183496 . t SA A 5"a COUNCIL FILE NO. y ∎ , / „. By - - Council File No. 183496— Pacific A, I •".: • Street, McLean Avenue grading I Avenue from Hazelwood Street to Ken-1 nard Street; and Kennard Street from • ,•.- • Avenue to State Trunk Highway a In the Matter of grading Pacific Street, McLean Avenue and Suburban Avenue from Hazelwood Street to Kennard. Street; and Kennard Street from Burns Avenue to State Trunk Highway No. 12, 1 under Preliminary Order 177825 approved May II, 1956 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that _•• • • •. . . -, : • • . • • •-- p vement to be ma by the said City is. ade Pacific St et, McLean Avenue d Suburban Avenue om Hazelwood treet to Kennard treet; and Kennard reet from Burns enue to State Highway No. 12, i All' orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled aid rescinded and all ploce•:dings in said matter be discontinued, and e Council hereby orders aid improvement to be made. R SOLVED FURTHER, t the Commissioner of Pu is Works be and is reby instructed and directed prepare plans and specs cations for said impreve nt, and submit same the Council for approval; t t upon said approval, the roper city officials are reby authorized and 'rected to pro- ceed with the aking of said improvem t in accordance there 'th. Adopted by the Council JUN JUN 2 6 1957 City Clerk. Approved PUBLISirl s b.-, 9-sue 4 F • ile 1337 .o Councilman �¢ tinIayor. DeCOURCYlA Councilman HOLLAND .1. - Councilman MARZITELLI C )4: ' ouncilman MORTINSON J Councilman A ,,/ ' J� �,� Councilma RO EN �� 4 or Mayor A: / 2.55 2M 2.101) 1 y , . _ , .. . . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 7 5 4J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of grading Pacific Street, McLean Avenue and Suburban Avenue from Hazelwood Street to Kenriar6 Street; and Kennard Street from Burns Avenue to State Trunk Highway No. 12. 18'1496 under Preliminary Order approved May 11, 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 36,175.37 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ 5.93 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION OT =LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Buildi Berland Addition No. 1 1 It 1 do ).25. 3750. 1 it no !ti)O. 3500. Hume Addition 1 1 do 350. 1110. 2 1 do 150. 3 1 d o 150. 4 1 do 150. 1 2 do 50. 2 ._ 2 _ —__ ao 50. The Commissioner<f Finante further reports that he has investigated all of'`t'4 e aforesaid matte 99if hereby submits rforegoing asckis?ueport:thereon to the lvl:ogether-with the report made to hhuckpc r .ferenee,XlfOLKaid matter by xtlkifiqdnirnissioner of Public Works. - x 1si��bAF7Gi��. Form B.S.A. 8-5 D XXXXX':"XXX.XXXXXXXX • /7 57 • . 2c 4 „Fo_nz—r • fic 1,1 114A41 Jv • . . . • - . ,t-Z i , ,V.a-ri)Y.-ez-•- 4,-1_e L(' et-4. / LI‘hi 2L --frz- L /I 2ia'l- 71e(-44Lcii;( a 77‘49 I - 1 2 44___, ..j.„, , ei`-/'- Z-eY ./ ' `A"'. °Se 1 i -.1 5-- ." Z(J 1 eeg7- ( ' 0,,,L. -.&/ ‘-'L ," .,,, a-e.,, „ f I ---; L t),,,„e., kty„;( 4, " (7,..4_,,,. p . / • .. . /, _ / I . - z(1#4rri 7()_,_ ! .if.lifrt),......- _____ 4,/:10 for, &L.e0: ()6(A-H) / / I 7 1(1 tI)(4,11''41.4,04; , (4110'4 i MA" s 1 a,y"'I- , ° i r q) 4\ , 0 ,„, --——-——--•elm Ii■Imi 1 iii • ___i , 0 fr-- y i r i■ CITY OF ST. PAUL • Page 2 • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lando AL nut tanIIngs Hume Addition 3 2 do 50. 4 , 2 do I j 5 2 do 50. 6 2 do 50. • Vessel's Addition Part south of 7TH 12-108 of Lots 24, 25 and 26 2 do 75. 1 3 do 150. 2 3 do 150. 3 3 do 150. 4 3 do 150. 5 3 do 150. 6 3 do 150. 7 3 do 150. 8 3 do 150. 9 3 do 150. Lots 10 and I 11, 3 do 150. 7100. I 121 3 do 150. 13 3 do 150. A tract 43 ft. wide east of and adjoininn Lot 13, Block 3, Vessel's Add. in SE a of Section 344, T,->wnship 29, Range 22 150. A tract 143 ft. wide east of and adjoining Lot 14, Block 3, V.'essel's Addition in SE i of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22 50. A tract 43 ft. wide east of and adjoining Lot 13, Block 4s Vessel's Addition in SE a of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22 50. A tract 113 ft. wi:ie east of and adjoining Lot 14, Block 4, Vessel's Addition in SE a of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22 50. A tract 43 ft. wide east of and adjoining Lot 13, Block 5, Vessel's Additi m in `-;F a of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22 50. FORM e.B.tI TOTAL Page 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) — -- — DESCRIPTION LOT • ADDITION ASSESSED 1+aY2elALl1FllM ng8 esselIs Addition it lb 3 do 50. J i5 3 do 50. 16 3 do 50. 17 3 do 50. 18 3 do 50. . 19 3 do 50. 20 3 do 50. 21 3 do 50. 22 3 do 50. 23 3 do 50. 214 3 do 50. 25 3 do 50. 26 3 do n. S0. • 1 1.1. do 50. 2 14 do 50. 3 14 do 50. 14 14 do 50. 5 4 do 50. 6 4 do 50. 7 14 do 50. 8 14 do 50. 9 14 do 100. 750. 10 14 do 50• 11 it do 50. 12 14 do 50. 13 14 dO 50. FORM e.e.I I TOTAL tn e 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL , . . • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V ALUAT1O I _ Hume Addi ti on 7 2 do 50. do . 50. 2 Rio • 50. • 10 2 do 50. 11 2 do 50. 121 2 do 50. 1. 3 do 25. 2 3 do 25. 3 3 do 25. • !� 3 do 25. 5 3 do 25. 6 3 do 25. Berland Addition No. 1 7 it do .. 400. 3500. 1 5 } do 110 ). 5750. 5 `> do 350. 3500. 1 8 do `: 1475. 3750. Hume Addition 7 3 do 25. 8 3 do 25. 9 3 do 25. 10 3 do 25. 11 3 do 25. 12 3 do 25. 'essel•s Addition 14 !t do 50. FORM B.e.n TOTAL . CITY OF ST. PAUL Page • - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) _ _ _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC■ ADDITION ASSESSED LandV ALKu 19gings_ Wessel's Addition 15 4 do 50. 16 1! do 50. 17 11 do 50. 18 4 do 50. 19 4 dO 50• 20 1a. do 50. A j 21 4 do 50. i '111'',e.f r . ,: 22 1t do 50. y `: x -•;- 7 23 4 do 50. .. 2! . 4 do 50. 25 4 do 50. 26 it do 50. . 1 5 do 50. 2 5 do 50. 3 5 do 50. 11 5 do 50. 5 5 do 50. 6 5 do 50. 7 5 do 50. . 8 5 do 50. 9 5 do 50. 10 5 do 50• Lot 11 and I-est 20 ft. of 12 5 do 75. Lot 13 and East 20 ft. of 12 5 do 75. Ex, Suburban Ave. and ex. Burns Ave.; South 396 ft. of ' part of Fast 2130.03 ft. of SE * we::t of `es:3el's Addition tothe City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Mimi. in Sec. 314, T. 29, R. 23. 1900. 2000. FOAM....II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 6 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF"COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Buildings Except Suburban Ave. and except Burns Ave.; Vest 151 ft. of East 2281.03 ft. of ;youth 396 ft. of SE a of Sec. 34, T. 29, R. 22. 1300. 2600. Exc >pt Ave.; Tract A Registered Land Survey No. 33 A tract 43 ft. wide east of and ajoining Lot 14, Block 5, Vessel's Addition in Southeast * of Sec. 34, T. 29, R. 22. 325. Except Ave.; Vveat 42.2 ft. of East 1299.52 ft. of South 673 ft. of Sec. 34, T. 29, R. 22. 275. Except youth 673 ft.; vest 42.2 ft. of East 1299.52 ft. of pert of -:F. * south of ',TH 12-108 in Sec. 34, T. 29, R. 22. 100. Total 13,075, 35,300. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. l+b t Sepemer Dated 19 56 — 1 ? Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn Mar. 15 195 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. v/?V, • Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: GRADING Pacific St. Ave. from lam. Hazelwood St. Ave. to St.. TH....#12 St. Ave. NAME / LOT BLOCK ADDITION i / ,- �,,�4,�_ �� r That p rt of the S. of Sec. 34-29-22 lying South of T.H. No. 12 and except E. 1:11.58' and excep West 379.24' and except S. 396' thereof. • f.1 '_. � 5M 11-47 onG - ,n Date -- — — ADDITION ADDITION DELINQUENT TAXES DELINQUENT TAXES ; Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP • 1 I V; Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance May 23, 19 56 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 177825 approved May 11, 19 56 , relative to grading Pacific Street; McLean Avenue and Suburban Avenue from Hazelwood Street to Kennard Street, and Kennard Street from Burns Avenue to State Trunk Highway No. 12, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Engineering $1,525.00 Inspection 679.42 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 36,175.37 , and the total cost thereof is $ Cost per front foot $5.93 Frontage 6100 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propert , subject to assessment for saie � 1.-4111011111 .41110 Ara.tfa s A-2 7 r / Co �. c Woiiks. 2M 7-49 .�S , . JQ+ / �. 04. ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION ARTHUR W. TEWS JOS. PAVLICEK 1 Prin. Accountant OFFICE ENGINEER Capital of Minnesota HERBERT S. WEST DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. BRIDGE ENGINEER MAUItICE W. HEWETT FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer ARTHUR H. KOCH • 08 ' STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN Play 23' 1956 JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. Hon. Frank D. Nhrzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Pacific Street; McLean Avenue and Suburban Avenue from Hazelwood Street to Kennard Street, and Kennard Street from Burns Avenue to State Trunk Highway No. 12, under Preliminary Order C. F. 177825 approved May 11, 1956. Estimated Cost $ 36,175.37 Engineering 1,525.00 Inspection 679.42 Cost per front foot 5.93 1:, ;P° �.. 4 . Frontage 6100 ft. S r3, ..�- � ° Yours very truly, i orge M. Shepard Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance Fran. +; Am- =11i Commission=,. = o _s LEONARD C. SEAMER, Garfield 4612 .a Valuation Engineer. . ELTORA DEHN, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Assistant Valuation Engineer 1(3 t FOREST W. CROWtEY, BUREAU OF VALUATIONS / Valuation Clerk 286 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota April 24, 1957 Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Sir: I return herewith petitions in oppo- sition to the grading of Pacific Street and the Pacific- Barclay-Suburban Sewer System, which were referred to me at my request for the purpose of determining the percent- age of total frontage owned by those who signed the peti- tions in opposition. Very truly yours, 07:30„Q„... Asst. Valuation Engineer EAD/jt OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall at,d Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota April 16, 1957 Mr. Eltor A. Dehn Valuation Bureau Building Dear Sir: Attached hereto are petitions in opposition to the grading of Pacific St. and the Pacific-Barclay Suburban Sewer System. These are sent to you at your request and with the request that you return them to this office on or before May 16th. Very truly you;" City Clerk Fett 1' ••• 1—1'3' I!.. ; r�.L ® o m trim l t4 elPe Or t p CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 1 � The Honorable Mayor and City Cuncil The City Cierk St. Paul, :`_inn. Gentlemen: ~The undersigned taxpayers,who are affected by the proposed grading of Pacific St., '?c Lean Ave., and Suburban Ave. from Hazelwood St. to Kennard St. and Dennard St. from Burns Ave. to State Trunk Highway 'To. 12, odor Preli-inary order #177825 and Preliminary Order 1 '7526 approved ?:ay 11, 1956 by the City Council, oppose the proposed action. de hereby petition the City Council not to proceed therewith, on the grounds that the increased assessment of ",6.2O per front foot on those streets wo ld be an undue hardship and expense which we as taxpayers cannot afford. Further, in a ddition to the alley and sidewalk assessments alreadT imposed ...non most of us in 1955, our property wo.,1d be practically unsalable. Also with these ad.�'itional assessments, it would be practically impossible to meet our monthly house pa�ments. OWNER ADDRESS Y7v/r://79/000,r 3 a Lt d T :36 Ate );20-774 4429,2_4,-.0_,:e 1/,,,,6_,Ck ei �' y 1 x„, .4467 e /,u2- z„„/„.4,..„( 0,04/ 330z jteds r 4/ )27 YA414--e/1-1 O mp- The Honorable Mayor and City Council The City C3erk St. Paul , :ann. Gentlemen: 'The undersigned taxpayers,who are affected by the proposed grading of Pacific St., ''c Lean Ave., and Suburban Ave. fro- Hazelwood St. to Kennard St. and Dennard St. from Burns Ave. to State Trunk Highway i'?o. 12, nder Preliminary order #177825 and Preliminary Order 1 '7826 approved ':ray 11, 1956 by the City Council, oppose the proposed action. Je hereby petition the City Council not to proceed therewith, on the grounds that the increased assessment of ';;6.20 per front foot on those streets wo ld be an undue hardship and expense which we as taxpayers cannot afford. Further, in a ddition to the alley and sidewalk assessments already imposed _Pon most of us in 1955, our property wo _ld be practically unsalable. Also with these ad'it'onal assessments, it would be practically impossible to meet our monthly house pa�-ments. OWNER ADDRESS 3 a 4-fr 7/1a---)e&AArv--0:/j/ , iglif , , "074, al,i2A4C■Er--e-4, /417 G E \ p1,0GZ 711-71:Ge,"-f L. )-6)Ler7,2__ 5 P.S' „(if 3 C2.63' f VIA 6?4(.24 3302 �•. s� y l 4/ 727 V '. k" • a NAY 1, 1957 Mr. Joseph P. Tracy Attorney at Law Minnesota Building St. Paul 1, Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council laid over to June 26th Final Orders in the matter of the PACIFIC-BARCLAY-SUBURBAN SEWER SYSTEM and grading Pacific St., McLean Ave. and Suburban Ave. from Hazelwood St. to Kennard St. and Kennard St. from Burns Ave.to State Trunk Highway No. 12. Very truly yours, City Clerk LAW OFFICES BRIGGS,GILBERT, MORTON,KYLE & MACARTNEY W-2162 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SAINT PAUL I, MINNESOTA CAPITAL 2-1774 CHAS.W.BRIGGS WAYNE C.I ILBERT J-NEIL MORTON RICHARD E_KYLE G.S.MACARTNEY FRANK N-GRAHAM FRANK J_HAMMOND B.C.HART BERNARD P.FRIEL May 24, 1957 Mayor and City Council City of Saint Paul Court House St . Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned represents Gerald G. Aichele of 85 South Hazel, St . Paul, Minnesota -= Mr. Aichele has contracted to purchase 25 lots in Wessell 's Addition to the City of St . Paul . His contract is contingent upon approval by the Council of the improvements designated as Council Orders No . 177825 and 181403 for the construction of sewer and street grading in that area. My client is a house builder, his most recent sizable development has been that in Rowe & Knudson's Afton Heights . Mr. Aichele proposes to construct single family dwellings in the area covered by his present contract . I submit that if the improvement by single family re- sidences in that area is desirable, the described improvements must be made . Respectfully yours, ;4,44,1 FJH :j r .9./L://// /1)]lif/:://. fi 74 Do a 9,las Rd ale 9/70, 1414 - 1 N 5.0,-•.1..Wiaj 1 :') O \, ' BrimitE 7 I r gigill : 1 smobawnal■■•■■■■1111MI 110•111111 k k c k (,) .-_,:•.- \ o ' - '111111116Mbig/i ZN ° \ t■'' -,' . \ \ \IN \\\ i T , , zi--- I 14/h 1.7'6' G57&C7fr- 1 I-1 E 1 [ 1 Pt Do a g/as Rd -------- ---" ... ..., .."e . e Se. er 49.4.-,..----77------------- — . ) 0 1• Barts-/a y : 11 _ .. \ ' 1 1— ' \ - k \ \ _ N • • r , ,,, P( N , t , k`,1 0 42 , -...N d 1) tl. 'I 1 - . % )\- /4/ Ire/.7 Pro/Lei • N1 . ,.. r. t,.. , ,.....____,......_ t ,..„ „...„ , (...m cr‘ >3 7 I I r $\ , . . . . . . . . tel fit Do a 9/as. Rd ------ --7- -- 4 _ . \ - .6>if .Z./07C Se fry er 4 II ' ........ _ "---.- .-1--- 1 ‘. mi7" 711.--":::, 11.1"1„ezi '(1 :1 0 q• z5c7.•-c7V \', ,ILL _ : Z _ 11■ i, , ‘ \ A \II I , \ Oh I ..„., . , N -11 li ! :::-.-- -, -,, I N 4 1 ,k \ ' 7 / --...„.. . I „ (1- 4 \\,0 4 k 1 \ ‘‘.q \ II . '4) II 1 k 1 k \q . k ' () cl \ A ' 4‘ i ‘ ,k -■ '\\\ li\\ kim 11 ‘ \ \ ! ‘‘-- ‘ et \ N t& ill hm il NS. 1 \ . .,:: Ill A"\ Ita 4\ - 1 , -.Jtsomallkombi.' ■ , - I r 14/4/7‘6, 479c7I- 1 I . • . . . . . - JF3Y7 . • . . ... . • 4 ......___________ To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council of the City of St. Pal. __ The undersigned taxpkyers who are affected by the proposed grading of Pacific, McLean and Suburban from Hazelwood to Kennard and Kennard from Burns to State Trunk Highway No. 12, under preliminary order No. 177825 and Prelim _nar;r Order No. 177826 approved May 11, 1956 by the City Council approve the Proposed action, because it is necessary in order that our property have true value as City property, and that it would improve the general appearance of the area and would b beneficial to the City as sa whole because of greatly increased. Tax revenues c'er•ived from Hcuses th`:t will be built. NAME ADDRESS _ade62.741,,e97.75_74...eleLee_ii, / 9/771--- ' --Xi, ,6?-0, ,...v ,e -,-,__ ,....._-_ -, .. ,„ \A/.L-s S'.4 1 S CN 1 4 ae4S4._e- ,--e.--e-e-eae--e--4__ a(eLi2 3 ae, t.5— (-z/Le--4L,4 ce4„,eae A, 4 7 a-a. 4 W.Lv , __, 6 , i f ). 1\1_ 4 . . . 4 C Asa V CO ....