181772 3 d a rte;!
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Council File No. 181772-
*i the matter of repaving Wabasha
INTERMEDIARY ORDER 't from Ninth S*reet to 60 ft.
n'tl e cente• Li, of Color,bu-
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In the Matter of
repaving Wabasha Street from Ninth Street to 60 feet northerly of the center line
of Columbus Avenue, including the grading and paving of the widened roadway from
Exchange Street to 60 feet northerly of the center line of Columbus Avenue; resur-
facing Tenth Street from Wabasha Street to Cedar Street; grading and paving College
Avenue on new alignment from Wabasha Street to Cedar Street; grading and paving
Twelfth Street on new alignment from Wabasha Street to Cedar Street; constructing
new curbing and sidewalk or reconstructing the present curbing and sidewalk where
necessary; constructing new water and gas mains or reconstructing existing water
and gas mains where necessary; constructing sewer, water and gas service connections
from street mains to the property lines where necessary; grading and improving
boulevard areas; constructing new mercury vapor ornamental lights with new light
standards (except from Ninth Street to Tenth Street); reconstructing the existing
ornamental lights on the easterly side of Wabasha Street from Exchange Street to
Tenth Street by moving the existing standards and appurtenances to conform to the
widened roadway; installing new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appur-
tenances necessary for a complete lighting installation, including the removal of
existing light standards and foundations that are not to be/used; constructing
conduits and appurtenances for future traffic control system where necessary; re-
constructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where
not in conformity with the said improvement and by doing all other work which is
necessary and incidental to said improvement,
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alignment from Wabasha Streetn4o Cedar Street; construct new curbing and sidewalk or
reconstruct the present curba d sidewalk where necessary; construct new water and
gas mains or reconstruct existing water and gas mains where necessary; construct sewer,
water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where neces-
sary; grade and improve boulevard areas; construct new mercury vapor ornamental lights with
new light standards (except from Ninth Street to Tenth Street); reconstruct the existing
ornamental lights on the easterly side of Wabasha Street from Exchange Street to Tenth
Street by moving the existing standards and appurtenances to conform to the widened
roadway; install new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary
for a complete lighting installation, including the removal of existing light standards
and foundations that are not to berAsed; construct conduits and appurtenances for future
traffic control system where necessary; reconstruct the paving, curbing and sidewalks
on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with the said improvement and by
doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement,
Approved -19 Ar � , City Clerk
/ .
File 13611
Councilman D..COL CY
Councilman HOLLAND
Councilman MARZ!TELLI
Councilman MORT:NSON r
Councilman r PUBLISHED
Uouu ilrnan .
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