181639 Ori@inal to City Clerk ' C 1 ITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 11-8 I 613q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK •U CIL RESOLUTI•N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY // / 410 / COMMISSIONER r.n 66 �� DATE Cc. ile ?o. 181639—By Frank D. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that hereby, upon its own initiative and in behalf of said City and its people, said Council takes official cognizance thereof and records its public attestation of the consistently meritorious , pre- eminent and successful career, in national and international industrial fields and in cultural activities , of Archibald G. Bush, past Executive Vice President and present Chairman of the Executive Committee of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, and one of said City' s most respected citizens ; RESOLVED, Further, by said Council, in its own behalf and in behalf of said City and its people, that hereby expression of true appreciation and sincere commendation is recorded in respect of said career of Archibald G. Bush, in the forty-eighth year thereof, as one of consistent fidelity and unparalleled accomplishment of most worthy objectives in the development and unprecedented progress of said Company to its established position of pre-eminence in both national and international industrial fields , and to the attainment whereof, said Archibald G. Bush has been a principal contributor, and in cultural activities wherein his efforts , ever well planned and effectively directed, have resulted in immeasurable benefits to said City, the State of Minnesota and the Nation; RESOLVED, Further, by said Council, that in further public attestation of his said prominent and meritorious career and as a mark of honor unto said Archibald G. Bush, that the name of Fauquier Street, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Ma Peterson Against 0 Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-54 2 Original to City Clerk n 1 3 • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE a public thoroughfare within said City' s corporate limits , in its entirety, shall be and hereby is changed, thereto and henceforth, officially and for all purposes , shall be Bush Avenue, and that the City Clerk, in addition to all other acts encumbent upon him in the premises , shall .. - - i - . 44- ewe4 copy of this Resolution g^d ' ',-,e_ s.a e- to said Archibald G. Bush with all convenient speed. C0 OILMEN Adopted by the Council 13 6 195 Yeas ' , Na s (0>,,„'" Gibe_ Halvorsen Approved 195_ Holland %ot,:Marzitelli In Favor 6 . Mortinson 0 Mayor Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon bM 6-54 .2 P'eg .-- 7 Duplicate to Printer 18 1 639 • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK !V COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE__ RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that hereby, upon its own initiative and in behalf of said City and its people, said Council takes official cognizance thereof and records its public attestation of the consistently meritorious, pre- eminent and successful career, in national and international industrial fields and in cultural activities, of Archibald G. Bush, past Executive Vice President and present Chairman of the Executive Committee of Minnesota Mining and Manufa:turfing Company, and one of said City's most respected citizens ; RESOLVED, Further, by said Council, in its own behalf and in behalf of said City and its people, that hereby expression of true appreciation and sincere commendation is recorded in respect of said career of Archibald G. Bush, in the forty-eighth year thereof, as one of consistent fidelity and unparalleled accomplishment of most worthy objectives in the development and unprecedented progress of said Company to its established position of pro- eminence in both national and international industrial fields , and to the attainment whereof, said Archibald G. Bush has been a principal contributor, and in cultural activities wherein his efforts, ever well planned and effectively directed, have resulted in immeasurable benefits to said City, the State of Minnesota and the Nation; RESOLVED, Further, by said Council, that in further public attestation of his said prominent and meritorious career and as a mark of honor unto said Archibald G. Bush, that the name of Fauquier Street, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195 Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-54 .2 Duplicate to Printer 1816139 X39 '• CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER —_ DATE a public thoroughfare within said City's corporate limits , in its entirety, shall be and hereby is changed, thereto and henceforth, officially and for all purposes , shall be Bush Avenue, and that the City Clerk, in addition to all other acts encumbent upon him in the premises , shall procure the preparation of an 0 „ ,,,oirrgreet- copy of this Resolution and deliver the / same to said Archibald G. Bush with all convenient 1 ,A speed. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_Z:21_2,__�-R'1v�95- Yeas Nays Gibbons l• ti .._.• Halvorscx°r , ` ' Approved 195_ Holland /Z Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson,- Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-54 .9 BOARD OF RAMSEY . I - STONERS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOSEPH E. DILLON CHAIRMAN STATE OF MINNESOTA MRS. LUCILE BLANK WILLIAM E.CARLSON OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY JOHN E. ENY EDWARD D K.. DELANEY F. EUGENE A. MONICK COUNTY AUDITOR ", NMI HA RICHARDGJANSENCH RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2 MINNESOTA March 21, 1957 Mayor Joseph E. Dillon Council, City of St. Paul Building % Joseph Okoneski, City Clerk Gentlemen: Forwarded herewith is a communication of Mrs. Mary E. Anderson dated March 19, 1957, and dddressed to the Ramsey County Commissioners. Mrs. Anderson protests the renaming of Fauquier Avenue as Bush Street. As you are aware the County Board has no jurisdiction over the renaming of streets in the City of St. Paul; hence, we are forward- ing this communication for your attention. Mrs. Anderson has been so advised. Yours very truly, Eta A. MONICK, County Auditor By es D. Swan, Jr. JDS:is ecutive Secretary encl. cc: Mrs. Mary E. Anderson 1605 Fauquier Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 14( P L A N N I N G B O A R D OF S A I N T P A U L ;`•1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA to- CQ2 February 21, 1957 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: On February 4, the City Council referred to the City Planning Board for its advice and recommendation the attached resolutions which would have the effect of changing the name of that portion of East Avenue lying within St. Paul's corporate limits to "McKnight Road" and the name of that portion of Fauquier Street lying within St. Paul's corporate limits to "Bush Avenue." At its February meeting, the City Planning Board moved to recommend that the attached resolutions having the effect of accomplishing these changes in street names be passed by the City Council. In making this recommendation, the Planning Board takes note of the fact that neither of these streets in their entirety lie completely within the corporate limits and, therefore, completely within the jurisdiction of the City of St. Paul. The east half of East Avenue lying south of Larpenteur is within New Canada Township as is the entire width of East Avenue lying north of Larpenteur extending norther- ly to the city limits of North St. Paul. At the city limits of North St. Paul this street becomes Fourth Street, S.W. and extends to its northern terminus at Seventh Avenue, N. W. which is the main diagonal thoroughfare running through North St. Paul in a northeast-southwest direction. The City Planning Board has been advised that the Council is aware of this problem and, there- fore, in making this recommendation, the Planning Board presumes that this change will be implemented only by concurrent action on the part of the other governmental units involved. The Board notes that a similar problem exists to a lesser degree with respect to Fauquier which appears on the map as a platted street in New Canada Township extending for a block east of Trunk Highway #212. If, at a later date, a street is platted on the line of Fauquier between East Avenue and Trunk Highway #212, confusion could result unless one name is adopted for the continuous portion of this street both within St. Paul and within New Canada Township. In reviewing this matter, the Planning Board has also been advised by the post office that there are no other streets using the terms "Bush" or "McKnight" within the St. Paul postal zone and, therefore, these proposals are consistent with the community's policy of minimizing the duplication of street names. -2- The Planning Board also notes that it is conservatively estimated that there are at least three hundred and fifty addresses affected by this proposal on Fauquier street alone. Because it lacks the resources for determining community sentiment on this proposal, the Board's recommendation is qualified by being limited to the general advisability of honoring these two outstanding citizens in a manner consistent with the over-all street naming requirements of the Community Plan. From this standpoint it is the wholehearted recommendation of the City Planning Board that the attached resolutions be passed. Ace C. D. oek CDL:FS Planning Director BOARD OF RAMSEY 001-114 COMMISSIONERS COUNTY C O M M I S S I O N E R S JOSEPH E. DILLON CHAIRMAN STATE OF MINNESOTA MRS. LUCILE BLANK WILLIAM E. CARLSON JOHN E. DAUBNEY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY EDWARD K. DELANEY ��.. HAROLD F. GOODRICH EUGENE A. MONICK COUNTY AUDITOR IIIIIR!I �J �I RICHARD JANSEN RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2 MINNESOTA March 21, 195 f Mrs. Mary E. mss= 1605 Fuser know St. Paul, idoneaota Derr Ims row ccusuuteatiou of Mara 19, 1957, addressed to tla Board of rtossey County Cceatissioners Peed the sloostiug of houguler Ave. as Bush met, was i received in this ant*. shod like to advise you that the Board of Countiy Cosisisw she hes no jurisdiction over the sin the C it7 at St. Paul the incorporation of the area as a vi has the .0 *' Board aw Patiedietiou in *plywood, 0 . of New Cam. We are taking the li of litoesseeication to the City Clerk tor the attoation of the Coma, for the Mt" at St. Pte. Yours *few tom, BUM A. torxact mut*" Auditor Janes D. Sow, Jr. s E*ecutit Secristart eras , city of St. Paul 1/1 % _ I ., City Cleat. / /3-3— /f OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE December 26, , 19 56 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 180796 approved December 18, 19 56 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the North and South alley in Dorn's Subt, fro+m the East and West alley to Orange Ave. and the East and West alley in Dorn's Sub, from Galtier St. to Matilda St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxxxx and the total cost thereof is $ XX QOC and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more 0 owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. y � FRANK :n { :V , ✓ommi ssio'e" o 3 • r . , - _." 7 \ 4.N E t\t (fd VPr)1)3 111 I3t Cl P (-r)f q N Z k Q)(4 *,111 • _ _ - _------ - k . lor N 9-: 43 'r31 ' /? 7XuAl 11 jr%ti SI 1 ,,110t1•0 R 1 3. :s6, )0.440jou,sit, - .__ f) ,ti, 1(4- 4/ '1"1-In ca. A)-1- 4AAAA' LL 11/4...9.-,a--)--- I `11 t'kAtt" ( t4 0,„„ 6- 7Al-litA) 7 _ l -41-" • ,,, ■■/v( ■ -Iv ,. j 4, -4- --- o_ `16j2-‘ le kit-,t_-1-"-AL4 Cj'A - 1 t ,± 6-hi I-t W t• —. 14_1 -- . —U.,. -1A-0--•-•""L- eL A-t-ILN'T 4- 3w...tr. LAA-• lk.itAC -1;LL AIAi - . 0) --44- _ 7fuj 7 1 --0-- I ii 4) Nt, 0_ _p j‘cOli'l ILAA:11 1 i. 6AA.4pA/34 (Ir'fi I%.. rl' L /6 0 r 1 qi re fli - A ■ ,-;-, r-s, 0 N 0 . .