182358 8'1 58 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDERS INTERMEDIARY ORDER Council FilerNo. 182358— In the Matter of constructing a public sewer in Cook Avenue from Payne Ave. to Edgerton St.; in Edgerton Street from Cook Ave. to Whitall St.; in Whitall Street from Edgerton St. to approximately 227 ft. east of Edgerton St. ; from Whitall Street to approximately 135 ft. south of Whitall Street in a 20 ft. wide easement (to be obtained), said easement (to be obtained) extending from Whitall St. to the south line (produced) of the existing east-west alley in Block 46, C. Weide's Sub., the center line of said easement (to be obtained) being 30 ft. westerly of and parallel to the west line of Lot 18, Block 46, C. Weide's Sub.; from approximately 30 ft. west of the west line (produced) of Lot 18, Block 46, C. Weide 's Sub. to the west line (produced) of said Lot 18; in a 20 ft. wide easement (, p be obtained), said easement (to be obtained) extending from the west line (produced) of said Lot 18 to 20 ft. westerly of the west line (produced) of said Lot 18, the center line of said ease- ment (to be obtained) being described as the center line (produced) of the east-west alley in Block 46, C. Weide's Sub.; in the east-west alley in Block 46, C. Weide's Sub. from the west line (produced) of Lot 18, Block 46, C. Weide's Sub. to Payne Avenue; from Payne Avenue to the east line of Lot 5, Block 45, C. Weide s Sub., in a 20 ft. wide easement (to be obtained) said easement (to be obtained) being below an elevation of 120.0 City of St. Paul datum in the vacated east-west alley in Block 45, C. Weide's Sub., said easement (to be obtained) extending from Payne Avenue to the east line of Lot 5, Block 45, C. Weide 's Sub., and said easement being on the south 20 ft. of said vacated alley; from the east line of Lot 5, Block 45, C. Weide's Sub. to the westerly line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad in a 25 ft. wide easement (to be obtained said easement (to be obtained) extending from the west line of Lot 5, Block 45, C. Weide's Sub. to the westerly line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad, the center line of said easement (to be obtained) being the center line of the vacated alley in said Block 45; from the westerly line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad to the existing Phalen Creek sewer in the right-of-way of said railroad in a 20 ft. wide easement (to be obtained), said easement (to be obtained) extending from the westerly lined the right-of-way of said railroad to the easterly line of the right-of-way of said railroad, the center line of said easement (to be obtained) being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad with the center line of the vacated east-west alley in Block 45, C. Weide 's Sub., thence on a straight line in a southeasterly direction at an angle of 25°00' with the center line of said vacated east-west alley to the easterly line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad; in Case Avenue from Clark Street to Jessie Street - all of which is to be known as the PAYNE AVENUE RELIEF SEWER - ARLINGTON HILLS DISTRICT - SUB-DISTRICT NO. 3, AA t irr' #^t.a syrrtb PO ft. vacate( be v':. -+..Lila of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad in a 25 ft. wide eas nt (to be obtained said easement (to be obtained) extending from the west line of Lot 5, Block 45, C. Weide's Sub. to the westerly line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad, the center line of said easement (to be obtained) being the center line of the vacated alley in said Block 45; from the westerly line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad to the existing Phalen Creek sewer in the right-of-way of said railroad in a 20 ft. wide easement (to be obtained), said easement (to be obtained) extending from the westerly linecf the right-of-way of said railroad to the easterly line of the right-of-way of said railroad, the center line of said easement (to be obtained) being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad with the center line of the vacated east-west alley in Block 45, C. Weide's Sub., thence on a straight line in a southeasterly direction at an angle of 25000' with the center line of said vacated east-west alley to the easterly line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad; in Case Avenue from Clark Street to Jessie Street - all of which is to be known as the PAYNE AVENUE RELIEF SEWER - ARLINGTON HILT' DISTRICT - SUB-DISTRICT NO. 3; CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ` J`,'r �)8 (D) In the matter of Constructing the Payne Avenue Relief Sewer, Arlington Hills District Sub–District No. 3. (Complete description on Preliminary Order) x 8'783 // 7 7 ve',scra/`/oh under Preliminary Order approved January 15, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ W42,85300 0.01 sq.ft. Comm. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - 0.006-2/, Res. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanVCl ALUATION Bldg. North 66 feet of Lots 1 and 2 it Arlington Hills Addition to 775 2000 South 33 feet of the North 99 feet Saint Paul in the County of of Lots 1 and 2 it Ramsey and State of Minnesota 375 2050 South 26 feet of Lots 1 and 2 it do 300 1650 3 it do 550 2150 4 4 do 600 3300 5 4 do 600 1200 6 it do 600 1900 7 It do 600 1800 8 4 do 600 1550 laAhvaabix Mu oof x xttix px xx>lAtxliak X C aX100XXkatXt(00I1TXX4d14XMet MIX �4T V 1i5Xx c XI#t # ltxXK x PXXX IXXXX x4 X itXMXIY x1 XXIM 74X XSOMAir/dO∎ xiteXiCrMid CXXXX&ffaXXOtraitXVIVXM11414XiMMOCIAXIXliaffil)4. Dated —___-- 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B.S.A. 8-5 D CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) k f i I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. ag• 1 9 4 Arlington Hills Addition to 600 165o 10 4 Saint Paul in the County of boo 2250 11 4 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 600 700 12 4 do 600 1500 13 4 do 45o 450 North 21 feet of Lots 14 and 15 4 do 1375 2700 South 40 feet of the North 61 feet of Lots 14 and 15 4 do 2100 2000 South 64 feet of Lots 14 and 15 4 do 3000 6700 South 60 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 4 do 4700 4300 North 65 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 4 do 3700 950 19 4 do 500 1500 20 4 do 550 1300 21 4 do 550 1450 22 4 do 550 1200 23 4 do 550 2300 24 4 do 550 1300 25 4 do 55o 1500 26 4 do 550 1000 27 4 do 550 2900 28 4 do 55o 2550 29 4 do 55o 1500 30 14 do 600 3950 North 1/3 of the South 3/5 of Lots 1 and 2 5 do 1350 7000 (Except the North 1/3) the South 3/5 of Lots 1 and 2 5 do 2500 - North 2/5 of Lots 1/ 2 and 3 5 do 4300 13350 4 5 do 500 1550 5 5 do 55o 11400 FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED jjr__dVALUATION Bldg. 6 5 Arlington Hills Addition to 550 2850 7 5 Saint Paul in the County of 550 1650 8 5 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 550 1650 9 5 do 550 2300 10 5 do 550 1950 u 5 do 550 1500 12 5 do 550 Lot 13 and the East 1/2 of Lot 14 5 do 825 3200 The West 1/2 of Lot 14 and all of 15 5 do 825 2750 16 5 do 475 17 5 do 500 700 18 5 do 500 1350 19 5 do 500 1500 20 5 do 500 2500 21 5 do 500 11400 22 5 do 500 2450 23 5 do 500 1050 24 5 do 500 550 25 5 do 500 3350 Lots 26 through 39 5 do 11800 39200 North 23.6 feet of East 51.77 feet of Lots 1 and 2 6 do 1500 1900 Except North 23.6 feet of East 51.77 feet; the North 50 feet of Lots 1, 2, and 3 6 do 2550 ---- South 25 feet of the.North 75 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 6 do 1800 3300 South 25 feet of the North 100 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 6 do 1750 ......- South 25 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 6 do 1750 4250 4 6 do -- -- -- 400 - 1850 FORM B.9.f1 TOTAL ii CITY OF ST. PAUL 44 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 4--- (B) _ I II DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LaneVALUATION Bldg. 1. 5 6 Arlington Hills Addition to 400 1550 6 6 Saint Paul in the County of 400 255o 7 6 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 400 3250 8 6 do 400 1250 9 6 do 300 1150 10 6 do 300 900 11 6 do 350 1350 12 6 do 35o 1450 13 6 do 350 1700 North i of Lots 14 and 15 6 do 400 350 North i of South z of Lots 14 and 15 6 do 225 2000 South 4 of Lots 14 and 15 6 do 225 3000 Except East 2 feet; the south 72 feet of Lots 16 and 17 6 do 600 1300 Except South 72 feet and Except East 2 feet; Lots 16 and 17 6 do 375 3550 East 2 feet of Lot 17 and all of 18 6 do 525 550 19 6 do 500 2000 20 6 do 500 3550 21 6 do 500 340o 22 6 do 500 2950 23 6 do 500 2650 24 6 do 500 1500 25 6 do 500 255o 26 6 do 500 1000 27 6 do 45o 1450 South 75 feet of Lots 28, 29 and 3o 6 do 7150 3400 North 50 feet of Lots 28, 29 and 30 6 do 3500 9150 1 7 ------ do 600 — 3900 FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j DESCRIPTION f LOT BLOCK I ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. Cg. 2 7 Arlington Hills Addition to 550 1000 3 7 Saint Paul in the County of 550 2600 4 7 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 550 1800 5 7 do 550 1800 ii 6 7 do 550 2300 7 7 do 550 1250 8 7 do 550 1100 9 7 do 550 1300 l0 7 do 550 1850 11 7 do 550 2200 12 7 do 550 350 13 7 do 550 2000 Lots 14 and 15 7 do 7350 7750 North 75 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 7 do 5100 _•••• South 50 feet of Lots 16 and 17 and (Except East 29 feet) the South 50 feet of Lot 18 7 do 4900 9200 East 29 feet of the South 50 feet of 18 7 do 300 350 19 7 do 500 1350 20 7 do 500 800 21 7 do 500 2100 22 7 do 500 1550 23 7 do 500 1350 24 7 . do 500 200 25 7 do 500 75o 26 7 do 500 3000 27 7 do 500 2250 28 7 do 500 2000 FORM B.B.II TOTAL li 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL 0 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE IF REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land.VALUATION Bldg. 0 29 7 Arlington Hills Addition to 550 ---- 30 7 Saint Paul in the County of 600 3300 South 40 feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 375 2400 South 45 feet of the North 85 feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 do 450 2750 North 40 feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 do 450 3700 3 14 do 450 1900 4 14 do 500 1750 5 14 do 500 2000 6 14 do 500 7 14 do 500 2250 8 11.E do 500 1850 9 14 do 500 2000 10 14 do 500 3550 11 14 do 500 1950 12 14 do 450 1950 South 50 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 14 do 4400 8350 North 75 feet of Lot 13 and North 50 feet of the South 100 feet of Lots 14 and 15 14 do 5300 1000n North 25 feet of Lots 14 and 15 14 do 2100 4800 North 55.29 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 14 do 4850 Except North 55.29 feet; Lots 16 1 thru 22 14 do 9550 23 14 do 300 ____ 24 14 do 3'00 3 300 25 14 do 250 100 26 14 do 250 1450 27 la do 400 1900 FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)�- -_ r q DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ____ LandVALUATION Bldg. 28 14 Arlington Hills Addition to 450 2000 29 14 Saint -Paul in the County of 500 2450 30 14 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 600 1500 North 2/3 of Lots 1, 2 and 3 15 do 8500 18650 South 1/3 of Lots 1, 2 and 3 15 do 3800 5000 4 15 do 450 2600 5 15 do 500 1850 6 15 do 500 85o 7 15 do 500 2400 8 15 do 500 4300 9 15 do 500 2900 10 15 do 500 3500 11 15 do 500 2450 12 15 do 500 2200 13 15 do 45o 380o North 25 feet of Lots 14 and 15 15 do 300 1300 South 372 feet of North 622 feet of Lots 14 and 15 15 do 400 1750 South 372 feet of North 100 feet of Lots 14 and 15 15 do 400 1900 South 25 feet of Lots 14 and 15 15 do 250 1050 Lots 16 to 21 15 do 3000 70500 22 15 do 450 2800 23 15 do 500 2300 24 15 do 500 1200 25 15 do 500 2200 26 15 do 500 2000 27 15 do 450 255o I. 3 16 do _ 600 ----___ _. 2600 FORM B.B.II • `--._._..--'------ _._-------1 TOTAL 1 ice_ _. 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL 4, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ill REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. 4 16 Arlington Hills Addition to 500 1800 5 16 Saint Paul in the County of 500 3150 6 16 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 500 2550 7 16 do 500 2400 8 16 do 500 2850 9 16 do 500 2100 10 16 do 500 2650 Lots 11 and 12 16 do 1000 --..- North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14, and 15 16 do 525 3100 North 40 feet of South 85 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 16 do 475 1900 South 45 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 16 do 525 1900 West 19.75 feet of North 38 feet of Lot 17 and West 2 feet of South 35 feet of North 73 feet of Lot 17 and except the South 52 feet; 16 15 do 400 4000 Except West 19.75 feet of North 38 `feet; Lot 17 and except West 2 feet of South 35 feet of North 73 feet; Lot 17 and the South 52 feet of 16 16 do 850 5250 18 16 do 65o 2900 19 16 do 65o 3700 20 16 do 650 3650 21 16 do 65o 3700 22 16 do 650 3600 23 16 do 65o 1950 24 16 do 650 2650 25 16 do 650 6000 26 16 do 650 1750 1 17 do 600 1000 2 17 do 500 200 3 17 do 450 1250 FORM B.B.TI - TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LaT1dVALUATION Bldg, Lots 4 through 9 17 Arlington Hills Addition to 2400 26500 10 17 Saint Paul in the County of 350 1800 11 17 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 500 -..-,- Lot 12 and the North 78 feet of Lots 13, 1)4 and 15 17 do 11000 39600 South 47 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 17 do 4875 6350 North 25 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 17 do 2600 5200 South 25 feet of the North 50 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 17 do 2600 2850 South 25 feet of the North 75 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 17 do 2900 3100 South 25 fe^t of the North 100 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 17 do 3350 1850 South 25 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 17 do 3900 4000 19 17 do 450 1450 20 17 do 500 525o 21 17 do 500 - 3700 • 22 17 do 500 400 23 17 do 450 2300 24 17 do 40o 450 25 17 do 400 1300 26 17 do 300 1150 All of Lot 27 and West z of 28 17 do 550 500 East Z of Lot 28 and, except the East 11 feet; 29 17 do 60o 1250 East 11 feet of Lot 29, West 18 feet of South 60 feet of Lot 30, and West 13 feet of North 65 feet of 30 17 do 350 1000 East 22 feet of South 60 feet of Lot 30 and East 27 feet of North 65 • feet of 30 17 do 450 265o 1 11 Beaupre and Kelly's Addition . 825 2700 Lots 2 and 3 11 Minnesota TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 9 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATION Bldg. (Except East 100 feet) Lots 4,5,and 6 11 Beaupre and Kelly's Addition to 450 —..O-� East 100 feet of Lots 4, 5 and 6 i1 Saint Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn— 1900 5000 East 40 feet of Lots 7, 8 and 9 11 sota 600 6800 West 91 feet of Lots 7, 8 and 9 11 do 1450 2700 (Except West 16 feet of) 1 12 do- 725 2750 West 16 feet of Lot 1 and all of 2 12 do 750 5300 3 12 do 700 3750 North 40 feet of 4 12 do 65o 3000 South 4 feet of Lot 4 and all of 5 12 do 750 2650 6 12 do 775 475o Lots 7 and 8 12 do 1575 3650 9 12 do 750 230? 10 12 do 750 3100 11 12 do 750 4000 12 12 do 825 2250 Lots 1 and 2 114 do 1125 4700 Except the South 10 feet 3 114 do 475 -- of The South 10 feet of Lot 3 and all 4 111 do 750 2650 5 14 do 600 2700 6 14 do 675 ____. 7 14 do 625 3850 ' 8 14 do 600 2350 ' 9 ]J.. do 600 4300 10 14 do 600 4800 The East 55 feet of Lots 11 and 12 14 do 600 2350 The West 75.90 feet of Lots 11 and 12 14 do 850 700 North 87.76 feet of 1 15 do 1350 5700 FORM B.eni TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 10 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AP REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION L ASSESSED VALUATION Biagi. South 43.87 feet of 1 15 Beaupre and Kelly's Addition 600 2300 North 44 feet of 2 15 to Saint Paul, Ramsey Co., 600 2900 The South 44 feet of the North 88 feet of 2 15 Minnesota 600 1950 The South 42.89 feet of 2 15 do 650 2550 (Includes other property) Lots 2 & 3 16 do 11350 220000 Subject to DeSoto St.; the following: Except North 110 feet; Lots 1 and 2, Crowley and Smith's Subdivision East 39.54 feet of Noeth 67.5 feet of Lot 19, and the North 1/2 of 20 1 of Lots 17 and 24, Hoyt's Out 500 1400 (Except DeSoto St.) the North 110 feet of Lots 1 and 2 1 Lots 650 -_ 3 1 do 125 4 1 do 125-- -- East 40 feet of 5 1 do 150 ---- (Except North 111 feet) the West 19.54 feet of Lot 5 and (Except North 111 feet) 6 1 do (Included with Lot 15) North 111 feet of West 19.54 feet of Lot 5 and North 111 feet of East 20 feet of 6 1 do 375 2850 North 111 feet of the West 39.54 feet of 6 1 do 375 2300 East i of 11 1 do 350 1000 West i of 11 1 do boo 1850 12 1 do 650 2650 West 40 feet of 13 1 do 475 2700 (Except West 40 feet) Lot 13 and West 20 feet of 14 1 do 475 2300 Except West 20 feet; 14 1 do 475 1450 15 1 do 700 2850 16 1 do 50 17 1 do 50 West 39.54 feet of 18 4 1 do 25 - I I -,--- FORM B.B.tI I TOTAL i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION T _AdVALUATION Bldg. East 20 feet of Lot 18 and West 20 feet of Lot 19, also except West 20 Crowley and Smith's Subdivision feet and except North 67.5 feet; Lot 19 and subject to DeSoto St.; the of Lots 17 and �4, Hoyt's Out South 2 of 20 1 Lots 500 2250 (Except Street) 1 2 do 350 ---- 2 2 do 25 ---. 3 2 do 25 -MINit 4 2 do 50 5 2 do 350 ---- West 192 feet of Lot 7 Except West 40 feet; Lot 8 and all of 6 2 do 750 2250 Except West 19.5 feet; 7 2 do 300 West 40 feet of 8 2 do 475 800 East 40 feet of 9 2 do 475 2400 West 19.51 feet of Lot 9 and. East 20 feet of 10 2 do 475 2400 (Except the East 20 feet) 10 2 do 525 3050 11 2 do 1000 3700 East 2 of 12 2 do 450 2450 West 2 of 12 2 do 450 2250 13 2 do 900 2700 ]4 2 do 900 8950 West 30 feet of 15 2 do 450 1400 East 29.51 feet of Lot 15 and West 9.51 feet of 16 2 do 600 3600 East 50 feet of 16 2 do 750 365o West 39.51 feet of 17 2 . do 600 1300 East 20 feet of Lot 17 and West 19.51 feet of 18 2 do 600 115o East 40 feet of 18 2 do 600 950 Lot 19 and (Except DeSoto St. ) 20 2 do 250 . --- 1 11- I r FORM B.B.11 I TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) j i I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. 1 Geo. Boehne's Subdivision of 575 3700 2 Block 15, Fairview Addtn to 600 4650 3 St. Paul, Minn. 600 2200 All of Lot 4 and West 1 foot of 5 do 625 3000 (Except West 1 foot) 5 do 575 3650 6 do 600 1750 7 do 575 2000 (Except North 60 feet) Lots 8 and 9 do 5 25 1800 North 60 feet of Lots 8 and 9 do 550 3.350 10 do 450 2750 11 do 500 2800 12 do 500 2550 13 do 500 3500 14 do 475 ---_ (Except West 7.6 feet) 19 3 Evans Addition to the City of 450 1850 20 3 Saint Paul do 600 3150 21 3 do 600 2400 22 3 do 600 2650 23 3 da 600 2250 24 3 do 600 1150 25 3 do 600 2850 26 3 do 600 1550 East 39 feet of 5 14 do 575 4550 Lot 6 and the West 1 foot of 5 14 do 625 2700 7 It do 600 3200 E 4 do 600 2300 9 14 do 600 1900 FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LandVALUATION Bldg. 10 4 Evans Addition to the City of 600 1700 11 4 Saint Paul 6o0 1500 (Except West 7,6 feet) 12 4 do 450 3250 (Except West 7.6 feet) 19 It do 450 1400 20 14 do 600 1550 21 4 do 600 1550 22 4 do 600 2000 23 4 do 600 1750 24 4 do 600 1400 25 4 do 600 1300 26 it do 600 3400 27 4 do 600 1250 West 2 feet of Lot 29 and all of 28 4 do 625 1100 Except West 2 feet; 29 It do 525 3800 30 4 do 65o 5000 1 1 Fairview Addition to the City of600 2800 2 1 St. Paul, Minnesota 550 3200 3 1 do 550 3600 4 1 do 550 3100 of All of Lot 5 and the South 10 feet 6 1 do 700 4100 all of Except South 10 ft; Lot 6 and 7 1 do 900 3150 8 1 do 450 2150 9 1 do 525 3300 10 1 do 525 2450 11 1 do 525 2400 12 1 do 525 2100 13 1 do 525 2200 FORM 8.e.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 10 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ___ . - -- 1-- I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land WA ON Bldg I 114 1 Fairview Addition to the City 575 3000 1 2 of St. Paul, Minnesota 550 2550 2 2 do 525 .......... 3 ` 2 do 525 3600 14 2 do 525 4050 5 2 do 525 2850 Lots 6 & 7 2 do 975 4550 8 2 do 1175 ...... 9 2 do 55o 2150 Lots 10 & 11 2 do 1075 1i150 Lot 12 and North i of 13 2 do 750 14000 Lot 114 and South 2 of 13 2 do 800 3800 Lot 1 and South i of 2 3 do 800 5150 Lot 3 and North i of 2 3 do 750 2600 14 3 do 500 2500 5 3 do 525 2650 6 3 do 550 31400 7 3 do 500 2200 East 50 feet of Lots 8, 9 and 10 3 do 650 3700 Except East 50 feet; Lots 8, 9 and 10 3 do 1000 5100 Except North 114 feet; Lot 12 and, Except South 13 feet; 13 3 do 525 14700 North 114 feet of Lot 12 and all of 11 3 do 525 ---.0 South 13 feet of Lot 13 and all of 114 3 do 575 51400 South z of Lot 2 and all of 1 14 do 650 5000 North i of Lot 2 and all of 3 . 14 , do 600 14650 It 14 do 100 FORM s.•.II TOTAL II CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) I I i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanaVALUATIO TION Bldg. 5 4 Fairview Addition to the City 450 2450 Lots 6 & 7 It of St. Paul, Minnesota 875 4550 8 4 do 500 _._.R 9 It do 55o 245o Lot 10 and the North a of 11 It do 825 2800 Lot 12 and the South i of 11 4 do 825 3500 13 It do • 550 900 14 4 do 600 2950 1 5 do 500 5650 2 5 do 45o 3250 3 5 do 450 2150 It 5 do 45o 3150 5 5 do 45o 1900 Lots 6 & 7 5 do 85o 415o Lots 8 & 9 5 do 900 4400 10 5 do 475 11 5 do 475 2450 12 5 do 475 2650 13 5 do 475 2100 14 5 do 525 200 Subject to Easement; 1 6 do 350 2400 With Easement; 2 6 do 350 3850 3 6 do 325- 3200 4 6 do 325 1800 South 20 feet of Lot 6 and all of 5 6 do 500 1400 of Except South 20 feet; Lot 6 and all 7 6 do 450 1600 ____________ 8 6 do 400 3400 FORM e.a.II TOTAL I ..-...,=HH II CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ! i -- -- --- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _ Lana VA LUATION Bldg. g I 1 9 6 Fairview Addition to the City 425 1600 10 6 of St. Paul, Minnesota 425 1700 i 11 6 do 275 1450 12 6 ,j do 100 r.- 13 6 do 100 1000 14 6 do 75 — ii 1 f 7 do 500 1900 2 . 7 1 do 450 1750 3 7 do 450 2050 4 7 do 45o 475o 5 7 do 450 3750 Lots 6 & 7 7 do 850 3450 Lots 8 & 9 7 do 625 3750 10 7 do 300 250 11 7 do 250 -..-... West 40 feet of Lots 12, 13 and 14 7 do 375 2000 East 40 feet of the West 80 feet of Lots 12,13 and 14 7 do 350 2000 (Except West 80 feet)Lots 12,13 and 14 7 do 325 --Er-- 1 8 do 575 2700 2 8 do 525 3700 3 8 do 525 1750 it 8 do 525 3350 5 8 do 525 2150 6 8 do 525 ........ 7 8 do 375 IMIIIMMO I 8 8 do 375 2800 9 8 _ do _ 2250 FORM B.13.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) t 1, 4_ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Blcg. 110 8 Fairview Audition to the City 450 3600 i I i I 3.7. 8 of St. Paul, Minnesota 450 1950 12 8 do 45o 2650 13 8 do 425 1800 West 61.50 feet of 14 8 do 275 1550 (Except West 61.50 feet) 14 8 do 250 1350 West 147.65 feet of 1 ' 9 do 225 650 Except West 47.65 feet; 1 ; 9 do 350 2650 • 2 1 9 do 525 4550 3 9 do 525 3050 14 9 do 525 2450 5 9 do 525 2550 6 9 a do 475 2650 7 9 p do 600 2550 { 8 9 do 250 ,..... 9 9 do 250 55o 10 9 do 225 ---- 11 i 9 do 225 • .. 12 9 do . 400 2600 13 9 do 400 1950 Except West 51.35 feet; 14 9 do 250 2200 West 51.35 feet of 14 9 do 225 1600 1 10 do , 500 250 2 10 do . 400 2400 3 10 do . 100 4 10 do 300 1000 5 10 _do_ _ 300 _ 1300 I FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ir--- II ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. Lots 6 & 7 10 Fairview Addition to the City 600 1850 Lots 8 & 9 10 of St. Paul, Minnesota 500 1450 10 10 do 200 - 11 10 do 75 300 12 10 . do 75 13 10 do 75 ........ 14 10 do 100 r 1 11 do 100 --,-- 2 11 do 75 —.. it f 3 11 do . 75 ---- 1} ' 11 do . 75 _ 5 11 do . 75 1000 Lots 6 & 7 11 ? do 175 — Lots 8 & 9 11 do 125 .. 10 11 do 75 —. 11 111 do 75 ...– _ 12 11 do 250 2700 13 11 do 300 2050 ]11 11 do 500 3000 1 12 do 550 2250 2 12 do 500 2550 3 12 do 500 2500 4 12 do 500 2950 5 - 12 do 500 1350 6 12 do 500 2050 7 12 do 1. 00 2150 8 12 do 325 . 2100 FORM e.e.n TOTAL I I I CITY OF ST. PAUL 0 S 'd DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land.VALUATION Bing. 9 12 Fairview Addition to the City 400 2050 10 12 of St. Paul, Minnesota 400 2450 11 12 do 400 1350 12 12 do 400 2500 13 12 do 400 2400 14 12 do 475 6100 West 42 feet of 1 13 do 225 1750 Except West 42 feet; 1 13 do 625 2150 2 13 do 600 2100 3 13 do 600 2700 4 13 do 600 1500 5 13 do 600 1100 I6 13 do 600 950 7 13 do 500 3000 8 13 do boo C 9 13 do 500 4050 10 13 do 500 800 4 Lots 11 & 12 13 do 1000 1800 ;Lots 13 and 14 13 do 11300 3000 (East 55i feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 do 675 2850 'East 334 feet of West 662 feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 do 375 900 West 334 feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 do 375 2000 3 14 do 350 1650 4 14 do 400 1650 5 14 do 400 2050 Lots 6 & 7 14 do 800 5100 8 14 do 500 2300 FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL. • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OW REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .dVALUATION B1 41 9 ! 14 1Fairview Addition to the City 600 4200 10 i 14 of St. Paul, Minnesota 600 3650 11 14 do 600 _..a.. 12 14 do 600 1451 13 14 do 550 1804 14 14 do 1200 485o 1 16 do 800 4500 2 16 do 525 3000 3 16 do 525 3650 4 16 do 525 245o 5 16 do 525 _ 3100 6 16 do 525 2450 7 16 do 425 2150 ;Lots 8 & 9 16 do 400 10 16 do 200 --,— 11 16 do 200 ---- ' West 40 feet of Lots 12, 13 and 14 16 do 725 2600 West 40 feet of East 82 feet of Lots 12, 13 and 14 16 do 650 1950 lEast 42 feet of Lots 12, 13 ana 14 16 do 675 4500 1 Godfrey's Re. 575 5000 2 do 525 2550 I 3 do 525 3150 1 4 . do 525 2850 Lots 5 & 6 ; do 1050 3400 7 do 550 3000 1 Hedberg-Hundt Addition 700 3800 . : • ._South 20 feet of 3 do 725 -_. __ 61400 F011M D.B.II TOTAL II ii Iii CITY OF ST. PAUL it DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan"VALUATION Bldg. of (Except South 20 feet)Lot 3 and all 4 Hedberg—Hundt Addition 725 3350 5 do 475 3500 6 do 700 ----- 15 do 450 3500 16 do 450 3900 17 do 45o 3050 18 do 375 --- Lots 1 & 2 3 Holterhoff and Mead's Addition 2875 3900 3 3 to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey1250 5500 4 3 County, Minn. 1250 3550 5 3 do 1250 4800 6 3 do 1250 2500 Lots 7, 8, 9, & 10 3 do 5500 25000 North 5 feet of Lot 2 and all of 1 4 do 2000 5250 South 20 feet of 2 4 do 1150 3 4 do 1250 ----- Lots 4 & 5 4 do 2500 12500 Except the South 32 feet of the West 40.30 feet; 6 14 do 1250 1900 The South 32 feet of the West 40.30 feet of Lot 6 and all of 7 4 do 1250 2450 Lots 8 & 9 4 do 2650 -- 10 4 do 1875 2500 1 Lanberg's Rearrangement of 675 3450 2 Block 13, Beaupre and Kelly's 550 2600 3 Addition to St. Paul 550 2150 Lot 4 and South 13 feet of 5 do, 750 2150 North 24 feet of Lot 5 and South 26 feet of 6 do 750 2950 Lot 7 and North 11 feet of 6 �__ _-!-_ __-- w— --_ 1' —_- 1450 FORM 19.13.11 i TOTAL 1 11 • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PO REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) .- - -. i i I li ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lan,,VALUATION Bldg. i Lot 8 and Except South 8 feet; 9 Lanbergts Rearrangement of 1100 3200 South 8 feet of Lot 9 and all of 10 Block 13, Beaupre and Kelly's 625 1900 11 Addition to St. Paul 525 1350 12 do 525 3400 Lots 13 and 14 do 1175 3950 6 1 Edmund Rice's First Addition 300 2600 7 1 to St. Paul 250 2050 8 1 do 250 1700 9 1 do 250 1650 10 1 do 100 ----- 11 1 do 100 12 1 do 100 —M40. West 50 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 1 do 450 2250 (Except West 50 feet and Except East 42 feet) Lots 13, 14 and 15 1 do 200 550 East 42 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 1 do 200 100 West 55 feet of 16 1 do 200 1150 (Except West 55 feet) 16 1 do 300 1750 Lots 17 & 18 1 do 700 1650 19 1 do 100 ---- 20 1 do 100 ----- Lots 21 thru 24 1 do 1500 21800 Lots 1 & 2 2 do 700 2700 3 2 do 300 --..- 4 2 do 300 5 2 do „ 300 6 2 do 325 7 2 do _100 __ — I FORM B.B.n TOTAL I . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lanc Bldg. 8 2 Edmund Rices First Addition 100 .- 9 2 to St. Paul 100 10 2 do 100 �..-- 11 2 do 100 12 2 do 100 ---- 13 2 do 100 ----- Nest 37 feet of Lots 14 and 15 2 do 325 2400 Nest 40 feet of the East 95 feet of Lots 14 and 15 2 do 325 2000 East 55 feet of Lots 14 and 15 2 do 450 2200 16 2 do 500 2000 Lot 17 and North 8 feet of 18 2 do 475 1600 (Except North 8 feet) Lot 18 and North 20 feet of 19 2 do 500 2400 South 30 feet of Lot 19 and North 10 feet of 20 2 do 325 1800 South 40 feet of 20 2 do 325 1350 21 2 do 400 1950 22 2 do 400 2600 23 2 do 400 2450 24 2 do 400 --�- 1 3 do 450 2150 2 3 do 400 ----- 3 3 do 400 800 Subject to Easement, and (Except North 40 feet) !t 3 do 300 2050 Subject to Easement, and (Except North 40 feet) 5 3 do 350 1950 (Except North 40 feet) 6 3 do 475 1750 North 40 feet of Lots 4, 5 and 6 3 do 550 4600 7 i 3 do 675 2300 8 3 i -, do _-- 675 5800 FOAM 9.9.11 .-9 -. 3 do AL 675 2000 AO CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LdyALUATION Bldg. 10 3 ! Edmund Rice's First Addition 675 ..m...r 1 11 1 3 to St. Paul 750 2800 12 3 I do 750 2900 13 3 do 700 3050 14 3 do 750 3900 15 3 do 800 3550 West 1/3 of Lots 16 & 17 3 do 350 2150 East 2/3 of Lots 16 & 17 3 do 750 3500 18 3 do 100 --- 19 3 do 100 ........... 20 3 do 100 ----- 21 3 do 100 22 3 do 100 500 23 3 do 100 100 I 24 3 do 100 !North 35 feet of Lots 1 and 2 it do 425 800 !South 50 feet of North 85 feet of Lots 1 and 2 4 do 550 2100 South 59 feet of Lots 1 and 2 4 do 1000 4700 (Except East 80 feet) the North 30 ifeet of 16 4 do 200 2050 East 80 feet of North 30 feet of I 16 4 do 400 1850 ;South 20 feet of Lot 16 and North =15 feet of 17 4 do 525 1850 South 35 feet of 17 4 do 525 2950 18 4 do 750 1050 1 7 5 0 19 4 do 1500 20 4 do 1 750 2050 21 4 do 750 2050 22 4 ----__ do — -- 750 -- 265o FORM e.e.II TOTAL • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --- (B) I i j DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _ _� LaTaVALUATION Bldg. 23 4 Edmund Ricers First Addition 750 2350 24 4 to St. Paul 750 1800 South 15.50 feet of York St. vacated adjoining Lot12, and North 38.50 feet of 12 6 do 550 1700 North 44 feet of South 59.50 feet of York St. vacated between Blocks 6 & 7 do 525 1500 North 44 fe t of South 81.50 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 7 do 525 1700 North 6.50 feet of York Street va- cated between Blocks 6 & 7, and the South 37.50 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 7 do 525 1050 North 53.50 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 7 do 625 2450 4 7 do 600 2350 5 7 do 600 2600 6 7 do 600 1250 7 7 do 600 2450 8 7 do 600 3000 Lots 9 & 10 7 do 1200 3500 . 11 7 do 600 2350 East 98 feet of 12 7 do 550 1700 North 45 feet of East 7 feet of Lot 3 and North 45 feet of Lots 1 and 2 8 do 350 2100 Except West 37 feet of Lot 3;The South 45 feet of the North 90 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 8 do 775 2400 (Except North 90 feet)Lots 1 and 2 and (Except North. 90 feet)East 7feet of 3 8 do • I (Included above) West 37 feet of 3 8 do 375 1300 4 8 do 450 1550 5 8 do 450 900 6 8 do 550 2400 7 8 do 550 . 1500 FOAM B.B.II TOTAL „ • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. 8 8 Edmund Rice's First Addition 600 1700 9 8 to St. Paul 575 1450 Lot 10 and South 10 feet of 11 8 do 650 3000 Except South 10 feet; 11 8 do 450 2750 12 8 do 550 1700 13 8 do 600 1750 ;South 42 feet of 14 8 do 500 1950 .Except South 42 feet; the West 53 ;feet of Lot 14 and the West 53 feet of • 15 8 do 925 4150 MM!Except West 53 feet; the following: ijExcept South 42 feet; Lot 14 and all of 15 8 do 525 1800 1 16 8 do 900 5300 17 8 do 600 3850 18 8 do 600 1250 1 19 8 do 600 550 20 8 do 600 1200 21 8 do 600 700 1 I 22 8 do 60o 1100 23 8 do 600 1650 North z of 24 8 do 300 1100 South 2 of 24 8 do 275 500 1 9 do 825 2100 2 9 do 750 1950 3 9 do 750 1600 4 9 do 750 1450 [i 5 9 do 75o 1600 6 9 do 750 3100 FOAM S.S.Ii TOTAL � CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART^LENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LBndVALUATION Bldg. 7 9 Edmund Rice's First Addition 750 2300 8 9 to St. Paul 750 1600 9 9 do 75o 3250 10 9 do 750 2400 South 40 feet of East 100 feet of 11 9 do 500 1800 North 10 feet of East 98 feet of Lot 11, and East 98 feet of 12 9 do 700 5000 West 32 ft. of South 40 ft. of Lot 11 and West 34 ft, of Lot 12 and North 10 ft. of 11 9 do 350 1950 East 36 feet of Lots 13 and 14 9 do 400 1200 West 46 feet of East 82 feet of Lots 13 and 1.4 9 do 500 1950 West 50 feet of Lots 13 and 14 9 do 600 15 9 do 550 1750 16 9 do 600 900 17 9 do 600 2400 18 9 do 600 1800 19 9 do 600 ---- 20 9 do 550 1300 21 9 do 350 22 9 do 350 ---- �3 9 do 350 1150 24 9 do 600 1350 1 10 do 600 2150 2 10 do 300 3 10 do 75 4 10 do 75 5 10 do 75 6 10 do 75 FORM e.e.n TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1CiVALUATION Bldg. b. 5 13 iEdmund Rice's First Addition 150 •■•..� 6 , 13 j to St. Paul 100 1900 I Lots 7 & 8 13 do 900 3750 9 13 do 500 _00_.- 10 13 do 65o 3850 Lots 11 & 12 13 do 1350 4900 13 13 do 600 1500 14 13 do 425 1500 15 13 do 375 2150 116 13 do 35o 1250 17 13 do 250 300 18 13 do 100 ---- 19 13 do 100 20 13 do 100 ---- 21 13 do 100 - 22 13 do 100 ONMOMI West 44 feet of Lots 23 and 24 13 do 375 3000 East 44 feet of the West 88 feet of Lots 23 and 24 13 do 350 4650 East 44 feet of Lots 23 and 24 13 do 350 2350 vest 34 feet of Lot 12) Block 7, ;Edmund Rice's First Addition to St. Edmund Rice's Four Addition 'Paul and East 1/2 of Lots 1 and 2 1 To St. Paul 750 2100 West z of Lots 1 and 2 1 do 725 2600 Lots 1 and 2 2 do 1150 6700 3 2 do 600 3100 Lot 41and East 2 of 1 5 2 ( do 900 2600 a West 2 of Lot 5 and East of 6 2 j do 600 4750 --'- FORM...ii TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL • al. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LdVALUATION Bldg. Lots 5 & 6 Smith and Taylor Is Subdivision 950 4000 Lots 7 & 8 I of Lots 3 and 4, Block 15, 875 3650 Beaupre and Kelly's Add. to St. Paul East 40 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 3 Stinson's Addition to the City 325 1300 West 41 feet of the East 81 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 3 of Saint Paul in the State of 300 1900 West 41 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 3 Minnesota 300 2100 4 Stinson's Subdivision of Block 300 1400 1 5 36 of Arlington Hills Add. to 325 850 ;East 2 of 6 St. Paul 150 900 ;West z of 6 do 150 1500 7 do 325 1050 8 do 325 1400 9 do 325 1250 10 do 325 1400 11 do 325 1300 12 do 325 1150 i 13 do 325 14 do 325 1800 15 do 250 —... 1 13 J.F. Tostevin's Subdivision of a 325 ----- ■ ! 14 part of Lot 23 of Hoyt's Outlots 325 1800 k i 15 to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey 250 =MOW= Lots 16 & 17 County, State of Minnesota 475 1650 18 do 200 011====1 i FORM s.�.il TOTAL � I CITY OF ST. PAUL 0 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land Bldg. Bld 1 J.D . Warner's Addition to St. 475 1200 2 Paul, Minn. 350 800 3 do 250 350 14 do 350 1650 5 do 325 6 do 600 3000 7 do 500 1500 of Except North 16.25 feet;The North 4 9 do 25 --.-- The North 16.25 feet of Lot 9 and all of 8 do 725 1200 Lot 10 and South 4 of 9 do 750 3900 11 do 500 1950 12 do 600 1600 13 do 150 2000 14 do 500 1750 15 do 500 1900 16 do 500 2250 17 do 500 1650 1 25 Chas. Weide's Subdivision of 5800 8600 2 25 Block 25 and 26, of Arlington 3850 3950 3 25 Hills Add. to St. Paul 2750 4150 4 25 do 2350 5300 5 25 do 2350 65o 6 25 do 2350 6350 7 25 do 2350 3950 j 8 25 do 2350 2200 '!Lots 9 and 10 25 do 7600 33000 411 25 do 225 1700 FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL S DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J (B) DESCRIPTION ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ` LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. 12 25 Chas. :Yeide's Subdivision of 250 Lot 13 and East i of 1000 14 25 Block 25 and 26 of Arlington Lot 15 and West z of 3r� 14000 ldg, 14 �5 Hills Add, to St. Paul 375 2000 >50 16 25 do X50 1750 00 17 �5 do Lots 18 & 250 1050 50 19 �5 do 500 2250 )0 20 25 do X50 150 :o 21 25 do 250 22 �5 1300 0 do 250 1350 ) Except North 9 feet and Exce 23 25 do Quadrangular West 250 2000 ) mar' part measuring 78,5 feet on North line and 79.5 feet on South line; Lots 24, 25 and North 32,5 feet of followin • 26 25 do Quadrangular part of Lots 2 4s 2, West 200 1450 26 measuring 5 and g 78.5 feet on North line and 79.5 feet on south line, also part East of said of said Quadrangle of North 9 feet of 26 25 do Lots 275 X50 ots 27 & Except North 32,5 feet; West Quadran 28 25 do part measuring gular 500 2350 g 78,5 feet on North line and 79.5 feet on South line of Lots 24, 25 & 26 25 do Lots 29 & 450 22K0 30 25 do Lots 31, 32 & 500 1950 33 25 do 1550 6000 34 25 do 375 1950 35 25 do Lots 36 & 400 1350 37 25 do 800 2450 38 25 do 400 900 39 25 do 400 1850 40 25 do Lots 41 & 400 1250 FORM B.B.11 42 �5 do 800 2200 TOTAL TOTAL 1950 10 3 FORM 8.8. TOTAL f CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATION Bldg. g 11 3 Joseph R. Weide's Addition to 450 1250 Lot 12 and East 17 feet of 13 3 the City of St. Paul, Minn. 750 1950 Lot 14 and West 17 feet of 13 3 do 750 3150 15 3 do 500 2950 East i of strip about 3.20 feet wide adjoining Lot 16 on the West and 16 3 do 525 1300 17 3 do 500 1700 18 3 do 500 3450 19 3 do 500 1850 20 3 do 450 1100 1 * 1 4 do 2850 3500 2 4 do 1500 1700 3 4 do 1350 450 4 4 do 1350 1250 5 4 do 1350 1a 6 4 do 1350 3850 7 4 do 1350 1600 1 1 1 8 4 do 1350 i 1 9 4 do 1450 5900 1 10 4 do 1704 1800 11 4 do 400 2000 12 4 do 450 1750 13 4 do 450 1650 11.E 4 do 450 1850 A strip 3.20 feet wide adjoining Lot 15 on the West and 15 4 do 40o 1500 A strip 3.20 feet wide adjoining Lot 16 on the West and 16 4 do 550 1800 17 4 do 500 500 18 4 _. do 500 1350 FORM B.B.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 110 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LOVALUA'TION Bldg. 19 4 Joseph R. Weide's Addition to 500 1250 20 4 the City of St. Paul, Minn. 450 1500 A strip of land 3.20 feet wide ad- joining Lot 1 on the East and Lot 1, Joseph R. Weide's 4th Addition also (Except West 17 feet) 2 2 to St. Paul 800 3450 Lot 3, and Vilest 17 feet of 2 2 do 750 4200 4 2 do 500 1700 5 2 do 400 1150 Lots 6 & 7 2 do 725 2800 8 2 do 350 2800 9 2 do 350 1400 10 2 do 350 1500 11 2 do 350 1100 Lots 12 & 13 2 do 700 2000 14 2 do 350 1Lt00 15 2 do 600 2950 16 2 do 400 2650 17 2 do 500 2400 18 2 do 500 2250 19 2 do 500 200 West i of a strip about 3.20 feet -tide lying between Lot 16, Block 3, J. R. Weide's Add. and 20 2 do 525 3500 (Except Westerly 12 feet) 1 15 Joseph R. Weide's Rearrangement2200 3300 all of Lot 2 and. West 12 feet of Lot 1 & 3 15 of Lots 28,29 and 30, Block 15,4700 13600 Lots 4 & 5 15 Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Arling-6500 11700 Lots 1 & 2 16 ton Hills Addition 5950 11700 Lot 3 and West 11 feet 8 inches of 4 16 do 2700 8000 (Except West 11 feet 8 inches) 4 16 do 2075 3650 FORM B.B.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I lib REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _-- -IBA_ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan dVALUATION Rl.,.h. 5 16 Joseph R. Weide's Rearrange— 2250 2500 went of Lots 28,29 and 30, Block 15, Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Arlington Hills Addition 1 Joseph R. Aeide's Rearrange— 2250 2700 North 75 feet of Lots 27 and 28, Block 16, Arlington Hills, and Lots went of Lots 29 and 30, Block 2 and 3 16, Arlington Hills 5500 32600 Except North 75 feet; Lots 27 and 28, Block 16, Arlington Hills, and Lot 4 and 5 • do 7800 43000 (Except West 10 feet) 1 Joseph R. Weide's Subdivision 325 1950 ii Lot 2 and West 10 feet of 1 of Block 24 Arlington Hills 325 1300 3 Addition to the City of St. 300 1550 4 Paul, Minn. 300 145o 5 do 300 1200 6 do 45o 2050 7 do 500 2450 8 do 500 2350 9 do 500 2000 10 do 500 145o 11 do 500 1700 12 do 500 2050 13 do 500 1150 lia do 950 15 I do 3900 2800 16 do 3250 8050 17 do 2600 1400 Lots 18 & 19 do �-. 4400 .._...______._. 26300 FORM B.B.n - TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) --- — -1- --1- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED dVALUATION Bldg. E 20 iJoseph R. Weidets Subdivision 2200 4500 21iof Block 24, Arlington Hills 2200 8600 22 Addition to the City of St. 2300 2100 Lots 23 & 24 • I!Paul, Minn. 5600 13)400 25 do 450 1800 26 do 500 1750 West 3 feet of Lot 28 and all of 27 do 525 2900 (Except West 3 feet) , 28 do 475 1800 129 i I do 500 2150 30 do 500 2150 31 do 500 2250 32 do 500 750 33 do 450 2050 West 48 feet of Lots 34 and 35 do 225 1800 Except West 48 feet; Lots 34 and 35 do 425 2200 36 ' do 300 900 i 37 I do 300 1200 138 do 300 900 1 IJoseph R. Weide's Subdivision 550 1800 2 of Block 27, Arlington Hills 500 3150 3 Addition to the City of St. 500 1900 4 Paul, Minn. 500 200C 5 do 500 235o 6 do 500 3150 I 7 do 500 3150 I 8 do 500 2200 9 do Soo _______ 2350 FORM B.B.II TOTAL 1 --t--------- - CITY OF ST. PAUL (4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1: REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATION Bld . g 10 Joseph R. Weide I s Subdivision 500 1300 11 of Block 27, Arlington Hills 500 1900 12 Addition to St. Paul, Minn. j500 3050 13 do 500 1900 Lots 114 & 15 do 9200 5000 North 25 feet of Lots 16 and 17 and all of 18 do 2375 15700 South 25 feet of North 50 feet of Lots 16 and 17 do 1575 1200 North 25 feet of South 75 feet of Lots 16 and 17 do 1575 1800 South 50 feet of Lots 16 and 17 do ;900 1130Ci li 19 do 150 3700 20 do 500 2000 21 do 500 2250 22 do 500 1350 23 do 500 2500 24 do 1500 1800 25 do 500 1850 26 do 500 255c 27 do 500 215C) 28 do 500 1500 29 do 500 2650 30 do 550 21400 1 856,035__- 3,060,800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �.l .Eil i t� 19 •In— . I.. , . Ll_ 1 , P Commissioner of Finance Form B. B. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE it REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lana ALUATION B1 • 2 7 Arlington Hills Addition to 550 1000 3 7 Saint Paul in the County of 550 2600 4 7 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 550 1800 5 7 do 55o 1800 6 7 do 550 2300 7 7 do 550 1250 8 7 do 550 1100 9 7 do 55o 130o 10 7 do 55o 1850 11 7 do 550 2200 12 7 do 550 350 13 7 do 550 2000 Lots 14 and 15 7 do 7350 7750 North 75 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 7 do 5100 ---- South 50 feet of Lots 16 and 17 and (Except East 29 feet) the South 50 feet of Lot 18 7 do 4900 9200 East 29 feet of the South 50 feet of 18 7 do 300 350 19 7 do 500 1350 20 7 do 500 800 21 7 do 500 2100 22 7 do 500 1550 23 7 do 500 1350 24 7 . do 500 200 25 7 do 500 75o 26 7 do 500 3000 27 7 do 500 2250 28 7 do 500 2000 FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 0 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan_iVALUATION Bldg. 29 7 Arlington Hills Addition to 550 411111I- 30 7 Saint Paul in the County of 600 3300 South 40 feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 375 2400 South 45 feet of the North 85 feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 do 450 2750 North 40 feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 do 450 3700 3 14 do 450 1900 4 14 do 500 1750 5 14 do 500 2000 6 14 do 500 — - 7 14 do 500 2250 8 14 do 500 1850 9 14 do 500 2000 10 14 do 500 3550 11 14 do 500 1950 12 14 do 450 1950 South 50 feet of Lots 13, 111 and 15 14 do 4400 8350 North 75 feet of Lot 13 and North 50 feet of the South 100 feet of Lots 14 and 15 ]J4 do 5300 10000 North 25 feet of Lots 14 and 15 14 do 2100 4800 North 55.29 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 14 do 4850 Except North 55.29 feet; Lots 16 thru 22 14 do 9550 23 14 do 300 —.�c 24 14 do 300 3 300 25 14 do 250 100 26 1L do 250 1450 27 14 do 400 1900 FORM B.B.It TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE IP REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (BY__ 1 DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED II LandVALUATION Bldg. 28 14 Arlington Hills Addition to 450 2000 29 14 Saint -Paul in the County of 500 2450 30 14 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 600 1500 North 2/3 of Lots 1, 2 and 3 15 do 8500 18650 South 1/3 of Lots 1, 2 and 3 15 do 3800 5000 4 15 do 450 2600 5 15 do 500 1850 6 15 do 500 850 7 15 do 500 2400 8 15 do 500 4300 9 15 do 500 2900 10 15 do 500 3500 11 15 do 500 2450 12 15 do 500 2200 13 15 do 450 3800 North 25 feet of Lots 1)4 and 15 15 do 300 1300 South 372 feet of North 622 feet of Lots 14 and 15 15 do 400 1750 South 372 feet of North 100 feet of Lots 14 and 15 15 do 400 1900 South 25 feet of Lots 14 and 15 15 do 250 1050 Lots 16 to 21 15 do 3000 70500 22 15 do 450 2800 23 15 do 500 2300 24 15 do 500 1200 25 15 do 500 2200 26 15 do 500 2000 i 27 15 do 45o 255o 3 _ 16 do 600 _ 2600 I FORM B.B.II 1 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 40 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE lil REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER B) ------ i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED T„„dVALUATION Bldg. 1; 4 16 Arlington Hills Addition to 500 1800 5 16 Saint Paul in the County of 500 3150 6 16 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 500 2550. 7 16 do 500 2400 8 16 do 500 2850 9 16 do 500 2100 10 16 do 500 2650 Lots 11 and 12 16 do 1000 -- North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14, and 15 16 do 525 3100 North 40 feet of South 85 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 16 do 475 1900 South 45 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 16 do 525 1900 West 19.75 feet of North 38 feet of Lot 17 and West 2 feet of South 35 feet of North 73 feet of Lot 17 and except the South 52 feet; 16 15 do 400 4000 Except West 19.75 feet of North 38 feet; Lot 17 and except West 2 feet of South 35 feet of North 73 feet; Lot 17 and the South 52 feet of 16 16 do 850 5250 18 16 do 65o 2900 19 16 do 650 3700 20 16 do 650 3650 23 16 do 650 3 700 22 16 do 650 3600 23 16 do 650 1950 24 16 do 650 2650 25 16 do 650 6000 26 16 do 650 1750 1 17 do 60o 1000 2 17 do 500 200 3 17 do 450 1250 FOAM B.B.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE IR REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) !-._ -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED r VALUATION x_�- Bldg• Lots 4 through 9 17 Arlington Hills Addition to 2400 26500 10 17 Saint Paul in the County of 350 1800 11 17 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 500 Lot 12 and the North 78 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 17 do 11000 39600 South 47 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 17 do 4875 b350 North 25 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 17 do 2600 5200 South 25 feet of the North 50 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 17 do 2600 2850 South 25 feet of the North 75 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 17 do 2900 3100 South 25 fet of the North 100 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 17 do 3350 1850 South 25 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18 17 do 3900 4000 19 17 do 450 1450 20 17 do 500 5250 21 17 do 500 3700 22 17 do 500 400 23 17 do 450 2300 24 17 do 400 450 25 17 do 400 1300 26 17 do 300 1150 All of Lot 27 and West a of 28 17 do 550 500 East 2 of Lot 28 and, except the East 11 feet; 29 17 do 600 1250 East 11 feet of Lot 29, West 18 feet of South 60 feet of Lot 30, and West 13 feet of North 65 feet of East 22 feet of South 60 feet of 30 17 do 350 1000 Lot 30 and East 27 feet of North 65 feet of 30 17 do 450 2650 1 11 Beaupre and Kelly's Addition 825 2700 Lots 2 and 3 11 to Saint Paul, Ramsey Co., 1500 5300 FORM B.13.11 TOTAL TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 10 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE fil REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) =— -- — i - i__ q DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ! 1dVALUATION Bldg. (Except East 100 feet) Lots 4,5,and 6 11 Beaupre and Kelly's Addition to 450 — -� East 100 feet of Lots 4, 5 and 6 11 Saint Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn— 1900 5000 East 40 feet of Lots 7, 8 and 9 11 sota 6o0 6800 West 91 feet of Lots 7, 8 and 9 11 do 1450 2700 (Except West 16 feet of) 1 12 do- 725 2750 West 16 feet of Lot 1 and all of 2 12 do 750 5300 3 12 do 700 3750 North 40 feet of 4 12 do 650 3000 South 4 feet of Lot 4 and all of 5 12 do 750 2650 6 12 do 775 4750 Lots 7 and 8 12 do 1575 3650 9 12 do 750 2300 10 12 do 750 3100 11 12 do 750 4000 12 12 do 825 2250 Lots 1 and 2 14 do 11.125 4700 Except the South 10 feet 3 14 do 475 --- of The South 10 feet of Lot 3 and all 4 14 do 750 2650 5 14 do 600 2700 6 14 do 675 7 14 do 625 385o ' 8 114 do 600 2350 ' 9 14 do 600 4300 10 14 do 600 4800 The East 55 feet of Lots 11 and 12 14 do 600 2350 The West 75.90 feet of Lots 11 and 12 14 do 850 700 North 87.76 feet of 1 15 do -- 1350 . 5700 I FOAM B.B.n TOTAL li i CITY OF ST. PAUL 10 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AP REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LandVALUATION Biagi, South 43.87 feet of 1 15 Beaupre and Kelly's Addition 600 2300 North 44 feet of 2 15 to Saint Paul, Ramsey Co., 600 2900 The South 44 feet of the North 88 feet of 2 15 Minnesota 600 1950 The South 42.89 feet of 2 15 do 650 2550 (Includes other property) Lots 2 & 3 16 do 4350 220000 Subject to DeSoto St.; the following: Except North 110 feet; Lots 1 and 2, Crowley and Smith's Subdivision East 39.54 feet of Noeth 67.5 feet of Lot 19, and the North 1/2 of 20 1 of Lots 17 and 24, Hoyt's Out 500 1400 (Except DeSoto St.) the North 110 feet of Lots 1 and 2 1 Lots 65o -. 3 1 do 125 =W...... 14 1 do 125- -- - East 40 feet of 5 1 do 150 (Except North 111 feet) the West 19.54 feet of Lot 5 and (Except North 111 feet) 6 1 do (Included with Lot 15) North 111 feet of West 19.54 feet of Lot 5 and North 111 feet of East 20 feet of 6 1 do 375 2850 North 111 feet of the West 39.54 feet of 6 1 do 375 2300 East i of 11 1 do 350 1000 West i of 11 1 do 400 1850 12 1 do 650 2650 West 40 feet of 13 1 do 475 2700 (Except West 40 feet) Lot 13 and West 20 feet of 14 1 do 475 230o Except West 20 feet; 14 1 do 475 11150 15 1 do 700 2850 16 1 do 50 17 1 do 50 INIIMOOMPUI rest 39.54 feet of 18 1 do 25 �.... i 11-- H_____, - 1 FORM B.13.11 I TOTAL I It I CITY OF ST. PAUL 10 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)«_ 1 ! DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED L ndVALUATION Bldg. East 20 feet of Lot 18 and West 20 feet of Lot 19, also except West 20 Crowley and Smith's Subdivision feet and except North 67.5 feet; Lot 19 and subject to DeSoto St.; the of Lots 17 and �4, Hoyt's Out South 2 of 20 1 Lots 500 2250 (Except Street) 1 2 do 350 ...... 2 2 do 25 ---- 3 2 do 25 ....— 4 2 do 50 ---- 5 2 do 350 West 19z feet of Lot 7 Except West 40 feet; Lot 8 and all of 6 2 do 750 2250 Except West 19.5 feet; 7 2 do 300 —✓--- West 40 feet of 8 2 do 475 Boo East 40 feet of 9 2 do 475 2400 West 19.51 feet of Lot 9 and. East 20 feet of 10 2 do 475 2400 (Except the East 20 feet) 10 2 do 525 3050 11 2 do 1000 3700 East i of 12 2 do 450 2450 West i of 12 2 do 450 2250 13 2 do 900 2700 14 2 do 900 8950 West 30 feet of 15 2 do 450 11100 East 29.51 feet of Lot 15 and West 9.51 feet of 16 2 do 600 3600 East 50 feet of 16 2 do 750 365o West 39.51 feet of 17 2 . do 600 1300 East 20 feet of Lot 17 and West 19.51 feet of 18 2 do 600 1150 East 40 feet of 18 2 do 600 950 Lot 19 and (Except DeSoto St. ) 20 2 do 250 --�- �) I FORM s.e.n TOTAL i . l, 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ill DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. 1 Geo. Doehne's Subdivision of 575 3700 2 Block 15, Fairview Add'n to 600 4650 3 St. Paul, Minn. 600 2200 All of Lot 4 and West 1 foot of 5 do 625 3000 (Except West 1 foot) 5 do 575 3650 6 do 600 1750 7 do 575 2000 (Except North 60 feet) Lots 8 and 9 do 525 1800 North 60 feet of Lots 8 and 9 do 550 3350 10 do 450 2750 11 do 500 2800 12 do 500 2550 13 do 500 3500 14 do 475 --__ (Except West 7.6 feet) 19 3 Evans Addition to the City of 450 1850 20 3 Saint Paul do 600 3150 21 3 do 600 2400 22 3 do 600 2650 23 3 da 600 2250 24 3 do 600 1150 25 3 do 600 2850 26 3 do 600 1550 East 39 feet of 5 4 do 575 4550 Lot 6 and the West 1 foot of 5 4 do 625 2700 7 4 do 600 3200 4 do 600 2300 9 4 do 600 1900 FORM 9.8.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL IP DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OP REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 I i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg, 10 4 Evans Addition to the City of 600 1700 11 4 Saint Paul 60o 1500 (Except West 7.6 feet) 12 it do 450 3250 (Except West 7.6 feet) 19 It do 450 1400 20 4 do 600 1550 21 4 do 600 1550 22 4 do 600 2000 23 It do 600 1750 24 4 do 600 1400 25 4 do 600 1300 26 4 do 600 3400 27 It do . 600 1250 West 2 feet of Lot 29 and all of 28 4 do 625 1100 Except West 2 feet; 29 4 do 525 3800 30 4 do 650 5000 1 1 Fairview Addition to the City of600 2800 2 1 St. Paul, Minnesota 550 3200 3 1 do 550 3600 4 1 do 55o 3100 of All of Lot 5 and the South 10 feet 6 1 do 700 4100 all of Except South 10 ft; Lot 6 and 7 1 do 900 3150 8 1 do 450 2150 9 1 do 525 3300 10 1 do 525 245o 11 1 do 525 2400 12 1 do 525 2100 13 1 do -- 525 --- 2200 FORM B.6.11 TOTAL .. CITY OF ST. PAUL 10 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED dVALUATION Bldg, 14 1 Fairview Addition to the City 575 3000 1 2 of St. Paul, Minnesota 550 2550 2 2 do 525 3 ' 2 do 525 3600 4 2 do 525 4050 5 2 do 525 2850 Lots 6 & 7 2 do 975 4550 8 2 do 475 — -o 9 2 do 550 2150 Lots 10 & 11 2 do 1075 4450 Lot 12 and North i of 13 2 do 750 4000 Lot 14 and South 2 of 13 2 do 800 3800 Lot 1 and South i of 2 3 do 800 5150 Lot 3 and North i of 2 3 do 750 2600 it 3 do 500 2500 5 3 do 525 2650 6 3 do 55o 3400 7 3 do 500 2200 East 50 feet of Lots 8, 9 and 10 3 do 650 3700 Except East 50 feet; Lots 8, 9 and 10 3 do 1000 5100 Except North 14 feet; Lot 12 and, Except South 13 feet; 13 3 do 525 4700 North 14 feet of Lot 12 and all of II 3 do 525 South 13 feet of Lot 13 and all of 14 3 do 575 5400 South z of Lot 2 and all of 1 4 do 650 5000 North i of Lot 2 and all of 3 4 do 600 4650 4 it do 400 ---.-- FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - i I f !1 AS_ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONdVALUA s. 5 4 Fairview Addition to the City 450 2450 Lots 6 & 7 4 . of St. Paul, Minnesota 875 455? j 8 4 ': do 500 _YRIM. 9 4 do 55o 245o Lot 10 and the North 2 of 11 4 do 825 2800 Lot 12 and the South iZ of 11 4 do 825 3500 13 4 do • 55o 900 14 4 do 600 2950 1 5 do 500 565o 2 5 do 45o 3250 13 5 do 450 2150 l 4 5 do 450 3150 5 5 do 450 1900 Lots 6 & 7 5 do 850 4150 Lots 8 & 9 5 do 900 4400 10 5 do 475 11 5 do 475 2450 12 5 do 475 265o 13 5 do 475 2100 14 5 do 525 200 Subject to Easement; 1 6 do 350 2400 With Easement; 2 6 do 350 3850 3 6 do 325- 3200 4 6 do 325 1800 South 20 feet of Lot 6 and all of 5 6 do 500 1400 of i Except South 20 feet; Lot 6 and all 7 6 I do 450 1600 --- _ _. ---- 8 6 -r -- do 400 3400 I, FORM e.e.n TOTAL .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land.VALUATION Bldg. g I 9 6 1Fairview Addition to the City 425 1600 10 6 of St. Paul, Minnesota 425 1700 11 6 do 275 1450 12 6 , do 100 13 6 do 100 1000 lkl 6 do 75 - - 1 7 do 500 1900 2 7 do 450 1750 3 7 do 450 2050 4 7 do 450 4750 5 7 do 450 3750 Lots 6 & 7 7 do 850 3450 Lots 8 & 9 7 do 625 3750 10 7 do 300 250 11 7 do 250 ---•-. West 40 feet of Lots 12, 13 and 14 7 do 375 2000 East 40 feet of the West 80 feet of Lots 12,13 and 14 7 do 350 2000 (Except West 80 feet)Lots 12,13 and ` 14 7 do 325 -- 1 8 do 575 2700 2 8 do 525 3700 3 8 do 525 1750 4 8 do 525 3350 5 8 do 525 2150 6 8 do 525 . .-.. 7 8 do 375 8 8 do 375 2800 9 8 i do 450 _. 2250 FORM RADA I TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - It ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lan VALUATION Blcg. 110 8 IFairview Aad.ition to the City 450 3600 11 8 of St. Paul, Minnesota 450 1950 12 8 do 450 2650 13 8 do 425 1800 West 61.50 feet of 14 8 do 275 1550 (Except West 61.50 feet) 14 8 do 250 1350 West 47.65 feet of 1 9 do 225 650 Except West 47.65 feet; 1 9 do 350 2650 2 9 do 525 4550 3 9 do 525 3050 4 9 do 525 2450 5 9 do 525 2550 6 9 do 475 2650 7 9 do 600 2550 8 9 do 250 9 9 do 25o 550 10 9 do 225 _....� 11 9 do 225 12 9 do 400 2600 13 9 do 400 1950 ljExcept West 51.35 feet; 14 9 do 250 2200 West 51.35 feet of 14 9 do 225 1600 1 10 do 500 250 12 10 do 400 2400 . 3 10 do 100 --.-w 4 10 do 300 1000 — — . 5 10 do 300 ______ 1300 FORM B.B.n TOTAL I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OA REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)__ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lar. ASSESSED '-----4 VALUATION kkLots 6 & 7 10 Fairview Addition to the City 600 1850 Lots 8 & 9 10 of St. Paul, Minnesota 500 1456 10 10 do 200 ---•• 11 10 do 75 300 12 10 . do 75 ij 13 10 do 75 14 10 do 100 _...... 1 11 do 100 ..-.—• 2 11 do 75 IMIlasiat 3 11 do 75 4 11 do 75 ___ 5 11 ' do 75 1000 Lots 6 & 7 11 do 175 �—•. Lots 8 & 9 11 do 125 10 11 do ,I 75 ---. 11 11 do 75 _ — 12 11 do 250 2700 13 11 do 300 2050 lit 11 do +` 500 3000 1 12 do 550 2250 2 12 do 500 2550 3 12 do 500 2500 4 12 do 500 2950 5 12 do 500 1350 6 12 do 500 2050 7 12 do 400 2150 8 12 do 325 2100 FOAM e.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 4p A DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) _ _____ __k_____DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. 9 12 Fairview Addition to the City 400 2050 10 12 of St. Paul, Minnesota 400 2450 11 12 do 1100 1350 12 12 do 400 2500 13 12 do 400 2400 14 do 475 6100 West 42 feet of 1 13 do 225 1750 Except West 42 feet; 1 13 do 625 2150 2 13 do 600 2100 3 13 do 600 2700 4 13 do 600 1500 5 13 do 600 1100 6 13 do 600 95o 7 13 do 500 3000 8 13 do 400 9 13 do 500 4050 10 13 do 500 800 Lots 11 & 12 13 do 1000 1800 {Lots 13 and 14 13 do 1300 3000 East 552 feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 do 675 2850 East 334 feet of West 662 feet of Lots 1 and 2 14 do 375 900 West 334 feet of Lots 1 and 2 1)4 do 375 2000 3 14 do 350 1650 4 14 do 400 1650 5 14 do 400 2050 Lots 6 & 7 l4 do 800 5100 8 14 do 500---__ _ 2300 FORM B.B.n TOTAL ;1 II I CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - - ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCK ADDITION I : dVALUATION Bid, 9 14 Fairview Addition to the City 600 4200 10 14 of St. Paul, Minnesota 600 3650 11 14 do 600 ---- 12 14 do 600 1154 13 14 do 550 1800 14 14 do 1200 4850 1 16 do 800 450? 2 16 do 525 3000 3 16 do 525 3650 4 16 do 525 245o 5 16 do 525 _ 3100 6 16 do 525 2450 7 16 do 425 2150 Lots 8 & 9 16 do 400 - 10 16 do 200 -- 11 16 do 200 ---- West 40 feet of Lots 12, 13 and 14 16 do 725 2600 West 40 feet of East 82 feet of Lots 12, 13 and 14 16 do 650 1950 East 42 feet of Lots 12, 13 and 14 16 do 675 4500 1 Godfrey's Re. 575 5000 2 do 525 2550 3 do 525 3150 ,, 4 , do 525 2850 Lots 5 & 6 do 1050 3400 7 do 550 3000 1 Hedberg-Hundt Addition 700 3800 kat 1 2 and South 20 feet of 3 i do 725 6400 FORM B.B.II TOTAL. .._ -. --. .. I T _. II CITY OF ST. PAUL SP DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. of (Except South 20 feet)Lot 3 and all 4 Hedberg Hundt Addition 725 3350 5 do 475 3500 6 do 700 .......... 15 do 450 3800 16 do 450 3900 17 do 450 3050 18 do 375 Lots 1 & 2 3 Holterhoff and Mead's Addition 2875 3900 3 3 to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey1250 5500 4 3 County, Minn. 1250 3550 5 3 do 1250 480o 6 3 do 1250 2500 Lots 7, 8, 9, & 10 3 do 5500 25000 North 5 feet of Lot 2 and all of 1 4 do 2000 5250 South 20 feet of 2 4 do 1150 3 4 do 1250 ------ Lots 4 & 5 4 do 2500 12500 Except the South 32 feet of the West 40.30 feet; 6 4 do 1250 1900 rThe South 32 feet of the West 40.30 feet of Lot 6 and all of 7 14 do 1250 2450 h Lots 8 & 9 4 do 2650 - 10 4 do 1875 2500 1 Lanberg's Rearrangement of 675 3450 2 Block 13, Beaupre and Kelly's 550 2600 3 Addition to St. Paul 55o 2150 Lot 4 and South 13 feet of 5 do. 750 2150 North 24 feet of Lot 5 and South 26 feet of 6 do ?5o 2950 Lot 7 and North 11 feet of 6 do 800____----__ 145.0 FOAM e.R.n TOTAL • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j=====— t- __ .�. � � ASSESSED DESCRIPTION i LOT BLOCK ADDITION LandVALUATION Bldg. g I i Lot 8 and Except South 8 feet; 9 Lanberg's Rearrangement of 400 3200 South 8 feet of Lot 9 and all of 10 Block 13, Beaupre and Kelly's 625 1900 11 Addition to St. Paul 525 1350 12 do 525 3400 Lots 13 and ]J4 do 1175 3950 6 1 Edmund Rice's First Addition 300 2600 7 1 to St. Paul 250 2050 8 1 do 250 1700 9 1 do 250 1650 10 1 do 100 ---- 11 1 do 100 ----- 12 1 do 100 ----- West 50 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 1 do 450 2250 (Except West 50 feet and Except East 42 feet) Lots 13, 14 and 15 1 do 200 550 East 42 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15 1 do 200 100 West 55 feet of 16 1 do 200 1150 (Except West 55 feet) 16 1 E do 300 1750 Lots 17 & 18 1 do 700 1650 19 1 c do 100 ----, 20 1 do 100 ----- Lots 21 thru 24 1 do 1500 21800 Lots 1 & 2 2 do 700 2700 3 2 do 300 --., 4 2 do I1 300 ---O 5 2 do 300 .... -°- 6 2 do 325 2 do -------__-_-- 7 �_ �_ .-100 �_� _ FORM BJ.0 ! TOTAL II it CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Bldg. ldg 8 2 Edmund Rices First Addition 100 9 2 to St. Paul 100 10 2 do 100 �..--- 11 2 do 100 12 2 do 100 —.-w.. 13 2 do 100 ----- West 37 feet of Lots 14 and 15 2 do 325 2400 West 40 feet of the East 95 feet of Lots 14 and 15 2 do 325 2000 East 55 feet of Lots 14 and 15 2 do 450 2200 16 2 do 500 2000 Lot 17 and North 8 feet of 18 2 do 475 1600 (Except North 8 feet) Lot 18 and North 20 feet of 19 2 do 500 2400 South 30 feet of Lot 19 and North 10 feet of 20 2 do 325 1800 South 40 feet of 20 2 do 325 1350 21 2 do 400 1950 22 2 do 400 2600 23 2 do III 400 2450 24 2 do 11400 _____ 1 3 do 450 2150 2 3 do 400 3 3 do boo Boo Subject to Easement, and (Except North 40 feet) 4 3 do 300 2050 Subject to Easement, and (Except North 40 feet) 5 3 do 350 1950 (Except North 40 feet) 6 3 do 475 1750 North 40 feet of Lots 4, 5 and 6 3 do 550 4600 7 3 do 675 2300 8 3 do 675 5800 FORM B.B.II 9 3 do AL 675 2000 • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LandVALUATION Bldg. 10 3 Edmund Rice's First Addition 675 -...... 11 1 3 to St. Paul 750 2800 12 3 ` do 750 2900 I ' 13 3 do 700 3050 14 3 do 750 3900 15 3 do 800 3550 West 1/3 of Lots 16 & 17 3 do 350 2150 East 2/3 of Lots 16 & 17 3 do 750 3500 18 3 do 100 19 3 do 100 --- 20 3 do 100 --- 21 3 do 100 22 3 do 100 500 23 3 do 100 100 24 3 do 100 North 35 feet of Lots 1 and 2 4 do 425 800 South 50 feet of North 85 feet of Lots 1 and 2 4 do 550 2100 . South 59 feet of Lots 1 and 2 4 do 1000 4700 (Except East 80 feet) the North 30 feet of 16 4 do 200 2050 'East 80 feet of North 30 feet of 16 4 do 400 1850 1South 20 feet of Lot 16 and North !15 feet of 17 4 do 525 1850 I;South 35 feet of 17 4 do 525 2950 18 4 do ?50 1050 19 4 do 750 1500 20 4 do 750 2050 21 4 do 750 2050 22 4 do 750 2650 FOAM ss.0 I TOTAL ' -- - =,.......,.--.. ..=-+=== I 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IF- DESCRIPTION i LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATION Bldg • 23 4 Edmund Rice's First Addition 750 2350 24 it to St. Paul 750 1800 South 15.50 feet of York St. vacated adjoining Lotl2, and North 38.50 feet of 12 6 do 550 1700 North 44 feet of South 59.50 feet of York St. vacated between Blocks )6 & 7 do 525 1500 North 44 feet of South 81.50 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 7 do 525 1700 North 6.50 feet of York Street va- cated between Blocks 6 & 7, and the . South 37.50 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 7 do 525 1050 North 53.50 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 7 do 625 2450 4 7 do 600 2350 5 7 do 600 2600 6 7 do 600 1250 7 7 do 600 2450 8 7 do 600 3000 Lots 9 & 10 7 do 1200 3500 . 11 7 do 600 2350 East 98 feet of 12 7 do 550 1700 North. 45 feet of East 7 feet of Lot 3 and North 45 feet of Lots 1 and 2 8 do 350 2100 Except West 37 feet of Lot 3;The South 45 feet of the North 90 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 8 do 775 2400 (Except North 90 feet)Lots 1 and 2 and (Except North. 90 feet)East 7feet of 3 8 do (Included above) West 37 feet of 3 8 do 375 1300 4 8 do 450 1550 5 8 do 450 900 i6 8 do 550 2400 7 _7 8 -- do 550 ___ _ 1500 FCIIM..ii TOTAL 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OW REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _�_- --_ LandVALUATION Bldg. i 8 8 Edmund Rice's First Addition 600 170000 9 8 to St. Paul 575 1450 Lot 10 and South 10 feet of 11 8 do 650 3000 Except South 10 feet; 11 8 do 450 2750 12 8 do 550 1700 13 8 do 600 1750 South 42 feet of 14 8 do 500 1950 Except South 42 feet; the West 53 feet of Lot 14 and the West 53 feet of 15 8 do 925 4150 Except West 53 feet; the following: Except South 42 feet; Lot 14 and all of 15 8 do 525 1800 16 8 do 900 5300 17 8 do 600 3850 18 8 do 600 1250 19 8 do 600 550 20 8 do 600 1200 21 8 do 600 706 22 8 do 600 1100 23 8 do 600 1650 North z of 24 8 do 300 1100 South 2 of 24 8 do 275 500 is 1 9 do 825 2100 2 9 do ?50 1950 3 9 do 750 1600 4 9 do 750 1450 5 9 do 750 1600 6 9 ----- do 750 3100 FORM.Ii TOTAL :1 .I C) OF ST. PAUL F DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED —_�_ t La ci UATION Bidg. 7 10 Edmund Rice's First Addition 75 -- 8 10 to St. Paul 75 9 10 do 100 ---- 10 10 do 350 1900 South 2 of 11 10 do 200 900 North z of 11 10 do 225 1100 12 10 do 600 1000 All of Lot 13 and the North 4 feet of 14 10 do 1600 2150 (Except North 4 feet) 14 10 do 600 1250 15 to do 750 590o Subject to and with easement; 16 10 do 750 3250 Subject to and with easement; 17 10 do 750 3200 18 10 do 750 1750 19 10 do 750 285o 20 10 do 750 2900 21 10 do 750 11400 22 10 do 750 ---- 23 10 do 750 3750 24 10 do 825 4100 Lots 1, 2 & 3 12 do 1550 15200 14Lots 4 thru 22 12 do 8950 74500 West 42 feet of Lots 23 and 24 12 do 375 1700 East 90 feet of Lots 23 and 24 12 do 450 ---•- i 1 13 do 550 2650 2 13 do 500 5200 i 3 1 13 do 500 2000 14 ]3I do 450 2550 FORM B.11.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER � (B) =1== ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LandVALUATION._J Bldg. 5 13 Edmund Rice's First Addition 150 - 6 13 to St. Paul 400 1900 Lots 7 & 8 13 do 900 3750 9 13 do 500 - 10 13 do 650 3850 Lots 11 X 12 13 do 1350 4900 13 13 do boo 1500 14 13 do 425 1500 15 13 do 375 2150 16 13 do 350 1250 17 13 do 250 301 18 13 do 100 ---t 19 13 do 100 ---- 20 13 do 100 ---i4 21 13 do 100 -•-�-- 22 13 do 100 --- West 44 feet of Lots 23 and 24 13 do 375 3000 East 44 feet of the West 88 feet of Lots 23 and 24 13 do 350 465o East 44 feet of Lots 23 and 24 13 do 350 2350 West 34 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Edmund Rice's First Addition to St. Edmund Rice's Four Addition Paul and East 1/2 of Lots 1 and 2 1 To St. Paul 750 2100 West 2 of Lots 1 and 2 1 do 725 2600 Lots 1 and 2 2 do 1150 6700 3 2 do 600 3100 Lot 4 and East z of 5 2 do 900 2600 West z of Lot 5 and East 2 of 6 2 do 600 475o - -_ 1 FORM 9.9.11 TOTAL I CITY OF ST. PAUL 1110 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LdVALUATION Bldg. Lots 5 & 6 Smith and Taylor Is Subdivision 950 4000 Lots 7 & 8 of Lots 3 and 4, Block 15, 875 3650 Beaupre and Kelly's Add. to St. Paul East 40 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 3 Stinson's Addition to the City 325 1300 West 41 feet of the East 81 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 3 of Saint Paul in the State of 300 1900 West 41 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 3 Minnesota 300 2100 4 Stinson's Subdivision of Block 300 1400 5 36 of Arlington Hills Add. to 325 850 East z of 6 St. Paul 150 900 West z of 6 do t 150 1500 7 do 325 1050 8 do 325 1400 9 do 325 1250 10 do 325 1400 11 do 325 1300 12 do 325 1150 13 do 325 ••■•• 14 do 325 1800 15 do 250 ---•. 13 J.F. Tostevin's Subdivision of a 325 ----• 14 part of Lot 23 of Hoyt's Outlots 325 1800 15 to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey 250 Lots 16 & 17 County, State of Minnesota 475 1650 18 do 200 t -, ROAM NAM TOTAL. � -- - - 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL f DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 1BLOCK ADDITION L dVALUATION Bldg. 1 J.M. Warner's Addition to St. 475 1200 2 Paul, Minn. 350 800 3 do 250 350 4 do 350 1650 15 do 325 -- I 6 do 600 3000 7 do 500 1500 of Except North 16.25 feet;The North i 9 do 25 .....-- The North 16.25 feet of Lot 9 and all of 8 do 725 1200 Lot 10 and South z of 9 do 750 3900 11 do 500 1950 12 do 600 1600 13 do 450 2000 14 do 500 1750 15 do 500 1900 16 do 500 2250 17 do 500 1650 1 25 Chas. Weide's Subdivision of 5800 8600 2 25 Block 25 and 26, of Arlington 3850 3950 3 25 Hills Add. to St. Paul 2750 415o 4 25 do 2350 5300 5 25 do 2350 65o 6 25 do 2350 6350 7 25 do 2350 3950 8 25 do 2350 2200 Lots 9 and 10 25 do 7600 33000 11 25 do 225 1700 FORM 13.13.Ii TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bid g. 12 25 Chas. :'Veide t s Subdivision of 250 1000 Lot 13 and East * of 14 25 Block 25 and 26 of Arlington 375 14000 Lot 15 and West z of 1)4 25 Hills Add. to St. Paul 375 2000 16 25 do 250 1750 17 25 do 250 1050 Lots 18 & 19 25 do 500 2250 20 25 do 250 150 21 25 do 250 1300 22 25 do 250 1350 23 25 do 250 2000 Except North 9 feet and Except West Quadrangular part measuring 78.5 feet on North line and 79.5 feet on South line; Lots 24, 25 and 26 25 do 200 1450 North 32.5 feet of following: West Quadrangular part of Lots 24,25 and 26 measuring 78.5 feet on North line and 79.5 feet on south lines also part East of said of said Quadrangle of North 9 feet of 26 25 do 275 1450 Lots 27 & 28 ; 25 do 500 2350 Except North 32.5 feet; West Quadrangular) part measuring 78.5 feet on North line and 79.5 feet on South line of Lots 24, 25 & 26 25 do 450 225o Lots 29 & 30 25 do 500 1950 Lots 31, 32 & 33 25 do 1550 6000 34 25 do 375 1950 35 25 do 400 1350 Lots 36 & 37 25 do 800 2450 38 25 do 400 900 39 25 do 400 1850 40 25 do 400 1250 Lots 41 & 42 25 do 800 ----- 2200 FORM R.B.ii TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE IP REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LandVALUATION Bldg. 0 43 25 Chas. Weide's Subdivision of 400 1950 l4 25 Block 25 and 26 of Arlington 400 1900 Lots lay & 46 25 Hills Add. to St. Paul 750 1150 Lots 1 & 2 26 do 6750 13800 3 26 do 2100 1550 4 26 do 1950 3500 5 26 do 1950 1750 6 26 do 1950 900 Lots 7 & 8 26 ' do 3950 3100 9 26 do 2300 1650 10 26 do 3750 6550 11 26 do 225 1700 12 26 do 250 1550 13 26 do 250 1650 14 26 do 250 850 15 26 do 250 1500 16 26 do 250 1200 17 26 do 250 1950 18 26 do 250 1850 19 26 do 250 ---- Lots 20 & 21 26 do 500 3300 22 26 do 250 1300 23 26 do 225 1150 24 26 do 225 25 26 do 150 — 26 26 do 225 1050 I 27_ 26 _ do __-- 250 __-- 1950 FORM 8.9.1i TOTAL I - i -------•- •ml""IMMII.MMMMIMMIII................IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIA 111111111111.111■-- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. 28 1 26 Chas. Weide's Subdivision of 250 600 Lots 29 ' 30 ± 26 Block 25 and 26 of Arlington 500 1700 Lots 31 '1 32 26 Hills Add. to St. Paul 500 2150 33 26 do 325 34 26 do 225 2100 35 26 do 250 _...... Lots 36 & 37 26 do 500 5300 Lots 38 & 39 26 do 500 3250 ho 26 do 400 --... 41 26 do 400 .• Lots 42 thru 46 26 do 2450 29800 1 Chas. Weide's Subdivision of 550 345o 2 Block 34 of Arlington Hills 500 1700 3 Addition to St. Paul 500 850 4 do 500 1650 5 do 500 1800 6 do 500 1300 7 do 500 1000 8 do 500 1600 9 do 500 2100 10 do 500 1250 11 do 500 1750 12 do 800 7350 13 do 500 600 North 25 feet of Lots 14 and 15 do 2000 4750 North 30 feet of the South 100 feet of Lots 14 and 15 do 2000 2700 North 35 feet of South 70 feet of Lots 14 and 15 do 1900 2900 FORM B.B.Ii TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL dr DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) �. ==-- `i ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LandVALUATION Bldg. South 35 feet of Lots L and 15 Chas. Weide's Subdivision of 1850 6300 16 Block 34 of Arlington Hills 3250 6000 17 Addition to St. Paul 800 1050 18 do 400 1050 19 do 400 1300 20 do 400 1050 21 do 400 1450 22 do 400 1500 .23 „ do 400 1600 24 do 400 650 25 do 400 2250 26 do 400 55o 27 do 400 1450 28 do 400 2150 29 do 400 1150 30 do 450 750 South 42 feet of Lots ].2 and 3 Chas. Weide's Subdivision of 2650 ---._ North 83 feet of Lots 1. 2 and 3 Block 35 of Arlington Hills 7300 23000 4 Addition to St. Paul 350 1650 5 do 400 2200 6 do 400 --. 7 do 400 1000 8 do 400 2400 9 do 400 1500 10 do 400 1300 I 11 I do 400 850 — -- - do --- 400 - -- 1850 t.....,_=.....,=== FORM B.II TOTAL �" CITY OF ST. PAUL AP DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Abe REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED L Tand 6� VALUATION Bldg. East 10 feet of Lot 14 and all of 13 Chas. Weide's Subdivision of 500 1750 11 of Except East 10 feet;Lot 14 and all 15 Block 35 of Arlington Hills 650 41150 16 Addition to St. Paul 250 1800 17 I do 100 I 1 18 do 100 I 19 do 200 1100 1 20 do 200 2300 i 21 do 300 2600 22 do . 300 2650 23 do 300 2000 24 do 325 1200 25 do 325 1550 ` West i of 26 do 150 650 East i of 26 do 150 1100 27 do 325 1100 28 do 300 2050 South 50 feet of Lots 29 and 30 do 2700 11900 North 75 feet of Lots 29 and 30 do 3500 11500 IjEast 60 feet of Lots 1 and 2 3 Joseph R. Weide's Addition to 3500 425o Except East 60 feet; Lots 1 and 2 3 the City of St. Paul, Minn. 500 1700 {Lot 3 and South 12.5 feet of 4 3 do 1400 1950 ILot 5 and North 12.5 feet of 4 3 do 1900 2350 6 3 do 950 4000 7 3 do 950 2950 8 3 do 950 1500 9 3 do 11100 4600 10 3 do 1550 _ 6300 _ FORM LLB TOTAL