183632 • ' COUNCIL FILE NO. •a BY ///WIN FINAL OR CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS ORDER IN '. !"lED'iNATION ` • PROCE' ing Hoyt Ave. from e,. d_ Birmingham St. m Hazelw000 St. to demning the south 67 taking and con- 145 ft., and the south 60 ft.oexcept the In the matter of_ n�ir e rt•n i east 145 ft. of Lot 42, The Pioneer Real• Estate and Building Society Subdivi- P rr ?r a Sion of the North ?z of the Northwest Also acst ip2of 1 nd 03ft.2iin wadth by taking and condemning that part of Ide's Outlots lying northerly of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the west line of Lot 42, ng TSociety neer Real Estate and Build- ing of the Subdivision of the North Northwest ?4, Section 22,' line Township 29, Range 22, and the north whichfisd30sftOutlots, thence to a point! under Preliminary Order 181404 approved February of Ide's Outlots sand 631.35eft owestiof Y PP the center line of Hazelwood St., and' taking and condemning that part of 18 266 Lot 41, The Pioneer Real Estate and Intermediary Order 3 , approved June 11 Building society Subdivision of the North n of the Northwest '4, Section of,a one Township 29, Range 22, lying south! A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due no-t, parallel twine above descibedrsouthai erly line. heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having north 30 ft. and condemning theI of Lot 2, Ide's Outlots, therefore, be it lying westerly of a line which ' 63° s' ft. west of the wood St. and thecnorth 30 ft.of of Lot 3, Ide's Outlots; also the south 30 ft. of RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise not' Lots 3s, 4o and 41, The pioneer Real rovement to be made by the said City Is ` . Estate and Building Society Subdivi- P Y Y 2 , t sioh of the North % of the Northwest ` r `� :1; Sion 22, Township 29, Range 22,•r €i 4 a, 8 i, tia,, *,,•0 42, ft. ewesterly of ad of a parallel which the is 631.35 +/4iti vW yf� s,�i 4 Hazelwood St. IofOpening and extending Dieter St. of a width of 60 ft. from the north line Nebraska Ave. as platted in Dahl's Addition, to the south line of Hoyt Ave. as above opened by taking and' condemning a strip of land 60 ft. Width from the south line of Lot 5 to e the north center line of Lot 2, Ide's Outlots, scribed as line of said strip is de- follows: Beginning at th be made. intersection e and the Council hereby orders said improvements to braskaAve. as the north line of Ne- dition and the platted lineDahl 's Ad-' RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements hence to platted in Dahl's Additon; hereb ordered to be taken a ro rioted and condemned for the ur ose of m: as above pened th line of Hoyt Ave. to the PP P P P tersection of the north 1pnent of in- Outlots and the westerl of Ide's of 42, The Pioneer Real Estatel and Bu Idt The i gofothety Subdivision of the North Northwest ',4, Section 22, i ;rr .,.*, Township 29,Range 22. toOaew dtha an extending Barclay St.. Ave. to the south 0line ofr m Nebraska above opened by taking and condemns ing a strip of land 60 ft. in width, the j center line being described as follows: root line of the intersection of the in Dahl's Addite nraand the center aline RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be of Barclay st; thence t a point r the directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement and the north line of Lot 5, Ide's Outlots, 631.35 r ft. west of the center line of Hazelwood authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said im rovement ii st. thence to a point on the south line P g P of Hoyt Ave. as above opened 631.35 ft. Q Q� St west of the center line of Hazelwood Adopted by the Council JUL v 1yi/7 _ Opening and extending Winchell St. to a •width of 60 ft. from a point 30 ft. north of the south line of Lot 7, Ide',^ ¢{n� :;;;,_f ji Outlots, to a point 30 ft. south of the nor takith line of Lot 3, Ide's Outlots, by ng and condemning a strip of land 60 ft. in width the center line of which is described as follows: Be innin Approved-- , 19 ` a point 30 ft. north of the south line of at Lot 7, Ide's Outlots, and 330 ft. east �"G` of the center line of Birmingham St.; thence to a point on the north line of Lot 7, Ide's Outlots 330.0 ft. east of the center line of Birmingham St.; thence I Ide's Outlots 30 ft we t oflthe east line Councilmen: of Lot Outlots Ide's DeCourC Outlots; thence to a � � y point 30 ft. south of the north line of Lot 3, Ide's Outlots, and 30 ft. west [ of the east line of said Lot 3, Ide's thdrzonac Outlots. Holland Opening, widening and extending Nebraska Ave. to a width of 60 ft. from Marzitelli and wood t. to Dieter St. by taking Mortinson that part of Lot south 30 ft. cf east of Dieter St. as hereiOnbefore lying '!b t! ,,. . . posed to be opened. Pro- x'„°�' l: A'_i.. Also opening, ing Nebraska Ave.widening to width of 60 ft, 1, ()4"L � from Birmingham to Winchell St. a ondemninre opened by taking and and the north 30 ft of Lot 7ft. de'sLOut- 4 lots, lying west of Winchell St. as hereinbefore proposed to be opened. to0apwidth ofd60 ft from Nevada Ave. to Winchell St. as hereinbefore proposed to be opened by taking and condemn- ing the south in s+ . ,- • - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �2 • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ( r { ��' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) f) In the matter'of opening and extend Hoyt Ave. from Hazelwood St. to Birming sm St., " Dieter St. from the north line of Nebraska Ave. to the south line of Hoyt Ave., " Barclay St. from Nebraska to the south line of Hoyt Ave. If Winchell St. from a point 30 ft. north of the south line of Lot 7, Ide's Outlots, to a point 30 ft. south of the north line of Lot 3, Ide's Outlots, " Nebraska Ave. from Hazelwood St. to Dieter St., " " Nebraska Ave. from Birmingham St. to Winchell St., " Nevada Ave. from Dieter St. to Winchell St., under Preliminary Order approved February 6, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated.o u� -the asse&S.Me -t- or 4ge�bowe 3rnpreverner}t is - - - $ 15,675.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. Ex. Birmingham St. and ex. E. 60 The Pioneer Real Estate and ft. and ex. N. 250 ft.; 39 Building Society Subdivision $150 of N. 1/2 of NW,i-,, Sec. 22, East 60 ft. of 39 T. 29, R. 22 175 400 4o do 500 41 do 1000 700 Except North 348.6 ft. and except East 145 ft.; 42 do 100 South 67 ft. of East 145 ft. of 42 do 100 Ex. N. 120 ft. and ex. S. 140 ft. Lot 1 and all of Lot 2, ex. N. I ! 120 ft. of E. 120 ft. & ex. S. 140 ft. lying E. of a line parallel - and distant 150 ft. W. of E. line of 1 Ides Outlots 875 1900 continued on page 2 _ _- i. issioaeF-of F.i.eaiaCG. anther.:eporxs.thax lhe-has.+r}ves4.igat d- tars,axd 13erel�y-su134-14its.t®4esegeix as..h ropoi -tin®r€eR-to-tie-CowRsi4,-t e layr-wi t-h-xl4e.-rapc}r.-ioa4e-te-ki.+r�. referent e-t -said-ma-tter-by-tlre-Ce min istic ner-o4-141b1ic-;V cries. Dm foil 19_ ,Contra s 1pnet 4£Fri�aaice. Form B.S.A. 8-5 D • • CITY OF ST. PAUL " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LBndVALUATION Bldg. 3 Ide's Outlots $600 $700 Ex. N. 58 ft. of W. 125 ft.; S. 88 ft. of W. 145.5 ft. of 4 do 50 Ex. W. 145.5 ft. and ex. E. 165 ft.; 4 do 200 East 165 ft. of 4 do 150 1 Ex. E. 134.78 ft.; Lot 5, also S. 30 ft. of sd. E. 134.78 ft. of 5 do 1375 Ex. Barclay St. & ex. W. 135 ft.; I Lot 7, also N. 30 ft. of sd. W. 135 ft. of 7 do 825 Ex. E. 135 ft. & ex. W. 180 ft. of S. 133 ft.; part E. of extended E. line of Lot 8 of Lot 9 and ex. Barclay St. and ex. S. 206 ft.; W. 105 ft. of E. 135 ft. of I 9 do 1550 6200 Ex. Barclay St.; W. 80 ft. of 10 do 375 4650 Ex. E. 470 ft. & ex. W. 80 ft.; 10 do 500 W. 157 ft. of E. 470 ft. of 10 ; do 1000 5450 N. 109 ft. of E. 313 ft. of 10 do 700 1400 7 2 Dahl's Addition 25 8 2 do 25 TOTAL $10,275 521,400 , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated June 11 19 _ 'L.r_ /LCey[aid. 172. , Commissioner of Finan Form B. B. 12 . . . ... — . , • ., • . _ . ▪ t Sept . 11, 1956 Ir . Layor and kembere of the City Council of St . Paul: We the undersigned petition that the building permit which has been issued and on which a hole is lseing dug at the inter- eection e h. Birmingham and E. Nevada 'to cancelled inasmuch as a petition for the acquiring and opening of East Nevada from Birmingham and east was presented to the council last spring. ‘I i ' . .... /I-- A....f.A_ 5' -/ ." / /4/9 r 4=. Ar AP) gi 7414.1 . / 4 1 ? E /; hi 7141k1 , °. • ' 4 , ' .--7 i ■ ,•41 A- r /61"k 74° ii 4/ ' / V 2, 7 ' /,, ,.,„ /4 4e.r.d4.-- ,--Art."--‘,....' r T7,.. ,_. —, . .y 60 / 4 A1-4....vf_zt4 , ....st---- -v..- .1/ r 1 VS6 * NN/4liL A 1( 1(1AlktilY\1\.. Y2 / t.,/ 1, e, ,------r-, „_, — m C-) •-1; &04-eL.." rr! ,... ON . St. Paul, Minn. /I— 3 0 — 19 -5---'.5-J To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: t St. Ave. f from O St. Ave. to 7.(7 — St. Ave. NAME r LOT BLOCK ADDITION ill l/ / ..ba A 4 :-L-e-i-d-/-Li r UI ik/ _ (-. ... ::-■.;')'v.'1' '') et, i , R E t1 - )),i ' \ ' "\- ,l D !:, 2 1855 DEPT, OF VL BL LJ WORKS 6M 11-52 c41p02 Date - ADDITION ADDITION DELINQUENT TAXES DELINQUENT TAXES Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP I — St. Paul, Minn. /1— •3 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 7, St. Ave. from ' St. Ave. to .... - St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION VemZ/, / ' Q .2- �� it/ti )A1 RED 1 4 aft ii:- 12 2 1955 DEPT, if F i ! 'WORKS 5■1 11-47 .4 7711^' Jb Date - ADDITION ADDITION DEJLINQtiENT TAXES DELINQUENT TAXES Lot Blk. I Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP . . • „ St. Paul, Minn. #---127- ../ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: • 0 - St. Ave. dir from St. Ave. to St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION / AL 'V 0" / (577,4-k- , .-, . -.&_...ialreiwrz■ ..■L...I .... ) 0 zdji, .t..... ir Li - 4.1.1.--. ....- ..dirr .....,.4 ......L.■ Cc.f-X-e1Y-Z1,,,, 2 I i REC --r--- - .. : 1: 7...." ,.......1 t, 'p ,....., , _ NOV 14 1955 ), p ). _ DEPT. lif PL k; WORKS 6M 11-62 .4111POD2 Date , •—. ADDITION ADDITION • DELINQUENT TAXES ( DELINQUENT TAXES Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP St.. Paul, Minn. //— - 19 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 1°V4Q- St. Ave. from St. Ave. to 040 St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION -y. l_ �C Ot t✓ vtav, • R2 55 <% NUS S 5M 11-47 'I - ) Date - ADDITION ADDITION — DELIAQL'EN, TAXES DELINQCENT 'TAXEN Lot B1k. Years 1 Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP I _ — I ' I — •