182351 Original to City Clerk 18. 3 F/1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COLE NCIL No. LICENSE C0WITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,0J. /i DATE April 16, 1957 COMMISSIONER / WHEREAS: Clarence P. Kimmel has surrendered License No. 618 for Second Hard Auto Dealer, expiring November 1, 1957, issued for 1383 Arcade Street and requests a refund of the fee posted by him, therefore, be it RESOLT ?: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Clarence P. Kimmel the pro-rated fee of $ 66.67, deducting $ 33.33 from the original fee of $ 100.00 Posted for the period the licensee operated on said license and to cancel said license. CANCEILATTCN (Partial refund) — — Council File No. 182351—By Bernard T. Holland—Severin A. Mortinson- Robert F. Peterson— (License returned to the City Clerk by Whereas, Clarence P. Kimmel has applicant on March 6, 1957.) surrendered License No. 618 for Second f Hand Auto Dealer, expiring November 1, 1957, issued for 1383 Arcade Street and requests a refund of the fee posted by him, therefore, be it Res: 715 E. Montana Avenue Resolved, That the proper city authorized A cars be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Clarence P. Kimmel the pro-rated fee of $66.67, deducting $33.33 from the original fee of $100.00 posted for the period the licensee operated on said license and to cancel said license. Adopted by the Council April 16, 1957. Approved April 16, 1957. (April 20, 1957) pPR 61981 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays . eCourcy APR 1. 61 Holland Approved 195_>Marzitelli • cIL Ckalkis Mortinson Tn Favor terson Mayor Posen 7 Against . 1VIr. President, Dillon _7 __Against 6-56 .n... 2