181746 I COUNCIL FILE O. ,/ BY _A FINAL OR I ' ► IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS ,'1 'T1 - g... a K T the matter of_ artinlly op' 'i• t, wilening a u !ser c v^ a a. lit em under Preliminary Order 180975 , approved , January 4, 1957 Intermediary Order 181373 , approved February 5, 1957 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is partially opening widening and ex-' to ' eservr ' oulevard as proposed/ t ,adr'- ,g and r,, II er' '11 ire ,� aoi 11/10- vr'")I .i I and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: •-^aal nip)1 9( i$ )> 'f) RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with ttht milt of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR Adopted by the Council_ _ �/ , 19 Age MAR 5 67 City Clerk. Approved-- , 19 4 0.1. Acting Mayor. Councilmen: Holland \ Marzitelli J Mortinson I/ £ rintISI y .� en Mr. Vicelen t (Peterson) 500 7-55 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCES 373 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of 18 1740 Partially open: ng, widening and extending Aesfsrve Oe 1.vard, as pro oosod to bee ormisedlobr condemning and taking the following described property, all in the , ity of 4t.Paul More parts of C)oveernaent Lot 4, Section 21, Township 26 North, Range 23 hest of the Fourth Principal !Meridian, and totes 1 and 2, Snelling Outlote, bounded by the following described lines, neginning at a point on the east line of said !ection 21, a distant. of 18.19 ft. south of the point at voich the southerly line of Youngman avenue intersects the said east line of section 21; thence so.th 57°52' west, a distance of 1491.33 ft. to a point; thence south 89°59' west, a distance of 21.19 ft. to a point on the eaot line !-:t 'Lavern Avenue; these south 0001' seat along the said Bert line of tavern Avenue, a distance of 214.02 ft. to a point; thence north 55034' east, a distance of 100,20 ft. to a point; thence north 360% east, a distance of 59.22 ft. to a point; thence north 77G1d'30u east, a distance of 72.10 ft. to a point; thence north 41004' east. a distance of 110.71 ft. to a point; thence north 66044' east, a distance of 64.76 ft. to a points the north 36003' 30a east, a distance of 75.40 ft. to a point; thence north 67006c e' asst, a distanco of 81.02 ft. to a point; thence north 60019' east, a distance of 70.17 ft. to a Point thence rt rth 18O ' neat, a distance of 70.98 ft. to a point; thanes north, 3s"°42' cAa+t, a distance of 58.31 ft. to a point; thence north 57°52' nsot, a distance of 32.0 ft. to a point; thence so=,th 79057' asst, a distance of 86.37 ft. tr, s poi t; thence north 54014' east, a distance - t 126.24 ft.to a point; thence nfleth. 88°34' oast, 8.d/stance i t 74.43 ft. to a point; thence north 17°16' east, a distance oof 73.76 ft. to a point; thence north 57°52' east, a distance of 52.0 ft. to a point; thence north 79040' eat, a dlatrs,oe � f t 3.0 ft. to a point; thence north 550401 east, a distance of 78.14 ft. to a point; thence north 4932' east, a distance of 98.31 ft. to a point; thence north 7d°05' asst, a distance of 40.51 ttt.to a point; thence north 57052' east, a distance of 42.0 ft. to a point; thence north 86°40' east, s distance of 45.67 ft. to a point thence north 53442'eaat, a distance of 55.05 it. to a point on the aforesaid oast lint of Section 21, Too nship 2d North, Ran ge 23 hest; thence north alone the said east line of Section 21, Township 24 North, Range 23 'Nest, a distance of 193.67 ft. to the point of beginning. tavern RVC.; aloe.. in Bash. 1/c or Sec. ct, T. 28, R. 23. • TarAL $3000 $4050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 11 q,,,, Dated February 5 19 57 _ ido-YtLL� /'L• tllL �w� Commissioner of Form B.S.A. 8-5 D Fines ■ � • ,/3 :2u )957 r OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS .-. JAN tzs r DEPT, coo to FINANCE REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A r 1j 7anuary 10,x , , 19 57 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 180975 approved January 4 19 57 , relative to Partially- opae"`•intf *nak s 00th ' Oeftroo-lemlwrowdres proposed to.be opened, by con onning and takin the following described property, all in the City of ot.Yeul s d,_. ��...._ ._. .d..�..._._. _,......_.. limes parts t+P cor#rnta"nt Tot 4, Seotion 23., Township 2'�_No th. k."'+.K"_23 ':sat• of the Fourth Principal O ridian, a I atr 1 nna"74p':neoloi o .)utiots, bounded and by the following described linoat f'egi.rntng at s` p' irt._on the enas'L°'Y d rt-said ¶eetion 21, a diatoms* of 16.19 ft. south f the point at =.'3c h the southerly line of Youngman Avenue intersects the said onrt line of oeotion 21; thence so th 57°52' west, a distance of 1491.33 ft. to a point; *zoom* soL th E39059' west, a distance of 21.19 ft. to a point on the east line t re-;orn “venue; thence south ASS.' east along the said east line of tavern Avenue, a distance ::f 214.02 ft. t a point; thence north 55034' Met, a distanso of 100,20 ft. to a point; thence north 36004' east, a distance 1 59.22 ft. to a point; thence north 770130300 east, a dint ;:ice of 72.10 ft. to a point; thence north 41004' east, a distance of 110.71 ft. to a point; them* north 66°44+ east, a distance of 64.76 ft. to a point thence north 36003' 30" mat, a distance of 75.40 1`t. to a point; thence north 67006' east, a di.stanoe of t31.02 ft. to a point; thence north 60019' east, a distance of 70.17 ft, to a point; thence north 148008' east, a distance of 70.98 ft. to a point; thence north 35°42' east, a distance of 58.31 ft. to a point; therms north 57°52' east, a distance of 32.0 ft. to a p;tnt; thence south 79°57' east, a distance of 86.37' ft. to a point; than°. nnr,rth 54°148 east, a dicta 'o -t 116.24 f t.to a point; thence n rth 88°34 ' east, distance :+f 74.43 ft. to a point; thence north 17°16' east, . a dist+oae of 73.76 ft. to a pe4et; tie north r oast, a dintanco of 52.0 ft. to a point; thence n rth 79°40' seat, a distance of .0.: ft. to a point; thence north 55°401 east, a distance of 73.14 ft. to a point; thaws r .rth 45032' east, a distance a distance � f 1y0. ft.to a point; ' of 9 .31 ft. to a point; Lhersoe north 78°051 Nit, 51 i� t thence north 57°52' east, a distance of 42.0 ft. to a point; thistles north 86040' east, s distance of 45.67 ft. to a point; thence north 53° 'e.at, a distance of 55.05 ft. to a point on the aforesaid east line of Section 21, i oonship 20 North, Rates 23 west; thence north along the said east line of Section 21, Township 23 'forth, %nnre 23 ' eat, a distance of 193.67 ft. to the point of beginning. 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