182427 Original to City Clerk igolic,R7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE -COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU OLUTION Ape ENE'AL FORM PRESENTED BY April 23, 1957 COMMISSIONE j,i i��'/5,../i/i /�� .-F RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, Lyle Maxwell 2236 Carter Barber App. 1065 Renewal Bruce Motor Freight Lines 2250 Hampden V.M. Loc. It 1199 Il Joe Corbey !g Jackson Restaurant It 1323 " " iI On Sale malt " ft fI II D Off Sale Malt If ft f It " Cigarette It " ft II II Confectionery II II ft Philip Duban & Harry Goss 2073 Ford Pkwy. Grocery II 1351. II Distributors Supply Co. , Inc. 2294 7ycliff V.M. Loc. tl 1375 'I David Hackner 1121 E. Minnehaha Grocery II 1391 " II II Butcher Malt " II' II fI Off Sale It fl II II II It Cigarette II ft It C. L. Breckenridge 314 E. Sixth Gas Sta. 2 P. II 1393 II II It V.M. Loc. " " " The Speed-O-Lac Products 2356 Tycliff T.M. Loc. tl 1394 " National Cylinder Gas Co. 965 N. Lexington V.M. Loc. it 1395 I Consumers ':ilk Co. 500 N. Grotto r.M. Loc. II 1396 " Eunice J. Puglesea 435 E. Seventh Restaurant II 1399 " It II On Sale Malt it tI tt It Bernard II tl II Council File No. 182427—By Off Sale Malt II T. Holland—Severin A. Mortinsod— Cigarette If " " Robert F.,e That licenses applied for COUNCILMEN at the to persons named ob the list attached to this resolution.be and the Adopted by the Council 195_ same are hereby granted, and the _ City Clerk is instructed tentis into s the Yeas Nays licenses upon the payment treasury of the required'fees. DeCourcy Adopted by the Council April 23, 1957. Approved April 23, 1957. Approved Holland pp (April 27, 1957) _ 195- Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor _ Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 0-50 400,2 Original to City Clerk 187_427 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIDE NCIL Na LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 23 1057 COMMISSIONER DATE PAGE 2: Sam Levey 391 E. Seventh 2nd. Hd. Auto Pts. App. 1408 Renewal II II V.M. Loc. II II II Frank J. Sadler 792 Rice Gas Sty: . 2 P. I' 1410 " II " Gen.Auto Rep. Gar. " " It Ray Brown 726 S. Cleveland Gas Sta. 3 P. " 1411 " II II V.M. Loc. II 11 II Fileman C. Balbuena 224- r. -astern Grocery 11 1416 " II II ?r. Meats II 11 II II II Off Sale Malt 11 11 II II II Cigarette II II " Jos. E. Janisch 374 Selby Restaurant " 1422 11 " H Cigarette II 11 II Victor E. Olson 1545 7. Seventh Cig. Mach. Oper. 11 1431 " " II V.M. Sticker 11 1432 II John ". Egan 183 F. "estern Restaurant it 1434 " 11 11 On Sale Malt t II II H II II Off Sale Malt It t1 " " I' Cigarette if 11 11 Mrs. Caroline S. Bartlett 152 University Grocery • H 11j,36 " it " Cigarette 11 II iI Sanitary Farm Dairies Inc. 415 Grove Cigarette II 1442 " Russell E. Fine 2098 Bush Mtr. Veh. Driver " 1499 " ppR 2 31951 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays 3 1957 DeCourcy � Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli � ■ Mortinson In Favor �t�.! _ terser Mayor Rosen Against / Mr. President, Dillon 5M 3.56 ogka2