183091 Original to City Clerk .8 3(ri1.. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No, �J ` ll OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK •UNCIL RES,OLUT •N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1� COMMISSIONS' i - `Cali DATF RESOLVED, .T at the plans and specifications for traffic control signals at Payne Avenue and Case Avenue, Smith Avenue and Fifth Street, Smith Avenue and Kellogg Boulevard, Prior Avenue and St. Anthony Avenue, Fairview Avenue and St. Anthony Avenue, and for interconnection of traffic signals on Lexington Parkway as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works are hereby approved, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. Each lump sum bid shall be accompanied by a statement of the total cost of each of the five new signal installations and of the Lexington Parkway interconnection. The sum of the cost statements shall equal the lump sum bid. The lump sum bid shall be the basis for consideration of award of contract. Council File No. 183091—By Frank D. Marzitelli- Resolved, That the plans and speci- fications for traffic control signals at Payne Avenue and Case Avenue, Smith Avenue and Fifth Str et, Prior Avenue and Kellogg Avenue, Avenue and St. Anthony Fairview Avenue and St. Anthony Avenue, and for interconnection of par traffic signals ontLexington oissioner of as submitted by approved, Public Works are hereby and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to adverbs bnsand by on in the manner provided sum bid shall the charter. Each lump statement of be accompanied by the total cost of each of the five new. signal installations and of the Lexing- ton Parkway interconnection. The sum of the cost statements The lump equal bid lump shall be the basi 29 s for consideration of award toile 1957. Adopted by the Council May , Approved May 29, 1957. iy (June 1, 1957) av MAY 2 91967, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy AY 2 91957 Holland Approved 195 Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 Duplicate to Printer t8f 2; )9! CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _DATF RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for traffic control signals at Payne Avenue and Case Avenue, Smith Avenue and Fifth Street, Smith Avenue and Kellogg Boulevard, Prior Avenue and St. Anthony Avenue, Fairview Avenue and St. Anthony Avenue, and for interconnection of traffic signals on Lexington . Parkway as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works are hereby approved, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. Each lump sum bid shall be accompanied by a statement of the total cast of each of the five new signal installations and of the Lexington Parkway interconnection. The sum of th3 cost statements shall equal the lump sum bid. The lump sum bid shall be the basis for consideration of award of contract. k; I V NI AY 2 9 1957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy :'fik( 2 3 VV Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson n Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr, President, Dillon SM 6-88 ,2