183605 Original to City Clerk
Council File No. 183605—Ordinance No.
il11090—By Frank D. Marzitelli—
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled:
An ordinance fixing the duties and responsi-
bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various
classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, "
approved February 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance
rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13,
1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking
out the following titles and specifications for:
Engineering Aide
In strumentman
� .v svr meet- inten
Surveyor .
Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same
is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order
the following specifications for:
Assistant Chief Surveyor
Asst. Public Works Technician (Construction)
°( Asst. Public Works Technician (Plans)
Engineering Aide
Junior Public Works Technician (Construction)
Public Works Construction Engineer
Public Works Design Engineer
Public Works Maintenance Engineer
Public Works Sewer Engineer
Senior Public Works Technician (Construction)
Senior Public Works Technician (Plans)
Supervisor of Street Cleaning
44444erv°isss €
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Marzitelli -- In Favor
Peterson Against
Mr. President (Dillon)
Attest: /
City Clerk Mayor
1M J 8
Original to City Clerk .
ORDINANCE �ff) ��)
Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency
ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace,
health and safety.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after the first day of the first payroll period following its
passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council 5r r 44 1957
DeCourcy �"
7 Holland l
In Favor
Peterson Against
Mr.President (Dillon)
Approved: AV, s
Attegi3 ` ,
1,00-z-e-.6-•/-L- 411111k■A• .ft.
City Clerk Mayor
1M 6-56 oglo,s
„i '. cite Clerk •
Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emerge:( 1
ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace,
ealtr and safety.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after the first day of the first payroll period following its
pa.psage, approval and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Peterson Sainst
Rosen ��
Mr. President (Dillon) • App=
City Clerk Mayor
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Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be in • arge of the oiling and reconditioning
of the surface of unpaved streets during the construction season;
and in the winter season to be in charge of snow plowing; and to
perform related work a: assigned.
Examples of work performs I:
To schedule and to be r -oponsible for the efficient oiling and re-
conditioning of the s rfa.ce of unpaved streets, and of snow plowing:
To plan for and to ma ,e recommendations regarding the effective use
of men, equipment tools and materials.
To be responsible fo. personnel acquisitions and separations,
To be responsible fo the implementation of adopted policies as they
apply to the divis on.
To submit progress and cost reports
Minimum qualificatio s:
High school grad tion and three years° experience as a Street
Maintenance F remand
Related Titles:
District Foreman
(Street Maintenance Foreman',
Supervisor of Street Oiling
Title of class: if
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision to act as assistant to the chief surveyor and to
have charge of several survey crews; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed
To assist the Chief Surveyor in work planning, layout and assignment.
To inspect, supervise and instruct survey parties throughout the
To assist the surveyors on the more difficult problems.
To supervise a survey crew in establishing property lines and grades,
in locating roads, streets and other construction projects on the
large, more complex jobs.
Minimum qualifications:
Two years' of college in engineering and four years' experience in
surveying, at least two years of which must have been as a
surveyor; or college graduation in civil engineering. Must be a
registered land surveyor in the State of Minnesota.
Related titles:
Engineering Aide
Senior Engineering Aide
Assistant Chief Surveyor
Chief Surveyor
Title of class: l 100
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision to do inspection work on large complex public
works projects; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To inspect concrete paving projects for conformity to plans.
To inspect large sewer projects.
To act as chief inspector and supervisor on asphalt resurfacing
To supervise at times the work of other inspectors.
To make reports and estimates.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and six year& experience in the design,
construction or inspection of public works projects, at least
three years of which must have been in-the-field experience as
an inspector or supervisor.
Related titles:
Engineering Aide
Sr, Engineering Aide
Jr. Public Works Technician (Consto )
Asst. Public Works Technician (Consto )
Sr, Public Works Technician (Consto j
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision to perform routine engineering work in the
investigation, drafting, and design of public works projects;
and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To assist in the preparation of plans, specifications and estimates
of large public works projects.
To do design work independently on small public works projects.
To compute quantities and costs,
To prepare scale drawings and maps from field survey notes.
To act as squad leader on less complex grading plans.
To act as inspector during the construction season.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and six years' experience in the design,
construction or inspection of public works projects, at least
three years of which must have been as a senior engineering
Related titles:
Senior Engineering Aide
Junior Engineering Draftsman
Senior Engineering Draftsman
Asst. Public Works Technician (Plans)
Sr, Public Works Technician (Plans)
Title of class: I
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform the simple routine tasks involved
in surveying, inspection, or engineering office work; and to
perform related work as assigned.,
Examples of work performed:
To hold a level or a stadia rod and give a series of rod readings on
a line of levels.
To measure distances.
To carry instruments.
To place stakes, markers and monuments as directed,
To clear brush in the line of survey.
To assist inspectors on simple routine projects or at concrete plants.
In the office--
To give routine information to the public at the counter regarding
assessments, house numbers, etc.
To issue house numbers.
To keep records and indexes.
To file drawings, tracings, contracts and field books.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation with major courses in mathematics.
Related titles: Related titles:
Engineering Aide Engineering Aide
Sr. Engineering Aide Senior Engineering Aide
Instrumentma n Jr, Public Works Technician (Const. )
Surveyor Ass't> Public Works Technician (Const0 )
Asst. Chief Surveyor Sr, Public Works Technician (Const, )
Chief Surveyor
Title of class: it (f
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, with a few assistants to make routine surveys
in regard to engineering projects; and to perform related work
as assigned.,
Examples of work performed:
With a few assistanterto make surveys with various precision
To record field notes.
To make field sketches to serve as a basis for plotting maps or
profile s
To take cross-sections.
To adjust and care for surveying instruments.
In absence of chief of party, to take charge of field parties
To keep records and to make reports,
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation with courses in mathematics, and two years'
experience as an instrumentman, levelman, transitman, or senior
engineering aide.
Related titles:
Engineering Aide
Senior Engineering Aide
In strumen tman
Assistant Chief Surveyor
Chief Surveyor
Title of class: / 1 0
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be responsible for the inspection of all contracted
construction in the Public Works Department, with responsibility
for seeing that all contracts are completed according to the plans
and specifications designated; and to perform related work as
Examples of work performed:
To have immediate responsible charge of the inspection of all public
works contracted construction, and the inspection of all materials
used on public works projects.
To act as consultant on special construction problems.
To consult with county, state, and federal government officials and
with representatives of utility companies and with the city Sewer,
Bridge, Design and Traffic Engineers on construction projects,
To make studies concerning possible new projects.
Minimum qualifications:
College graduation and eight years' professional engineering experience,
at least two years of which must have been as a Senior Construction
Engineer. Must be a registered professional engineer in the State
of Minnesota.
Related titles:
Junior Civil Engineer
Assistant Civil Engineer
Senior Civil Engineer
Public Works Construction Engineer
Title of class: ft v �/o
• Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be responsible for the design of all pavements
and curbs; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To have immediate responsible charge of the preparation of designs,
detailed plans, specifications and estimates of costs of paved
streets, curbs and related projects, and to supervise the design
squads engaged in this work.
To consult with county, state, and federal government officials and
with representatives of utility companies and with the city Sewer,
Bridge and Traffic Engineers on construction projects.
To make investigations of special problems in laying out projects,
To make studies concerning possible new projects.
Minimum qualifications
College graduation and eight years' professional engineering experi-
ence, at least two years of which must have been as a senior civil
engineer in design work. Must be a registered professional
engineer in the State of Minnesota. No substitution for education. )
Related titles:
Junior Civil Engineer
Assistant Civil Engineer
Senior Civil Engineer
Public Works Design Engineer
. .
• -
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be responsible for the maintenance, repair,
and cleaning of all streets, alleys, sewers; and to perform
related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To be in charge of the maintenance, repair, and cleaning of paved
and unpaved streets and alleys including snow plowing and removal.
To be in charge of the maintenance, repair and cleaning of sanitary,
storm, interceptor and combination sewers.
To be in charge of the reconstruction and oiling of unpaved streets.
To be in charge of the activities of the paving plant, the oil plant,
and the Public Works garage.
To make estimates of costs.
To order supplies and material.
To supervise minor construction when done by city forces.
Minimum qualifications:
College graduation and eight years professional engineering experience,
at least two years of which must have been as a Senior Maintenance
Engineer. Must be a registered professional engineer in the State
of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.
Related titles:
Junior Civil Engineer
Assistant Civil Engineer
Senior Civil Engineer
Public Works Maintenance Engineer
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be responsible for the design of all sanitary,
storm, interceptor and combination sewers; and to perform
related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To have immediate responsible charge of the preparation of designs,
detailed plans, specifications and estimates of costs of city
sewers,and to supervise the employees engaged in this work.
To consult with county, state, and federal government officials and
with representatives of utility companies and with other city
engineers on sewer projects.
To act as consultant to the other sections on sewer and other
hydraulics problems.
To make investigations of special sewer problems in design, con-
struction or maintenance and repair.
To make studies concerning new projects.
Minimum qualifications:
College graduation and eight years' professional engineering experim
ence,at least two years of which must have been as a senior engineer
in sewer design. Must be a registered professional engineer in the
State of Minnesota. No substitution for education.
Related titles:
Junior Civil Engineer
Assistant Civil Engineer
Senior Civil Engineer
Public Works Sewer Engineer
Title of class
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision to perform difficult engineering work in the
investigation and inspection, or repair and maintenance of
streets, alleys, curbs, sewers, etc, ; and to perform related
work as assigned,
Examples of work performed:
To act as chief inspector on public works construction projects such
as grading, paving, sewers, sidewalks, etc.
To be in charge of materials inspection,
To act as assistant to the construction engineer in scheduling and
assigning inspectors to projects.
To supervise and train inspectors.
To be in charge of repair and maintenance jobs.
To be in charge of a smaller Public Works section such as sidewalks.
Minimum qualifications
Must be a registered professional engineer in the State of Minnesota.
Related titles:
Engineering Aide
Senior Engineering Aide
Jr. Public Works Technician (Const, )
Asst. Public Works Technician (Const,
Sr, Public Works Technician 0:;oust, )
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform difficult engineering work in the
investigation, design and planning of streets, alleys and
boulevards, curbs and sidewalks; and to perform related work
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To supervise draftsmen and assist designers in the planning and
layout of working details for general construction plans.
To prepare cost data and complete cost estimates for construction
To investigate unusual conditions as they develop in the planning
and building of streets in order to make proper adjustments during
the normal progress of the work.
To act as inspector on construction projects.
Minimum qualifications:
Must be a registered professional engineer in the State of Minnesota.
Related titles:
Senior Engineering Aide
Junior Engineering Draftsman
Senior Engineering Draftsman
Asst, Public Works Technician (Plans)
Sr. Public Works Technician (Plans)
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be in charge of the street cleaning division of
the Department of Public Works; and to perform related work
as assigned,
Examples of work performed:
To schedule and to be responsible for the efficient sweeping and
flushing of streets, and of snow removal.
To plan for and to make recommendations regarding the effective
use of men, equipment, tools and materials.
To be responsible for personnel acquisitions and separations.
To be responsible for the implementation of adopted policies as
they apply to the division.
To be responsible for the training of subordinates.
To review and to summarize reports from subordinates and to
submit progress and cost reports.
To arrange for settlements in cases of damage caused by personnel
of the division.
To work with the Traffic, and Police Department regarding parking
situations which interfere with the efficient carrying on of the
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation, and three years' experience as a District
Related titles:
District Foreman
Supervisor of Street Cleaning
Title of class:
9912 SURVEYOR l �
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to act as chief of party on important surveying
work in regard to engineering projects; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To be in charge of field parties engaged in surveying work in con-
nection with engineering projects.
To establish property lines and grades.
To locate roads, streets and construction projects.
To instruct the crews in the proper usage of instruments.
To supervise the writing of field notes.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation with major courses in mathematics, and
three years' experience as an instrumentman.
Related titles:
Engineering Aide
Senior Engineering Aide
Ins trumentman
Assistant Chief Surveyor
Chief Surveyor
1978 Ashland Avenue
Saint Paul 4, Minnesota
August 5, 1957
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota
Gentlemen and Madam:
I wish to refer to Ordinance No 183605
now before the City of St. Paul Personnel Committee which
is due to come up for consideration on August 6, 1957.
Allow me to thank your Honorable Body
for the brief delay granted on July 23, 1957. In my par-
ticular case, during this period, I have been promised
that some corrections will be made; however, one of the
main points of the controversy has not been corrected.
I have been in the Department of Public
Works for 28 years and in my present classification of Su-
pervisor of Street Maintenance for the past 9 years. Now
the present ordinance, in my opinion, proposes to change my
duties and responsibilities in quite a drastic manner. We
have been able to come to an agreement on part of the said
ordinance, and I believe that with a further delay of pass-
age of this ordinance we may come to an amicable agreement
on the other all important part of our problem; therefore I
respectfully request your Honorable Body to delay action on
Ordinance No. 183605 for at least thirty days.
I wish to thank you for the interest
you have shown in this matter,
Respectful o s,
+ .artment of Public Works
Supervisor of Street Maintenance
1896i tr-
fi 1 ,0
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be in charge of th oiling and reconditioning
of the surface of unpaved streets dur'ng the construction season;
and in the winter season to be in ch. . ge of snow plowing; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To schedule and to be responsible or the efficient oiling and re-
conditioning of the surface of paved streets, and of snow plowing.
To plan for and to make recomm4 dations regarding the effective use
of men, equipment, tools and .aterials.
To be responsible for personnel acquisitions and separations,
To be responsible for the im.ple entr '.on of adopted policies as they
apply to the division.
To submit progress and cost rr ports.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and th, ee years' experience as a Street
• Maintenance Foreman.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be in charg 4. of the oiling and reconditioning
of the surface of unpaved stre s during the construction season;
and in the winter season to be in charge of snow plowing; and to
perform related work as asegn.ed.
Examples of work performed:
To schedule and to be respo sible for the efficient oiling and re-
conditioning of the surfa e of unpaved streets, and of snow plowing
To plan for and to make r • _onarnendations regarding the effective use
of men, equiornent, togs and materials.
To be responsible for Fie sonnel acquisitions and separations.
To be responsible for th implementation of adopted policies as they
apply to the division
To submit progress an'i. cost reports.
Minimum qualificadons:
High school graduati n and three years' experience as a Street
Maintenance For 4: an,
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be, in charge of ti oiling and reconditioning
of the surface of unpaved streets du,ing the construction season;
and in the winter season to be in c ..rge of snow plowing; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To schedule and to be responsible for the efficient oiling and re-
conditioning of the surface of paved streets, and of snow plowing.
To plan for and to make recom endations regarding the effective use
of men, equipment, tools an materials.
To be responsible for personn acquisitions and separations.
To be responsible for the imp ementation of adopted policies as they
apply to the division.
To submit progress and cost reports.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and three years' experience as a Street
Maintenance Foreman.
Related Titles:
District Foreman
(Street Maintenance Foreman;
Supervisor of Street Oiling
/ ,
— - -
Title of class: '
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be in charge of the A i lin g. and reconditioning
of the surface of unpaved streets duri, g the construction season;
and in the winter season to be in char. .e of now plowing; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To schedule and to be responsible fy the efficient oiling and re-
conditioning of the surface of un?aved streets, and of snow plowing.
To plan for and to make recomme iations regarding the effective use
of men, equipment, tools and .,,aterials.
To be responsible for personnel cquisitionEs and separations.
To be responsible for the implei enta:ion of adopted. policies as they
apply to the division, .
To submit progress and cost re sorts,
Minimum qualificz..tion C:
High school graduation and th :ee years, experience as a Street
Maintenance Foreman.
. .
a •
• Aq v,:)tator..
• ILO? 0 ;
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision to act as assistant to the chief surveyor and to
have charge of several survey crews; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To assist the Chief Surveyor in work planning, layout and assignment>
To inspect, supervise and instruct survey parties throughout the
To assist the surveyors on the more difficult problems.
To supervise a survey crew in establishing property lines and grades,
in locating roads, streets and other construction projects on the
large, more complex jobs.
Minimum qualifications:
Two years' of college in engineering and four years' experience in
surveying, at least two years of which must have been as a
surveyor; or college graduation in civil engineering> Must be a
registered land surveyor in the State of Minnesota.
Title of class:
l iayt5
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision to do inspection work on large complex public
works projects; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To inspect concrete paving projects for conformity to plans.
To inspect large sewer projects.
To act as chief inspector and supervisor on asphalt resurfacing
To supervise at times the work of other inspectors.
To make reports and estimates.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and six years' experience in the design,
construction or inspection of public works projects, at least
three years of which must have been in-the-field experience as
an inspector or supervisor.
Title of class: //OP
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision to perform routine engineering work in the
investigation, drafting, and design of public works projects;
and to perform related work as assigned,
Examples of work performed:
To assist in the preparation of plans. specifications and estimates
of large public works projects,
To do design work independently on small public works projects.
To compute quantities and costs,
To prepare scale drawings and maps from field survey notes.
To act as squad leader on less complex grading plans.
To act as inspector during the construction season.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and six year& experience in the design,
construction or inspection of public works projects, at least
three years of which must have been as a senior engineering
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform the simple routine tasks involved
in surveying, inspection, or engineering office work; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To hold a level or a stadia rod and give a series of rod readings on
a line of levels.
To measure distances.
To carry instruments.
To place stakes, markers and monuments as directed.
To clear brush in the line of survey.
To assist inspectors on simple routine projects or at concrete plants.
In the office—
To give routine information to the public at the counter regarding
assessments, house numbers, etc.
To issue house numbers.
To keep records and indexes.
To file drawings, tracings, contracts and field books,
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation with major courses in mathematics.
Title of class: //gPc
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, with a few assistants to make routine surveys
in regard to engineering projects; and to perform related work
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
With a few assistants,to make surveys with various precision
To record field notes.
To make field sketches to serve as a basis for plotting maps or
To take cross-sections.
To adjust and care for surveying instruments.
In absence of chief of party, to take charge of field parties.
To keep records and to make reports.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation with courses in mathematics, and two years'
experience as an instrumentsnan, levelman, trancitman, or senior
engineering aide.
aO J
Title of class: //47a
Duties and respaisibilities:
Under supervision,to do inspection work on public works projects;
and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To assist the project engineer in the inspection of major paving and
sewer projects.
To do inspection work at asphalt plants to determine conformity of
To inspect routine sewer projects for conformity with plans.
To inspect grading projects.
To inspect the more complex sidewalk and curbing projects.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation with major courses in mathematics, and two
years' experience as a senior engineering aide on inspection.
ESQ ,.)
Title of class: //OfO
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be responsible for the inspection of all contracted
construction in the Public Works Department, with responsibility
for seeing that all contracts are completed according to the plans
and specifications designated; and to perform related work as
Examples of work performed:
To have immediate responsible charge of the inspection of all public
works contracted construction, and the inspection of all materials
used on public works projects.
To act as consultant on special construction problems.
To consult with county, state, and federal government officials and
with representatives of utility companies and with the city Sewer,
Bridge, Design and Traffic Engineers on construction projects.
To make studies concerning possible new projects.
Minimum qualifications:
College graduation and eight years° professional engineering experience,
at least two years of which must have been as a Senior Construction
Engineer. Must be a registered professional engineer in the State
of Minnesota.
.iO! Ot;
Title of class: (( f40
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be responsible for the design of all pavements
and curbs; and to perform related work as assigned,
Examples of work performed:
To have immediate responsible charge of the preparation of designs,
detailed plans, specifications and estimates of costa of paved
streets, curbs and related projects, and to supervise the design
squads engaged in this work.
To consult with county, state, and federal government officials and
with representatives of utility companies and with the city Sewer,
Bridge and Traffic Engineers on construction projects.
To make investigations of special problems in laying out projects,
To make studies concerning possible new projects.,
Minimum qualification a:
College graduation and eight yearn° professional engineering experi -
ence, at least two years of which must have been as a senior civil
engineer in design work. Must be a registered professional
engineer in the State of Minnesota, `No substitution for education. )
Title of class: //6 6 qa
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be responsible for the maintenance, repair,
and cleaning of all streets, alleys, sewers; and to perform
related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To be in charge of the maintenance, repair, and cleaning of paved
and unpaved streets and alleys including snow plowing and removal.
To be in charge of the maintenance, repair and cleaning of sanitary,
storm, interceptor and combination sewers.
To be in charge of the reconstruction and oiling of unpaved streets,
To be in charge of the activities of tie paving plant, the oil plant,
and the Public Works garage.
To make estimates of costs.
To order supplies and material.
To supervise minor construction when done by city forces.
Minimum qualifications;
College graduation and eight years' professional engineering experience,
at least two years of which must have been as a Senior Maintenance
Engineer. Must be a registered professional engineer in the State
of Minnesota. (No substitution for education. ),
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be responsible for the design of all sanitary,
storm, interceptor and combination sewers; and to perform
related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To have immediate responsible charge of the preparation of designs,
detailed plans, specifications and estimates of costs of city
sewerspa•nd to supervise the employees engaged in this work.
To consult with county, state, and federal government officials and
with representatives of utility companies and with other city
engineers on sewer projects.
To act as consultant to the other sections on sewer and other
hydraulics problems.
To make investigations of special sewer problems in design, con-
struction or maintenance and repair.
To make studies concerning new projects.
Minimum qualifications:
College graduation and eight years' professional engineering experi-
ence,at least two years of which must have been as a senior engineer
in sewer design. Must be a registered professional engineer in the
State of Minnesota. ‘No substitution for education.
189 lr
Title of class: /1 a 7'61
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision to perform difficult engineering work in the
investigation and inspection, or repair and maintenance of
streets, alleys, curbs, sewers, etc. ; and to perform related
�owork as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To act as chief inspector on public works construction projects such
as grading, paving, sewers, sidewalks, etc.
To be in charge of materials inspection.
To act as assistant to the construction engineer in scheduling and
assigning inspectors to projects,
To supervise and train inspectors.
To be in charge of repair and maintenance jobs°
To be in charge of a smaller Public Works section such as sidewalks,
Minimum qualifications:
Must be a registered professional engineer in the State of Minnesota.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform difficult engineering work in the
. investigation, design and planning of streets, alleys and
boulevards, curbs and sidevralks; and to perform related work
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To supervise draftsmen and assist designers in the planning and
layout of working details for general construction plans.
To prepare cost data and complete cost estimates for construction
To investigate unusual conditions as they develop in the planning
and building of streets in order to make proper adjustments during
the norn.iarprogress of the work,
To act as inspector on construction projects.
Minimum qualifications: •
Must be a registered professional engineer in the State of Minnesota.
Title of class: r,
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be in charge of the street cleaning division of
the Department of Public Works; and to perform related work
as assigned,
Examples of work performed:
To schedule and to be responsible for the efficient sweeping and
flushing of streets, and of snow removal°
To plan for and to make recommendations regarding the effective
use of men, equipment, tools and materials.
To be responsible for personnel acquisitions and separations.
To be responsible for the implementation of adopted policies as
they apply to the division.
To be responsible for the training of subordinates.
To review and to summarize reports from subordinates and to
submit progress and cost reports.
To arrange for settlements in cases of damage caused by personnel
of the division.
To work with the Traffic, and Police Department regarding parking
situations which interfere with the efficient carrying on of the
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation; and three years' experience as a District
Title of class: � ‘I, r-
t:f)1 !()
Duties and responsibilities: /1°P
Under supervision, to act as chief of party on important surveying
work in regard to engineering projects; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed t
To be in charge of field parties engaged in surveying work in con-
nection with engineering projects.
To establish property lines and grades.
To locate roads, streets and construction projects.
To instruct the crews in the proper usage of instruments.
To supervise the writing of field notes.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation with major courses in mathematics, and
three years' experience as an instrurnentxnano
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