182330 Original to City Clark.. 1 K?� .7' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL No PJJJ30 t !/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / /,� �kr,/ COMMISSIONE• ,L4�L� �•�� DATF -- RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and urges the passage of the following bill by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota : "A bill for an Act Relating to any City of the First Class having a population of not less than 300,000 and not more than 450,000, operating under the Commission Form of Government and authorizing the change of Name of a Department thereof." ICouncil File No. 182330—BY Frank D. Marzitelli- Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and by the Legislature of the State of Minl nesota: A bil for an Act Relating to any City of the First Class having a population of not less than 300,000 and more the than 450,000, operating under Commission Form of Government and authorizing the change of Name of a Department thereof.' Adopted Approved by April 12, 1957. April 12, 1957 (April 20, 1957) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council APR 2 1g5195— Yeas Nays ) ig e cy ol Approved 195_ — 71 itelli 4 In Favor k (iN-(2.SkfrN) kikUINz.., ortinson Peterson Mayor � Against Mr . osen 7. President, Dillon 5M 22-57 :: 2 182330 A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO ANY art OF THE FIRST CLASS HAVING A POPULATION OF NOT I. $ THAN 300,000 AND NOT MORE THAN 4500000, OPERATING UNDER THE COMMISSION PORN OP GOVERNMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE CHANGE OF NAME OF A DEPARTMENT THEREOF. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP THE STATE OF MINNESOTA; Section 1. Notwithstanding any provision of any home rule charter to the contrary, any city of the first class having a population of not less than 300,000 and not more than 450,000, operating under the commission form of government and having as a department in said government a Department of Libraries, Auditorium, and Museums, may change the name of the said department to the Department of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums, and Stadia, when said has authorized the construction of a new municipal Stadium or stadia, the jurisdiction over which has been given to the department above named, • APR 1 ? 19 07