181799 Original to City Clerk 1!_'l ! i 79 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Na LICENSE CONNITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,f X44 March 7, 1957 COMMISSIONER9'r� Y'� DATF PESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be a.n3 the same are hereby granted. Max, Walter & Alvin Landy St. Cloud, Minn. Slaughter Hse. App. 11155 Renewal McKasy Bros. Ice Cream Co. 915 E. Franklin,Mpls. Ice Cream M.D.P. " 11362 II II II 1 Veh. o n II Superior Packing Co. 2.103-5 Tabasha Foods M.D.P.!. It 11945 " II II 6 Veh. It It n G. Bartusch Packing Co. 567 N. Cleveland Foods M.D.P.!. " 11955 " n II g Veh. n " II Old Home Creameries, Inc. z1405 N.E.5th,Mpls. Foods M.D.P.!. " 11980 " It It 4 Veh. II II " National Butter Co. 2225 Territorial Foods m.D.P.'::'. " 12157 I' Sunshine Creamery Co. 662 Selby Foods M.D.P.'"'. " 12226 " II 11 11. Veh. n n II Eden Valley Creamery 1098 N.Lexington Foods M.D.P.`°'. " 12234 " II II 2 Veh. It It II Old Fashioned Millers, Inc. 510 E. Seventh Foods M.D.p.W. " 12152 " Curtiss Candy Co. 1101 Belmont Foods M.D.P.!. II 12668 " II II Chicago 2 Veh. II n II Superior Packing Co. 2125 'abash Slaughter Hse. o 12737 " Wm. Beste 165 Atwater Scavanger I' 14924 I' Council File No. 181799—BV Bernard T. Holland Severin A. Mortinson- Robert F.Petevon- Resolved,That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached to this resolution be and the same are COUNCILMEN hereby granted, and the City Clerk is Adopted by the Council 195_ !instructed to is'ue such licenses upon p Y the payment into the City treasury of Yeas Nays the required fees. Adopted by the Council March 7.1957. DeCourcy Approved March 7, 1957. (March 9. 1957) Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 2 Origin‘to City Clerk COUNCIL 81 799 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY March 7, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE 2: Howard Joseph 201 Concord Grocery App. 562 Rdnewal " " Butcher 11 " U " II Off Sale Malt " " " " 11 Cigarette A' H U tames & Ida Bigelow 1185 Wabasha Grocery " 607 II " " Butcher U It II Fairday Corporation 325 Dayton Rest Home II 621E " Northwest Sports Attractions, Inc. 389 N. Exchange Restaurant " 671+ " Elmo 0. Solem 366 s. Snelling Barber II 691+ 8 Joseph Rychverg & Joseph Grobowsky 15 E. Ninth Parking Lot " 705 " falter S. Germain 2121 University Gas Sta. 3 P. " 721E " n n P.M. Loc. II H II Gross Bros. Kronicks 31+9 Fulton Ldy & D.C. Plant " 730 " Fanny Farmer Candy Shops, Inc.39 W. Fourth Confectionery " 735 " George & Clara Frendt 1039 Font Restaurant " 736 " H II On Sale Malt II n It It II Off Sale Malt II II n II " Cigarette n II n Grand Ave. Motor Co. 850 Grand 2nd Hd. Auto Dlr." 737 " ti II Dlr. Auto Rep.Garl: " It " it V.M. Loc. " H A Merchants Motor Freight,Inc. 2625 Territorial V.M. Loc. " 74+9 " Great Northern Freight Depot 8th & Pine V.M. Loc. " 750 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson __In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr.President, Dillon SM 6.56 2 �l ""d 1(l Origin"!to City Clerk „°1, i h .` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NCIL NO. LICENSE coM?E mmEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY March 7, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE 3: National Guard Hangar Municipal Airport V.M. Loc. App. 751 Renewal " 11 Cigarette 11 II II St. Paul Corrugating Co. 3 W. Water V.M. Loc. " 752 " A. S. & A. V. Johnson 61+7 S. Snelling Grocery 11 753 " II " Butcher II II II Sylvester A. Schueller 2.058 Marshall Restaurant II 755 " II Il Off Sale Malt 11 11 11 " n Cigarette II 11 It George R. Steele- 1105 Payne Butcher 11 756 " Martin Olson 1080 Grand Bakery II 758 " Art Butler 1182 N. Snelling Barber " 759 'I Ernest Lindquist, Jr. 958 Payne Photographer 11 76-0 " Clark Oil & Refining Corp. 637 Rice Gas Sta. 11 P. " 762 " U II Cigarette II II U Gould National Batteries, Inc.1025 N. Lexington Cigarette 11 763 " Northwest Sports Attractions, Inc. 389 N. Exchange Cigarette 11 770 II Abraham Ward 256 Mackubin Grocery II 772 u 11 " Butcher u n " 11 II Off Sale Malt U II II II II Cigarette 11 11 II Wallace J. & Norma, Rossbach 1124-6 Selby Restaurant 11 773 II 11 11 On Sale Malt 11 11 11 0 II Off Sale Malt 11 11 11 II II Tavern II II II 11 11 Dance Hall it 0 II 11 II Cigarette II II II 77 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MAR 7 195195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy , Holland Approved AR `195- Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor _ �1 # -.-41 !'S5/ " ( Mayor Rosen \,/ Against MIMMEENNMEMS Mr. ?rosid nt (Peterson) 5M 6-56