09-921Council File # —q a
Green Sheet #3073106
Presented by
1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparlment is authorized to enter into the attached Joint
2 Powers Agreement among local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies for participation in the
3 Gerald D. Vick Task Force (Task Force) of Minnesota.
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Council S retary By:
BY� / / //A✓✓/J��I/�/ls,/�r
Approved b yor: te .�i
By: �
for Submission to Council
A, t
n eqmre .
, Document ConWCt Evette Scarver � �
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F ToWI # of Si nature Pa es � Clip All L �
ConWCtPhone: 286-5541 i 1 i
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g g ( oc2tionsforSignature) j
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� AMion Requested-- - -- - - - - - - -- - -- ---- - - ----- -- � - ;
� Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department to enter into the attached Joint !
�� Powers Agreement with local, state, and federal law agencies for the Gerald D. Vick Human Trafficking Task Force of Minnesota. �I
'�- ---- � --- - - - - -- - - - -- - - _ .. _ . . - -
I Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): �� Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
i Planning Commission I 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? I
; CIB Committee I Yes No
, Civil Service Commission i 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee�
Yes No
I l 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
i current aty employee?
Yes No
' � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and atCach to green sheet.
� - - - 1- -_ _ - - ----- ---- --- — -- -�I
�I Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
'; The goals of the Gerald D. Vick Human Trafficking Task Force of Minnesota aze to foster communication among local, state, and
' federal law enforcement agencies. Authorization is needed to enter into the attached agreement. �
�� I
I -- � --- - - � ------------- --___-------- ------- -- - -� ---- -- �-----'';
� AdvanWges If Approved: ;
I Opportunity to foster communication among local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies who work with organizations that �
� provide comprehensive services to trafficking vicums. i
- -- - - - --- --
I Disadvantages If Approved: - J �;
'�, None. ���,
.__... — -- -- ------- --- - - - _------- - -- -
j DisadvanWges If NotApproved: I
, Lost opportunity to foster communication among local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies who work with organizations that I
��, provide comprehensive services to trafficking victims. 'I
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
� UepartmenUOfficelCouncii: '. Date Initiated:
Pp PoliceDepartment 2,.�„�-09 ; Green Sheet NO: 3073106
-- - ------;--= -- - - - _ ._..- -- --=--- =
-- --- ----- ----
Contact Pereon 8 Phone: Deaarhnent Sent To Person InitiallDate ,
. � . _ ___ __... __ _ . ____ ____._-
Chief John Harrinq[on �� y � �
0 PoliceDeparbnent i , _PoliceDeparhne _ ___ __
266-5588 � ; 1�ohce Depar[ment ; Pohce Department �
' - - - , A55igD �� 2 C.lh' AttomeY _ � _ _ - C�ty Attor� � __ � ,
, Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): , Number - - � - - � � ' -
�, For i 3 �'mancial Services___ _ _ _ __ ___ � -. _IDrecto_r, FS__O_ _- _ _ . _ __ ,
� � _-- —_ _ �. _. �
— __
- --- - -- - - -- - - � Routing � 4 Ma or•sOffice _ __ _,� Mayor_ _ _
__ _ , Y _ ___ _ — .' - _.__ �
, Doc. Type: RESOLUTION i Order ' S iCoun_c_il ._ `_ Counc�I _ _ _
,__'._'__ _ , 6 C�Clerk ____ _,__ C�tyClerk �I _ _ —
-_ -__ ' _ _' ..- .:.___ _ _.-,.
_' _ - ___-_ __- .
i j � 7�policeDe�artmenf__ ii PoliceDeparmien ; ,
� E-DOCUme t R ' d• Y -- - - - - - - -- -----
' Total Amount of�
Trensaction: �
',� funding Source: 436
Financial Information:
July 27, 2009 12:05 PM
CostlRevenue Budgeted: ���i�;,,,'�D;�,Ys `�`F��
Activity Number. �226
��� a 3 2aas
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Page 1
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Gerald D. Vick Human Tra�cking Task Rorce
Memorandum of Understanding
Mission Statement: The goals of the Gerald D. Vick Human Trafficking Task Force
(Task Force) of Minnesota are to foster communicarion among local, state and
federal law enforcement agencies working together with organizations providing
comprehensive services to trafficking victims; identify and rescue victims of human
trafficking; and combat domestic and international human trafficking when it
appears in Minnesota.
The Saint Paul Police Department (SPPD) is the lead agency in the establishment and
continuance of the Human Trafficking Task Force (HTTF). Each member agency agrees
to support the overall mission of the HTTF to identify and assist victims of human
trafficking and to proactively investigate, identify, apprehend and prosecute the
perpetrators of human trafficking while using a victim centered approach. Each member
understands that this MOU is not an agreement to enter into a financial arrangement with
the other members, as no funding sources will be shared. The Saint Paul Police
Department receives funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of
Justice and Breaking Free receives funding from the Office of Justice Programs in the
Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice.
In order to facilitate the goals of the Mission Statement, the core member agencies agree
to and including, but not limited to, the following participation:
Saint Paul Police Department will:
• Provide management level support for HTTF membership and meeting
attendance, including monthly meetings and quarterly Advisory Committee
• Provide law enforcement, investigative and administrative support for identified
huxnan trafficking cases as needed on a case by case basis
• Identify training needs related to human trafficking crimes within the Police
Department, other law enforcement agencies and in the community
• Facilitate the training of police officers in both the identification of potential
human trafficking victims, procedures for referral of victims to service provider
organizations and the cases to the warking group and the techniques for
successful investigation of complex human trafficking cases
• No n'�te ��Sublic data on active investigarions will be provided to non-law
enforcement individuals or organizations under this MOU
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Gerald D. Vick Human TraffickinQ Task Force Memorandum of Understanding
Catholic Charities will:
• Provide support for HTTF membership and meeting attendance
• Participate in the Trafficking Victims Services Network
• Coordinate information ofpossible cases reported to HTTF members
• Act as a liaison for victims and the involved law enforcement entities, when
needed and requested
• Coordinate assistance with other social service provider, particularly in large
• Facilitate the provision of comprehensive services to victims of severe forms of
human trafficking through subcontracting as well as information and refenal
• Assist victims of human trafficking with gaining information about their rights
and options so that victims can make informed choices
• Facilitate the communication of victims' needs during investigation and
• Assist with requests for development and coordination of training
• Continue to educate the community about the Trafficking Victims Protection Act
(TVPA) and the collaborative efforts of social service providers and law
United States Attorne�s Office. State of Minnesota will:
• Assist to facilitate the institutional changes necessary to make the trafficking of
humans a priority for law enforcement, govermnental and non-goveiiunental
organizations and the community as a whole
• Assist with the coordination of the various members of the HTTF
� Provide case investigative direction and guidance toward the prosecution of
human trafficking organizations and civil rights violators as needed
• Provide victim and witness notification and services or referrals to human
trafficking victims in all cases brought for federal prosecution by the HTTF
. Assist in the development and coordination of training far law enforcement and
victim service providers by the HT"I'F
Gerald D. Vick Human Tr�cking Task Force Memorandum of Understanding
John M. Harrington %
Chief of Police, City of Saint Paul
Frank Magill
United States Attorne�;� District of Minnesota
Patricia Wilder
Catholic Charities
Reyne Rofuth 1�
Saint Paul City Attorney's Office _. %
F J !
Margazet Kell�.- '
Director, Financial Services
Director, Human Rights and Equal
Ann Mulholland
Saint Paul Mayor's
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' Date
Date �'
Opportunity Date
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