183117 • GOUNC ILE NO. ;1 (°1 BY _, I •� FINAL ORD ► N CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS os rL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Montana Ave. and Hoyt Ave. from Rice St. to Sylvan St. ; Iowa Ave. from Rice St. to Soo Line Plat No. 1 ; Sylvan St. from Montana Ave. to Hoyt Ave. and Park St. from Montana Ave. to Wheelock Parkway, under Preliminary Order 182217 , approved April 4, 1957 Intermediary Order 1 82716 , approved May 8, 1 957 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Montana Ave. and Hoyt Ave. from Rice St. to Sylvan St. ; Iowa Ave. from Rice St. to Soo Line Plat No. 1 ; Sylvan St. from Montana Ave. to Hoyt Ave. and Park St. from Montana Ave. to Wheelock Parkway, and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Montana Ave. and Hoyt Ave. from Rice St. to Sylvan St. ; Iowa Ave. from Rice St. to Soo Line Plat No. 1 ; Sylvan St. from Montana Ave. to Hoyt Ave. and Park St. from Montana Ave. to Wheelock Parkway, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council____4 19 L___ __ Ai 19 • AIL. 4195 City jerk. Approved—_ —__ , 19 I ...vb. r d �. Mayor. Councilmen: IP kkooxx DeCourcy ilicinxxxm Holland PUBLISHED &' Marzitelli Mortinson ' r Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 500 7-55 ® CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANcsi REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 182716 (D) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Montana Ave. and Hoyt Ave. from Rice St. to Sylvan St. : Iowa Ave. from Rice St. to Soo Line Plat No. 1; Sylvan St. from Montana Ave. to Hoyt Ave. and Park St. from Aontana Ave. to Nheelock Parkway, It under Preliminary Order approved April 4, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost -0# the above e sei en The total estimated you+i x sassesse3r�t t as ve imovant-is - - $ 100. 0 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ —_- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT i3LOCK ADDITION it ASSESSED Lan VALUATION (bldg. II Except vaheelock Pkwy. Lots 1 and 2 5 Yen-ill's Division of Rice 525 11500 (Includes other prop.) 20 5 Street Villas 2350 2500 sots 21 and 22 5 do 200 1150 Lots 23 and 211 5 do 1 200 11150 25 5 do 75 ---- 26 5 do 75 27 5 do . 75 ---- Lots 28 & 29 5 I do 150 1050 Vacated alley adjoining and Lots I (Includes other prop.) 12 through , 15 6 do 525_. LH., L tieYWyrirlAii Vfxltrr' a illWili . )fhir Uliiii4X4 i(d0r9)IIKC YtlaX fh b caaapiIiii TrWictignicA4xtlit foregoing a i r)i ie6(1X iCIWW4ANOtWic&X iniCUPpliMiaMiXIX Xi liiticXX Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B.S.A. 8-5 D CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j- (B) -- IItt DESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION 11 ASSESSED (! LandVALUATIONDid p Lot 16, South I of vacated alley ad- II ,joining and 17, 18, and 19 6 Verrill's Division of Rice 575 1900'i South a of vacated alley adjoining '';and following; Except railroad right Street Villas 1, of way; Lots 22 and 23 and all of Lots 20 and 21 6 do 150 1050 that part of Lot 1 lying; south- lest of a line drawn from a point on the north line of said lot, 32.83 feet ;;from northeast corner thereof to a it point on the east line of said lot, 89.56 feet from the northeast corner of 7 do 25 -- , 2 . 7 do 50 —® 3 - 7 do 50 —• 4 7 do 50 --- 15 7 do 50 11 6 7 1 do 50 ......._ 7 7 do 50 iI 8 7 do 50 1 9 7 do 50 10 7 ; do 50 --.... .. 11 7 do �1 50 12 7 do 50 13 7 do 1 50 1!t T do ' 50 ___ II Lots 15, 16 and 17 7 do 150 700 - 18 7 do 50 19 7 do 5o 20 7 1 do 50 ---- I 23. 7 do 50 --.- 2.2 7 do 50 ---- FORM R.R.ti 23 7 do 50 +- _ ._+_- TOTAL -. CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION f LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land , 2l 7 iitrrill's Division of Rice 50 OUIMMONew North a of alley vacated adjoining and Lots 1, 2 and 3 8 Street Villas 375 _.r._ 'Lots 4, 5, north z of alley vacated adjoining and lots 6,7,8, East a of I alley vacated adjoining and North of alley vacated adjoining and Lot 9, East i of alley vacated adjoining .south 2 of alley vacated adjoining and Lot 21, South a of alley vacated ;adjoining and 22 . 8 do 550 ..-- 10 18 do 75 _ 20 8 do 75 :Lots 23 and 24 8 do 100 750 Lots 25 and 26 8 do 1 100 2900 (Included with Lots 1, 'Lots 27,28 & 2, & 3, Bik. 8) 29 8 do 'North z of vacated alley adjoining and Lots 1 thru 8, Worth i and East i . of vacated alleys adjoining and Lot 9, iffiest a of vacated alley adjoining and i north 15 feet of Lot 11 and all of Lot 10, s'+est I of vacated alley ad— I i joining and Lot 20, South z and East ; of vacated alleys adjoining and Lot I 21, South a of vacated alley adjoining and Lots 22 thru 29 9 1 do 2350 25750 1 10 do 75 --_- 2 10 1 do 50 °®'- 3 10 do 50 ----- 4 10 do 50 �- 5 10 do 50 ---- i 6 10 do 50 --- 7 10 do 50 8 1.0 do 50 ---- 9 30 do 50 ----• 10 10 do 50 --- i 11 10 d) 50 --- • FORM e.•.0 TOTAL 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -_ (c) _ --._—=.r. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATION..dg — --------------- 10 I _ i 50 ---- 13 10 i Merrill's Livision of Rice ( 50 .... j 14 10 .Street Villas 50 -- 15 10 do 50 16 10 i do 50 �` II 17 10 do • 50 18 10 do 50 19 10 do 5o .••.•. 20 10 do 50 21 10 do 50 .......... 22 10 1 do 50 -- i 23 10 do 50 ---- 24 10 I do i 75 Subject to sewer easement in vacated Sylvan St.; the P,ast * of Sylvan St. Soo Line Plat Number 1 vacated between center line of Nebraska and south line of :.ontana Ave. also north a of iebraska Ave. vacated south of and adjoining and II 35 (mom, Subject to sewer easement in vacated Sylvan St; the west - of Sylvan St; M errill's Livision of Rift and east . of Park St. both vacated between south line of Montana Ave. Street Villas and center line of Nebraska Ave. Also north 2 of Nebraska Ave. vacated south of Block 11 and vacated alley in and said Block 11 ' 50 moo .. West a of Park St. vacated between south line of ':tontana Ave. and center line of Nebraska Ave. Also north a of Nebraska Ave. vacated south of Block 12, all vacated alleys in and said 12 do ! 725 ••-�� 14,?25 ._ 43,700 .,.-. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated May 8 19_11'__ t_. • 4,4C - Commissioner of Fin. '.ce. Form B. B. 12 . St. Paul, Minn. 19 To The Honorable, The Council, 6- .y' City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley bounded by • Feronia- Lynnhurst-Oakley and Prior, from Prior to Oakley St. Ave. from St. Ave. to St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION -...P—e. , L-1 7/rk-F3 d 3 PP 44,7P/Pr / ., – / .. .-2J ✓ /-1—K /7t.- c-a..� ,, cf �y/22 j. a460.7'M, '�li. . L L., .f :.i _ /: a / /� J-1 .rte I 1 _�� AIYA∎i► c: � , 1Y01_ g ANWA -y-- %21.0 %'JZ•l.1'/dZ G; ' d . 9'—)7),j-cqaa05' 46 1 t k4a 3 - dru t7' Pal ,ti Q ,Q,, �' ; �'��':f - x2-1 r) _�►1 -1� � uti,,. ,, - 6' l� Z3 ' zs A e -v A ' _ iIS— PST irq for/a c. �.vra.v 11 ‘4,-1-• X!/ j L t •7 S 404MM11• Mr v/4/fro PAY/ r 1 • a" ; R E Sr ') ".- ''. — 'r 7 a' N • i / (' 4 'DEPT. ly , ,._T. tilliZ 5M 11-52 2 Date . • . ADDITION ADDITION DELINQUENT TAXES ( DELINQUENT TAXES • Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP • 4.. . — / 3 34 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE April 9, , 19 57 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 182217 approved April 4, -__19 57 , relative to __condemnincr and taking an easement in th,eland ,necessary, for slop2sguts and filjs in the aradina of Montana Ave. &nd .• . c ru • - • S ,a1 S • .wa Ave •;Ei i a S • S.• , - • • 1 • 1; Sylvan Sty ffr Montana Ave to Hoyt Avg. and Park St. fran Montana Ave— to Wheelock Parkway, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxxxx , and the total cost thereof is $_ xxxxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and ma a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more ow ners of pr o perty, subject to assessment for said improvement. 11" 12 / .K�. � o v RECEIVED r,fmmissio `,i! or . arks.' .WR 9 1957 1' DEPT. OF v_>, FINANCE c/ 9 - Y J It . . , . • N - t■ N k el k P. 71 r,) vl " 1‘ Z ''l (' rNt. :k :1 ‘i ■ N 3 km iz, 4. • r 4 ,. 4 ,-< r, ,t, .4, , I 4 lb Afa#TANA .41/4 0-7'420,I( 1, 'ri ■ 4 ov_70 -... 4 tr, 1 1 . s' . - •■•43- .1 /i'v .../3.i 71.'0, " ,( (4 I 1, , k Ik,, . 3 I N 3 )) F 14, :c. . N N I ro N N N A 4..... -.-8.s. /...s.5. kl I /3.3 N. I I 6r' kl >0 1 ■ N. I Ir.5- .5.9 N. IN i #./.> 2 - (I% N i 25 .9 1 . Cil N N. 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