182428 Original to City Clerk 82428 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE / •UN-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE• / t►�l-.. i DATE RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Out Saviour Lutheran Church from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, a fifteen foot building line is hereby established on Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Knauft 's Addition, located on the south side of Beech Avenue between Johnson Parkway and Clarence Avenue. Council File No. 182428—By Bernard T. Holland— Resolved, Our Saviour Lutheran That upon r Chuch appeal from of the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, a fifteen foot building line is hereby established on Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Knauft's Addition,located on the south side of Beech Avenue between John- son Parkway and Clarence Avenue. Adopted by the Council April 23, 1957. Approved April 23, 1957. (April 27, 1957) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�� 2 3 la 195 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved —195- Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson ee Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 2 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota (CJtI I _ April 11, 1957 89428 Mr. M. F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requests that you draw a resolution granting the attached appeal of Our Saviour Lutheran Church for the establishment of a building line on Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Knauft's Addition, at 15 feet back from the property line on Clarence Avenue. Very truly yours, . COLAYL City Clerk 3 f":\_ I 1., , Ok 111111.6111 1 ..• •L . •.. ,O. •... I err0 I, Ill 0 •••13... i , i ' 11 :11 :r, , Of :: rinniinn 1 , . _ ` 1 , i ��I CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA I • 111 , 41.91 T Y P -L A N N I N G BOARD OF A I N T N T P A U L 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 11, 1957 5') Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of the Our Saviour Lutheran Church to establish anew building line on the south side of Beech between Johnson Pkwy. and Clarence. The property under consideration is described as Lot 8 and 9, Block 2, Knauft's Addition. The zoning is "A" Residence. The property is presently vacant. It has a frontage of 468.54 ft. on (-? Beech, 200 ft. on Margaret, 262.75 ft. on Johnson Pkwy. As explained N, in more detail in the applicant's letter dated January 31, 1957 and S r the plans filed February 5, 1957, the applicant's propose to construct a new da;). school building some 50 ft. east of the existing parsonage which is located adjacent to the southeast corner of Johnson Pkwy. and Beech Avenue. The applicant's plans call for this building to extend t . to within 15 ft. of Beech Avenue for a distance easterly to a point N some 200 ft. east of Johnson Pkwy. The existing building line on this portion of Beech Avenue is 27 ft. and therefore the applicant's are 'V requesting a relaxation of this building line to accomplish this purpose. In reviewing this proposal the Board takes note of the fact that the applicant's own the remaining property to the east which extends some 268 ft. beyond the proposed school building to Clarence Avenue. There- fore it is the Board's conclusion that this proposed building line change would have no effect on the use and enjoyment of adjacent property which is owned by others. If this relaxation of the building line is granted the applicant's will be able to move the location of the building 12 ft. to the north of where it would be otherwise. This re1ltionship produces a much more desirable effect on the adjacent residential property to the east which fronts on Margaret Avenue. There is at present a single family home on this site which presumably would benefit from the additional light and air that results from moving the school building to the north. In view of the fact that the applicant's are the owners of all of the property fronting on Beech St. in the block under consideration and that no adverse effect results on adjacent property the Zoning Board recommends that this appeal to establish al5 ft. building line along Clarence Avenue be granted as it applies to Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Knauft's Addition. Very truly your. i C. D L o k e4,./ Planning Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning CDL:RJK . • • ALBERT G. PLAGENS ARCHITECT TIIe•NONI CAPITAL • 9040 $ AVINUI ST. PAL K I MINNESOTA Jsaa.ry 31. 1957 T . (*email of the City of Saint Taal Saint Peal. NiaMNta O.at 1.s»s t Ohio erne. 1, planaisg • see Christina Dal Steel for Oa Mien: Lathersa O>ari; la regard to this plsaaiag we r.js.st the action of the Oesaell of tD. City of Saint Paul ao to tPe ootsblie& soot of a sew b ildiag lime. / fi ?he property eff.etol Is lots le. A to .7 is- S elusive , block IS t, ' Jts Ate hies, City of Saint Peel. Mian.seta sal lsest•t on Boost Arouse. C Our request 1e to eet.bli eb a arm building l i me for lets 1e. 1 I. 12 ia.ls.ivo co follows; NOR SIDS lO1tODIlO &ZOOK AM ON 15 feet Iaswiag you will give this Jest oeseit.rati.a. 1 resale Sta..rely rears Albert B. Tiag.a 'i r Are►itoot oat A.I.Sefr.err• City Arseite.t -� Mv. V. A. L . Va. I. Sehalt$. Mair>!s& QTY CLEIC FILE A1� Ap• 4� w .. qtr 17 ICI 3 / • C . it ALBERT G. PLAGENS ARCHITECT TE EPHONE CAPITAL 6-3040 r 379 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL.3, ?S11NNESOTA 0r January 31, 1957 r SAS 3\ p* , 20 'orja The Council of the City of Saint Paul_ Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen; This office is planning a new Christian Day School for Our Saviour Lutheran Church; in regard to this planning we request the action of the Council of the City of Saint Paul as to the establish- ment of a new build.in f line_. 4t1" .r The property affected is lots No. 1 to 17 in- SS elusive, Block No. 2,Knaufts Addition, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota and located on Beech Avenue. r/ , Our request is to establish a new building line �'� for lots No. 1 to 12 inclusive as follows; FOR SIDE BORDERING BEECH AVENUE - 15 feet Knowing you will give this just consideration, I remain Sincerely yours, f��I/ (/ Albert G. Pie: .5 AGP;r Architect cc; A.E.Schroeder, City Architect Rev. W. A. Lemke Wm. H. Schultz, Chairman CITT CLERK FILE / 420,4, APPLICANT e .''._S'9--.0 F