total of thirty-eight units in this building. Section 8, paragraph "1" of the Zoning Ordinance requires that he must provide thirty-eight parking spaces if he is to pursue this plan. It is the applicant's position that this requirement would be unreasonable in that it requires more parking than is actually needed and that the strict application of this regulation would produce an unreasonable hardship. There- fore, he is appealing for the relaxation of this off-street parking requirement pursuant to section 20, paragraph "t" of the Zoning Ordinance which specifies that the City Council may relax this requirement upon submission of valid proof that the amount of off-street parking is equal to the actual demand for parking space and that in any such case, the granting of such relief would be consistent with the intent and purpose of the ordinance. The staff report to the Zoning Board, as contained in its minutes conveyed re- commendations to two problems which are raised by this appeal: (1) bow much parking is actually required by this facility - (2) what quality of housing will be produced if this relief is granted? In short, will the "intent and pur- pose"of the Zoning Ordinance be carried out if the relief sought is granted? With reference to point 1 it was the staff's conclusion that this facility actually generated the need for approximately twenty-nine off-street parking spaces. With reference to point 2 - the quality of housing produced - this structure was compared with the standards suggested by the American Public Health Associ- ation relative to three characteristic: (1) the percentage of land covered by buildings, (2) the ration of total floor area to the total area of the site and, (3) the maximum number of dwelling units that should be provided on a site of this size. 1(1, • Dr. Fritz -2- With reference to building coverage, this building covers approximately 25% more of the site than is recommended by APHA. With reference to point 2, the ratio of floor space to site area is approximately 30% higher than that recommended by APHA. With reference to point 3, a desirable population density according to APHA would allow approximately 16 units on a site of this size in a structure of this type. , There are, at present, nineteen and the applicant is proposing to remodel to thirty-nine. In response to this information, the Zoning Board was of the view that the appli- cant should not be required to provide parking in excess of the additional dwell- ing unitsathat.would be created. This would produce a total need of approximately taitionu nineteen car spaces. With reference to the quality of housing provided, the Zoning Board felt this determination should be made by the Building Department in the light of the applic- able provisions of the Building Code and in pursuance to strict compliance of all applicable regulations. At present the applicant has available space on his site for nine parking spaces. He, therefore, is asking - as a first step - for permission to create nine additional dwelling units. He is in the process of gaining control of a parcel of ground across Portland Avenue to the south which has a capacity of approximately twenty-five cars. If this is done, it is, the ;toning Board's view that adequate parking could be provided on the assumption that the apartment building is to accommodate thirty-eight dwelling units. In order to use property across the street, however, the applicant will be required to rezone the property and obtain a Council Use Permit for parking. In consideration of these factors, the Zoning Board recommends that Section 8, paragih "1" of the Zoning Ordinance be relaxed so as to permit the applicant to proceed with the construction of nine additional dwelling units in response to the provision of nine additional car spaces, with the understanding that at a later date additional parking space will be provided before he can proceed with the remodeling of the remainder of the apartment units. This requirement is contingent upon the full compliance with all applicable requirements of the Building Code. S cerit . D. Lgks CDL:FS Planning Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning • W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ROBERT A. LOBDELL ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks Director of Public Recreation City Architect • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ARTHUR F. COLEMAN, Deputy Commissioner February 1, 1957 Honorable Council City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: You referred to this office the matter of the application by Dr. Fritz for relaxation of the off-street parking requirements for residen- tial facilities, with instructions that this office is to report on the sufficiency or insufficiency or adequacy of the layouts that Dr. Fritz has submitted with his application for a Building Permit for the property located at 709-713 Portland Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. In order that the record may be clear, the undersigned when he first became acquainted with the fact that Dr. Fritz had planned on splitting the existing apartment units in two, denied him a Building Permit because the office felt it would be necessary for him to secure Council approval on a relaxation of the parking lot requirements as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Several plans and sketches were sub- mitted which this office considered inadequate and refused to consider the matter until such time as proper plans were submitted. There also was no plot plan or survey submitted. Subsequently, Dr. Fritz fur- nished a survey and plans indicating the size, relationship and outline of the existing structure, and he also furnished an additional plan showing the proposed lay-out. The Minimum code requirements for a habitable room are 90 square feet. The existing apartments are quite large and cover an area of approximately 700 square feet per apartment. He proposes to cut these apartments down into two individual apartments of the Murphy in-a-door bed type, approximately 350 square feet in each. All habitable rooms have an area considerably in excess of 90 square feet, which is also the approximate minimum limitation of the anticipated new Housing Code. Glass area, ceiling heights, all comply with all present and antici- pated requirements. Exit facilities under the new proposed plan meet all requirements. There is, however, one basic requirement, in that each apartment shall have within it suitable toilet and bath facilities. One out of every two apartment units complies absolutely with our Code requirements and anticipated Code requirements ; however, the second or other unit provides suitable bath facilities, but they are not within the apartment and are located across a public hall. The layout is such that the second bath unit could be provided within the second apartment by making certain changes in arrangements. Very truly yo s, A/red H. Schroeder AHS :al ity Architect Cg O F l r,: r. .D OF CI EDWARD K. DELANEY CLERK ATTORNEY AT LAW 1/0'11;t1 INNESOTA BLDG. ST. PAUL 1, MINN. 1957 JAN 30 PM I January 29, 1957 � A i 1_ ,L4 ij PIS or and Common Council (Ail C ''``'' HOnOb�c� , y Saint Yaul> iv►innesota of the City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Dr. Wallace L. Fritz, prior to date hereof, made application to the Department of Public Buildings of the City of Saint Paul for a Build- ing Permit to remodel the premises known as and located at 709-711-713 Portland Avenue, in St. Paul, Minnesota, which is an apartment building originally planned and built to accommodate nineteen (19) apartment units. The application for the Building Permit hereinbefore mentioned was made for the purpose of converting the aforesaid 19 apartment units into thirty- eight (38) units, thereby creating nineteen (19) new apartment units. Ap- lication was made for the relaxation of the requirements contained in the Building Code under Section 8, Paragraph 1, sub-paragraph 3 as provided in Section 20, Paragraph t of the said Building Code. Subsequent to the making and filing of the above mentioned application, a hearing was had by the petitioner before the Zoning Board of the City of Saint Paul at which time said application was considered. Applicant appeared personally and was represented by his attorney, Edward K. Delaney, and after presentation of the matter, the applicant asked leave to amend his application for the Building Permit as hereinbefore set forth so that the said application be made for the Permit to create nine (9) new ad- ditional units in the aforesaid premises instead of nineteen (19). It being stated by the applicant that at the present time he can provide nine off-street parking places on the same premises upon which the apartment building presently exists, The Zoning Board by a majority vote took favor- able action. The Zoning Board was informed by the applicant and by his attorney that applicant intends to and is in the process of acquiring ad- ditional land for auto parking purposes within a radius of less than 300 ft, from the existing apartment building, which land will accommodate the park- ing of 25 cars. That applicant has purchased and is in possession of an Option for the purchase of the West one-half (w.2) of Lot Six (6), and all of. Lot Seven (7), and the East one-half (E.i) of Lot Eight (8), Block Fifteen (15) Holcombes Addition to St. Paul. Ramsey County, Minnesota, which property is directly across the street from the aforementioned apartment building, and which property is 80 feet in width and 77 feet in depth. That application will be made to the City Council for a Permit to use the property under Option for parking purposes . as accessory to the aforementioned apartment building, and at the same time an application will be made for a Permit to develop and to construct an additional ten (10) apartment units in the said apartment building. CITY CLERK FILE .- . 3 2 = AN.l ------------ -- - - . _Page 2 - Hon. bayor & Common Council Presently applicant prays that the City Council authorize the issuance of a Permit for the construction of nine (9) new apartment units in the apart- ment building hereinbofors described. Respectfully yours, Dr. Wallace L. Fritz lidward . Delaney, Attorney. 3 WALLACE L. FRITZ, M. D. 624 UNIVERSITY AVENUE (DALE& UNIVERSITY AVES.) ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA November 28, 1 :56 1 Honorable Trh.yor Dillon and City Councilmen of St. Paul, city Hail ;_.nc' Court House, CITY CLERK i tLE St. Paul, Linn. 154 _i.c 7 S APPLICANT Z.F.N.. Dear Sir: I hereby make application for the relaxation of the Off- street Parking Requirement lasted in the Building Code under Section 8 paragraph 1, subparagraph ( ') in order to remodel an E:_art, .ent building located at 7e9-711-713 Portland i venue on the basis of it being an unreasonable hardship, as provided for in the Building Code, Section 20, paragraph t. The unreasonable hardship is based on the following facts: 1. It is very difficult to rent the present apartments because thay have been built incorrectly for modern ways of living, in that the dining rooms are larger than the living rooms in some apartments, and in others the living room is 29 feet x 15 feet. Most of the tenants, who live in this older location of the city, do not have enough furniture to equip the above described rooms. 2. In this older location of the city, namely, Portland .venue between Grotto and St. Albans, 90% of prospective are either young married couples, or middle aged working women who prefer to live alone, or young working girls, and they do not have enough furniture to equip these large apartments, and also cannot afford to pay 'eZ5.0C rent per month; hence, at the present time I have three vac aacies. 3. By dividing the apartments, as per said plan hereby ,presented to you, I will be able to create pleasant livable apartments, consisting of a living room with a Murphy wail • bed, kitchen, and private bathroom consistent with the public health and general welfare of the community at the rental rate of around ;„5O.00 per month, which is al] that a working girl can wry out of her wages. It will, therefore, allow me to fill my.rental vacancies, and the 4A.5.00 above the present rental rate of 485.O6 per apartment unit,(since there will be two 8O.oU apartments instead of one $85.00 apartment) will defray my extra expense of remodelling the apartments, and improving the property and complete outside redecorating, combination aluminum storms and screens, and installation of gas heat in the boiler, which I have already Completed in the A past two months. • • WALLACE L. FRITZ, M. D. 624 UNIVERSITY AVENUE (DALE& UNIVERSITY AVES.) ST. PAUL. 4, MINNESOTA 4. It is my honest opinion that be dividing the apartments two for one, the size of the apartments will be such, that they will be too small for married couples, but ideal for two younger women, or one older working person that prefers to live alone, and this category of tenants seldom have automobiles. Therefore, it is not necessary to have a 100% off street parking.for these units. I realize that if the apartment building was looated as an example in the exclusile Highland Area on Cleveland between Randolph and Ford Parkway, where rental units are 0100.00 to 0125.00 per month, practically every tenant is a married couple and is of the higher salaried brackett, hence, they have one or even two automobiles, and there should be 100% off street parking. Therefore, the same rule should not apply in a building where the tenants are working girls 18 to 30 years or older working women, there their salaries are of a low bracket, hence very few automobiles are owned by them. 5. I have on the premises the following space for of street parking: 1. One area 32 feet 2 inches x 42 feet 8 inches which will provide parking forfour cars. 2. One area 33 feet x 42 feet 8 inches which will provide for parking four cars. . 3. Two areas 28 feet 6 inches x 12 feet 8 inches parallel with the alley and the back of the center section of the buildin, which will provide for parking two and possibly four cars. Therefore, I have off street parking areas to aaaomodate a total of ten and possibly twelve automobiles, since these areas are all located adjacent to a 20 foot alley, and therefore the automobiles can drive directly into the parking areas from the alley. Therefore, in lieu of the above I hereby plead with you Directors of the Welfare of the City of St. Paul, to relax the 100% off street parking requirement, and allow me to divide the apartment two for one creating nineteen rental units, which would be for the general welfare of the community and for myself as a landlord, because I then can rent my units and relieve me of my hardship. Respectfully yours, V/aefa,--e- r- WLF/d Wallace L. Fritz r\\it))/ /e014 ato.4,611., ?AteoftaA."41 P;i', Its-7 2314"L;1.iiti A2407 . f ,?I ; 1 5Fi% Pat '957 4 4.,x '"7` o- t,"4„„ 4 '1- Arualt J. t co A24-vv-• -AG!' eng.ti4101 - (4,:t4 1,4ed-te-o-to' afeft 4.1.0604-e. _ 1447-fray ratotoo 01(4 ) dele.ot A.26, )/