09-871Council Fi1e # Q '
Green Sheet # 3073047
Presented by
1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached Joint
2 Powers Agreement which has an indemnification clause, with the City of Srillwater, acting through its
3 Police Department far participation in the Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force. A copy of said
4 agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services.
By: �
Adoption Certif � by Council cretary gy;
BY� i' �/jt1�u�/.1, %�SG,�
Approved by Mayor: �ate ���-T�
By: Y _
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
', DepartrneMlOtficelCouncil: � Date InitiaMd: , 0 � �� /
Pp Police pepaRment ; 27 �,�� A9 ; Green Sheet NO: 3073097
Contad Person & Phone: � � Deoartment _ . Sent To Person InitiallDate
' ChiefJOhnHaRinqton � � 0 `Pohce_Department _ _ ., PohceD�artment __
' 266-5588 � ' 1 �oiiceDeparhnent_ __ _ . Pohce�ar[ment___' __ _ ___
_- -_. _ .___ _ _ ' A55�9^ ''� 2 C�tyAttomeY._ __ - CrtyAttomey _ _ �—.__
� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date}: , Number � 3�inanciai Services D�rec[qy FSO
_ : For • -- _ _____ _ . _���°_ -_ _ - ` .. _ __.
--- -- -' "- - ' ' - - � Routing , 4 Mayor's Otfice _ _ _ ' i Mayor _ _ _
I , Doc. Type- RESOLUTION i Order ', 5 �ouocil = _ _ � _ Cooncil � ' _
� 6 C�ty_Clerk �I C�tyClerk ' - --- ---
- - _ �_
F _ ____ i ___- _ _ ___ -_ -_�.� ___ --.
� E-DoCUment Required: Y �, � 7 Police Deparhnent __, Police Departmevt . ,___ _____,_
' Documen! Contact Evette Srarvere i
Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All LI eations Por Sig �
,, Contact Phone: 266-5541
,� Action Requested:
Signatures on the attached council resolurion authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent to enter in that attached Joint
i Powers Agreement with the Ciry of Stillwater, acting through its Police Deparhnent.
� Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): i Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions:
� Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenC?
CIB Commiftee i Yes No
' Civil Service Commission I 2. Has lhis person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
� 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
�� i cunent city employee?
Yes No
j � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
� ..__ . _ . . L _ .
__�-_-_-_-___________ . _-_ - _-_________--____ _____-__.-_
� Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
` The City of Stillwater Police Deparhnent will participate in the Intemet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force of the Saint Paul
I Police Deparhnentt. Authorization is needed. .
Advantages If Approved:
Opportunity to use grant funds to partneiship with the City of Stillwater Police Depaztment.
I �����
_ - - - - - - ----- -� ��� - - —
DisadvanWges If Approved:
I None. AUII� � '� ��1Q�
-�^�,� �
��- --- - --- - - -- - - -- - -- --- ------ - -------------- �-- --- --- � � q` *?-= ' --
' DisadvanWges if Not Approved: `" � " " � � x � "
:. Lost opportunity to use grant funds to combat internet crimes against children.
l i
--- ------ - - - - - - - - -- -- - - ----- . _ -
--- - -- --------- ----- --- ----- -- ---- -----
_ -----
I Total Amount of
Transactiorc CostlRevenue Budgeted:
; Funding Source:
436 Activiry Number. 34056
Finaneial Information:
� (Explain)
I -- ____ __ _ - _.
July 27, 2009 8:56 AM Page 1
/ �/
Minnesota Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force
Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement
This Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement, and amendments and supplements
thereto, (hereinafter "Agreement") is between the City of Saint Pau1, acting Yhrough its Police
Deparhnent (Grantee) and the City of Stillwater, acting throug�t its Police Department
(hereinafter "Undersigned Law Enforcement Agenc�'} both which are empowered to enter into
joint powers agreements pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is further
empowered to enter into this Agreement by Minn. Stat. § 626.76; and
WheYCaS, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-agency task force
intended to investigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the criminal
exploitation of children that is committed and/or facilitated by or through the use of computers,
and to disrupt and dismantle organizations engaging in such activity; and
Whe1'eas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws to
prosecute criminal, civil, and forfeiture actions against identified violators, as appropriate; and
WheTeas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit
A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("OJJDP") in
Washington, D.C. to assist law enforcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of
children which occurs through the use of computers by providing funding for equipment,
training, and expenses, including travel and overtime fixnding, which are incurred by law
enforcement as a resuk of such investigations; and
Whereas, the OJ7DP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC") Grant Manager has been
established representing each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the opexation of the
grant and sub-grant recipients.
Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows:
The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into
this Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of implementing a three-
pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes Against Children: prevenfion,
education and enforcement; and
The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the OJJDP
ICAC Task Force Program Standards (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit
B), in addition to state federal laws, when conducring undercover operations
relative to ICAC; and
�� - �� 1
2. A11 officers contributed by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency to
the Minnesota ICAC Task Force shall be licensed peace officers or found by
the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training to have
comparable qualificarions; and
When a contributed officer of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency
acts on the behaif of the Minnesota ICAC task Force within the scope of
this Agreement, the officer's actions are within the officer's line of duty and
course of employment to the same extent as if the officer had acted on
behalf of the officer's employing Agency; and
4. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall indemnify, save and hold
hannless the Grantee, its representatives and employees from any and all
claims or causes of action, including all reasonable attorney's fees incurred
by the Grantee, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the
Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency's officer/sl; and
5. All members of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall continue
to be employed by the same Law Enforcement Agency employer which they
were empioyed before joining the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and all
services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the member will be within
the course and duty of that employment, and therefare, are covered by the
Workers Compensation programs of that employer; wiil be paid by that
employer and entitled to that employer fringe benefits; and
6. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall submit all requests for
undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the
Minnesota ICAC Task Force for presentation to the OJJDP ICAC Task
Force Board of Directors; and
7. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a wz
request for funds and receive approval for the funds from the Grantee to
receive any funds from the Grantee; and
The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to
be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and
9. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall maintain accurate records
pertaining to prevention, education, and enforcement activities, to be
collected and forwarded monthly to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force
Commander or his designee for statisticai reporting purposes; and
10. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall participate fully in any
audits required by the 0J3DP; and
1 l. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall make a reasonable good
faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meetings in order
to share information and resources amongst the multiple entities; and
12. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shaii be solely responsible for
forwarding information relative to investigative targets and victims, to the
ICAC data system pursuant to the OJJDP guidelines; and
13. The Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency shail provide the Minnesota
ICAC Task Force Conunander in a timely manner ail investigative
equipment acquired through grant funding as a result of this Agreement in
the event that: future federal funding is no longer available, the Agency
decides to dissolve its binding relationship with the Minnesota ICAC Task
Force and the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent, or the Agency breaches the
d�,�� �
Terms of this agreement:
Ttus agreement shall be effective upon signatures. Nothing in this agreement shall otherwise
limit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilities normally possessed by an employee as a
member of the Agency.
3ohn M. Harrington, Chief of;
Saint Paul Police Deparhnenf
Assistant St. Paul,CiryAttorney
aTQy iv�'roF f � r:
� �
T. g a _
c '. " �z �
Eahibit A
Department of 7ustice
Office of Justice Pro�ams
Office of the Assistant Attomey General washi„oron, D.c. Z0531
May 21, 2009
Chief 7ohn Harrinb on
Ciry of Saint Paul 15 W.
Ke11og Boulevard Saint
Paul, MN 55102
Deaz Chief Harrington:
On behalf of Attomey General Eric Holder, it is my pleasure to inform you that the Office of Justice Programs has approved ,
your application for funding under the FY 09 Recovery Aot Tnternet Crimes Against Children Task Foxce Program Grants
Proa am in the amount of $701,346 for City of Saint Paul.
Enclosed you will fmd the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. This award is subject to a11 administrative and
financial requirements, including the timely submission of all financial and programmatic reports, resolution oF all interim
audit findings, and the maintenance of a minimum 1eve1 of cash-on-hand. Should you not adhere to these requlrements you
will be in violation of the terms of this agreement and the award wiA be subject to termination for cause or other administrative
action as appropriate.
If you have questions regazding this awasd, please coneact
-Program Questions, Will Bronson, Proa am Manager at (202) 305-2427; and
-Financial Quesrions, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Customer Service Center (CSC) at
(800) 458-0786, or you may contact the CSC at ask.ocfo@usdoj.gov.
Congratulations, and we look foxward to working with you.
Laurie Robinson Acting Assiseant
Attorney General
�'� . Department of Jusfice
_� a Office of Justice Pro�ams
"`� `"`" � Office foe Civil Rights
�vasa,,,g�o,,.n.c. zosst
May 21, 2009
Chief 7olm Hazrington
City of Saint Paul
SS W KellogBoulevazd
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Deaz ChiefHarrington:
Congratulatioas on your recent awazd. In establishing financial assistance programs, Congress Iuilced the receipt of Federal fundmg to
compliance wid� Federai civil righis laws. Thc Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Justice ftograms (OJP), U.S. Deparanent of 7ust�ce
is responsible for ensunng that recipients of fmancial aid from O.iP, its component o�ces and bureaus, [he Office on Violence Against
Women (OVI�, and the Office of Conununiry Oriented Policing Services (COPS) comply with apphcable Federal crvil rigUis statutes arid
regulations. We at OCR are ava7able to help you a�id your organ"varion meet the ctvil rights requiremenrs tf�at wme with Justice
Department funding. -
Ensuring Acress to Federally Assisted Programs
As you know, Federal laws prohibit recipienrs of financiat assistance from discriminating on the basis of race, co(or, nationai origin,
religion, sex, or disability in funded programs or activit�es, not only ui respect to employment practices but also in the delivery of services or
benefitr. Federal law aLso prohrbits fianded programs or activities from discruninating on the basts of age in the dehvery of services or
Providing Scrvices to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Individuale
In accordance w¢h Depazfiient af Justice Guidance peIIaining to Tide VI of the Crvil Ri�hts Act of 1964, 42 U.S.0 § 2000d, recipients of
Fede[at futanciai assistance must talce xeasmiable steps to provide meanmgfu] access to tlie'v programs and activilies for persons w�tli Ivmted
English pmfieiency (LEP) For more infocmation on the civil rigLts respoasiUilities that cecipients have m providing language services to
LEP mdividuals, piease see the website at htlp:((www.lep gov.
Ensu�ing Equat Treatment for Faith-Based Organizafions
The Department of Justice has pu6lvshed a ceguiation specifically pertaining to the funding of faith-hased orgazuzations. In generaL the
regutation, PaRicipation in Sust�ce Department Pcogcams hy Religious Qcganiza6ons; Pmviding for Equal Treaanent of a!i 7ustice
Depazanent Progcam Partieipants, a�td lmown as the Equal Treatment Regula[ion 28 C.F.R par[ 38, requices State Admiuistecing Agencies
to treat tl�ese ocganizations 4�e same as any othec applicant or recipient The regulaiwn pxohibrts State Adtnmistering Agencies from making
award or grant administration decisions on llie basis of an orgamzation's retigious chazacter oc affiliation, religious name, or flie religtous
composibon of its boazd of d'vectors. �
The regulation also pcohibits faiffi-bued organizalions from asing financiai assistance from tl�e Department of Sustice to fund inherentiy
religious acrivities. While faith-based organizations can engage m non-funded uilterently reli�ious acLVities, they must be held sepazately
from tl�e Deparhnent of Jvstice funded prograzn, and cusromers oc beneficiazies cannot be compelled to participate in them. I1xe Equal
Treahnent Regulatioa also makes cieaz that otgazuzaaons participatu�g in prograzns funded by ttie Department of Justiee aze not permitted to
discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of a beneficiary's religion. F6r more v�foanazion oa the regulation, please see OCR's
website at http:7(www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/etrbo.lum.
State Administeimg Agene�es and faith-based otganizahons should also note that the Safe Streets Aci, as amended; the Viaims of Crime
Act, as amended; and the Suvenile Sustice and Delinquency Prevennon Act, as amended, contain prohtbit�ons against disccimination on the
basis of re7igion in employment, Despste thesa nondiscrmin�ation pzovisions, the 3ust�ce Dep�trnent has oonetuded that tY�e Religioua
Freedam Restoration Act (RFRA) is reasonably construed, on a case-by-case basis, to xeqmre that its funding agencies permit faith-based
rnganizaUOns applymg for fundmg wider the appaicable pcogram statutes bofl� to receive DOJ funds and to continue considezin� religioA
when hiring staff, even if the stalute that authonzes the funduia progam generally forbids considering of rehgion in employment decisions
by grantees.
Queshons aboutthe regulation oi the appliearion of RFRA to the statutes thatprohtbit disciiminarion in employment may be disected to this
Enforcine Civi1 Rights Laws
AIl recipient5 of Federal Snancial ass�stance, regardless of the particular funding source, the amount of the gant awazd, or the number of
employees in the worl�orce, aze subject to tlte prolubitions against unlawfiil discriminalion. Accordin�ly, OCR investigates recipienis tf�at
aze the subject of discriminarion compiaints from both in&viduals and groups. In addition based on re,gulatory criteria, OCR selects a
numbec of recipients each yeaz for compliance reviews, aucLts that require recipients to submit data showing that they are providing services
equitably To all segmenzs of their service poputaROn and that their emptoyment pmcAces meet equal employxnrnt opportunity standards.
Complying with the Safe Sheets Act or Frogram Requiremenfs
In addition to these grneral pmlilbirions, an orgauizadon which is a recipient of financiai usisnnce subject to the nondiscr'vnu�ation
provlsions of tLe Omaibus Crime Connol and Safe Streeu Act (Safe Streets Act) of 1968, 42 U.S.0 § 3789d(c), or otker Federa] gant
progr.vn requirements, must meet two additional requirements:(1) complying with Federal rea lations pertaining to the development of azi
Equal Employment Opportuniry Plan (EEOP), 28 C.B.R § 42301-308, and (2) submitting to OCR Findings of Discriminanou (see 28
C.F R. §§ 42205(� or 31202(5)). '
i) Meeting the EEOP Requirement
In accocdance with Federal regu(aUOns, Assucance No. 6 in the Standazd Assurances, COPS Assueance No. &.B, or ce¢am Federai �a¢t
progtam requuemerns, your organization must comply witl� the fotlov+ing HEOP reporting requirements:
If your organivatio� has received an awazd foi $SQ0,000 or more and hu 50 or more employees (counvng both full- and part-time
employees but excluding political appomtees), then it has to prepare an EEOP and submit it to OCR for review within 60 days from the
date of this letter. For assistance m developing an HEOP, please consult OCR's website at 1�ttp:Uwww.ojp.usdoj gov/ocr/eeop htm. You
may aiso request technicat assistance &om an EEOP specialut at OCR by dialing (202) 616-3208
If your organization received an award behveen $25,000 azid $SOQ000 and has 50 or more employeeS your organization shll has to prepaze
an EEOP, hut it does not have to submit the EEOP to OCR foc review Instead, your oiganization has tomaintain the EEOP o» file m�d
make it available £or ceview on reqaest. In additwn, you� oxganization has fo oQmpiete Sectiou B of the Certification Form and retum it to
OCR. The Certification Fonn can 6e fou¢d at http:f/www.o}p.usdoj.gov/occleeop.htm.
If yaur organization received an awazd fox less than $25,000; oi if your otganrzation has less than SO employees, regardless of ffie amount of
the award; or if your organizalion is a medicat wstimtlon, educattonal mstiturion, nonprofil organization or Indian tribe, then yonr
orgamzation is exempt from the EEOP requuement However, your organization must compiete Sect�on A of the Certification Fomi and
retum rt[o OCR. The Certificatiov Form can be fouud at http.{Iwww ojp.us3oj.gov/oaleeop htm.
2) SubmittingFindingsofDiscrimination
In the event a Federal or State court or Federal or State admimstrative agency makes an adverse fmding of discrimination against your
organization after a due pcocess hearing, on die gound of race, color, religion, national origiq or sex, your organization must submit a copy
of the finding to OCR for review
Ensuring the Comp{iance of Subrecipients
If your organ¢arion makes subawazds to other agencies, you aze responsible £or asswing that subrecipirnts atso cmnply w�th all of the
appiicabie Federal civi] rigl�ts laws, mcluding the requirements pertainwg to developing and subm�tVng an EEOP, reporting FinBings of
D3scrimination, and providing language services to LBP persons. State agencies ihat make subawards must have in place standud �a�rt
assurances andreviewprocedures to demonsmte that they are effearively monimring tUe ciml righu complia�ice of subrecip�ents
If we can assist you in any way in fvlfilling your civii rights responsib�lities as a recipient of Federal funding, piease call OCR at (202) 307-
0690 or msit our webs�te at hrip://www.ojp.usdoj gov/ocr/.
�n� a. �--
Mic6aelL. Alston
cc: GrantManager
Financial Analyst
'`� '�=- Department of Jusfice
�-:�� OfiSceofJusiicePro� mc
� ; ' OfficeoftheCluefFinancialOfficer
. � _ d
Washina on,D.C. 20531
May 21, 2009
Chief John Herrin�ton
City of Saint Paut
15 W. Kellog Boulevard
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Refeience GrantNumbec'. 2009-SN-B9-K�18
Deaz Chief Harzington
I am pleased ro inform you that my office lias approved the following budget cat oories for the aforementioned o ant award an
the cost categories identified below:
Fnnge Benefits
Total D'uect Cost
Ind'¢ect Cost
Total Project Cost
Federal Funds.4pproved:
Non-Federa] Share:
Progtazn Income:
Match is not cequiced for this grant prog�am.
Atl Sole Source pmcutement ut excess of$100,000 requires wriflen justification andprior approval of OJP.
If you have quesrions regazding this awazd, p3ease comact
- R�o�am Questions, Wiil BronSOn, Program Manager at (202) 305-2427
- Financial Questions, the Office of Chief Fixtancizl Officer, Customer Service Center(CSC)
at (800) 458-0736, or you may wntact the CSC at askocfo@usdoj.gov.
CAngcatulafions, andwe look fotwazd to working with you.
Marcia K. Paull
ChiefFinanciai Officer
j :-"'�'���� Departmentoflustice � !
�' <. OfficeofJusticeProgams I
"� � Offlce of Juvenile Justice and PAGE � oF io i
� .� Cooperafive Agreement I �
'��`°�-""�.>' Delinquency Prevention
I. RECIPIENTNATIE AND ADDAES$ (Includin,^� Zip Code) 4. AWARD h'UMBER: 2009SN-B9-K018
I CityofSaintPa�l I '
ISW.KeIlogBoulevazd 5 PROJECTPERIOD:F20M Q4(Ol(2009 TO 03/iVZ0L1
Seint Pavl, M�i' S5102 -
BUDGETPEAIOD:FAOM 04/01/2009 TO 03/iI2011
41GO0i521 �
Use of Rerovery Act Fwds to Support and EMance MiMesom ICAC 7ask
ForreActivi6es Il. TOTALAWARD S 1Q1,346
This pro�ett is supported wder FY09 RecoveryAct (OIIDPdCAC Imtiatirres) Pub L No. 11I-5, 42 OSC 1"l601-17617
Laur�e Aobmson 7ohv Hamngron
Achng ASSsstan[ Attomey Geneml Chief o£Po7ice
� �
9 B SN 90 00 00 701346
O1P FORM 4000/2 (REV.488)
"�-=-_ DeparimentofJustice
_ "—
��1CC OfJI15hCCpZO�amc
�. ;p �= f OfSce of Jovenile Sustice and
i' �
•''°%�xP;y DelinquencyPrevenfion
,,\ ���
PROffiCLNliMBER 2�09-SN-B9-KOl%
Cooperafive Agreement
AWARDDA"L6 05252009
PAGE 2 OF 10
1. Tlie recipient agrees to comply with the fi�ancia] and administrative requuements set forth in the current edition of the
O�ce ofJustice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. , �
2. The recipient acimowledges that faflure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity PIan (if recipieni is
required to submit one pursuant to 28 C.F.R Section A2302), ttiat is approved by ffie Office for Civil Rights, is a
violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or temtination of fvndm�, unti] such time as ti�e
recipient is in compliance.
3. The recipient agrees m wmply wiil� tUe organizatlonal audit requirements oF OMB Qrculaz A-li3, Audits of States,
Local Govetnments, and Nnn-Profit Organizations, as fiuther described m fl�e cunent edition of the OIP Financial
Guide, Chapter 19.
4 Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot use any fedemL funds, either direclly or induecUy, m support of the
enactrnent, repeal, modificatian or adoprion of avy 1aw, regulaiion or policy, at any level of govemment, vriUiout the
express prior written approval of OJP.
5. RECOVERY ACT— Conflict wifli 0ther Standud Teans and Conditions
The recipient understands and agrees that all other terms and conditions contained iv this award, or in applicable OJP
gazn policy statemeuts or guidance, apply uniess they conflict or are superseded by the teans and conditions mcluded
i�ere that specificaily implement the American Recovery and Reurvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5 ("ARRA"
or "Recovery Act") requirements. Recipients are zesponsible fox contacting their gcant managers for any needed
6. Prior to the expenditwe of confidentiat fiutds, Ihe recipient and any subrec�p�en[s agree to sign a certtfication indicatmg
that he or she has read, understands, and agrees to abide by a11 of the conditions pertaini�g to confidentiai fund
expendituces as set forth in ihe 07P Financiai Guide.
7. The recipient agc'ees to coopecate with any assessments, natioval evaluation effarts, oc ivfonnation or data collection
requests, inctuding but not Ivnited to, the provision of any infonnarion required for tlie assessment or evaluation of any
acrivities within this project.
O1P FORM 4000/2 (AEV. 4-88)
"-�. DepartmentofSusace
g �--�.�=�`. Office of 3ustice Progams
� Office of Juveuile Justice and
'.�, `.�����
`� ,�
Delinquency Prevention
Cooperative Agreement
PAGE i OF ]0
8. Wiihin 45 days after the end of any conference, meering, reKeay seminac, symposium, tzaining acUViry, o[ similu event
funded under this awaid, and die total cost of which txceeds $2Q000 in award funds, the recipient must p[ovide tUe
program manager with the following mfomiation znd itemized costs:
I) nazne of event;
2) event dates;
3) locatron ofevent;
4) number of federal attendees;
5) num6er of non-federal attendees;
6) costs of event space, includ'vig rooms for breakout sessions;
7) costs of avdio visnal services,
8) ofk�er equtpment costs (e g, computer fees, telephone fees);
9) costs of printinn and distribulion;
10) costs of ineals provided during Uie event;
t 1) costs ofrefreshmenis pcovided durtngthe event;
12) costs of event plannei,
13) costs of e�ent facihfatocs; and
14) any other cosu associated with the event.
Tl�e recip�ent must also itemize and report a�y of die following attendee (inciudi�g participants, presenters, speakersj
costs that are paid or reimbursed will� cooperative agreement funds
I) meals and mcidental esp�nses (M&IE ponion of per diem);
2) lodgu�;
3) ffansportation toffrom event locarion (e.g., crnnmon caaie� Pdvately Owned Ve[iicle (POI�), and,
4) locai transportarion (e.g., rental caz, PO� at event locahon.
Note that if any item is paid for vnfli registra5on fees, or any other non-award fimding, then ffiat portion of tHe expense
does not need to be reported.
OJP will provide further mstrucrions regazding tlie submission of this data at a later tune
07PFOAh94000/2(REV 488)
—� ;°� ����tofa��
,,��'i��-� Officeof3uslicePrograms
Office of Juvenile Justice and
���'°��'';,.,-'� DelinquencyPreveation
Cooperafive Agreement
.awn�nn�re osrzinoo9
PAGE 4 OF 10
9. The Pmject Duector and key pro�am personnei designated in the application shall be rep3aced only for compelling
reasons and with tUe concucrrnce of OIP. OJP will not unreuonably withhold conaurence. All successors to key
personnel must be approved, and sucl� approval is contingent upon submission of appmpriate infoimation, includin�.
but not 13mited to, a resume. Changes in other pro�azn personnel requve only notification to 07P and subm�ssion of
resumes, unless otherwlse designated in the awazd document.
] 0. No portion of these federal grant funds shali be used towuds any part of the azmual cash compensation of any
empioyee of the �antee whose total annual cash compensation exceeds 110% of the mav.imwu salazy payable to a
member of flie Federal govemmenYs Semor Exewhve Service at an agency wi[li a Certified SES Perfomtance
Appraisal System for Ihat yeaz.
I1. ICAC Annvat Reports
The recipient agrees to submit annual xeports to OJP that set forth the following.
(A) Staffing levels of the task force, including the number of investigatots, prosecutors, education specialists, azad
foreusic speciatists deticated to investigating and �osecuting Intemet aunes ae inst children.
(B) Investigaeion and prosecurion perfom�ance measures of the task force, 'v�cluding--
(i) llie number of i¢vestigations inivated related to intemet czmxes against children;
(ii) the number o£ anests related to Intemet crime's against children; aud
(iii) tt�e number oFprosecutions forintemet crunes against childxen, including--
(Ij whether the prosecuUOn resutted in a conviction for such crime; and
(R) ffie sentence and the statutory maximum for such crime under State law.
(C) The number of refenals made by ffie task Force to the United States Attomeys o�ce, including whetlier the refenal
was accepted by the United States Attomey.
(D) Statistios 8iat account for the dispos+tion of invesngations that do not result in anests oi prosecurions, such as
refeRals to oUier Iaw enforcement.
(E) The number of investigative technicat assistance sess�ons that the task force provided to nonmember law
enforcement agencies.
(F) The number of computer forensic exaniinations that the rask force compteted.
(G) Tire number of law enforcemeut agencies participatmg iu InCemet crimes agamst ohfldren progam sta�idazds
established by die task force.
12. Ti�e recipient agrees to forward reports of ICAC Task Porce Prograzn Montlily Perfomiance Measures to the 0J7DP-
designated site.
13. The recipient agrees to comply with the OJJDP approved ICAC Task Force Operational and Investigative Stuidazds
14. The O&ce of Juvenile Juslice and Delinquency Prevenhon has elected to enter mto a Cooperative Av eement rather
Uian a grant wltli the recipient. This decisiou reflects ffie mulual ittierest of the recipient and OJJDP in ihe operation of
the pioject as weli as the anricipated level ofFederal involvement in ihis pzoject. 07IDYs pazticipatory role in the
pro�ect is as foliows:
a. Review and approve major work plans, includmg ebanges to such plans, and key decisions pertauiing to project
U Revtew uid approve major project geuzrated doeumenf5 and matenais used in tUe provision of project services.
Provide guidance in significant project planning meetmgs, and pazticipate ia project sponsored haining events or
07P FOAM 40002 (AEV. 4-881
w ^ - �`--;�� Deparimentof7ustice
: � ' OfficeofJusticeProgram¢
��, ;�� .; Office of Juvenile Jusfice and
:'�'N �
�. �=� — Aelinquency Preveufion
_' :` —._ .
Cooperative Agreement
AWAADDATE 0521/2009
PAGE i OF 10
15. The recipient shall submit semiannual pro�ess reports. Progress reports shali be submitted within 30 days a8er the end
of the reporting periods, wl�ich are 7une 30 and December 31, for the life of the awazd. These repoRS will be submitted
to the OfSce of7ustice Progarns, on line-flvough tUe Intemet at https:/tgrauts.ojp.usdoj.gov/.
16. RECOVEAXACT—AccesstoRecords;Interviews
The recipient uvderstands and agrees that DOJ (including 07P and the Office of the Inspeaor General (OIG)), and its
representalives, and the Govemment Accountabiliry Office (GAO), shail I�ave access to and the right to examine al]
records (3ncluding, but not limited to, books, papers, and dowments) related to th�s Recovery Aa awazd, including
such records of any subrecipient, contractor, or subcontractor.
Tlie recipiert aiso understands and agrees tUat DOJ and ihe GAO aze autixodzed to interview any officec or employee of
the recspient (or of any subrecipient, contcactor, or subcomractor) regarding hansactions related ro tl�is Recovery Act
17 RECOVERYACT—One-timefimding
The xecipient understands a�id agiees fk�at awards undez the Recovery Act wilL be one-time awards and accordmgly that
its pcoposed pmject achviries and delivecables ace k� he accomplished without addifional DOJ fund'wg.
18. RECOVERY ACT — Sepazate Tiacking and Repozting of Recovery Act Funds uid �utcpmes
The recipient agrees to hack, account for, azid report on all fimds from this Recovery Act awazd (including specific
outcomes and benefits atuibutabie to Recovery Act funds) sepazately from ai] other fimds, including DOT award funds
from non-Recovery Act awazds awarded for the same or similu purposes or programs (Rewvery Act funds may be
used in conjunedon with offier fundin� as uecessary Yo complete projects, but iracking and reportmg of Recovery Act
funds must be sepazate )
Accordingly, the aceounting systems of the reciptent and all subrecipients must ensure that funds from this Recovery
Act award are �ot conunmgied with funds from any otUer source.
The rempient fw1her a�m'ees that all peisonnel (including subrecipient personnel) wUoae actrvities aze to be chazged to
the award wiIl mamtau� vmesheets to document hours worked £or activities ielated to this award and non•award-
related achviries.
19 RECOVERYACT—Subawards—Mouitoring
The recipient agrees to monitor subawazds under ihis Reeovery Act award m accordance wrth all applicable statutes,
regulations, OMB circulars, and guidelines, mcluding the OJP Financial Guide, and to mclude the applicable ennditious
of this awaxd m any subaward. The reciprent is responsible for oversight of subcecipient spending azid monitoring of
specific outcomes and benefits attributable to use ofRewvery Act funds by suUrecipients. The recipient agzees to
submit, upon requesS documentation of iis policies and proceduces for monitoring of subawatds under this awazd.
20 RECOVERYACT—Subawazds—DiJNSandCCRforReporting
The iecipirnt agcees to work witU its fitst-tiex subrecipients (if any) to ensure Ihat, no latec than [he due date of the
reeipienYs first quarterly report aftec a subawazd is made, Ute subrecipient has a valid DI1NS profile and has azi active
registration with the Cenhat Contractor Registration (CCR) database.
OIP PORM 4000/2 (AEVA-88)
: �>, nepamnencofJusrice
r�� ��';, OfficeofJusticePrograms
€' 3 Office of Juvenile Justice and
��, �•�`� •.� Delinquency Prevention
Cooperafive Agreement
nw,� Dn'rs osmnoos
PAGE 6 O` �0
21. RECOVERY ACT - Quaz[erly Financial Reports
The recipient agrees to submit quarteriy financial status reparfs to OJP At present, rhese reports ace to be submitted
on-Iine (at https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov) using Standard Fotm SF 269A, not7ater than 45 days after the end of each
calendar quarter. T7ae recipient understands t6at after October I5, 2009, 07P will d�scontinue its uce of the SF 269A,
and wil! cequire awazd recipienu to submit quarterly financia] staNS reports wi8iin 30 days afrer the end of each
calendaz quartec, us'sng the govemment-wide Standazd Form 42S Federal Financial Report from (available for viewing
at www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grantslstandazd_forznslffr.pdfl. Seginning wich the report foi the fourth calendaz quarter
of 2009 (and continuing thereafter), the recipient agrees that it will submit quarteriy financial status reports to OIP on-
line (at https://grants.o�p.usdoj.gov) using the SF 425 Federal Financial RepoR form, not later than 30 days afrer the end
of each calendar quarter. The 5nal report shall be submitted not later than 90 days following the end of the grant period.
22 RECOVERY ACT—Recovery Act Transactions Listed in Schedule of Expenditures of Fedesal Awards and Recipient
Responaibilities for Tnforming Subxecipients
(a) The recipient agrees to maintain records that ideutlfy adequately tlie sowce and applicat�on of Recovery Act
funds, to mar�mize the t�ansparency and accountabitity of funds authodzed under the Recovery Act as requ'ved by tf�e
Act and in accordance with 2 CFR 21521, "Clniform Administrative Requirements for Grants azid A�eements with
Iustitutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-profit Orgmiizauons" and ONf6 A-102 Common Rules
provistons (relating to Grants and Cooperative Agreements witl� State aud Locai Govemments).
(b) The recipient agrees to separately iden4fy tUe exp�ditwes for Fedecal awazds under the Recovery Act ou tl�e
Schedule o£Expenditures of Federal Awazds (SEFA) and tN.e Data Cotlection Foem (SF-SAC) required by OMB
Circulaz A-133. This wndirion only applies if tl�e zecipient is covued by the Sing(e Audit ACt Amendments of 199G
and OMB Circulaz A-lii, "Audits of Stxtes, Local Govemments, and Non-Profit Oigani�ations" This sliall be
accomplished by 3denfifying eapenditures for Federal awards made under llte Recovery Act separatety on tk�e 5EFA,
aud as separate rows under Item 9 of Part III on tlie SF-SAC by CFDA nwnber, and inciusion of the preFix "ARRA='
in identi£ying the name of the Federal program on the SEFA and as the fust characters in Item 9d of Part III on the SF-
(c) TUe recipient abrees to separately identify to each subrecipient the Federai award number, CFDA number, and '
amount of Aecovery Act funds, and to dowment this identificarion bo[h at the vme of subaward a�d at the tmme of
disbursemeet of funds When a recipient awatds Recovery Act fimds for ao ewsting ptogram, tk�e infonnation
fumished to subrecipients shall distinguish the subawatds of incrementai Rewvexy Act funds from regulu subawards
under fhe existmg pro�am.
(cn The recipient agrees to requ�re its subcecipients to specifically �denfify Recovery Act funding on tliev SEFA
information, similaz to die requirements for rhe recipient SEFA described above, This mfoimation is needed to alio�v
the recipient to properly monitor subrecip�ent expenditure of Recovery Act funds as well as faclUta[e oversight by the
Federal awaeding agencies, ihe DOJ OIG, and ihe GAO.
OIP FORM 40002 (REV. 4-SS)
� . � n���atat�,�ri�
°� ' ~ a Office of Justice Prograuts
";.i Office of Juvenile 3ustice and
g� ,'
- � Delinqnency Prevenfion
nw�n cor�vvuaTrorr
Cooperative Agreement
AWAR➢D�TE Oi/212409
PAGE 7 OF 10
23. RECOVERY ACT —Reporiing and Renistration Requ'sements under Seaion 1512 of the Recovery Act.
(a) Tliis awazd reqnires the recipiem to complete ptojects oi activities wl�ich aze fvnded under the Recovery Act and to
report on use of Recovery Act funds provided flvough fl�is awazd. In£onnation frmn these:eports wiil be made
available to die public. -
(b) The reports are due no later than ten calendar days after each calendaz quarter in wktich tUe recip�ent receives the
assistance award funded in whole or in part by tUe Recovery Act
(c) Recipients and their first-t�er recipients must maintam axrent regishalions in tlie Central ConVactor Registration
(www.ccr.gov) at all times dudng which they have acuve federal awards funded with Recovery Act fvnds. A Dun and
Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number (www.dnb.com) is one of the requirements for
registration in ffie Central Contractor Registration.
(d) 71ie recip�eut s6a11 report tUe i�fnnnation descri6ed in seciion 1512(0) of tiie Recovery Act using die reporting
mshuctions and data elements tliat will be provided online at www.FederatReporting.gov and ensure iFtat any
infocmazimt Uiat is p�e-fdled vs corrected or updated as needed.
(e) The recipient shail notify die OJP prograzn managet of su6arission of its section 1512(c) xeport at the time flie report
is sub�mtted pec (d) above. Notification to OJP may be either by submission uf a copy ofllie section 1512(c) data
report, or (i£noY practicable) bp elechomc notificafion to the 07f' program manager confirming submission of rhe
report. Failure to pzovide the sequired notificatiov to OIP vnl] be deemed a Tadure to report m�der section 1512(c).
24. RECOVERYACT—PmvislonsofSection1512(c)
The recipient understands that section 1512(c) of tlie Recovery Act provides as follows:
Recipie�Y Reports- Not later than 10 daYs after the eud of each calendar quarter, eacii recipieat that received recovery
fimds from a Federal agency shall submit a report to that agency that contains--
(1) the rotat aznount of recovery funds received from tl�at agency;
(2) die amount of recovery funds xeceived fhat were expended or obhgated to projects or activities; and
(3) a detailed tist of ail projects or activifies for which recovery funds were expended or obligazed, including—
(A) tIte natne of the pro}ect or activity;
(B) a descriprioil of flie projeot or aoflvity;
(C) aa evalvation of ffie completion status of the project or achviry;
(D) an estunate of the num6er of}obs created and the numbec ofjobs retained by the project or acttvtty; and
(E) foT infrastcucture investments made by state azid locai govemmenis, the puipose, totat cosi, and cationale of the
agency for funding Ylie infrastruetuie inveshnent vntl� fimds made available under this Act, and name of the person to
contaet at tlie agency if there aze wncems with the infrasiructuce inveshnent.
(4) Dekliled'uiformatiov on aziy subconuacis or subgeants av✓arded by the recipient to include tUe data elemeuts
iequ'ved to comply with the Federa] Funding Accountability and Transpaiency Act of 2006 {Public Law 109-282),
ailowing aggregate reporting on awards below $25,000 or to individuals, as prescribed by the Director of the O�ce of
Management and Budget.
OIP FORM 4000(2 (AEV 4-88�
- �- Departmentof7ustice
, E Office of Justice Pro�azns
�� � Office of Juvende Jusiice and
: a� ,�;
• �^�%^^'-" = Delinquency Prevenfion
� �`°:._ .�!�
Cooperative Agreement
AWARDDATE 05f312009
PAGE 8 OF 10
25. RECQVERY ACP—Aeporting Potential Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, and Simi3ar.�Uiiswnduct
The recipirnt must prompdy refet to tlie DOJ OIG any credible evidence diat a principai, employee, agent, contractor,
subgantee, subcontractor, or other person l�as eiffier 1) submitted a false claun for Recovery Act funds u�der the False
Claims Act; or 2) committed a criminat or civil violat�on of ]aws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery,
gramiTy, or sunilaz misconduct involving Recovery Act funds. Tlvs condition also applies to any subrec�pients.
Potential fraud, waste, abuse, or misconduct should be reported m the OIG by —
Office of the Tnspector General
U.S. Department of 7usrice
Invesdgations Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Room 4706
Washington, DC 20530
e-mail: oig.hotline@usdoj.gov
hotiine (contact infotmation in English and SpanisU): (800) 869-4499
or hotiine fae: (202) 61b-9881
Additional informarion is available from the DOJ OIG website at www.usdoj.govloi�.
26. RECOVERY ACT—Protecting State and Locai Govemment and Connactor Whistleblowers (Recovery Act, section
The recipiem recognives that the Recovery Act pmvides certain protections against reprisals for employees of non-
Federat emptoyers who disclose information reasonably betieved to be evidence of gross mismanagement, gross waste,
substanrial and specific danger to public heatth or safety, abuse of authority, or vioiations of Iaw related to contracts or
gcants using Recovety Act funds. For additional infocmation, reFer to seclion 1553 of the Rewvery Act The te� of
Recovery Act is availabie at www.ojp.usdoj vovfxecovery.
27. RECOVERY ACT—Limit on Funds (f2ecovery Aet, section Ib04)
The recipient agrees tliat none of the funds under this award may be used by any State or local govenunent, or any
private entity, for constcuction costs or auy other support of any casino or odier gambling establislunent, aquaz�um, zoo,
golf course, or swimmin� pool.
28. RECOVERY ACT — Infrasicuchue Investment (ftecuvery Act, sections 15 t l and 1602) �
The recipient agcees that it may noc use any funds made avaztabte mmder this Rewvery Act awud for infrastructure
inveshnent absent submission of a satisfactory cectificahon under section 1511 of the Recovery Act Shoutd Uie
reeipient decide to use £unds for uifrastcucmre invesmient subsequent to award, the recipient must submit appropriate
certificafions under sectioss 1511 of the Recovety Act and zeceive prior approval from O.iP. Sn seeku�g such apptoval,
flie recipieat sha11 gve prefeTence to activities that can be started and completed expeditiously, azid shall use awazd
funds in a manner that maximizes job eeeation and economic benefits. The text of il�e Recwery Act (includmg sections
1511 and 1602) is avaflable at www.ojp.usdoj.gov/recovery.
03P FORM 400012 (REV A-88)
.�'�".�=; Bepartmentof7usfice
—� ?.
Office of Justice Pco�ams
.�. �: �, � Office of Juvenile Jusfice and
^"�•y De]inquency Prevenfion
� �:
Cooperative Agreemeut
PAGE 9 OF 10
29. RECOVERY ACT—Buy American Notification (Recovery Act, section 1b05)
The recipient understands that this award is subject to the prwisions of section 1605 of ffie Recovery Act ("Buy
Americen"). No awazd funds may be used for icon, steel, oz manufacmred goods foc a project for the constrv.ctioq
alterafion, mamtenance, or regair of s pubiic 6udding or public work, unless the cecipiem provides advance wntten
notification to the OTP prograzn office, and a Grant Ad�ustrnent Notice is issued that modi5es this special condition to
add govemment-wide standard condirions (auticipa[ed to be published in subpart B of 2 C.F.R. pazt ] 76) that fuNier
implement the speci&c requfremenu or exceplions of section 1605.
Section 1605 of flie Recovery Act proliibits use of any Recovery Acc funds Yor a project for the canmuction, alteranon,
maintenance, or repau of a public building or pub3ic workunless all of the iron, steel, and manufactured goods used in
the pro�ect aze produced in the United Stazes, subject to czrtain exceptions, inctuding Uaited States o6iigahons under
intemationai agreemenis.
For pucposes of this special wnduion, the followmg definitions apply.
"Public building" and "public work" meaus a public building of, and a public work of, a govemmental entity (the linited
States; the District of Columbia, commanwealtUs, tenitories, and minor outlymg islands of the United States; State azid
local govemments; a�idmulti-Siate, regional, os intecstate entities wl�ich have govemmental fiuichons). These
buiLdings and works rttay include, without timitation, bcidges, dams, plan[s, lv�ways, pazkways, stteets, subways,
tunnels, sewers, mams, power lines, pumping stations, heary generators, raiiways, aicports, tem�inals, docks, piers,
wharves, ways, tighthouses, buoys, �ettres, breakwaters, levees, and canals, and dte consWctioq alteration,
maintenance, or repair of suclt buildings az�d works.
"Manufactured good" means a good brought to the construction site £or incorporatian ioto the building or woik that has
(1) Proczssed into a specific foem and shape; oc
(2) Combvied with other raw material to create a materiai that has different properties than the properties of tlte
individua] raw materials.
"Steel" means an ailoy that ivcludes at least 50 percent �rou, between .02 and 2 percent cazbou, and may mclude odier
Fos pUxpose5 of OSP a ants, prol�� �volviug construction, alteratioq maurtenance, or repair ofjails, detention
facIli[ies, pcisons, publio crime victims' shelters, pol�ce facihUes, or otlier similaz pro]ects will Lkely trigger this
NOTE. The rec�pient is encouraged to contaCt tHe OJP prograzn manager — in advance — will� any questions wncerning
ttis condition, uiciudmg its applicabihty to particulaz circumstances.
O]P FOItM 4000{2 (REV 488)
� �"^':.. Depaztrnent of Justice
��' � OfficeofJusticePcogamG
��r,, � '� Office of Juvenile Justice and
� ��� Delinquency Prevenfion
PROJEC7NU?✓iBEIt 3009-SN-B9-K018
Cooperarive Agreement
AWAADDATE 05212009
PAGE 30 OF 19
30. RECOVERY ACT— Wage Rate Requiremeuts under Section 1606 of the Recovery Act
(a) Secrion 1606 of the Recovery Aci requires that aIl laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and
subcantractors on projecfs fvnded directly by or assisted in wHole ot in part by and duougti the Federal Govemment
pursuant ro the Recovery Act shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a cbazacter
simllu in ffie locality as determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with subchapter IV of chapter 31 of t�fle
40, United States Code.
Pursuant to Reorganivadon Plan No. 14 and tUe Copeland Act, 40 U.S.C. 3145, the Depamnent of Labor has issued
regulations at 29 CFF Parts i, 3, and 5 to implement the Davis-Bacon and related Acts. Regulatlons in 29 CFR 5.5
instruct agencies conceming application of tk�e standard Davis-Bacon contract clauses set forth in that seciion. The
standazd pavis-Bawn contiact clauses found in 29 CFR 5.5(a) are to be incotpozated in any covered contcacts made
under this awazd U�at aze in excess of $2,000 for consVuction, alteration or repair (incl�ding painting and decoratmg). ,
(b) For additfonal guidance on the wage rate requirements of section 16�6, cornact youc awacding agency. Recipients of
grants, coopezative agreemems and loans shoutd direct tUe'v initial inquuies conceming the applicarion of Davis-Bacon
requirements to a particulaz federally azsisted project to the FedecaL agency fimduig [he pmject. The SeCretacy of Labor
retains final coverage autl�ority under Reorganization Plan Number 14.
31. RECOVERYACT—NEPAandRetatedLaws
The reoipient nnderstands tt�at all 03P awazds aie subject to the National Env¢munental Policy Act (NbPA, 42 U.S.C.
section 4321 et seq.) and othex ielated Federal laws (inc]uding the National Historic Pieservatiou Act), if applicable.
The recipient agrees to assist OSP 3n curying out its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws, if the recipient pians
to use Recovery Act funds (direcfly or through subawazd or contracC) to undectake any activiTy that triggers these
requirements, such as renovation or construction. (See 28 C.F.R. Parc 61, App. D.) The reapient also agrees to comply
witi� alt Federal, State, and tocat enviconmental lavn and regulations apphcab(e to the development and implementation
of the activi6es m be funded under this awazd.
32. REWVERYACT—Misuseofawazdfunds
The fecipient understands and agrees lliat misuse of awazd fimds may result'rn a range of penalties, u�cluding
suspension o£ cutrent and funue fuuds, suspension or debamient from fedeial grants, recovpment of monies provided
undei ua awazd, and civi] andlor ceuninal penalties. .
33 RECOVERYACT—InappltcabilityofGeneralNon-supplaniingRequirementtofliisAwazd
The recipieot understands that, for purposes of tliis awud, the general non-supplanting requiremen[ of the O7P
Financtal Cruide (Part II, Chaptei 3) does not apply.
34 ,RECOVERYACT—AdditionalRequirementsandGuidance
The recipient agrees to compiy with any modifications or additionat requiremenrs tl�at may be unposed by law and
fumre O.iP (including govemment-wide) guidance and dazifications of Recovery Act requtrements.
' � Department oF Justice
b� � t Office of Justice Proerams
H � `�
��,. _:
__._ Office of.7uvertile Jvstice and Delinquency Prevenrion
Wosh+ngmn, D C. 20331
Memorandum To: Officiai Grant File
From: Kathi Grasso, NEPA Coordinator
Snbject: Categorica] Exc}usion fos City of Saint Paul
The recipient agrees to assist OJJDP to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
other related federal environmental impact analyses requirements in the use of these grant funds either
directly by the recipient or by a subrecipient. Accordingly, pxior to obligating grant funds, Yhe grantee
ap ees to first determine if any of the following activities wiil be related to the use of the grant funds and,
if sq to advise OJJDP and request furthex NEPA implementation �uidance. Recipient understands that
this special condition applies to its activities whether or not they are being specifically funded with these
grant funds. That is, as long as the activity is bein� conducted by the recipient, a subrecipient, or any
third pariy and the activiTy needs to be undertaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition
must first be met. The activities covered by this specia] wndition are: a. new construction; b. minor
renovation or remodeling of a properry either; (1) listed on or eligibie for ]isting on the National Register
of Historic Places or, (2) located within a 100-year flood plain; c. a renovation, lease, or any other
proposed usa of a buildiog or facility �bat will either; (1) result in a change in its basic prior use or; (2)
significantly change its size and; d. Implementation of a new proa azn involving the use of chemicals
other than chemicals that are; (1) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activily and; (2)
traditional]y used, for example, in office, household, recreational, or education environments.
�----.;,� pepamnrnt o£Justice GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I:
�'�-- ` Officeof7asticeProgmms pR03ECTSUMMARY
%•! f� �: Office of luvenile Justice and
�'.� �' Delinquency Prevenrion � CoOpecafive Agreement
:;.�� >
f2009-SN-B9-K018 ,
This projat is supportrd wdcr FYD9 Rewvery Act (OJJDP-ICAC InitiaM�es) Pub. L No. I l l-S, 42 USC 11601-17617
L STAFF CONTACT (Name & telephone number) 2. PRoJECT DIRECT�R (Name, add�ess & tetep6one numberJ
Wi0 Bronson AmY Brown
(202) 365-2427 Research Md Grants Mv�ager
15 W Kettogg Blvd
SaintPau4, MN 551o1-2295
OJSDP FY 09 Recovery Acc Iuternef Cnmes Against Clnldren. Task Porce Rogun GrantS Pro3ram
17se oFRecovery Act Funds ro SuppoR a�id Enhaoce Mm�esota ICAC Task Force Acnvihes
City of Saint Paul
15 W. Kellog Boule�ard
SaintPani, b1N 55102
FROM 04/OIQ009 TO: 03/31201I FROM 04/Ol/2D09 TO 03/312011
$ Y01,346 05212009
15. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PROIECT (See instruchon on xeverse)
The Ciry o£Samt Paul (MN) CCAC Tuk Focce (5701,346 o01 w�ll provide for the full-time salary of d�e ICAC Commander and MICAC will create tfiree (3) new
FTE forensic examiner povtions m meet7etlCACs smffina needs. Tite MICAC wiR also hae a men[al healffi pmfesswnal to provide mental liealth assessment and
suppoaforMICAC .
OJY FORM4UUUlt (kCbV.4-bn)
Tivs $ant pro�mn �s aurhonzed by ihelunerican Recovery mmd RcinvaanrnC Act of2009 (Public Law 111-i) (rhe "Recovery Act") avd by the
Pmviding Resowtts, O$'icers, and TecMology m Emdicam G�ber Tlveais to Our Cluldren Aa of200$ (Y.L 110-0O1, codi5ed at 42 USC 17601
-] 7616) ("the PROIECT AcP'). The sEated piuposa offh: Ruwery Act ere'to preserve and creamjobs and promo[e uonomic reco�ery; to
azsist fhose most'vnpacmd by the recession, m provide invcslmeots needed ro increase economm e�cimry by spumna technolo�czl advances m
scirnw and healt6; to inva[ in hznsportarion, wviron+nrntal protwuon, and at6tt �xdinstruc[ure that wi31 prov�de longterm uonomic bcnefifl,
and ro stabiliu $[ate and Iocal go�enwent budgeis, �v order m minimim md avaid rodu<nons in essential secvices and counte�prroduehve Ssate
and Ioral taY increases. �
7ne Intemet Crimes Agains[ Childrev (ICAC) 7ask Force Aogam seeks to maintzin and expand State and roponal ICAC task fmces m add{ess
{�hnotpgy-facilitaYed clilld exploitatiov. These [ask forces work wllaboratively as a naROna} vehvork oFlzev enfo*ccmmt and psose.cumsial
agrncies t6zt preven4'-nterdicq and invuti�ate Inmmet crimes agtinst children. The prog�am requires �imno task fames to devebp
mniti)�aisdictional, mUlhagency responses m such offevses by providivg fundmg and other supportto Stzte end Iocallaw enfnrcemrnt agrnaes u
a meavs to help rhem acquiie Cue uecessary lmowledge, personnel, and eqmpment.
Eghibit B
Internet Crimes Against
�hildren Program
ICAC ProgNam Operational and Investigative StandaYds
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As used herein, tl�e following definitions shall apply:
"07JDP" is the Office of Juvenile Jus$ce and Delinquency Prevention.
"NCMEC" is the Narional Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
"CEOS" is the Child Exploltation and Obscenity Section of the Criminal Division of the
Department of Justice.
"ICAC" is the Internet Crimes Against Children prograsn composed of Task Forces and
"TASK FORCE" is defined as an ICAC law enforcement agency designated by O7JDP to
act as a State and/or Regional Task Force.
"AFFILIATE" is defined as a law enforcement agency that is working in partnership with
a Task Force and has agreed in writing to adhere to ICAC Operational and Investigatzve
"PARTNER" is defined as an agency assisting a Task Force absent a written agreement.
"NATIONAL INITIATIVE" is defined as any investigative proposal that relies on the
cooperation and resources of all Task Farces or mandates action by �JJDP.
"CVIP" is the Child Victim Identification Program operated by the National Center for
Missing & Exploited Children.
"CYBERTIPLINE" is a reporting mechanism far cases of online child sexual
exploitation and enticement operated by the National Center for Missing & Exploited
For the purposes of this program, crime is defined as any offense that involves the
exploitation of children facilitated by technology.
Investigative interest is established when there is reasonable suspicion that a screen name
or other potentially identifiable entity has committed a crime or thal enfity is engaged in a
sequence of activities that is likely to result in the commission of a crime.
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A proactive investigation is designed to identify, investigate and prosecute offendeis,
which may or may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a
significant degree of pre-operative planning.
A reactive investigation involves the investigation of a complaint of a crime.
Reasonable suspicion is established when sufficient facts e�st to lead a law enforcement
officer to believe that an individual or organization is involved in a definable criminal
ICAC Program Operatzonal and Investigative Standards
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Exhibit B
1. Oversight
1.1 Each ICAC agency shall have supervisory systems and procedures, which shall
provide for observation, documentation, and periodic review of ICAC activity.
Such system should comply with the principles of quality case management and
ensure fihaY ICAC activities comply with both agency and ICAC Standards.
1.2 Task Forces shall submit all proposed national initiafives to OJJDP prior to project
1.3 OJ3DP may suggest amendments to the original proposal following consultation with
the presenting Task Foxce and other fedexal, state, and local entities.
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2. Selection and Retention of ICAC Task Force Personnel
2.1 Managers and supervisors should evaluate prospective ICAC candidates for work
history that indicates prior investigative experience, court testimony skills, abiliry
to handle sensifive information prudently, and a genuine interest in the protection
of children.
22 Given the graphic nature of ecidence routinely encountered in ICAC related
cases, the mental health of investigators working such cases is a great concern.
Task force supervisors at all levels are encouraged to make reasonable efforts to
ensure that all assigned officers remain fit for duty in accardance with applicable
departmental policies and procedures.
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3. Training
3.1 All Investigators will be supplied with appxopxiate training consistent with the
ICAC Operational and Investigative Standards.
3.2 ICAC Task Force Commanders are responsible for ensuring that the individuals
nominated far ICAC sponsored training are employed by agencies that have
agreed in writing to adheze to the ICAC standards of investigation and that
any prerequisite requirements for the training session have been met.
33 ICAC task forces may give regional training. The training shall comply with
current ICAC standards. Any subsequent support required as a result of the
regional training shall be the responsibility of the task force providing the
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4. Case Management
4.1 Case Predication and Prioritization
4.1.1 Cases may be initiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Intemet service
providers, or other law enforcement agencies, and by information gathered
through subject interviews, documented public sources, direct observations of
suspicious behavior, public complaints, or by any other source acceptable under
agency policies.
41.2 ICAC supervisors are responsible for determining investigative priorities and
selecting cases for investigation. Assusning the information is deemed credible,
that determination should begin with an assessment of victim risk and then
consider other factars such as jurisdiction and known offender hehavioral
characteristics. The foliowing prioritization scale shall be considered:
a) A child is at immediate risk of victimization
b) A child is ��lnerable to victimization by a known offender
c) A known suspect is aggressively soliciting a child(ren)
d) Manufacturers, distributors or possessors of images that appear to be home
photography with domiciled children
e) Aggressive, high-volnme child pornography manufacturers or dist�ibutors who
either are commercial distributoxs, repeat offenders, ot specialize in sadistic
f} Manufacturers, distributors and solicitors involved in high-volume trafficking
or belong to an organized child pornography ring that operates as a criminal
g) Distributors, solicitors and possessors of images of child pornography
h) Any other foim of child victimization.
4.2 Record Keeping
4.2.1 ICAC agencies shall be subject to ea�isting agency incident reporting procedures
and case supervision systems. At a minimum, a unique identifier shall be
assigned to each ICAC case.
4.2.2 All affiliated agencies will report their activity to the respective Task
Force Commander by the l Oth of each month using the ICAC
Monthly Performance Measures Report.
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4.2.3 Task Forces will compile and submit their monthly performance
measures report to the OJJDP designated location before the end of the following
calendar month. This monthly report does not replace the semi-annual progress
report required by the Office of Justice Program's Financial Guide.
4.2.4 ICAC Case Tracker — Task Forces wiil compile and submit information on all cases
referred for either state or federal prosecution. Information is required for all cases
referred by the grant receiving agency, as well as all �liates that received more than
$20,000 a year. This report is on-going and begjns with the prosecutorial agency the case
is refened to and continues through the final disposition of the case. This on-going
quarterly report will be due within five (5) business days of the start of the quarter and
does not replace either the semi-annual progress report required by the Office of Justice
Program's Financial Guide nor the quarterly statistical performance measures report (see
4.2.3 above). The report is submitted to icaccasetracker(a�nsdoi.�ov and copied to the
ICAC Program Manager assigned to the task force.
4.3 UndercoverInvestigations
43.1 Carefully managed undercover operations conducted by well-trained o�cers are
among the most effec2ive techniques available to law enforcement far addressing
ICAC offenses. Undercover operations, when executed and documented
properly, collect virtually unassailable evidence regarding a suspect's predilection
to exploit children.
43.2 ICAC supervisors are responsible far ensuring that ICAC investigators receive a
copy of the ICAC Operational and Investigative Standards.
4.33 ICAC investigations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the principles
of law and due process. ICAC invesrigators are encouraged to work in
conjmicrion with their local, state or federal prosecutors.
4.3.4 The following minimum standards apply to ICAC investigations:
a. Only sworn, on-duty ICAC personnel shall conduct ICAC investigations in an
undercover capacity. Private citizens shall not be asked to seek out investigative
targets, nor shall they be authorized to act as police agents in an online
Undercover capacity.
b. ICAC personnel shall not electronically upload, transmit, ar forward
pornographic or sexually explicit images.
c. Other than images or videos of individuals, age 18 or over, who have
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provided their informed written consent, and at the time consent was given
were employed by a criminal justice agency, no actual human images or
videos shall be utilized in an investigatian. Employee is defined as a
salaried or compensated individual.
d. During online dialogue, undercover officers should allow the investigative
target to set the tone, pace, and subject matter of the online conversation. Image
transfer shall be initiated by the target.
e. Undercover online activity sha11 be recorded and documented. Any depar[ures
from this policy due to unusual circumstances shall be documented in the relevant
case file and reviewed by an ICAC supervisor.
4.4 Evidence Procedures
4.A.1 The storage, security, and destruction of investigative information shall be
consistenY with agency poliay. Access to these files should be resiricted to
authorized personnel.
4.4.2 The examinatlon of computers and digital media shall be consistent with agency
policy and procedure.
4.4.3 Child pornography is contraband and should be maintained pursuant to each
agency's policies regarding such. It is recommended that absent a court order
specifically ordering otherwise, evidence containing child pomography shall not
be released to any defendant or representative thereof.
4.4.4 The transfer of evidence containing child pornography among law enforcement
shall be done in a secure manner. Methods of transfer may include hand-delivery,
transmission of digitally pxotected files, delivery via a service which tcacks the
shipment, or ofher methods consistent with agency policy and practices.
4.5 Workspace and Equipment
4.5.1 ICAC computers and software sha11 be reserved for the exclusive use of agency
designated ICAC personnel. When possible, undercover computers, software,
and online accounts shall be purchased covertly. No personally owned equipment
shall be used in ICAC investigations and all software shall be properly acquired
and licensed.
4.5.2 TCAC personnel shall not use ICAC computers, software or oniine accounts for
personal use.
4,5.3 Absent exigent or unforeseen circumstances, all ICAC online investigations shail
be conducted in government workspace as designated by the agency. Exceptions
ICAC PYOgpam Operational and Investigative Standards
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must be approved in advance by an ICAC supervisor.
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5. Information Sharing
5.1 Convenrional boundaries are virtually meaningless in the electronic world of the
Intemet and the usual consttaints of time, place, and distance lose their relevance.
These factors increase the possibility of ICAC agencies targeting one another,
investigating the same subject, or inadvertently disrupting an ongoing
investigation. To foster coordination, collaboration, and communication, each ICAC
agency shall cotttribute case information on a11 active investigations
(local, interstate, reactive and proactive) to a common database as designated by
OJJDP currently, refened to as the ICAC Data Exchange.
5.2 If any common target is identified, the initiating ICAC agency is responsible for
contacting the other law enforcement agency targeting the suspect.
5.3 Initiating ICAC agencies should also consider contacting other local, state, and
federal agencies which may be involved in similar investigations.
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6. Victira Identificafion
6.1 Identifying child victims is a crirical element of the ICAC Pxogram. D03 and
OJJDP require all Task Forces to submit child victim images to the CVIP as a
means to improve child victun identification. Absent exigent circumstances, child
victim images wiil be sent to the CVIP consistent with NCMEC guidelines. In
addition, ICAC agencies are encouraged to collaborate with NCMEC to identify
children depicted in child pornography.
6.2 A focus of the ICAC Program is to protect children. In circumstances where
reporting of chiid abuse is not required under existing laws, ICAC agencies are
strongly encouraged to report instances in which a child may be at risk for abuse
or exploitation.
63 Absent exigent circusnstances, victim identifying information should be protected
from public disclosure.
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7. Vichm Notificarion
[New section to be drafted in 20Q9 about NSTICE FOR ALL Act Provisions that govern
victim noti£cation.}
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Exhibit B
8. Best Practices for Interacting with Potential Child Victims and their Non-
Offending Family Members
[To be developed in 2009.]
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4. Community Education and Crime Prevention
9.1 Prevention education activities are a critical component of the OJJDP ICAC
Pro�am. ICAG agencies should foster awareness and provide practical, relevant
guidance to children, parents, educators, librarians, and other individuals
concerned about child safety issues.
9.2 Presentations to school staff, parents, and community groups are excellent ways
to promote awazeness. These presentations sha11 not depict identifiable victims,
not otherwise in the public domain; nor shall they use pornographic or sexually
explicit images. Presenters shall not discuss confidential investigative techniques.
9.3 No member of an ICAC Task Force may endorse any product or service without
the express consent of an OJJDP Program Manager. Wlule appearing at public
presentations, ICAC members may indicate a prefexence far a product or service,
but to avoid an implicit endorsement, such IGAC members should indicate
adaquate alternatives.
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Exhibit B
10. Media Relations and Releases
101 Media releases relating to prosecutions, crime alerts or other matters concerning
ICAC operations shall not include information regarding confidential
investigative techniques and should be coordinated (when applicable) with other
Task Force participants, Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and local
agencies involved in the investigation consistent with sound information
management and media relations practices.
10.2 ICAC Commanders (or their designees) may speak to members of the media about
their own departments' ICAC-related activities according to their own agency's
guidelines. No individuai affiliated with the ICAC program may speak on behalf of the
ICAC Program as a whole.
103 ICAC Commanders should inform their OJJDP Program Managers if approached by
national media outlets about the ICAC Program (as opposed to media seeking
information about loeal activities) so that a eoordinated national response can be prepared
by OJP.
10.4 Information provided by ICACs to the media shall be consistent with the guidance
Purpose of the ICAC Program
The mission of the Tnternet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force program is to
assist state and local law enforcement agencies in developing an effective response to
cyber enticement and child pornography cases. This support encompasses forensic and
investigative components, training and technical assistance, victim services, prevention
and community education.
Background on the ICAC Program
The Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) program is a national network of fifty-nine
coordinated local task forces and their 1,8001oca1 and regional affiliated agencies
engaged in both proactive and reactive investigations, forensic examinations, effective
prosecutions and community education.� The ICAC Program was developed in response
to the increasing numbex of children and teenagers using the Internet, the proliferafion of
child pornography, and the heightenad online acfivity by predators searching for
unsupervised contact with underage victims. By helping state and local law enforcement
agencies develop effective and sustainable responses to online child victimization and
child pornography, the ICAC proa am delivers national resources at the local level.
The ICAC program actively protects children who use the Internet by proactively
investigating the on-line sexual exploitation of children by predators. Because ICAC
practitioners understand that arrests alone can not resolve the problem of
on-line victimization, the ICAC program is dedicated to training law enforcement and
educating parents and youth about the potential dangers online and offering safety tools.
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