182474 Origita1 to City Clerk
'Council File No. 182474—By Severin A.
Whereas, The Council of the City of
Saint Paul has heretofore authorized
and directed the proper City officers
to enter into an eereement between
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has
heretofore authorized and directed the proper City officers
to enter into an agreement betwlensaid City and the St. Paul
Ball Club, Inc. , for use of the Saint Paul Municipal Stadium
by said St. Paul Ball Club, Inc. , and
WHEREAS, there is now presented to the Council a proposed
companion agreement to that between the City and the St. Paul
Ball Club, Inc. , pertaining to the erection of a score board, to
be erected at said Saint ''aul Municipal Stadium by Spencer Display
Corporation, a copy of said proposed agreement being attached
hereto and made a part hereof by reference and to be hereafter
filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of the City of
Saint Paul, and
WHEREAS, there is also presented for the consideration of
the Council, an agreement between said Spencer Display Corporation
and the City, with reference to the clock to be attached to the
aforementioned score board, a copy of said agreement also being
attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference and to be
hereafter filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of the
City of Saint Paul, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby
authorized and directed to enter into said agreements with said
Spencer Display Corporation.
APR 2 5'1957
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Ye s Nays
PR 2 5 195
olland Approved 195-
\VIarzitelli rl
rt In Favor ��f1��N�
eterson Mayor
Rosen Against
r. President, Dillon PULLISITED
5M 2-57 scs;:.2
Duplicate to Printer 489174
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has
heretofore authorized and directed the proper City officers
to enter into an agreement betwe n said City and the St. Paul
3a11 Club, Inc. , for use of the Saint Paul Municipal Stadium
by said St. Paul Ball Club, Inc. , and
WHEREAS, there is now presented to the Council a proposed
companion agreement to that between the City and the St. Paul
Ball Club, Inc. , pertaining to the erection of a score board, to
be erected at said Saint Paul Municipal Stadium by Spencer Display
Corporation, a copy of said proposed agreement being attached
hereto and made a part hereof by reference and to be hereafter
filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of the City of
Saint Paul, and
WHEREAS, there is also presented for the consideration of
the Council, an agreement between said Spencer Display Corporation
and the City, with reference to the clock to be attached to the
aforementioned score board, a copy of said agreement also being
attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference and to be
hereafter filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of the
City of Saint Paul, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby
authorized and directed to enter into said agreements with said
Spencer Display Corporation.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the
Council 5 i957 195_
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved 195_
In Favor
Peterson Mayor
Rosen — Against
Mr. President, Dillon
5M 2-57 cOW02
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The City of
saint teal, Minnesota itimesete
this will Mafia* isg betimes you mod the eadermismod with
remesi to thin tastalletione of an adven *lab to bo attached
moreboard to 'bo imetalled by aes la St. fael lleatinipel t and with
ramp** to the advertioiee riehte ined prime
ioges trrattt .
inometrieted 106 a . aanatt or tame to ben dos ,
to �► � ilk
ooh�� � outdoor
th � as t A. t
/6ihet wide led 18 feet hielt and 11 opprerisetoly
aster, as is the -
2. tZeu exam peraitt as to testall said *lock and for
to t ve to St. i purpose tho ,.
tar , eleart tft n0 ► i re
try of cloak old to set and went the
All oshateatiel
elm* daring the tem of eats agreesetar totve M . twat r . d . . .
time for ;hat pwapose.
moot 3. The City after of tom. dot, is the
of firs the *lock it will pay all costs
rosteratise of the *leek to substantially the iii
is prim to s ; City that it it s
remeasibility for soy injury to person amom
my respect to the *lock and wad ladeamify end hold losonless Sperm ie r
advertiser clock fro* my sled l liability arts*/ eat of my
or property to the attt that such liability
*rims out of the ip, iestallatim, or operattiat of the add by
Speaser or such and regaritiess of *abler
or each advertiser my have ham aseliasat in any rearm*.
The City of Saint awl
4. in addition to the riOte bersinalmve trt* you ogees (a) that
the advertiser *km is selected by us a l appear
es wad
slack dwell a switchaaaaaaarl, shall have the right tallealleibelt.
aat such tiros places as h i$001r wry Wit that the
product of �i e is official for St. , ai pal
Stadia* and in timing purposes. is at all s bald la St. t
cl gran* and (b) that so + ,. time ittesai-
nod by hosed awe, product r shall publicly show or displayed
is i . to � Stadium bias the term of this agreementw and )
that satiates heroin contained l be nesidarod .as preventing
from . i the Os advertiser on the cloth fuse time to time and
en m* diffanat advestimor different the si Tipton , provided
that the sivertisiag setter ea the clack shall bevaeollytthle tO OW City.
S. The clock awl be 444 orris tho property the of the viaderaigned
sa /or the advertiser selected by tho emiersignod (Whose a *ball appear
sn the clock)* and upon ths termisat'i,eaaa of this 11 st, heraimetter
specified„ termiasttem of aw eattemetw of this ostosessa* the useari
signal or web lioihmtiser of hesm the right to nom said clock and
stall b* gives i anew to St. Paul Ilessicipal Suites for thet that purpose.
6. Is consideration for th* adviertioing advertising privileges and other covessats
mss en � to i i or l * 19 and April IS.la
each el
i, in
ye the tam of` this empreeeneto prolieled yen on
i€>a &fault under this o aawauara* er or the laa ng se the eseethemislo
the sea of pia regularly tugs'Is
Played is St. Pout Sinicipal *Mimes mit dm sss of 9100 ails xempOlorly
l baseball oi main low* beseleill gosse are plerit4 i
Ste, or the aum of $100 in Om west regular l or meter
league bonbon saws are sot fly isebadds4 aad played in S t. Pod
ltasicipal Stadium oad provided tho stadium i s wed
far m s wows.
7. This mareemeat shall camerae on the maw hereof and l tend-
Batt. ea April 14, 1967; providola Weever, that if by news of , civil
• stu - severiseat orders or Vii , to St. Saul lesnicipal
Stadium* or *ter wises
beyami cur control. major or baseball
gismo tweet be held at St. aipid, Stadiumt the teem of this -
as shell b* anoadsd for a period cempeemble free the tke standpoint of t»
t to a period i interrwttess suequessies
isted. bawd opal the *Madame figune th* lee* eelseilei yew itof
noted eporatioto at St. tat i - . u tbe ported of such
mispoasiem of or mien lasso l pow or in the new of total
isepowti sf tisaa Joubstaittiat potted far rooseas boyard
our cant al, no and amp arm motet
shell be, refunded to us pre rata* or credited to future paymetto, es we may
The Cy of Satet Peel
C. Yon represent that yen we empowated . tr into this
agreement* that this eopreeseet you have observed all of the
eeirementa isteows4 von you by ell weeesets and laws affectias,year
operatiossi and that the »4ng of mss' s oat flats,
sow is s Iwo lersh by* the previsions effecting
St. teal licebtipal Masse to are a party or *Moth is binding
Woo •
9. it is understood ttst the seat **Psolsed Ass, in: coloki.
tie an agreemitat releting to the inetatlati of
electrical aceraboard with yen sad the iae operation said agree-
If Ithe feregeing correctly reflects the usiderstandiong and agroweest between
us concominds4 the aresegesset net out *ens please have 4aly tetheattsad
saps tivea this letter in year lee and retires to es the seelered
duplicate.+w of this letter* wheromees this letter and the + 1icet. ono
ereented by you shall comatisete the asoiteasat botanist es.
Very y .
ar VL 1 (Lik
si by:
M.. ,iionditerina, and Weems
Amoosed as to form
City 1t
adiSIVIRWI nada this dear of
19V* 9` and been the City of Saint fad, a* cranic4a1
earDeratien of itionesotes hereinafter referred to se,
"t211 Crfrs and Spouts*. Display Corporations * New York
corporations hereinafter referred to seta "SPISSIC;,vlts hav-
its principil place ' sine • .' v
nue, New Tories Wei i
WEAMEASs The City is tho owner of certain,.
property lauma as St. kaal. Municipal: Stadion situate
in the City of t Foal, Iligoosetes ccoutiating of
a reareationsl ersi athletie pork WM a sta.
a seat.ing avapacity tor a considerable Maher of epee-
thitt City desirea to bays wetted
at the Stadium a moderns electrical sc re . ( 'e-
referred to es the ' or eheard") as ,desortheit
inSsialbLt "A" annexed hereto, era it esker league bas'
hall is establieheit in the Stadia* in accordance
e tom* *ad previsifts of ParagraPh 2 it, (3), that
Spencer *. ec , li a heridThetere $0010444) the addle*
tienal scoreboard Usto a o detocrdhed. t .Fixhibit or,
also tattened berate; artd
WORRAots the City desire*a have the said
Scoretioard erested witheat cost to The. City; told
upon execution of this Agreement, and in the event this
Agreement expires before the expiration of the full
twelve aaLM: r months in any Year, the monthly psymonts
which would fall due after the expiretion of said lease
shall be due and payable the first day of the lest, fall
month covered by this Agreement. Adult a , **ions shall
be deemed to MO4A has odulta attending games mho pay
a full adult charge, but shall exclude all children
ticket sales, sales to women on soacalled sfoodies NI4tits"
when -woman are admitted in accordance with Amer/tan
Association practices either free of charge or on su411,
service char as are customary and authorised by the
American Association, and ticket sales on occasions,
not to exceed three par baseball season, when a substana
tiel portion of the Club's receipts are to be turned
over to a charitable organisation. Par such charity
gaes, adult admissions shall be determined by taking
the net amount received by the Club for ticket sales,
dividing by the sum of $1.00, and the resulting figure
shall be the total admissions for thot particular sweat.
/t is further understood and agreed that the club may
issue posses and may admit children. commonly referred
to as the 4knothole gong* in occordance with American
Association practices, either free of cheroe or on such
service charges as or* austomery and authorised by the
At- -ricen Asaotiation, and that such charges shall not
be Included or considered as adult admissions. If the
amount due the City from the Club in any given calendar
yoar exceeds the sum of twentrae an thousand* fiv ► hundred
($27.500. 0) dollars by virtu of the provisions of this
r age * the amount duo the City in excess ef the aunt
of $270500.00 ,*boll be payable to the City on the $t
day of November o said ' a%a .
The Club will, at its own coat and ass*
provide all ticket cellar* ticket takers* turnstile).
operator**rator** and ushers for its .a played at the premises
end its own crew and a era for such cleaning as it
as herein agreed to do.
6.2 All record. and accounts ef the Club
relating to ticket salesand concession sales, incIud.
iflij copies of its returns and reports med. for the
federal admiesions taxes* shall be open to inepection
at all reasonable times by the City* its ecceuntents
iad attorney. At least aaaa each month during the
mutual playing soon, the Club shall qty to the City
k written report of its ticket silos during the pretedin9.
wtondex month* such report to be Submitted in duplicate*
kaa copy to be supplied to the K,. asion.r of Libraries
aditorium* and OUS*UMS at his office and one copy to
ha supplied to the City Comptroller at his office. Rosh
Lich report shall be deemed orr t and fine' unless the
ity or someone on its behalf shall give to the Club
ritten notice of its objections thereto and the da
aof within Slaty days after receipt of such rt.
At least once each month during the effective
orli of this Agreement* except during those are
events or programs are co : ted at the tadi the
Club shall give to the City a 'mitten report of it*
concessions sales during tho preceding oollendar month.
**Joh report to be submitted in duplicate* ono copy to
be supplied to the CommissiOner of Libraries' Auditorium.
and *Auseums et hit office 44d 4110 coPY to be ernliPlitd
to the city Comptroller at his Office, gash such report
shall be deemed correct and final units* the City or
someone on its behalf shall giVe to the Club written
notice of its objections thereto and the grounds thereof
within sixty days after receipt of such report.
6.3 it is expressly agreed and umderstood
by and between the City and the Club that ticket receipt*
other than for ball garnet as hereinbefore provided,
whether such events are conducted by the City or by
an individual or organiration with the City*s permiisw
sion, shall belong entirely to the City or to the City
and the individual or organisation conducting such event*
and the hall Club shall not bill entitled to receive sinY*
thing from such receipts. Kowtow. the Club *hail req.
ceive from such receipts an a-,unt to componsete it for
its actual expenses incurred in supplying personnel to
assist in conducting such events as are referred to in
this parag,raph. The number of individual* to be supplied
by the Uub for such ants shall be as requested by
the City ox' the individual or organization conducting
such event.
7.1 It is understood by end between the par.
ties hereto that the amity proposes to eatinr into an
agreement with the Spencer Display Corporation, which
agreement will lee collateral to this agreement, for
the strectien and installation of a scoreboerd for use
in the Stadium. it is uodersteed by and between the
parties hereto that in consequenee thereof, the City
reserves all seivertieing rightt relative to the *core.
board and may sell, assign or dispose a such advertis-
ing rights as it sees fit. However, the City will not
permit Chartgell• alterations or embellishments in the
advertising on the scoreboard Which would be such a
+Overture from standard advertising practices in stadia
or a such a nature a; to interfere with professional
baseball gams played in the Stadium.
The City and the Club further agree that the
Club shall have the exclusive right, during the period
of this Agreement or any renewal thereof, to all adver..
tieing erected and installed on the well or forme surround..
ing the playing field et the Stadium,/ including the
right to all revenues derived from such advertising.
However, the Club agrees that it shall not permit ado*
vertising on the fence or wall which would consist of
advertisements t, nufectured produets Which are sold
tn covetition with the products manufactured by the
advertisers who have leased space on the scoreboard
from the City or from the Spencer Display CorPorotious
The. foregoing prohibition shell not *pp lY t manuloc4*
tured productS which may be in ice ,.etition with any
clock or watch advertising inetalled on the scoreboard,
but the Club does as that the clock attached to thi
scoreboard shell be the official vetch or timer for
the St* Paul Nenicipal Stadium and for timing purpoaes
in use at all events held in the Stadium* end no other
watch, cloak or timer identified by brand nem*, product
or copse which consists of the operating mechanism
of a clock or watch shell be publicly shown or displayed
in the Stadium during the ter* of this Agreement* The
foregoing shell not preclude advertising on the fence
or well or elsewhere in the Stadium at watches or clocks
sold in cor,P, - tition with the products of the advertiser
whose name appears on the score/D*1rd clock, so long
as an operating mechenism is not involved with suah
eduertisin9, It is further understood by end between
the parties hereto that the adveactiser whose na , . appear*
on the scoreboard clock may, in its advertising, stets
publicly that the clock attached to the scoreboard is
the official clock, watch or timer for the St* Paul
Municipal Stadium and for timing purposes in ties t
all events held at such Stadium*
It is also agreed by tad betemma
hereto that the Club *hall have exclusive rights to
ell advertising co may designated as "b UU *
vortisinv within the stadium pre *r and the rigs to
all r A accruing there er tli billbotrd
advertising within the Stadium shall be s e of- to
, .reVal by the city as to lesa .t * desion and install.
aa4 a ., , the club agrees that it Will not .*root within
the StediUM proper any advertising which would be visible..
to the public frma outside of said Stadium*
The Club ub * et to Permit the advertisers
renting space on the scoreboard or clock attached three
the opportunity of rentine billed space in the & i ',
Proper Wen terms and conditions equal to tie upon
which such spate is offered for sale to a eerleers,
The Club also agrees that if the product* of
an advertiser or advertisers i space on the seer
so herainbefore provided* such at are usually
obtainable in sports stadia. the Club will offer such
products for sale in the l =- to Stadium patrons.
It is also *greed by between the parties
hereto that all revenues derived from tdVettleing in
the parking areas. erected In connection with luting
said tress, if any* shall be dee- -, to belong solely
and exclusively to the City*
7.2 The Club shall have exclusiVe right. during
the time the ?remit** are being used by it to broedeast.
disseminate. reproduce. or trensmit by radio. t lev s tss n.
telegraph. or ether wise. essay put or ell of the games
perticipeted in by the stints at the premises. including
rss1 . and t features or events. end to announce
or transmit by telephone. t*I, s , or otherwise' rsss
ports. messeees. or other information relative to any
Part ar all cif such sss. and to sell and contract for
the sale of any of tho above. The City shell hr
in the Club's receipts from any of the sources nt .
In this pas ra 7.2. It is mutually *greed that in
the event devices and arrangement* shell be developed so
that the Club** gamesplayed at the premises can be tells
vise to viewers" arts upon paymeat by the vi of
a fee or chart,* therefor. and the Cllitt dostms that it
is for its best interests to televise through such do*
viCsoli and arrengements. then and in that event It is
mutually agreed that the Club, prior to entering into
any agreements with respect to televising the Club's
:eebel1 yaws through such devices and erg . . nts „
that the parties willthersuPea suitor into a new Agre**
meat defining their rights and privileges and the divi-
eion of income rss peetine such tel. c*sssts on terms mu is
ally agreeable ta the parties.
8. The Club, during the term of this g
went or any renewal thereos arcs to carry a public
a ge insuranso policy protioting the parties her
and the agents or **signs from oss bosom*
of liabilaty that may bs incurrod by the partite* hors/to,
or oithor of thaw in the perforrsance of this contract*
wives such liability is imposed on account of in4ury
to or dssth of a poroon or a ss . Such policy shall
provide for a liability limit on account of any such.
accident* resulting s bodily injury or dooth to one
person of not less than fifty Thousand
Dallas!** and liability limit on account of socidont
resulting in bodily injury th to more than one
porton of lass than On* * lion ',
Dollars. Such policy shall also include all liability
for any claim arising out of tho partaking or
tiOrt of fob or beverages sold at the Stadium.
The Club* during the tar of this AStfieakaat
or any renewal thereof* a#al#44 tO a . carry a property damage
insurance policy protecting the parties hereto from
loss or damago because o liability that may be incurred
by hs parties hereto, thoix agoras* assigns* in the per-
L' 3.14404. of this contract, when such liability is imposad
On account of loss or damage sustained by *thews to ro
arty owned or ss a thole. Such policy shall pre,*
vide( for s liability limit on account of each accident
of not lass then fiftoon Thousand ($15, 4 , ) Dollars
a.nd may, at tho option of the grants** be written on a
fifty 450.00) Dollar deductible basis.
.Certificates of ,..: Q * or copies of policies
of f as above requirod shall be depositod deposits by
the Club with the City at the ttme of assets ond
sr s4Lc* Uy hereafter as dotorminod by the Corporation
Counsel of said City. and shell bo in such to ss ho
may require.
it is agrood by and botweon the qty and th
Club that each as to tha; other will bo considered o be
sA independont 4tsts . and each shall be rOSPonsible
for its own acts of ns ii s ncs. The City aoreee that
it will indemnify and save harmless the Club from any
and all damoge. loss or Liability of any kind t
fryer by reason of any bodily injury or death of any
son or by reason of injury to the property of any third
person occasioned solely by any act, oniallen, no9loot
or wrongdoing on its per or by any of its *Meters.
agents. sorvents or employes*. Th. Club egress that
it will indesmdfy and says hormles6 the city from any
And all damage. loss or nobility of any kind whateoevor
by reason of any bodily injury or death of any porson
or by reason of injury to the property of any third
parson occasioned solely by any act. omission' .act
or wrongdoing On its per or by any of its offiCors.
agents. servants or employees.
9. The City 494444 is pay all taxes. if any,
loviod by the Stets of Minnesota or of its sum vi-
don* or munitipenties on any property. reel or lor ps sl,
provided by the City for the Club or its said
team hereunder*
10. Prior to the fist home game to be Piave
hereunder* the General 'manager of the Club and the Commis*.
stoner of Libraries. *udjtsri , andae * or some"'.
one designated to it for , shell ointly make a
thorough examination of the premises* and shall prepare
and sign a written list of any -corrections or additions
which they eaves are nee.ed to put the premises in proper
condition for use by the Cif hereunder* and the City"
shall make such corrections and itioa at its own
40$t And expense t ► the extent it has as of se doing
and as soon as conveniently may ?s* ear, thing
contained in the foregoing provision shall require the
City to make any changes* corrections or additions over
end above what has been provided for by the original
Plan. for the Stadium designated Drawing A'2 of Contrect
Pans dated JUne l l956klo on i e in the office of the
City Architect of the City of Saint Paul. The Club
may mks or 441110 to be s, at its own cost end a
pens** any ants or Additions to the press
desired by it and approved irA ws,iting by both parties
hereto* fah writing sail specify the initial and
ultimate ownership of the improvements or additions.
except as is otherwise provided in this Agreements any
additions or improvessents each by the Club which co sti
tats a part of the freehold shall be and become the
-2 .
property of the City without any obligation on the
pert of the city to reimburse the Club therefor, in
absence of an Agreement in writing to the contrary.
11. the Club shell apply for, pay fee*
and obtain all permits and licenses reguirad by
the City of Saint foul, County of Ramsey, State
of Minnesota, or of the United States, in comae.
tion with carrying on its activities in the Steams*
including the operation of the concessions and the
sale of t , rchandise approved herein.
12. If either the City or the Club shell
fail to keep any of the provisions of this Agreement
by it to be kept, or to mare any payments herein pros
vided for, the ether party may, by giving the party
In default written notice, cancel and terminate this
Agreement as and from the expiration of sixty (60)
days from receipt of said notice.
13, this Agreement shall not be sold,
transferred nor assigned by the Club without the
written c *meat of the City, not shall it be Can*
celled except as hersinbefore providd*
IN WM1\8 WHIP“'4, the City and the Club
have caused this instrument te be executed this
day of * 1957*
co, , *Lwow o' L ffrrar es*
Courttarsianad by.,
Auditmimni* and Museums
* /
th, Ads I i
A., .4.10a;/4141 • ' ' '
cOttip re er' 7 City * *
, A p
/ i&Ltia
proved as to ',Oro*
#$S * Corporat on COWS,
on this dsy of * 1957*
m oppawred Joaoph ii0 Onion* Savorin A* Martinson and
osaph A. Okonaski* to we porsonally known* who boina sworn
od say that thay or* rospostivaly the Mayor*
ranio** Audited.* and Anson*** and City Clot* ef th*
* * Ottatteiva corporation* ant that the sal
offixed to the foregoing i - trument is tb 1 of *obi City
of ttt U1 end thot said instrusent vas signet end sealed
on l of said sonooretion by oestberity of rasa.
,ution of tho Council of. gold City* known es Catunoil filo *
• sod said Joseph E. alien* Somorin A4, stertinson and
koseph 04 Okonesti at oknosolodgod *mid instrument to the
roe act end deed said t corporations
my *caomatisntion
Mil Oft mnessorA.
On this clay of # "*
fore ate tosstared nal J* * to ;weaselly :► Woo
ping duly sworn* 41.4 soy that he is the President of the
;. Pam sada club* / . corporation has ne seals
d *tot said i trumoss six , . on bohaif of said
rporation by o ° .ty of its Board of Director** *ad said
1 Jones SC ga d **14 issotrustont to bo the froo act ate
ed of said
era ac.
ftetitry Publics nessey Co** *inns
M . the brook lyn Itational League baseball dub, a New
ark gyration* owns all of the cotta, . stock of the St Pam Sall
tub* Inc..." a Minnesota, corporation*
MMUS* the St, Pea Sall :, Inc, and the Cit
aux have tentatively negotiated * use Agreement Under the t
hich the t. Psi Bali club, Znc, Is to-hoperaitted the use of the
b, pael munAcipel Stadium situated in the City of Saint haul*
itter the
tam of that certain Agreement bet
C. and the City of Saint Paul for the term of
Way of further t
to the City of
Lit Petal to enter int. the aforementioned use ,
Sell Agreement with the fit.
Club, Inc. and SO consideration the advantages accruing to
Paul Sall Club, lac,* the undersigned Undersigned tt ats the r of ell the capital stock of the
COrporation does hereby guarani.
the p , full and faithful .performance and
L gall club* Die., during the .peried of January 2, 061, through
i, 30, 1509, of cash "and ail of the conditiorm,
performed siatentat to be by the St, Pam Sall Club* lac,
a of the under the
efororentioned use Agroormad between the City of Saint
and the St, Pam WU club, :lac
a of
- jn!
On this tt4y of
m *appeared /psi
rf the graoklyn National Lagua Baseball club* 4 New York Corpera.-
ion* and that the seal 41f$*0d to the foregoing instrument is
he corporate **al a sai,d Corporation* awl that said instrument
as signed wad saaled in behalf of said Oe - tion by authority
f its bard a Di ,
re ors* and said - ' '4" -
*Id .4/ i 6 ti C-XN acknowledged *aid instramment
c be tha free it and dead of said Corporation,
''''''''Iv rY ' . -• i
i -- No.24.1039050
t NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New yoj
\ Qualified in Kings County
CI) ' • .
zninisslon Expires March 30,1952
WHERE, Spencer is engaged in the business
of manufacturing and installing scoreboards in stadia
and other places where competitive athletic contests
are held and conducted and is desirous of installing
an electrical scoreboard in the Stadium to be used for
the purpose of posting scores of athletic contests
played in the Stadium and scores of other athletic
contests played in other places at the same time; and
WHERE, Spencer is willing to erect and in-
stall a scoreboard at the Stadium and to accept and apply
in payment therefor the receipts derived by Spencer from
the sale of advertising rights, all as more particularly
hereinafter set forth;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing
and the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar each to the other in hand
paid by the parties to this Agreement, the receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of
the terms and conditions of the advertising agreements
hereinafter referred to, which are made a part hereof by
ref erence, it is mutually agreed as follows :
1. A. Spencer shall manufacture and install
for use at the Stadium an electrical Scoreboard (exclusive
of electric service terminating at approximately the
Scoreboard location, which The City agrees to install).
The Scoreboard shall be substantially the same as that
described in the specifications and blueprints annexed
hereto as Exhibit "A". This installation is hereinafter
referred to, for convenience, as the "phase I installation."
B. In the event that on or before April
lei, 1962, the franchise of a major league baseball club
- 2 -
is established in the 'Twin .t . area in aecordanse with
the toms end provisions of Pare 2 A ( ), Spencer
stall mall e a FNI,^ lot* tuft installation of work.
described in the spesitioations 4 hluoprints
horoto and 04 1,3.,E bit e« This installation.
heireinetter referred for + e, aa "Phase II
t . tise
20 A The City agrees that Spenser shall be
entitled .onsation for the erection of
the Scoreboard deseritted heragraph I A. hereof the
mgt Or Xinteti e 4,00 liars plus an
additional 41444X4:° t . as
hereof in the rem 144111401P1
I) in Ilia of by The City*
swats*Spenser hereby that to long as pa's t o tr.
saved by Speyer under the tomes et sertain edvertising
contract* between Spenser
t arena copy° of Whist is annexed hsreto
end narked b "eft And twee Spier and the ?try
national Rank or " n Paul* a national ass s ia
2 o' et Which is hereto 441144Mit end mares
it s) :' t beer and The
City* under the tangs >c the City will receive rive
nundred (000•00) Dollars per year while mines, league
baseball is played in the to ium, and One Thousand
(410000•00) Dollars pier year it staler league baseball
played in the Stadium red 33.0(400)) ohs
if or or major league baseball ts are lust played
in the , ti but the Stadion is coed tor other sports
events* tor the advee clot* which will be
attached to the Seerebeerd, melt payment* for advertising
on the Seorebosoi and Vae clock will be and constitute
" ' be applied to 4, 1 en Lo en-
title to e resevered by ± .Parr
` ** a A*. ., end 00 hereof* except that
in the event that,that tr .... his* ot.
&jam ie ' baseball .:ub should, during the tern of
this Agreeneort, be ditstattuatioa and " 'oltedtiled
major league baseball genes he PIctreit Jzt the Twin oitias
area but not 'IA the Stadia*" The City hereby to
Per tieeeeer Mt/ ) Per rt bal-
ance on ;boat installation within nine, - .
atilVe et the t that said: ale' league el # commentees
playing its ressier schedule ?' sane* the Twin Ilitioe
area* s provisi c n Is inserted herein in order o
, eirceste Sp • . or t a rate desrease
Alm in^the advertising 06X t& VONA...
(3) In the event that
for league baeobell eliob should be established in Saint
Paul or t e Twin Cities en or prior to April
and prior to date* The City eleats to enter into an
. with said sutler .+ baseball l • a ins
the fol:cvis•
said a b ° b is to
play in the Stadia a WAWA of *eight
maces of a Tr aehedale. or acne- alt ( or the
genes (less any traction) scheduled ter ply the
Twin Cities (shiSherer is greater)," or the fit
year during i,ieh said franebisit is operate. in
Saint t Paulo and
(b) for the nest two years the City of
Saint Paul. the terns or the aforementioned
egreesent, s guarenteed that the nuaber of genes
to e played in the Stadium by said miler league
club shell not Imp below thirty (30) genes or
forty t per eent of ices schedule,
*lehevaiso. is $greateri
( the seating espeeity of the :as
prior to the 001010steetteatt or the first seasents
PUT brir *tad galer league teen, increased to
sdninaa or thirty thous (3Q,000) seat** epee
shell *mot end Install the additional scoreboard
deseri„x. . , la lbohibit hereto Apart the
terms and *mations hereinafter sot forth
Paragraphs '2 and C. ,hereof*
the event that raplarly seheduleti
games xseler league baseball are played in the
in stesordanee with the provision* Paragraph 2 14 Mk
Auld Spinal anihes the Pia. II installation hereinberere
raterre4 too Speueer shall then be entitled to ragemer
as a -asutationi lieu of the anouat referred to in
Per of One a Seventy Theaessd
(*170,00. Dollars plus en additional amount to
as provided in Par” C.* advertising
rovesunderstood by and between
the parties t anounte received by
revere* contract. under
the use X inoteXiatift
$1700000o00 portdacte price of the ?twee Kati,, *:
In addition to the mot *pacified in
eubpsregireptut A. or hereof. Spencer tthell oleo be
titled to rester der advertising contracts a sum
to throe (3%) per c ted
upon the ditainistLing haste* the E , beard price as
detimed a phs A. or y hereof 0900000000 for
Phase I Seer ebeeri or * . or nee. I sc s )
uhich diminishing below* shall b* tweeted by omitting
annually a price the p ,, •
• arstricer by vs the oftertioereo It is oroprestio
:stood by and between the portice to this Agrees*** that
the City almil not be responsible for any tam* due
Simmeer as interest under the terns or thin _ .Agreement or
the agreement* betwesal Spencer the advertiners.
being ^std that all sums mane avenger as e
• t derived frogs the retteratos obtained Spencer
the i s nein advarticoatoto Scores
board and on the cloak attached timereboordi It
is further by and between the parties haroto
that all, revenue* derived from the advertising st.,
sates between ittpeneer sad the advertisers e e d to
co Paragraph 2 A* (1) , ineluding reVenuell derived
the eAvortiaing on the oectrotommod clock forth
in sold h s., cot 41.011 be credited bi se
''el/c► price of the Stiortoboard.
the wren that Spotty mokoo
Phase II instartatiors awl" as result of a decrease
the lumber or settoibiled, nsior la base Sams
Owed in the d to s then or loss then 40%
of Twin S* salinduln. Speneor amble o e-
stful, under adeertiging oontracital OAS tall prints of
said nom inatellatten .. *170.000 plus
e e ) durins the term of this
sgresesonts the City upon t
scion prise
of e aid hate* 11 instalation and the terenst recoverast
thoreon by Spencer undo, advontictris fitatstracts.
30 The term or this Attreatent
for ton veers frets the date hereof, or until APril 14,
1967, ishichsvor is $ tiniess sooner Unattested by
sartual oonsent rein or the defeat of Ono of
tho parties harete or terminated the n of
ststoperograph, * or oxtendesd luster the prortstons
or .subparesnwhe So Co below.
B. Ito ' the *Yost or a bro*ohl or
stivertisor or y i contract bet y
tlasers and Spossor * Sponsor, is
. bilo to roc r t a the AIMS provided i Patligraphii 2 A«
or Ss rims said adviortisiss otostracts with* Os terst
or is Agyseisszt shall bs
sattoistissa4 sztattibid mil such tilts to Speiser
have rosoovers4 tho run sinconts provided in sat4 Peva..
u ' „oti '•
7 Ilk
C. to horeleottOr
, M. of tthis :o► be ottootsttp
omt It bet entitled d,:M;1
any advertiolos otottotoot Amite by Spoottor porouttet
i. the rooreottonal
In thirty (30) rooson . civil
Ototurbotoof sorostueootel . iti "or by
recoon of tO the fir**
tho atootitos for t
athiotto eve** winter
eamepto4 t _ „;. eon,*
trot of Spetteor# or At" etettiora *Ow*
pooled, rootteo **use* the tore ca tasto
twoosoont . of *ay eavertt ototreat ov oontroots
C,,i..v- r ce 11 f, ObAlal at
trotter*a otoettoo ' " tottonded for it porta owsporibto.
f" the otoodpotot or t ''
oosp000toott . ottestitostio bitting bas volt thek obAs
:* ter the loot fell oelositer
at h* Stet ' .
woo* ' shall be, on
toterroptton to the edvortletes pooled ttoottractod for
' a '' :. lose*, Alotoge. tlootrootton
by fire or I., oft** toorootty to Moo. floortoteexit. the
44itorktoLias port** or oerteits thou la *fleet shall be
aut000ttoolly oxteollett for sstituti ottocokribto from Ow
interruption. wad t. n
for the lest slender year of nornal opOratiere of the
The city ria.torraa,unto se's t
right at anr time to taratatta. thio Attraaatatt e:
to Speratar ot City's ittaatits, ternisutto the +sue
most "At ,t100701. ifiert**, of any .tasounts, 4u0
Speer fer U. purchase price et said .hoorebOar4,0
providoi of ot tide AgroonOnt."
untie**et accrued *0 esti keragreph 2. date of taftli.0.'
this A y. dponeer bOreby
that it will Carry in the ogreeuente between
Spencer ours , , tom; thoosseer
to assign to City all ,rtghts of SponOor der
t * and tpestoor farther oaf that
it The City deeiliea tornineto this. agroonents paying
to Sponsor to p o f said
board as hureinhatere, oat'forth* that will s i
rights under said a ;..:r *greenest** City.,
The City eDvenente and agree* that: in the tweed, ot
as ;, . City will and :per»*
Items all the obligati' said *dives
tieing agroolcuot
4. Nneept es heroin othervieeprevided,
p lul . ,
the electrical seoreboard and the: right to g .nt th000
lebrortising rights to one to four*
advertisers, mablost to the following Cond.
4, 9
A. Spencer r : a tluat the advertising
space used coneso4ion with the Scoreboard l be
restricted to the alma specified tbi.t 'A" during
a Phase I operations and in Sabibit "W' dry the
Ph woe U operstionai
Si Spenser shall have the right tO pelt
the is sad privileges in the advertising as to be
used in connection with Scoreboard under this Agree..
meet to any advertieer or advertisers selected by apelleOr,
Vhafite advertised ae d me to fell. within the following
categories: banks or financial institutions, cigarettes*
a s (reatrieted to soft dr a end beer)* raters
and blades* radio and ttelevittion, tlans pieces, gasoline,
food products. air and ground transportation* soaps of
all types and nonv.intiuste clothing. Xt is understood*
however, that the categories of advertisers are net
late to those listed , but that as to others net
listed, The City shall have the right to approve or re-
t the advertising copy sought to be di ll.
said advertiser* provided* however, that The Cdr *ball
edge t o roars to advertising standards end be guided
by the advertising stars staintained in major leaigue
C. The City hereby agrees that so long
as Spencer shall have advertising eta hereunder*
the ovbibition or isplay of advertising a hiCh. can be
seen from any seat in the Stadium shall not be peraitted
in the event of the nuts* n instausittou, unless such
►e approved in writing hi spot.
lo ..
(I) During the -10d of the Phase+ I instal*.
tionir the exhibition or display of advortioing whit* can be
seen from any at in the Stadium (having reference to bill.
board ***attains on the tom* surrounding the lacsoball plcrias
field and in the sooting *roes) low be permitted by the CIA/
praidood it do.* not consist of advertising of inanufactured
products Which are ccopotittvo to the products manufactured
by the advertisers who have loosed spec* on the Scoreboard
trim avower*
(2) The fasseing. prohibition shell not apply
to sounifsetured products Vetch may be in oespotition with any
clock or watch adVrorttatus installed on the Storeboarto liowecciro
The City agrees that it will not permit ettorttaing of
itre slats O *ta .zid.thin the Stedisca *WI
advertising would have incorporated in it, in any ulanneal,
the operating mechanism of a slink, or watch tor tUtlas
(3) The City ogre.* that if the products of
tbo advertiser Or adu6rt4ara mains the space on the Sore-
board horoinbotore provided are such as are usually cAdcin.
able in sports stedia, such produeta will be offered for
solo in the Stadium to Stadium pa/tr .
Do City woe* that it will retain in
its agrammuct with the professional baseball club using the
**odium or with any other person, corporation or organization
sponsoring *wont* in Stadium* a provision the effect of
which woad be to portal* the advert is 1,4 tag spas* on
the Sooroboard and olsook the 4 " ty of renting billboard
spites in that Simcilum prop*** and display advertising underneath
the stands on terms 404 sittegitift* *pal to those upon
0, xi .0
sash opeoo is offered otter advertisers*
S. The City agrees thir4 tbe iolvertising
ard and the sign*openly* displayed and shall bo
sPtMe shall e
when .sottocomery• all major ;* including pr.orositionolt
basoball somas. bold in the Stadiain during of
this . w . wiles* the
sponsor of a titular to to bold tho Stadiett
objects `to the tsdvortising of f or +r;
the Soorittemed, ich Win:, The City would net
roquired to illuminati* ths objectionable. advortising
on the Seoroboard*
authorised ,10* at 1141,0.4 that am,' advertising sign
shell tall f
said Scab without *est or eriponito . eito' City' and
The City .a that slate that retain'this
its i .or or ad. i bars to alto,
or change the elvortioing on the Scoroboord and shell have
*c sa thoroto ter %tat PurPtinto providod that such altoras
tip shall be approval
The cif and dull contain of advert 14110 confismos
to the provisions .of Porograph 4 S.
fact ao to .010niteit or initiator. with protossienol base,-
ball ones played wit
`, ' 7In the stacufsistatro installation of the
electrioal Soorobeard
all the work shall bo done geed and ..stiosbmaulliso manner
and that said olootritial. ► ll be completed
. 22 afr
that-tato llod to or *Worst April 250 1901 *v1444* however*
ee of said i is matorially
labor dispute* gorestatentai or court fir, Or der of our
other Ittally oonstitutod authority* or of tied or
pie :, * riot* ei on or . 4f, other
to : A ` ro ot Sponser r OM not
be liable for the dew, 04 tams otorotti4 date shall ba
oxtoodOit by t . the period of suoh delay*
eor w a that said oloctrioal liceriboard
trips tem way dontoots at woloutaship and natorials tor
of I its etWootitss and installationi.
dpencor . said Searaboird dories the first
year of its ' io Attor said (1) /oa. Polled,
The City 001 t o electrical 'Scoreboard
audition end. in good state of ropair inoOtat 10
roortari ,� to rte.
The tats as. far as is prosticabla* protect
thou So b ,, on4 any advertisios :. fr af bled
end 4041 :beep Ube aseroboard fro. and clew
sockumtoot lid or ether linos* attachments and onetuatance**
Swayer ill, Insofar as it; refutably proeticeblei protoot
the : +o oraboard-fti IOW itobertlikteg areized thereto, ant
hoop the ' lions* othor
lid, attsathsontts and esombrancel ,
40 It shall at all tines bo the duty of The City
or sesosno .,tom by rho OUT to provids
4 ' '' ',
1" - 1t' :
I' L •
. silty' amitts**.t. good
• . * *OØ t ' 41.404
4erioo '
o itilt,ir tat" vol.. atia, nies
or tgbo ' . ntt' litfotirottli ,or
:l cam'. a `.' .,
A to osier
.. Ai:it 3A1314_ the* the sport 2,0 *Soh. ottego.fet U taw liolotioo es• .y
; - ` , if d
.itvoll Cam, bow vi
*elf * •
' : pp i at O y *,0
" awe* a "' ?toi' ' .
Illoo City o • .,
toss - ro' ir., .
. o a. Or
h i t k,
,;"' M # a
. ;
*cola. �) c•
• a.
�l It *-94th
i 7 otp; i. City
#dvottiO4it 401.0;4040,0*
otit***Imit so#H-,.otosiii,,ii3O* pito;o10444#40
4 #0a
Thottitaxii 1 'o
0 in
� ,o=ler4r.k*:::"4641, re**004X* ***"4:.$0*,$4044,1)*topepot,"1:1"4 "4tHzplopi,ro#,' '-''''47tros"*".,,,,olk„,:,.Itue. "4
400.04 wtith*,
it " inetellikow
1}► 1
40#14, *goo itity X.03, "rote**, roat,rionyvv.
the ' t . '` .
mattes con "' e 1
Zst,. t od i 'tom
` - ' o
*t its optcttot Aistrid, ID *woe or the cleitata,,
The '' U O
ittaims tie ` o to 0114tre *13* r
eh4a1, ionntlitotpe *is 400010* ray air rokiliot
Tioo at Astr000kno, irsr iosoruitis"
loetti,sosit to .
Ohs 4 ",#M �P
tom, .
ot the Soinfetteet*O1 in`
.. -
0; PIXilt *41
r,#41k. :0, tul`
!+ oftb,Set te.`r � �
c 2. ld
*al 11,1041.401r,r e e' e
icor -.
o a
*a* MoortiOoto, to got U. tts'
* r ri404f `
,Orit +fie ?.
' *n *W
*14(414 t11433W#1
YI rl
cif`or tato ate. .
latvorosla or . . *itiothtttiost
ot this r r , ..
Proper woesoktioe 40)rdiork tor aosoto4s or stop** (60)
ttottApt title ' 11;*r
th0 0401104104004, Oa* nor diavoitrAttiolt otr
iaw to o ,
tty' o s
A. that is fu,
o , cut, t obi'
Mom. *Li lot the t
131, LAirott000tt
sod, *Opt/loved osoi ocoodonto witla
the laws. . , . G• `'to Ita , of sold scintiour
*. by tit* "fir
234t ft* ;` that tbe
neat** n it "do** not viouttoo nor
ire bi * impala ;
wow** to *toy City to * pokrtrit etf Idottlitt
binding it.
114*. ilAto City /woes to dotitoor lipottooKri
o or isi . ** low be" row
orirtiono* or lottitot000tot Ohl* A
ikur oe oloottoc.wot ptorotttotowi to. bo
Lyon a.h rf& 1hF l be ii
t to , to t=
ho gibs the ** oo* or olosostttortt
14* ltalooPt IL* to t srrtriPifiod,
thio . ,.. aoolitstblo .ei : br 1100320314,r
City without the : consent the
tuts latthosit soott ioottooxott sp ( .
Scoreboard -tho per
r **sign 4101#010114111t 0 ed
w• ww►
• with *t e < k
' ,, otott or rout tthe oitItoottittot.fright*
b ' "
cwt . ; ; '" .. or tit* •
prime advertiser, U TAO
reot be : as
t Of soolt , vor :
At* tout* toe,iogissoest .44tiworr,
ooroltteri ee tr
• ..: * , ti*o
a±tri in at th U.
, of ve . .
is t*' sos000lt. coti000totifi.00d.
or too . Wit. ,
l _ O , tor or
won ', tax,
tttorOof ObOtt be vesopttir
Oi`t '
too* pormot.44 proper* a . or Or : r ate' s
homer, . "4 Sate othor
, o .
a ..
t ,e
lod a
*ball erne by ',ate
'a `.` '
, ..
Offices t x,.
a o
k( 1 0
� ,
y / .f,
: dii AA. .!!t L� i ''1/1•01-/4‘4/t.)1
fir,. ')Fr
0 LA 012‘14 Or '10 ..
la* gimpteiggoili. ** :$.0;10$34L*11$ . - .
Jo R« O '
, ' ire r
duly sworn did say that they sr. respectively the
Condos:donor of Libraries* Auditorium and )141500a11. and
City Clerk of the City of Sew Paul. a municipal corpora-
tion* and that the seal affixed, to the foregoing
moat is the seal of aaid City of Saint Paul* and that said
instrument was signed e sealed on behalf of said municipal
corporation by authority or resolution of the Council or
said City* known as Council Pile No t. and said Joseph
L Dillon* S ver n A.• Nort ins+ n and Joseph R. 0300304d
acknowledged said instrument to 'be the free act and deed
of said municipal corporation.•
'Uteri' ublic; 140104`.Co.0 'Minn.
STATE 4 ''.
O )
this .2 day , l9! 7* before no
appeared Charles W. Ahe and • , to e
personally been*. who, being duly sworn* Aid say that they
are the President ex'etel, respectively* of Spencer
Display o et * and that the seal affixed to the fore.
going instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation*
and that said instrument was signed and see.led in behalf
of said corporation by tutbarity at its Board Directors*
and said Charles • Gilboa and Edward •J.• McMahon, acknow-
ledged said instrument to be the tree act .and deed of said
iLl ,:..
.... =sun 30 / J�
Votary Public, State of New York
No. 24-7612950
Qualified in Kings County
.. op berm Expires March 30, 195 g
CE4t: FILED /.✓.✓y. roCN7
OVIPI :.(0Itimil)0 * * WO" *kola*
• •• tkoakottatt ti:ta tialikarallaut karaa4k401
tibaa.kt abaw4s4assiattai 40000.0t torkt.iatattitt'o* (or***Attar)
64101401001.or klakoirta0,.alr*t.''kaOt#;.Aattakaa4 virth itt *
agita too *saamo, • ..• • •
kottorciat uilkata.'kloak toraikarati;VA.'riot.araapataa at
titiollortasajttlytt$004. ara •ta-61*****Ctrla tatotatkatat piaaak.
kat** oat avas***
ft ok00101,4kav ookaa-**-6*, biltaeOag Oa ' •
241040 *toot p000liog ' 1
liaa$000, kit asookila Oltioaktt o$* Lou 400 bo iatarp,
ablialrabk at:1.004 oat **,4000*****that 0440
A WA'Ot 76 atarion140 *Okra*ad soasetatakt* to k *osool.
Woad tat tika attalootket tokt, at the kttoo lat aktrabokite
• tat*** root atakkriaa *Thot,ak ark,* yettaat
atot Otbor Utak* ottagootala Oal to b. 10400
44, lootaskaat .4* t St*.• f ak 0 *to bo
ittot1 lit4 4*******00tao 'tiara** Obt4 44Att La
to'toe latitat* to prartda saga! ,aokraat fortakka-.04 woostata4
itt.*******0,k ba W I kisk# ktilkeatara# kik*
taw pottoozoo,
ooattog Stakki UI '000%,**OW" .1*- to 1**.ao follkot
L- Sok Oak Soartut "
*kW* *oaks *, Akt
• IOW **at Moo 0 • *5
V001.1000 0 *
00/400' :0* 0 • 00
•• • 00
40**Mitsio**thioe 4
40040 0 "
_ 0 .
Ust -- ._
*Item At . -it or I
*** **Mud
.o ' ****n.
fooilisiso potAtttOt f
Obi oyaittosi.
£ 40 t
+lam los obootos the 10***404 oe the 4444444141
with.listraythe SO bitiOth o tot of
Ito ot the iii '"'
t *40°
004 001044044. 40,11144000 toith ovum r to ,be
. City
144. rs
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THIS AGREEMENT. Made this day of
1957, by and between SPENCER DISPLAY CORPORATION, a Now
York corporation, (hereinafter called "SPENCER"), having its prin-
cipal place of business at 971 Madison Avenue, York, New York,
Party of the First Part, and THEO, HAMM BREWING CO,* a Mina.-
sota corporation, (hereinafter called "ADVERTISER"), having its
principal place of business at 720 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota,
Party of the Second Part,
WHEREAS, SPENCER and the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter
referred to as the "cm"). have entered into a contract (hereinafter
referred to as the "Scoreboard Contract"), an executed copy of which
is attached hereto, made part hereof and marked Exhibit "A", whereby
SPENCER agrees to install a scoreboard in the Saint Paul Municipal
Stadium situated in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (hereinafter
called the "Stadium") and is granted exclusive advertising rights parr-
teining thereto and certain other privileges; and
WHEREAS, the Scoreboard Contract contemplates that SPENCER
shall recover the cost of the scoreboard in whole or in part from the
granting to others of the advertising rights therein and other privileges
granted to �° a.ENCER and
WHEREAS, the venting of such advertising rights is approved
and authorized by the Scoreboard Contract; and
WREREAS, the ADVERTISER is desirous rous of obtaining the right
to place advertisements on said scoreboard; and
wiTEREAS, SPENCER simultaneously herewith has executed.
with FIRST NATIONAL RANK OP SAINT PAUL an advertising contract
substantially similar to this Contract, a true copy of which is annexed
hereto and ' erked Exhibit *"Bra and hereinafter referred to as the
Exhibit ",R4" Contract;
NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the foregoing and of
the mutual promises hereinafter contained. the parties hereto agree
as follows:
1. (ar) Conditioned upon the prompt receipt by SPENCER of
the payments provided for in paragraph 2 hereof. SPENCER hereby
grants to the ADVERTISER, for a period of Ten (10) years comment,.
tug April 1$, 1957, unless earlier terminated in accordance with the
provision* of paragraph 2 (d) hereof, the right and privilege to display
advertisements in connection with the Scoreboard provided for in the
Scoreboard Contract to the extent such advertising rights and the
privileges are conferred upon or granted to SPENCER under the
board Contract but subject to the provisions, limitations and restric-
tion* contained in the Scoreboard Contracts it being understood that
no other advertising of competitive manufactured products shall be
permitted in the stadium within view of any seat therein (having refer-
ence to billboard advertising on the fence surrounding the baseball
field and in the seating areas).
(b) Said display advert#stntents shall consist of a painted
bulletin or bulletins. the layout and copy of which shalt-be supplied
by the ADVERTISER. but SPENCER shell cause the same if approved
by the CITY to be placed in the advertising space designated by the
Alf letter ,4 ._. on drawings SD-3S-BA (revised March Is, lgtl�) a.�*
/64 SD-S-BA (revised March 14. 1987), prepared by SPENCER DISPLAY
CORPORATION; it being understood that this Agreement entitles the
ADVERTISER to the use of all of such space so designated on the said
drawing, and it being further understood that said space shall be a
minimum of approximately 600 square feet in a panel approximately
24' x 26' in the case of Phase I installation and a minitnurn of 450
square feet in a panel approximately ly 12' x 37-1/2' in the case of a
Phase U installation. The installing of the display advertisement
shall be at spENcEsis expense during the first year of this Contract
and at ADVERTISER'S expense thereafter. The ADVERTISER agrees
to pay SPENCER in advance or reimburse SPENCER for the cost of
each installation after the first year, in such manner and at such
times as SPENCER may determine. Any further embellishment to
the advertising display, electrical or otherwise, if approved by
SPENCER and the CITY shall be installed at or in connection with
the Scoreboard by SPENCER but at the ADVERTISER'S expense,
2. (a) In consideration of the grant of such advertising rights,
the ADVERTISER hereby agrees that the ADVERT .R shall pay to
SPENCER, promptly and without any offset. the following amounts
at or before the time sat forth below, via.
The data of the completion of a
Phan, I installation:(as defined in
the Scoreboard Contract) or April 15,
1957, whichever dais shall he the
later $5,000. 00
April 15, 1958 $5. 000. 00
April 15 1959 $5, 000. 00
April 15. 1950 $5. 000. 00
April 15. 1961 $5, 000. 00
April 15, 1992 $5. 000, 00
April 15. 1663 85. 000. 00
April 15. 1984 $5,000. 00
April, 15. 1955 $5. 000, 00
April 15, 1906 35, 000. 00
(b) In the event that the franchise o! a major league base-
ball, club should, during the term of this kgraemsat, be established
and regularly scheduled major lee baseball games be played in the
Twin Cities area but not in the Stadium, all payments due thereafter
under subparagraph It (a) shall be reduced 50% and the annual payments
shall be $2/ 500. 00.
(c) In the event that the franchise of a major league base-
ball club should, during the term of this agreement, be established
to Saint Paul or the Twin Cities and
(a) said major league baseball club is to play
in the Stadium a minimum of thirty-eight (3$)
games of s TT-game schedule, or rise-half (l 2)
of th. games (loss say fraction) scheduled for
play in the Twin Cities (whichever is greater),
(ii) the Phase II installation referred to in
the Scoreboard Contract is made by SPENCER,
WI) the seating capacity of the Stadium i m is,
prior to the commencement of the first season's
play, inc eased to a minimum of 30, 000 seats,
there shall become due and shall be paid by the ADVERTISER to
SPENCER on or before April 15 in said first year of major league
games and on April 15 in each subsequent year during the term of
this Agreement, the sum of 31, 500. 00 in addition to the $h,000. 00
payable under paragraph 2 (a) above, making a total annual payment
of $12, 500. 00 provided, however, that in the event the major league
games scheduled for play in the Stadium in any particular season
thereafter drops below 30 games or 40% of the Twin Cities' schedule
(whichever is greater) the annual payment is be made by ADVERTISER
to SPENCER for that particular year shall be reduced to 50% of that
which would otherwise be paid, or $g, no. 00. It is understood and
agreed, however, that in the event of such reduction SPENCER shalt
have the privilege of procuring from other advertisers, within 30 days
after the season's schedule dule abed, bona fide 4fers for the
space occupied 11.1 Z*l:MIPS DISPLAYS* and in the event such
an offer exceeds the reduced rate to which ADVERTISER would other-
wise be entitled, ADVERTISER meet such bona fide offer or pay
the fait; rate of $12,500. 00, whichever is the leaser.
(4) In the event that any of the payaments required by this
paragraph are not made to SPENCER when due, SPENCER, in addition
to any .r remedy available to . ;_NICER, may on ten (10) days"'
written notice to the ADVERTISER, terminate this emeaet by
reason of such lice-payment and all rights of t.. ADVERTISER granted
herein, or arising . ,w r shall cease and terminate on the date
specified In said notice, and SPENCER shall have the right to remove
or replace, any of t ADVERTISER'S advertisemeats or signs attached
to or affixed to the Scoreboard.
3. If the Exhibit sr Contract is terminated ted ' reason of a
default by the Advertiser in the Exhibit "B" 'attract, SPENCER
shall notify the ADVERTISER under this Agreement (provided the
ADVERTISER is net then in default) of such terrniusdion and the
ADVERTISER thin a period of thirty(30) days from and sitar such
notification xel have the t (2) to notify SPENCER that
TISER assumes and agrees to discharge the Advertiser's unfulfilled
obligation of the Advertiser under the Exhibit "E" Contraet, or (ii) to
procure a., that* advertiser satistact ory to SPENCER who will agree
within said period to assume and diseharge such unfulfilled cobligsUctu.
If within skald thirty (10) day period the ADVERTISER has not done
it her (0 or (U) above, SPENCER shall be entitled forthwith to termi-
nate this greement and any and all rights of the ADVERTISER here-
under. In the event of any such termination by SPENCER during a
phaying gessoes SPENCER shoat refund to the ADVERTISER that part
of the tee paid by the ADVERTISER for that season Witch bears the
same proportion to the total season's fee as the proportion of games
remaining uaptayed at the time of termination bears to the pules
already played during the season.
4. (a) The ADVERTISER hereby agrees that if, in the event
of any breach, repudiation, cancellation or termination of the Score-
board Contract (other than as provided in paragraph 3. 1) thereof) by
the City of Saint Paul for reasons beyond the control of SPENCER,
SPENCER. is unable to continue performance of this Agreement and
to maks available to the ADVERTISER the advertising space on the
Scoreboard, SPENCER shalt not be liable to the ADVERTISER for
such failure. but such inability on the part of SPENCER so to perform
shall terminate any further obligation on the part of ADVERTISER to
pay the amounts provided in this Agreement.
(b) in the event of a termination of the Scoreboard Contract
by the City of nt Paul under paragraph 3. D t1'eereof, SPENCER
shall be entitled to gn this contract and all its rights hereunder'
to the City of Saint Paul and the obligation of the ADVERTISER to
SPENCER hereunder Shalt in such event he due and owing to the City
of Saint Paul. The provisions of this subparagraph shah not in any
way derogate or limit the right of SPENCER to assign its rights here-
under to any other person.
(c) in the event that the term of the Scoreboard Contract is
extended for any period by reason of the happening of any of the events
specified in paragraph 3. C thereof the term of this agreement and the
advertising rights granted herein shall be extended for a similar period.
5. Should SPENCER obtain a renewal of the amore rd Contract
beyond the termisuttien date of said contract, plus any extensions there-
of, .RR'CER agrees that provided the ADVERTISER is not then in
default hereunder. SPENCER will not sell such advertising rights
as may be granted to it without first offering to the ADVERTISER
the opportunity to acquire such riffs upon the same terms and con-
ditions on which SPENCER proposes to offer or sell such rights to
any other advertiser.
S. This agreement shalt not be aasigned by the ADVERTISER
without the prior written consent of SPENCER. Any involuntary
assignment effected by operation of law sit entitle SPENCER forth-
with to terminate this Agreement. Except as hereinabave provided,
this Agreement shall inure to and be binding upon the successors to
the parties hereto.
7. The ADVERTISER expressly acknowledges that the rights
granted by SPENCER to it in this Agreement constitute the cols
rights granted to the ADVERTISER in and to the advertising space
at or on the Scoreboard and that the ADVERTISER has no rights in,
to or under the Scoreboard Contract.
8. .`{ on d the transaction representeed by this Agreement or
the grant of the advertising rights to the ADVERTISER, or any of the
payments required to be made hereunder, be subject now or in the
future to any assessment, tax or impost, suck assessment, tax or
impost shall be and become the obligation of the ADVERTISER and
shall be promptly paid or diaaecbsrged by the ADVERT k + R irrespec-
tive of upon whom such assessment. tax or impost may be levied.
Excluded, however. from the foregoing shall be any Federal or State
corporate income tax applicable to SPENCER.
6. If at any time during that term of this Contract it,shall be-
come unlawful under federal, state or municipal law„ regulation or
ordinance for ADVERTISER to display any reasonably appropriate or
trade accepted advertising to accordance with the intent of this Coutract,
the Contract shall terminate and ADVERTISER sit not be reqatred
to rn.ake any farther nts hereunder .ant to the effective
date of any such law, ties or ordinance.
wrnassa w ; .. y -each of the parties has eaused this
Agreement to be executed by their dui altthorise4 officers, the day
and year first *bevy written.
kka/Uk ;11/ ,A; itA)
T;; "nm AOREEMENT, Made this day of
1027, by and betWitatta .LAS CORPORATION, a New
York corporation, (hereinafter called 'CU').,, having its prin-
cipal pie of business at 271 Madison Avenue, New York, New York,
Party of the First Part, and FIRST NATIONAL AL BANK OF SAINT; PAUL,
a National iatie , (iwreinafter cal "A V TI "L
having its principal place of business t at Saint Paul, Mitmesota, Party
of the Second Part,
, SPENCER - the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter
referred to ate the "CI''"), have entered into a contract (here: ter
referred to as the "Scoreboard Cordractls a an executed copy ch
is attached hereto, made part hereof and marked Exhibit "A", whereby
SPENCER agrees to install a scoreboard the Saint Pant Municipal
Stadium situated in the City of Saint Paul, Mittneeota (hereinafter
called the " taditeaa ") and is granted exclusive advertising rights par-
taming thereto and certain ether prrivibtesc and
fie*REAL the Scoreboard Contract contemplates that SPENCER
shall recover the cost ,of the scoreboard in whole or in part from the
granting to otters of the advertising rights therein and other privileges
granted to SPENCER; and
WHEREAS, the granting of sigmh advertising rights is approved
and autherised:by the Scoreboerd Contract; and
WHEREAS, the ADVEATISER is desirous of obtaining
to peace advertisement* on said . rd; and
WHEREAS, SPENCER etis fir herewith has executed
with THEO. HAMM BREWING CO. an advertising contract substantially
similar to this Coetract, a true copy of which is annexed hereto and
marts Roil "B" and hereinafter referred to es the Exhibit "
NORM 4;;r" F,+ s in conshieration ot the tare k , ., and of
the ut t preemies hereinafter;ter come parties hereto agree
as follows:
1. (e) C timed upon. the prompt receipt by SPENCER
the peyraests prtwided tor in paragraph reof, SPENCER hereby
grants to the D , for a period of Ten (10) years commenc-
ing- Aprii l$, 196% sales* earlier terminated la accordance with the
provistons of paragraph (4) tetreelt. the rim and privilege to display
advertisements in c. a tion with the provided for in the
Scoreboard Contract to the extant each advertising rights and the
privileges are conferred upon or granted to SPENCER . r the Score-
board Contract but subject to the provisions, limitations end restric-
tions contained in the Scoretheerd Contract; it billitg understood that
no other advertising titive suansfactured products l be
permitted in the arts within view of et aey Seat therein (having refer-
ence to billboard advertising on the Wee surrounding the baseball
field and in the seating areas)*
Ile) Said displsy advertisements shall consiet at a painted
bulletin in ear bulletins, tom. layout and of which Shall be supplied
by the ADVERTISER, but SPENCER shall cause the same if approved
by the CITY to be placed in they advertising space t by the
t Settear ,on dreg tom- p- (reu d earch 140 1067) and, SD-6-BA (revised March. 14, 1037), prepared by ENCER DISPLAY
CORPORATION; It being understood that this Agreement entitles the
ADVERTISER ISER to the see of all of such space **designated the said
drawing, A. it being further understood: that said space shalt be a
toix&cum of approximately 800 square feet in a panel approximately
24' x " in its ease of Phase I installation and a minimum of 430
square feet to a panel atppr =Only 1 " 31-1/2' to the case of a
Phase II installatiots. Tim installing of the display advertisement
alt he at expense the first year of this ract
and at ADV =MIPS *sponse tberestter. The ADVERTISER agrees
to pay s ENCER in advance er reintimrse SPENCER for the cost of
each installation after the first year: in suck manner and at such
times as SPENCER may determine. Any further embelliehment to
the ve display: slectrtemt or of if approved by
SPENCER and the CITY shall be installed at or to connection with
the K Ord by SPENCER but at the ADVERTISER'S expense,
. ( lie: , atderation a the grant of such advertising rights:
the ADVERTISER hereby agrees that the ADVIOVIISER amt pay to
sPzticsito promptly 4 without any offset: the following , s
at or ., the time set forth below: eta.
The date of the completion of a
Phase I thetat tt (as *Owl n the
Scoreboard Contract) or April IS:
1057: whichever date shall be the
later $50000, 00
April 150 1938 0,000, 00
April 15, 1059 $5.000.00
April 150 10.0 350 000, 00
April 15: 1081 $50000. 0
April 15, 1982. $5, 400, 00
April 15, 10 : , 000,
April 13: 10 , 000, 00
April IL 1085 :000. 00
April 13, 1088 35,000, 00
(b) In the event that the franchise n, major to base-
bail club should. 4 the term of this Agreement. be estn l
and regultey sehedeled m a j o r league baseball ._. plarel in the
Twin Cities area but not in the Stadium. all payments due thereafter
ender eubparagraget 2 (a) at tell be redweed the . x t pe nt
shall be $3.500. 00.
(e) D3 the ant that the franchise of a leveler league
ball club should. eri the term this met, be established
in nt Pout or the Twin Cities and
(I) said 834014 league q elab is to play
in the Stadium a U
es ef a 11-ipacts schedule. or ortehalf (i/ )
of the game*(less Syr frostiest) seheduled for
ply in the Twin, Cities (whichever is rams :.
(19 the Phese : lntlon referred to in
the Seereheard Coeirect in mew by SPENCXIte
(ice the Avosting capaeity of the Stadium ie.
prier the c set of the first tatateetes
play. ittereased to a minimum of 30,*00 ow s,
there shall inn dee and shall be by the ADVEMISEll to
epeNcre c►n or before April 15 In fetid first year of mfr league
games and en April 15 in each subsequent year during the term of
this Agreement. the ' $7,550.00 in ti ,to the $5.000.0
payable r nr
f,, �, (a) Above. making a total, anneal payment
of Sint..$00.0 provided. however. that in the *vent the , league
games scheduled tor Osy in the i . in any particular sou-,
t rentitnr drops below 30 pewee or the Twin C tieW schedule
(whichever is rater) the anemia payment to be made by ADVERTISNIt
to SPSNCITR for that particular par shall be reduced to 5 that
which would otherwise be paid. or $6.350. 00. it is understood
agreed, hewever, that in the event of mach reduction SikENCaR shall
have the privilege of procuring from other advertisers. within 30 dye.
after the season's. schedule is announced, bone tide offers for the
• occupied ADVERT WS displays. and is the event such
as offer exceede the reduced rate to which ADVERTISER would. other-
entitled, ADVERTISER shall meet such bona fide offer or ttv
the full rate of $13,300. 00, whiohever to the lesser.
(it) in the event that any p e a r quired b s
paragraph made to WENCER when does SPENCER, in addition
to saw other remedy available to * may on ten (10) dam'
written notke to the ADVERTISER* terminate this em ent by
reason yne and all rights of the ADVERTISER granted
herein, or arising r shall cease and terminate on the date
specified in said tire, and SPENCER shall have the right to remove
or replants *ay the -RTC advertisements or signs attached
to or affixed to the rd.
3, If the Exhibit Contract is *eran d by reason of a
default by the Advertiser in the E xhibit sr Contract, SPENCER
shall notify the ADVERTISER under Ede Agreement (provided the
;ADVERT R is eat then in default) of ouch termination and the
ADVERTISER within a period of thirty (30) days from and after such
notifteation Wall have the right (0 to notify SPENCER that ADVER-
assumes and agrees to discharge the Advertiser's ulfilled
obligation of the Advertiser under the Emit ' Contract, or (it) to
procure another advertiser satisfactory to SPENCER who will agree
within y.
i said period such uduUit IR obligations.
t r
If within said thirty ( ') day period the ADVERTISER alone
either-. (0 or (0 above, SPENCER shall be entitled forthwith to to -i-
• to this Agreement and any and all rights of VET , here-
under. In the event of any such termination SPENCER dining a
playing season, SPENCER shall refund to ADVERTISER that part
of the fee mid by the ADVERTISER for that season which bears the
same proportion try the total $ a fee as the proportion. of pules
retested* the time ot termination ar s to the ash
already played during Om seausem
4„ (a) The ADVERTISER hereby agrees that U. in the t
of any act,. repudiation. as x„ Ration tor termination the Score-
trot tether time as provided i paragreph 3. D thereof) by
the City of for reasons beyond the control SPENCER*
SPENCER is unable to a peg”
s of thba Agreement aud
to make available to the A,DVERTISSE the ;advertising space the
Scoreboard. eft net be liable to the A 4 r for
such faits. but het such inability SPENCEE so to perform
shall t further obligation On the part ot ADVERTISER to
pay the ammants provided Ms Agreement.
(h) In the event t 014 a termination the Seentheard Contract
by the City of Saint Paul under paragraph $ D thereof. SPENCER
shall be entitled to assign this eentract and all its rights hereunder
to the City a Saint Patel; and stet* of ADVERTISER to
SPENCER hereunder shalt in meth*veal be due and owirw to the City
of Saint Paul. The provisions et this subparagraph
way derogate_. ate limit the ,OPENCett to as . its w.
es to any other porous*
s event that the term of the m Contract is
extended for any by reason ` the hamming of any of the events
spOcifted in paragraph . C thereof term of this sgreetnent and the
grouted , ,+rsstn shall be meseessset for a similar perfect
5. Should 1141INCXX obtain a renewal of the Scoreboard Crash
beyond the termination termination,datte of said contract. plus any eaten.sions there-
at** s that providod the ADVESTIStin is t than to
default hereunder, SPENCER will not *el such advertising rights
as may be granted to it without first offering to the ADVERT .e; W R
the opportunity to acquire such rights upon the same terms and con-
dition* on which SPENCER prop * to fifer or sell such rights to
any other advertiser.
8. This agreement s, 11 not be assigned by the ADVERTISER
without the prior written consent of SPENCER. Any involuntary
assignment effected by operation of law shall entitle SPENCER forth
with to terminate this Agreement. Except as bereinabove provided,
this Agreement shall inure to and be binding upon the successors to
the parties hereto.
7. The ADVERTISER expressly acknowledges that the rights
granted by, SPENCER to it in this Agreement constitute the sale
rights granted to the ADVERTISER in and to the advertising space
at or on the Scoreboard and that the ADVERTISER has no rights in,
to or under the Scoreboard Contract.
8. Should the transaction represented by this Agreement or
the grant of the advertising rights to the ADVERTISER, or any of the
payments required to be made hereunder, be subject now or in the
future to any assessment, tax or impost, suck assessment, tax or
impost shall be and become the obligation of the ADVERTISER and
shall be promptly paid or discharged by the ADVERTISER irrespec
tire of upon wham such assessment, tax or impost may be levied..
Excluded, however, from the foregoing shall be any Federal or State
corporate income tax applicable to SPENCER.
9. If at any time during the term Of this Contract it shall be-
come unlawful under federal, state or municipal law, regulation or
' ordinance for ADVERTISER to display any reasonably appropriate or
trade accepted advertising in accordance with the intent at this Contract,
the Contract shall terminate ADVERTISES ill not bo regtdred
to wake any turther payntonts hereunder subsequent to the effective
date at say such latvo regulation or ordinenos.
IN WIT , * WEEREOtra each et the parties has caused this
Agreement to be executed by their duly authorised officers. the day
and year first above writtea.
t f
‘.i.v • ■-1,` 'Aug' tav-/ 27' AgriltiO 4"/
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