09-860Council File # �� Green Sheet # 3072978 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 RESOLUTION MINNESOTA RESOLUTTON RECERTIFICATING AND DECERTIFYING SMALL AREA PLANS ADOPTED AS ADDENDA TO THE SAINT PAUL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PRIOR TO 1997 1� WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, as a local government unit within the metropolitan area, is required under Minnesota Statutes Section 473.858 to prepaze a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is authorized, under Minnesota Statutes Section 462355(2) and Chapter107 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to recommend to the Mayor and City Council amendments to the comprehensive plan intended to guide future development and improvement of the city; and WHEREAS, the Land Use Plan provides for the adoption of summaries of azea plans as addenda to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan upon 6ndings by the Planning Commision that the plans aze consistent with adopted Ciry policies; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City of Saint Paul to decertify small area plans that are ten (10) years old or older when a newer plan is done for the same geographic area, or t4 recertify older plans that are still relevant or until an amended plan can be adopted;and GVHEREAS, in order to make sure that the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan is current and internally consistent, the Planning Commission set a goal to review and update its array of older neighborhood and small area plans adopted as addenda to the Comprehensive Plan prior to 1997, a process which has been underway and should be complete by the end of the year 2011; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning and Economic Development staff consulted with all district councils covered by the older plans to decide the most appropriate course of action of be taken on each plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on May 22, 2009, held a public hearing on the recommended decertification and recertification actions Co be taken on the plan addenda, notice of which was duly published in the Saint Paul Lega] Ledger on May 7, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on 7une 19, 2009, recommended by its Resolution 09-42 that the City Council take the following actions on small area plans adopted as addenda to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan prior to 1997: Recertify • Highwood Development Policies 1995 (District 1) Recertify; decertify when new plan replaces them (expected by the end of 2010 for all) • District z Plan 1979 • District 4 Plan 1986 • District 5 Plan 1919 • District 9 Plan 1980 • Historic Lowertown SAP 1994 (District 17) — To be replaced by downtown station area plan. Recertify with sunset date of December 31, 20ll; decertify when amended document is adopted if prior to sunset date • Phalen Village SAP 1995 (Dishict 2) • Smith Ave Task Force Report 1985 (District 3) • Lower Dayton's Bluff SAP 1990 (Dish�ict 4) • East Consolidated SAP 1993 (District 5) • Jackson Arlington SAP 1991 (District 6) • Midway Pkwy-West Como 1997 (District 10) I � � i �, � 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 • Seiby-Snelling SAP 1993 @istrict 13) • Highland Village Plan 1984 (Aishict IS) • South St. Anthony SAP 1992 (District 12) — Applies to the portion not covered by the Raymond Station Area Plan 2008; the portion which was covered by the Raymond Station Area Plan was already decertified. Decertify • Selby Ave SAP 1997 (Dishicu 8 and 13) — Relevant policies were pulled and added to the District 8 Plan Summary adopted by City Council on June 3, 2009. • Summit Ave Plan 1986 (Districts 8,13,14 and lb) • Grand Ave West Pazldng / Zonmg Report 1983 (District 14) • Grand Ave Design Guidelines 1983 (Dishicu 14 and 16) • Lower Cathedral Hill Plan 1988 (Districu 9, 16 and 17) - Do subsequent zoning study in 2010 for Capitol and Cathedral view corridor protection. Amend Gateway Evaluation Tool to include adjacent sites; adopt as amendment to Downtown Development Strategy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the recertification and decertification actions described above are adopted, contingent upon review by the Meuopolitan Council. Bostrom Carter Harris Helgen Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date '`°' �"°y ^","" Re uested b Department o£ � � ✓ By: � ✓ Adoption Certified by Cound Secretary By: � Approved by Mayor: Date _�� ��/p g By: ___�(X.�.p✓ _ Form Appr ed by ity Attorney B �� ��v+w- �- 3v- a5 Form pro ed M r for �b� lission t Council By: ( Approved h i'fice a€ inancial Servi s � By: �■► PE - Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet & Economic I �.,�UL-09 Contact Person & Phone: Merritt Clapp-Smith 266-6547 Must Se on Councii Agenda by (Date): OS-AUG09 Doc. 7ype: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Contact Phone: �q°�(�D Green Sheet NO: 3072978 � � 0 lannin & Economic Develo me Donna Drummond �Z3/ 9 1 {antin &ECOnomicDevelo me DepartmentDirector � Assign Z ' Attorue C3tYAttornev � �� Number For 3 or's 0t5ce Ma or/Assistant Routing 4 onnN " Connc� Oftlef 5 'nancial Services � Tl:rretnr � 7ota1 # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip All Locations for Signature) Approved of City Council resolution adopting a set of actions to be takend on Small area Plans adopted as addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan prior to 1997. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed actions on May 22, 2009 and voted on June 19 to recommend adoption of the acfions by the Saint Paul Ciry Council. A public heazing at Ciry Council is not required. Recommendations: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R): Planning Gommission GIB Committee Givil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 5. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrect For this tlepaAment? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The PLanning Commission recentiy reviewed the array of older neighborhood and small area plans adopted as addenda to the Comprehensive Plan prior to 1997, in order to make sure that they aze cuirent and intemally consistent wiffi the main chapters of [he Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. Based on this review and following a public heazing on the matter, the planning Commission recommended as set of decretification and recertification actions to be taken on the old small axea plans AdvanWges If Approved: Old small azea plans will be decertfied now or recertified unti120ll, by which time amended small azea plans consisten[ with the new Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan can be adopted. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disativantages If Not Approved: Old small azea plans that aze out of date or inconsistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan will zemain and create intemal inconsistency between our vazious plan documents. Total Amount of $� QQ Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. �' ; ,�[r; Juiy 22, 2009 3:22 PM Page 1 �� _ �r city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number os-�2 date June 19. 2009 RECERTIFICATION AND DECERTIFICATION OF SMALL AREA PLANS ADOPTED AS ADDENDA TO THE SAINT PAUL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PRIOR TO 1997 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is required to submit to the Metropolitan Council all of its Comprehensive Plan addenda with its updated Comprehensive Plan chapters; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Planning Commission to decertify small area plans that are ten (10) years old or older when a newer plan is done for the same geographic area, or to recertify older plans that are still relevant or until an amended plan can be adopted; and WHEREAS, in order to make sure that the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan is current and internally consistent, the Planning Commission set a goal in 2005 to review and update its array of older neighborhood and small area plans that were incrementally adopted as addenda to the Comprehensive Plan, a process which has been underway and should be complete by the end of the year 2011; NOW, THEREFORE, BE fT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends that the City Council take the fo{lowing actions on these smal{ area plans which were adopted as addenda to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan prior to 1997: Recertify • Highwood Development Policies 1995 (District 1) Recertify; decertify when new plan replaces them • District 2 Plan 1979 • District 4 Plan 1986 � District 5 Plan 1979 • D+strict 9 Plan 1980 • Historic Lowertown SAP 1994 (District 17) — (expected by the end of 2010 for all) To be replaced by downtown station area plan. moved by Donnellv-Cohen seconded by in favor Unanimous against � � ,I Status of Smali Area Ptans adopted prior to 1997 Page 2 of Resolution Recertify with sunset date of December 31, 2011; decertify when amended document is adopted if prior to sunset date • Phalen Village SAP 1995 (District 2) • Smith Ave Task Force Report 1985 (Disirici 3) • Lower Dayton's Bluff SAP 1990 (District 4) • East Consolidated SAP 1993 (District 5) • Jackson Arlington SAP 1991 (District 6) • Midway Pkwy-West Como 1997 (District 10) • Selby-Snelling SAP 1993 (District 13) • Highland Village Plan 1984 (District 15) • South St. Anthony SAP 1992 (District 12) — Applies to the portion not covered by the Raymond Station Area Plan 2008; the portion which was covered by the Raymond Station Area Plan was already decertified. Decertify • Selby Ave SAP 1997 (Districts 8 and 13) — Relevant policies were pufled and added to the District 8 Plan Summary adopted by City Council on June 3, 2009. • Summit Ave Pian 1986 (Districts 8,13,14 and 16) • Grand Ave West Parking ! Zoning Report 1983 (District 14) • Grand Ave Design Guidelines 1983 (Districts 14 and 16) • Lower Cathedral Hill Plan 1988 (Districts 9, 16 and 17) - Do subsequent zoning study in 2010 for Capitol and Cathedral view corridor protection. Amend Gateway Evaluation Tool to include adjacent sites; adopt as amendme�t to Downtown Development Strategy. Proposed Action on Smali Area Plans adopted prior to 1997 D��� � Small Area Plan � Highwood Development Policies 1995 z Phalen Village SAP 1995 3 District 2 P1an 1979 4 Smith Ave Task Force Report 1985 s Lower Daytons Bluff SAP 1990 e District 4 Plan 1986 � � East Consolidated SAP 1993 $ District 5 Plan 1979 9 Jackson Af�ng SAP 1991 m ts District 9 Plamt980 �4 Midway Pkwy-West Como 1997 is South St. Anthony SAP 1992 t5 Selby-Snelling SAP 1993 is t9 Highland Village Plan 1984 zo Mistoric Lowertown SAP 1994 zi District Recommended Action 1 Recertify as is. Z RecertiTy with sunset date of 12/31 /2011. Decertify when new, updated plan is adopted. 2 Decertify when new D2 plan adopted. 3 Recertify with sunset date of 12/31/2011. Decertify when new, updated plan is adopted. 4 Recertify with sunset date of 12/31/2011. Decertify wfien new, updated plan is adopted. 4 Decertify wheri new D4 plan adopted. 5 Recertify with sunset date of 12131l201'f . Decertify when new, updated plan is adopted. 5 Decertify'when new D5 plan adopted. 6 Recertify with sunset date of 12/31/2011. Decertify when new, updated plan is adopted. 9, 10 12 13 PED Contact Penny Simison Penny Simison Penny Simison Lucy Thompson Penny Simison Penny Simison Penny Simison Penny Simison Penny Simison =:Deaertify'when` new D9 plan adopted in 2009. ' Lucy Thompson Recertify with sunset date of 12/31/2011. Decertify penny Simison when new, updated plan is adopted. Amend and recertify section not covered by Merritt Clapp-Smith Raymond station area plan by 12/31/2011. Recertify with sunset date of 12/31/2011. Decedify Merritt Clapp-Smith when new, updated plan is adoated. 15 Recertify with sunset date of 12/37/2011. Decertify Merritt Clapp-Smith when new, updaied plan is adopted. � � Decertify wl�en new st��on area p�an axiop4eli in - �� �'� � �=2009. =. � � , � - 'CucyTliompson May 2Q 2009 C.�DOCUME-1 �rudolphcU.00ALS-1\TempVYPgrpwise�Proposed achons on old SAPs.xls Page i