183630 COUNCIL FILE NO. • By • Council File No. 183630— FINAL ORDER In the matter mil g Iowa from Paye Ave.of to gradinArcade St., Idaho Ave. from Parkway Drive to Arcade St., ("enbrier St. from Monta- '- In the Matter of grading Iowa Ave. from Payne Ave. to Arcade St., Idaho Ave. from Parkway Drive to Arcade St. , Greenbrier St. from. Montana Ave. to Parkway Drive, Walsh St. from Montana Ave. to Iowa Ave. , and Weide St. from Montana Ave. to Idaho Ave. Also constructing a storm sewer in Weide St. from Iowa Ave. to Idaho Ave., under Preliminary Order 132211+ approved April 1+, 1957 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. grade Iowa Ave. from Payne Ave. to Arcade St., Idaho Ave. from Parkway Drive to Arcade St., Greenbrier St. from Montana Ave. to Parkway Drive, Walsh St. from Montana Ave. to Iowa Ave., and Weide St. from Montana Ave. to Idaho Ave. Also construct a storm sewer in Weide St. from Iowa Ave. to Idaho Ave., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 9 19b1 IF !. City Clerk. Approved PUBLISHED S File 13735 Mayor. Councilman DeCOURCY kting Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON �. Councilman . eft """ Councilman ROSEN Mayor '.,.r.A41.0 : Mr. Vioe 14ra tov. ,,i`04,4444.),) 2-55 2M 2 . . - • .... -`... , ._ . ..---• . • - i' i. I' I 'X I 0 li 18"i■ , ej(pn kik:t Pit'•,2;1-,1••-•L, ARY (ii'LL/hii 132214 or 18221.5 . GliA.L.).114 G 6 Iii.e.:ET6 Al Vika., If ilAY CONC.1.-iii,< : We, the undersiqned, property owners, affected by improvements specified in above captioned natter, particularly that part that relates to; ukt.AA):.a,Li Gtik,...t.,::,:iltilER 6-.;:. FROM ivi.UN 1.AA J.0 ilAii.KidAY .ul-tIVE hereby enter our protest. We do not beleive t1i 6.-.. enough persons would benefit from that part of this improvement o justify its cost. lle respectfully request that this part of said improvement be renoved from orders described herein. Signed - MIMI address (.9t (.41j - - ( - X....e--re:i /1 J.S` /Lid:1 E=S-/-="'"/ 1 ,; „. .e....., 7- ot. -. /tin _A-,,--it, 1,;(i-,7/--•‘....,,, /374, 4- __ •1 7 — ‘. . .;/ .._ --//kk i7'' 9-1.....„ 7/ t. ,i 7, 4, . f.. jr..... / i ,./ I, ',/ .: 11 ' / - : l• td- 4g-',.--/....,..* "1....4-...rs'c. ;r,,,e, ,_-, , I _. , -- . -- . - _ - --,'- - j... / • 7,17/ ( / ci. " 4 7 _ 1.- - - tv :; ,_,.4 ,:.: -11:1/.' ' ..--, , _i.i _ ;fi_102 - Alfreltitl■i•teL.61410- • ' tiall ' 'Viler 6 C1 /bct 1 t,i telitettVL ttitt' -.A i 0 2^,C_.,)/ j, 0 _ - L. 1 I:4,(k it i);) 7 PE,444. AI ss-ret,' .„.... „,.. _IILL.— . ' _ 11 f. _ .. / I , , z / ,ff) / j7 ir 1 . ..,, .-...f— -1.-( t"-- (t) .(j /\ &- .24..PeYV CZ 2 , ,in,/ cord i-ot /rh_....(F.,*44, adze.. /\ &- \___. (. ..7.----- ,7 -D=-6--7.--; (... 7-1.44t1 1'.....1 --e-- --,• ---•-- f- f 1.-.4.) —1-71-4,.....i71 ■..._,:„...---, 4 }. °-- A. ° -A-Te._ (.0 T7 e_1Lba—as:o_a,Q6A-ik t ..; . .,--7, 9 , i ..• f "4 ./-- _ 71,0,,- . rr/ , 4, ( . 41 :., P-ei Ri,....& /OAS- i g C---)_‘ o-•.-cy.1._.. Lj,...4L4- .aA • . a/ti.ku.e.,..) 61r - t ..4_,,y, 61.4- ; I ' . .. State of Minnesota ~ . County of Ramsey On this 1st. day of July 1957 before me a Notary Public in and for said County and State personally appeared Albert Rogalla to me known to be the person described in the within petition and who under oath deposes and says; that he personally witnessed each and every one of the names subscribed to the within petition, and that hey and the subsribing petitioners subscribed their names as their own free act and deed. 111.49-41 // 4 ROY A. ERICKSON Notary Public, Ramsey County,Minn. My Commission Expire. June j; 1961 / CITY OF ST. PAUL ., DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 18; ) t1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER tl (D) - _ , In the matter of Grade Iowa Ave. from Payne Ave. to Arcade St. • Idaho Ave. from Parkway Drive to Arcade St. . Greenbrier St. from Montana Ave. to Parkway lh'ive Walsh St. from Montana Ave. to Iowa Ave. Weide St. from Montana Ave. to Idaho Ave. 'Also construct a storm sewer in Weide St. from Iowa Ave. to Idaho Ave. under Preliminary Order approved April 14, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 52)426.75 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ 7.82 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED I I I LcYALUATION i jldg. Lots 10 through 16 3 Catlin's Addition to the City 575 ---- Lots 17 and 18 3 of St. Paul 975 1500 Vacated alley adjoining and that part of Lot 11 lying East of a line drawn from a point on the North line 15.50 feet from Northwesterly corner to SDuthwesterly corner of Lot 11 and Lots 12 through 20 14 do 725 ---- Vacated Walsh St. between and West triangular part of Lot 11$ Block 14, measurin 15.5 feet on north line of said lot 11$ and all of Block 5 do 650 ---- Except Vest 28 feet; Lot 2 and all of 1 iskberg's Subdivision 650 6150 West 13 feet oi' Lot 7; and all of 8 do 650 6800 ';lest 13 fe t ,:.f Lot 10 and all of 9 do 950 14650 Dated 19 — Commissioner of Finance. Form B.S.A. 8-5 D ' CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandV A L U A TI O NBldg• ■ 16 Ekberg's Subdivision 725 5350 1 1 Harrison & Handy's Addition to 425 4400 28 1 the City of St. Paul 525 1 1 Phalen View 75 2 1 do 75 3 1 do 75 - 4 1 do 75 5 1 do 75 6 1 do 100 ---- 7 1 do 100 8 1 do 100 ---- 9 1 do 100 ---- 10 1 do 100 150 11 1 do 750 ---- Except Northerly 10 fe to Lot 15 and all of 16 1 do 1200 450 2 do ?5 2 2 do 75 3 2 do 75 1 2 do 75 5 2 do i. 75 6 2 do ?5 i 7 2 do ?5 8 2 do ( 75 ---- 9 2 do 75 INIIMMIIIMNP 10 2 do 75 .r_ I ' 1 3 do 75 2 3 do 75 ---- FORM e...II TOTAL 1 II ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1dVALUATIONB,�dg 3 3 Phalan View 75 �6 INIMIMMINOW 4 3 do ?5 ii 5 3 do 75 East 26 feet of Lot ) and all of 10 3 do 500 8500 1 4 do 100 2 11 do 100 3 . 14 do 100 4 . 4 do i 100 5 , 14 do - 100 Except East 12 feet; Lot 7 and all of 6 14. do 850 1550 11 4 do 750 1 . 1 Santucci Addition 100 -- 2 1 do 100 t 3 1 do , 100 14. 1 do 100 --- I 5 1 do 350 5050 1 2 do 100 --- i i 2 2 do 100 _ 3 2 do , 100 14 2 do 100 5 2 do 100 ---- 6 2 do • . 125 --- t 7 2 do . 125 ---- 8 2 do ._ 375 24 2 do . 350 ---- 1 1 B. Schnitzius's Addition to - 850 .. 925 11200 2 1 St. Paul _Minn. .--' ' FORM 111.111.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 4.=„: . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATIONBld . i jEast 40 feet of South a of 2 B. Schnitzius's Addition to 600 3750 East 50 feet of North z of 2 St. Paul, Minn. 400 Except East 132 feet of the South ; and except East 100 feet of the North ; the "'est z of 2 do 1800 2700 1 1 M. Stark's Addition 100 2 1 do 100 ---- 4 1 do 475 IIIIIIINIMMIN 5 1 do 375 6 1 do 300 1150 7 1 do 125 -. 8 1 do 125 ---- 9 1 do 100 ---- 10 1 do 100 --- 11 1 do 100 ----- Lots 1$ 2 and 3 1 Ufton Grove, Third Plat 575 1200 Lots 7 & 8 2 do 475 900 9 2 do 75 10 2 do 75 -- Lots 11 °.z 12 2 do 150 - 13 2 do 475 —..-- 1 3 do 300 3050 11 2 3 do 375 3000 12 3 do 450 3750 1 4 do 425 10 4 do 350 - 11 4 do 250 --- 1 12 4 do 150 FOAM 9.9.11 a., TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATION I 13 I. Ufton :;rove, Third Plat 100 ..___ 14 4 do 100 ---- 15 4 do 100 16 14 do 100 ---- (Except Jreenbrier And Iowa Ayes.) the South 70 feet of '13.9t 158 feet of Northwest .4 of Southwest9 of Northeast of Northeast 4 of Sec. 20, Town, 29, Range 22, 175 1200 (Except Iowa & Idaho Ayes.) Except North 156 feet of Fast 132.88 feet and except East 66.144 feet; the Northeast of Southwest a of Northeast - of Northeast 4, and the North 30 feet of said excepted tract, in Sec. 20, Town. 29, Range 22, 900 2350 Except Iowa Ave. :c except the North • 156 feet; the East 66.14 feet of the Northeast 4 of the Southwest 4 of Northeast a of the Northeast ,3 of Sec. 20, Tam. 29, Range 22. 125 -•..- Except Idaho Ave.; the North 16 feet of hest 132.88 feet of Southwest t of Northeast, 4 of Northeast 4 of Sec. 20, Town. 29, Range.22. 250 500 • 28,175 72,600_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated June 11 19 >( 77Z4A1,. A0-40141 977. A.____ � Commissioner of Fina e. Form B. B. 12 . . . St. Paul, Minn.__ 2 194 S To The Honorable, The Council, _ City of St. Paul, Minn. y 7 7 Z Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..,_,--q---. /7 pc,_Jr__ St. Ave. from (. .Z..G z'- St. Ave. to x.7 cam--- : Z�f'cA. -e,..,..__. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ,,. /, // ,.<- 3 0/ 1, // rr /. it ! l l r 2e-i-i-t3 6:7 -2,_ r ( / 4. (; 3 i E: cis ___(-. .1-6 ��---�„ CZ (a 1' // I / (, I, 1 A 1/ , ow 7.,_ 7. 7_,- „,-,, :4)0 ,4 /� ' ;PL OF J :._ . Vitt � ,h � X.' ,.2M-6-47 "('D, i * " • . . St. Paul, Minn PM 57 le , To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. - -'7"7/ Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ., • ci. St. Ave. from ..a.al-L---7---64.....- z?)v St. Ave. to t St. Ave. • NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 3 .k I.4 c_ . • Q /0 -,_ ,,,0 fe-..L..;. • .4 a•Ln L e.._.a.-,i,,,_ __ 5- / / 1. 2E/Qe • ,....... /fLee,, / --•?-4--a,-- q.,„7,,,r_z4,,,,,,-- ..... 1 2 ....„7 /7 4 4 / 2.- ....- ,...,............. OF . ' .4-.r---- / 0 2_ _...411L...:*, .......A../.... c, K.". 0 7 7, , .. :. . , _AL .42. . CO Ifr . _ ---,.. —- /■ il 1..te- ' it) . 130 _ ril DEPT. 4- i ut:,,,, VAAL' IWAP•07 Awe ) 2M-5-47 '`OWO'@ r r • r St. Paul, Minn. January 11 19 56 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. .'1, ,."-- Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: j.,A.4.41.4:1 dt : t S4t_co.p....) iluo..y.fr,i d...t.t.-eac., 2., . ---6t---- fta—rt, '' _ St. Ave. from St. Ave. to St. Ave. 1 JAN 1955 NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Icil... 4 ,' J_ rl I / J if -.5---.4 �s ` r �lG1y ? . ' f, e- 0-2 -3-1` - 1 ✓ .7 te /L) .• . J j 4 (/—/-- rl,f 'e.. 2 ó4- 4 .4 . / 6 j2 - 3 -X<*-- 4,......_„0 sL L-17,,z7)Ais ,. :- "Z.7 ,d,i ,-&-k= -3-4)/212-1 . /D /1 /V . ( *--1-}0--e4(--e„-/-- , / A-c/-7,---,-9( 5 :,)07,9R.v-g- 0 //re,-- -,....__) ,AL)./---,Lex-r4-e...._/ Pa / C4, r - / '''' - 7PCt--9r------V22,_, V,72,, Ce_te22: - Cf0 i 47/..,,„2,C.... a-41A 6714//2„,_, ..-J a...,:ellad.;fitA ‘.7ert4.--L &- : °I / - ' - 4,5, 0 ''' "40, -2-. . r - U " 514 11-62 o 2