182339 Original to City Clerk q44 je 19 • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Co CIL RES•LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J , it j,// COMMISSIONS• DATF _ �. WHEREAS, the Detention and ..lorkhouse Facility Commission at its regular meeting held April 5, 1957, approved the preliminary plans of the new workhouse as pre- pared by the architectural firm oftay R. Gauger and Company; and WHEREAS, Section 8, Chapter 353, Laws of Minnesota for 1955, sets forth in part "When the said Commission h2s selected and proposed a plan or plans to effectu- ate the purposes of this act, said plan or plans shall be presented to the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners for their ratification1l; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners at its meeting held April 15th, 1957 approved the aforementioned plans for the new workhouse as presented by the City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dt. Paul does hereby ratify said preliminary plans for the new workhouse, and hereby instructs the City and County I`etention and Workhouse Facility Commission to proceed with working drawings and specifications. I Council File No. 182339—By Frank D. Marzitelli- Whereas, The Detention and Work- house Facility Commission at its regu- lar meeting held April 5, 1957,approved the preliminary plans of the new work house as prepared by the architectural firm of Ray R. Gauger and Company; and Whereas,Section 8, Chapter 353,Laws of Minnesota for 1955, sets forth in part "When the said Commission has selected and proposed a plan or plans to efpestuate the purposes of this act, said plan or plans shall be presented to the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners for their rati- fication"; and Whereas, The Board of County Com- missioners at its meeting held April 15th, 1957 approved the aforementioned plans for the new workhouse as pre- ,sented by the City and County Deten- tion and Workhouse Facility Commis- sion. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved,That the City Council of the City of St.Paul does hereby ratify said preliminary plans for the new workhouse, and hereby instructs the City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission to proceed with working drawings and specifications. Adopted by the Council April 16, 1957. Approved April 16, 1957. (April 20, 1957) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council APR S '195— Yeas /n Nays AV won Approved 1,95- , Holland Marzitelli ! In Favor it • � Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 Q Duplicate to Printer 1 ( ,r`6 3•/ ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO a I r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WhkIIEAS, the Detention and ,•orkhouse Facility Commi Sion at its regular meeting held April 5, 1957, approved the preliminary plans of the new workhouse a s pre.. pared by the architectural firm of .,tay R. Gainer and Company; and l&1i11*:AS, Section 8, uhapter 353, Laws of liinnesotp for 1955, sets forth in part trwhen the said Commission h!- s selected and proposed a plan or plans to effectu- ate the purposes of this act, said plan or plans shall be presented to the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners for thL i.r ratifica.ionn; and :',1 ti. /,S, the Board of County Commissioners Est its meeting held April 15th, 1957 approved the aforementioned plans for the new workhouse as presented by the City and County !:etention and Workhouse Facility Commission. ?dW v, `i :;x '�}RL, Bi IT ?ESGLViD that the City sou.nc l of the City of 4. =au1 does hereby ratify said preliminary plans for the new workhouse, and hereby instructs the City an-i. County .e ention and 't:'orkhouse acility Go;nmiasion to proceed with working drawings and specifi.cationa, 1\PR 161957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibborrs-°' C" 'c �f="Ha vl'orlon Approved 195- (/ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 cOM>2 JDg COMMISSION MEMBERS • • FRANK D. MARZITELLI, CITY AND COUNTY DETENTION AND Chairman MRS. LUCILLE BLANK WORKHOUSE FACILITY COMMISSION MRS. JANE SHOVELL ROBERT F. PETERSON City of St. Paul County of Ramsey HAROLD GOODRICH Y Y PAUL M. SCHUTTE 945 Court House Building RAY J. McMAHON 9 `-i McNEIL V. SEYMOUR JOHN J. TIERNEY RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE BERNARD M. TROJE, SAINT PAUL 2 Executive Secretary MINNESOTA April 15, 1957 8. 339 Honorable Members of the City Council Court Mouse St. Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen and Mrs. DeCourcy: Submitted herewith, a resolution for your action and approval dealing with the preliminary plans for the proposed new workhouse for the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey. Yours truly, de......t.L.4.12 ./ _..../ ) . BERNP!?D N. TROJE Executive Secre y cb April 150 1957 MEACRANDUA DESCRIPTION CITY-COUNTY WORKHOUS AND DET NTIOrl FACILITY Ray R. Gauger & Co. - Architects Engineers St. Paulo Minnesota The accompanying preliminary drawings submitted with this memorandum have been developed to conform with the program furnished to the architects by the City and County Detention Facilities Commission. The preliminary drawings are not submitted as a final solution in design% but are submitted as an overall scheme which will establish the location of the institutiono the capacity and integration of the touts malting up the institution and the general character of the architectural and structural design. No attempt has been made here to repeat much of the material contained in the program of the Commission. I earnestly request that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners, the City Council and other public officials concerned study the program and as theme plans are being developed to make suggestions as they see fit concerning them. As our work developeso and if desireda, copies of floor plans will be furnished to interested public officials. The new workhouse will be located on relatively high ground on the recently acquired farm and will bo several hundred feet from East Avenueo south of the Upper Afton Road and north of the Lower Af ton Road. It will be over a thousand feet from the north end of the property and several hundred feet from the Lower Afton Road to allow for widening Lower Afton Road in the future. The natural slope of the ground to the rear permits lower level areas which are utilized for shops for farm equipmento storage, refrigeration and gymnasium type of recreational facilitieso all of these areas having full windows and direct access outside. The capacity of the new workhouse will be 235 male inmates of which 180 are housed in 30 bed dormitories with single bunks plus 10 infirmary beds. Other male inmates will be housed in 12 bed dormitories or ells. The women's section will house 21 of which 13 will be housed in a dormitory. The capacity of both unite can be expanded in the future by using double bunks in the dormitories. When and if additional area is .required° two , . . . • . . typical wings can be added within the confines of the present building, giving an additional dormitory capacity of 120 for men. Certain one story sections can also be built up to two story units, providing the possibility of further expannion. The units of the plan as required by the program fall into the following classifications: 1. Administrative, public space and reception area for inmates. 2. Men's detention facilities and infirmary. 3. Kitchen, dining, larndry, shops, storage and heating plant. 4. Recreational and cultural facilities. 5. Womees detention facilities. The two story portion of the institution as seen on the perspective houses administrative, public, and reception areas on the eirst floor. Men's detention facilities are on both the first and second floor along the main access of the building, similar units occuring on each floor in the same area. The men's infirmary is on the second floor in front above the administrative area. Kitchen, heating plant, dining areas, laundry, shops, etc. , are at the rear of the property, certain of these areas being at the lower level, Storage and refrigeration are also provided in this area. No basement, however, occurs under much of the building. The architectural concept is modern with an emphasis on color and the Use of materials which should require little maintenance over a period of years. The faeilities lend thoozelves to a work program both in the summer and also throughout the year 1 anticipate that the architecture of the building will provide the facilities and will assist through pleasant surroundings in the rehabilitation of many of the inmates over the years and that we will have one of the finest buildings of its kind in the country9 GetRespec nlly - mitted, Ray R. anger Registered Architect K ' April l5 3_957 (re. / / 11 MEAORANDUA DESCRIPTION CITY-COUNTY WORKHOUS AND DeTeNTION FACILITY Ray Ro Gauger Pe Co, - Arehitecta-Ongineers to Paul, Minnesota The accompanying preliminary drawings submitted with this memorandum have been developed to conform with the program furnished to the architects by the City and County Detention Facilities Commission, The preliminary drawings are not submitted as a final solution in design, but are submitted as an overall scheme which will establish the location of the institution, the capacity and integration of the omits making up the institution and the general character of the architectural and structural design. No attempt has been made here to repeat much of the material contained in the program of the Commission, I earnestly request that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners, the City Council and other public officials concerned study the program and as those plans are being developed to make suggestions as they see fit concerning them. As our work developes, and if desired, copies of floor plans will be furnished to interested public officials, The new workhouse will be located on relatively high ground on the recently acquired farm and will be several hundred feet from East Avenue, south of the Upper Afton Road and north of the Lower Afton Road. It will be over a thousand feet from the north end of the property and several hundred feet from the Lower Afton Road to allow for widening Lower Afton Road in the future, The natural slope of the ground to the rear permits lower level areas which are utilized for shops for farm equipments storage, refrigeration and gymnasium type of recreational facilitiea, all of these areas having full windows and direct access outside. The capacity of the new workhouse will be 235 male inmates of which 180 are housed in 30 bed dormitories with single bunks plus 10 infirmary beds, Other male inmates will be housed in 12 bed dormitories or cellso The romen,s section will house 21 of which 13 will be housed in a dormitory. The capacity of both units can be expanded in the future by using double bunks in the dormitories, When and if additional area is required, two typical wings can be added within the confines of the present building, giving an additional dormitory capacity of 120 for men. Certain one story sections can also be built up to two story units, providing the possibility of further expansion. The units of the plan as required by the program fall into the following classifications: 10 Administrative, public space and reception_ area for inmates. 2. Men's detention facilities and infirmary. 3. Kitchen, dining, laundry, shops; storage and heating plant. 4. Reersational and cultural facilities. 5. Women's detention facilities. The two story portion of the institution as seen on the perspective houses administrative, public, and reception areas on the first floor. Men's detention facilities are on both the first and second floor along the main access of the building, similar units occuring on each floor in the same area. The men's infirmary is on the second floor in front above the administrative area. Kitcheno heating plant, dining areas, laundry, shops, etc. , are at the rear of the property, certain of these areas being at the lower level. Storage and refrigeration are also provided in this area. No -basement, however, occurs under much of the building. The architectural concept is modern with an emphasis on color and the use of materials which should require little maintenance over a period of years. The facilities lend themselves to a work program both in the summer and also throughout the year. I anticipate that the architecture of the building will provide the facilities and will assist through pleasant surroundings in the rehabilitation of many of the inmates over the years and that we will have one of the finest buildings of its kind in the country. Respe fu:l.1 bmitted, Ray R. •'auger Regis red Arch .tect • "- / ,2/ ,c • April 15, 1957 A 0 RAN DU M DESCRIPTION CITY-COUNTY WORKHOUS AND DETNTION FACILITY Ray R. Gauger & Co. - Arehitects-Ongineers St. Paul, Minnesota The accompanying preliminary drawings submitted with this memorandum have been developed to conform with the program furnished to the architects by the City and County Detention Facilities Commission. The preliminary drawings are not submitted ac a final solution in design, but are submitted as an overall scheme which will establish the location of the institution, the capacity and integration of the units making up the institution and the general character of the architectural and structural design. No attempt has been made here to repeat much of the material contained in the program of the Commission. I earnestly request that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners, the City Council and other public officials concerned study the program and as these plans are being developed to make suggestions as they see fit concerning them. As our work developes, and if desired, eopies of floor plans will be furnished to interested public officials. The new workhouse will be located on relatively high ground on the recently acquired farm and will be several hundred feet from East Avenue, south of the Upper Afton Road and north of the Lower Afton Road. It will be over a thousand feet from the north end of the property and several hundred feet from the Lower Afton Road to allow for widening Lower Afton Road in the future. The natural slope of the ground to the rear permits lower level areas which are utilized for shops for farm equipment, storage, refrigeration and gymnasium type of recreational facilities, all of these areas having full windows and direct access outside. The capacity of the new workhouse will be 235 male inmates of which 180 ere housed in 30 bed dormitories with single bunks plus 10 infirmary beds. Other male inmates will be housed in 12 bed dormitories or cells. The romen's section will house 21 of which 13 will be housed in a dormitory, The capacity of both unite can be expanded in the future by using double bunks in the dormitories. When and if additional area is required, two typical !wrings can be added within the confines of the present building, giving an additional dormitory capacity of 120 for men. Certain one story sections can also be built up to two story units, providing the possibility of further expansion. The units of the plan as required by the program fall into the following classifications: 1. Administrative, public space and reception area for inmates. 2. Ken's detention facilities and infirmary. 3. Kitchen, dining, laundry, shops, storage and heating plant. k. Recreational and cultural facilities, 5 Women's detention facilities. The two story portion of the institution as seen on the perspective houses administrative, public, and reception areas on the first floor. Men'r detention facilities are on both the first and second floor along the main access of the building, similar units occuring on each floor in the same area. The men's infirmary is on the second floor in front above the administrative area. Kitchen, heating plant, dining areas, laundry, shops, etc. , are at the rear of the property, certain of these areas being at the lower level. Storage and refrigeration are also provided in this area. No basement, however, occurs under much of the building. The architectural concept is modern with an emphasis on color and the use of materials which should require little maintenance over a period of years. The facilities lend themselves to a work program both in the summer and also throughout the year. I anticipate that the architecture of the building will provide the . facilities and will assist through pleasant surroundings in the rehabilitation of many of the inmates over the years and that we will have one of the finest buildings of its kind in the country. Res ec uls Knitted, Ray R. wagger Regiet red Architect April 150 1957 I( :4ORANDUA DESCRIPTION CITY-COUNTY WORKHOUS C AND DST:NTIO'J FACILITY Ray R, Gauger & Coo G Architects-Engineers St, Paul, Minnesota The accompanying preliminary drawings submitted with this memorandum have been developed to conform with the program furnished to the architects by the City and County Detention Facilities Commission. The preliminary drawings are not submitted as a final solution in design,, but are submitted as an overall scheme which will establish the location of the institution, the capacity and integration of the units making up the institution and the general character of the architectural and structural design. No attempt has been made here to repeat much of the material contained in the program of the Commission. I earnestly request that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners, the City Council and other public officials concerned study the program and as these plans aro being developed to make suggestions as they see fit concerning them, As our work developea9 and if desired, copies of floor plans will be furnished to interested public officials. The new workhouse will be located on relatively high ground on the recently acquired farm and will be several hundred feet from East Avenue, south of the Upper Afton Road and north of the Lower Afton Road, It will be over a thousand feet from the north end of the property and several hundred feet from the Lower Afton Road to allow for widening Lower Afton Road in the future, The natural slope of the ground to the rear permits lower level areas which are utilized for shops for farm equipment, storage, refrigeration and gymnasium type of recreational facilities, all of these areas having full windows and direct access outside. The capacity of the new workhouse will, be 235 male inmates of which 180 are housed in 30 bed dormitories with single bunks plus 10 infirmary beds, Other male inmates will be housed in 12 bed dormitories or cells. The women's section will house 21 of which 13 will be housed in a dormitory. The capacity of both units can be expanded in the future by using double bunks in the dormitories. When and if additional area is required, two typical wings can be added within the confines of the present building, giving an additional dormitory capacity of 120 for men. Certain one story sections can also be built up to two story units, providing the possibility of further expansion. The units of tho plan as required by the program fail into the following classifications: 1. Administrative, public space and reception area for inmates. 2 Ments detention facilities and infirmary. 3. Kitchen, dining, laundry, shops, storage and heating plant. 4. Recreational and cultural facilities. 5. Womeee detention facilities. The two story portion of the institution as seen on the perspective houses administrative, public, and reception areas on the first floor. Men's detention facilities are on both the first and second floor along the main access of the building, similar units occuring on each floor in the same area. The men6s infirmary is on the second floor in front above the administrative area. Kitchen, heating plant, dining areas, laundry, shops, etc. , are at the rear of the property, certain of those areas being at the lower level. Storage and refrigeration are also provided in this area. No basement, however, occurs under much of the building. The architectural concept is modern pith an emphasis on color and the use of materials which should require little maintenance over a period of years. The facilities lend themselves to a work program both in the summer and also throughout the year0 anticipate that the architecture of the building will provide the facilities and will assist through pleasant surroundings in the rehabilitation of many of the inmates over the years and that we will have one of the finest buildings of its kind in the country. Respe ubmitted, Pay R. auger Registered Ar. itect