182341 COUNCI LE.NO. 1.82341_ • I r ark,, / BY /�� / 0 ,•' FINAL ORD V IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS Iv FIN1- ORDER PliOCEEDIN CONDEMNATION Council File No. 182341 In the.matter of.condemning and taking for Public School purposes the taking the matter of School purposes condemning and following described land: foking for Public School purposes the t nnrt of Lot 6. A, ' • Sub- following p described land: divis,- That part of Lot 6, Auditor's Sub- sbta d o R" s' M division No. 55, Ramsey County, Min- at the northwesterly corner t=s,. is nesota, described as follows: Corn- of said Auditor's Subdivision N... 55;I mencing at the northwesterly corner thence north 0"13' west on a line Para- of Lot 12 of said Auditor's Subdivision nei to the east line of said Lot 6 a No. 55; thence north 0°13' west on a distance of 265.62 ft. to a point which line parallel to the east line of said is 510.72 ft. south of the north line of Lot 6 a distance of 265.62 ft. to a point said Lot 6; thence north 70°05' west a distance of 298.89 ft. to a point which which is 510.72 ft. south of the north is 408.91 ft. south of the said north line line of said Lot 6; thence north 70°05'point j of said Lot 6; thence due south along 0 west a distance of 298.89 ft, to a point the east line of the property described 9 March 13 which is 408.91 ft. south of the said in Book 1085 Deeds, page 41, a distance , approved ! north line of said Lot 6; thence due of 394.06 ft. to a point on the northerly south along the east line of the prop- line of Upper Afton Road as opened; [� erty described in Book 1085 Deeds,page thence southeasterly along the north- 981 approved March 198 41, a distance of 394.06 ft. to a point' erly line of said Upper Afton Road on a on the northerly line of Upper Afton Road as opened; thence southeasterly curve to the right having a radius of 606.7 ft. and a long chord bearing south along the northerly line of said Upper 49°42'east a distance of 109.30 ft.to the t had upon the above improvement upon due notice Afton Road on a curve to the right point of tangency of said curve; thence v having •a radius of 606.7 ft. and a long south 44°32' east along the northerly recommendations relative thereto, and having ful,chard bearing south 49°42 east a dis- r Afton Road a distance g 'Lance of 109.30 ft. to the point of tan- gency Upper of said curve; thence south 44°32' of 52.16 ft.; thence north 31°15' east east along the northerly line of Upper parallel to the northwesterly line of the Afton Road a distance of 52.16 ft.; aforementioned Lot 12 a distance of thence north 31°15' east parallel to the 211.31 ft.; thence south 48°45' east a 1 northwesterly line of the aforemen- distance of 70.00 ft. to point of begin- of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature,north Lot 12 a distance the fore en- ning„meet to be made by the said City is - ' tlkin' - • P"}- thence south 48°45' east a distance of f'.' _s;i 70.00 ft. to point of beginning, under rr:., Preliminary Order 181904, approved March 13, 1957, Intermediary Order 181981, approved March 19, 1957. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it Resolved, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is oondemning and taking for Public School purposes RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therei the hatt°pa g of described e6,land: Sub- division No.55,Ramsey County, Minne- hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making sota, described as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly corner of Lot 12 That part of Lot 6, Auditor's soh-1 of said Auditor's Subdivision No. 55;� n �5,RaR thence north 0°13' west on a line para-1 the llel to the east line of said Lot 6 a a ..n, above I distance of 265.62 ft. to a point which obligations, at maturity. is 510.72 ft. south of the north line of Each bid shall specify in multiples said Lot 6; thence north 70°05' west a Of one-fourth or one-tenth of one per distance of 298.89 ft. to a point which cent a single rate of interest each Lot is 408.91 ft. south of the said north line of bonds is to bear and shall be ac- of said Lot 6; thence due south along companied by a certified or cashier's the east line of the property described check for two per cent (2%) of the in Book 1085 Deeds, page 41, a distance amount Of bonds bid for, which will be of 394.06 ft. to a point on the northerly forfeited as liquidated damages if the line of Upper Afton Road as opened; RESOLVED FURTHER, That tl bonds are not taken and paid for when ;s be and i.thence southeasterly along the north- ready for delivery. Make checks pay- erly line of said Upper Afton Road on a directed to prepare plans and specifica able to the order of the City of Saint the proper curve to the right having a radius of Paul. Each Lot of bonds will be awarded 606.7 ft. and a long chord bearing south authorized and directed to proceed wit on the basis of the lowest net interest nt in actor 49°42'east a distance of 109.30 ft. to the cost to the City of Saint Paul. It is point of tangency of said curve; thence suggested that each proposal be en- south 44°32' east along the northerly closed in a sealed envelope plainly . line of Upper Afton Road a distance Adopted by the Council_ __ _ marked on the outside. - , 1 -of 52 .16 ft.; thence north 31°15' east The unqualified approving opinion of / // parallel to the northwesterly line of the Wood, King and Dawson, Attorneys, �' . aforementioned Lot 12 a distance of New York City, will be furnished with 211.31 ft.; thence south 48°45' east a , these bonds at time of sale and all bids -- distance of 70.00 ft. to point of begin- must be uncc nditional. The opinion ping, and the Council hereby orders will state that the City has power and said improvements to be made. Approved-- - is obligated to levy taxes for the*pay- ment of said obligations and interest land, lands or easements therein be•thereon without limitation Of rate or �_. C and the same are hereby ordered to be amount. The successful bidder will be appropriated taken, furnished with the usual closing docu- rp se and condemned ments, including a certificate that no for the purpose of making said I- 1e is- improvements,part t o viz.: f Lot 6,'Auditor's Sub- , Councilmen: 'division No. 55, Ramsey County, Min- nesota,described as follows: Commenc- x�c DeCourcy ing at the northwesterly earner of Lot • I 12 of said Auditor's Subdivision No. 55; PrigiNEIgh !thence north 0°13' west on a line! parallel :to the east line of said Lot 6 Holland a distance of 265.62 ft. to a point which is 510.72 ft. south o the north line of Marzitelll said Lot 6; thencg north 70°05' west a distance of 298.89 ft.to a point which is Mortinson 408.91 ft. south of the said north line Rosen of said Lot 6; thence due south along Peterson the east line of the property described Mr. President, Dillon in Book 1085 Deeds, page 41, a distance of 394.06 ft. to a point on the northerly line of 500 7-55 ® thence souttheasterly along the north-' erly line of said Upper Afton Road on a curve to the right having a radius of 606.7 ft. and a long chord bearing south 49°42' east a distance of 109.30 !ft. to the point of tangency of said curve; thence south 44°32' east along the northerly line of Upper Afton Road a distance of 52.16 ft.; .thence north 31°15' east parallel to the northwesterly line o {T s 11Cit i . , • F15 $ qi +� o;b� S te7' Tn0 1 er s ~ wane 11000 •x. � k e o; ..a c 3oT g ; ° 10 g 111214}148$44 Tz ;66'T : sTV. ,t 4f q { !.1471 ' 4130 betTin c 3 ,= l � 1' #p° +4'4110141 Ps 9°1: s e 4o c s Lp, no; fYa " ,� 7 10114 v� c+rs �� vba�g ,rpouG0 �� v bz,I aU $ . c oiC u °y '�sLP i y-Amin* .244T Leas •rte s 1 � r• fcitt c .: o„r4.1$ - il.:n c ,r!... a# _ rl i\ IR+.4 2 under Preliminary Order approved March 13, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above condemnation 8,500.00 The total estimated aaxoinrt-of-t-lie-etssessment-iar-t-he-above-in is - - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. Subj. to Upper Afton Road and ex. E. 248.6 ft. and ex. W. 268.44 ft. MOL (measured on NE'ly line of said Road) and ex. beginning at NW'ly corner of Tract A of Registered Land Survey No. 83 (old Lot 12); thence N. 48° 45' W. 70 ft. ; thence SE"ly and parallel with NW"ly line of said Tract A to NE'ly line of Upper Afton Road; thence SE'ly thereon to SW"ly corner of said Tract A; thence NE'ly on NW"ly line of said Tract A to beginning; part S. of a line run S. 69°45' E. from point on W. line of and 320.75 ft. S. of NW corner of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 55, St. Paul, Minn. $700 ii I I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public �s/Works. e�, Dated March 19 19 57 kAt,. ��0 .2�¢- . Zet. Commissioner of Fi nce Form B.S.A. 8-5 D . v, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE March 1 FL. , 19 S7 and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxxxx , and the total cost thereof is $ xxxxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. FRAM K U. I . /ji .�_ s Si v noa-a do O• 0 1 il p . Z•-, rpI- -1-.W 11 ., .... O s o- z (5-• o �� 7 N / / / G '%. / 0 .4 . h0^°7S ���/ X90 / c / '' ' ...7 V• ' `w 9? // CO . ?�____ ,T 0 . sQ 0 a. 248.6' o w .oYi u) -+ 4 W G N 61 a 4„,,. in ^/ w �g W n. D I X9668' o O1 I -I- --r GI • 7 , n I , r I -4- II 6-1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 •I In 1 1— •I IO (5-) v i Iro 1 1 Io /f .°D !� 1 1,0 . O I I s I I s • 1 I I , i North Line Lot 6---__ ! 1 D r p Ei Q 03 (D TI -cin ? p U) n 0 - --I O 3 00 > re W -11 3c o mZ� — ° .oa > a —1 o 3 _ , D n O ➢ 01- nZo03 • m i C A co. 0 D Z 0- o vi 5 C71