183014 COUNCI -FILE NO. 183( 14 5 y i BY, ti FINAL O '' "� , R IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS J FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS Council Fite No. 1.6:380t4-- "JE&8 c1'x`") In the matter of .w ling;}?ld.extend- Marzitelli- ' 0' ,s-•1 T' �mrf h In the matter of opening and extend- . :t ing the proposed Rosen Road to a width C- of 150 ft. by taking and condemning the following described parcels of land: All that land in the South 14 of the NW1 and the North 1z of the SW14, Sec. 27, T. 29N., R. 23W., lying 48 ft. northerly and 102 ft. southerly of the following described line: Commencing, for the purpose of establishing the point of beginning, on the East line of Snelling Avenue as described in the under Preliminary Order -ii qon=s anssi 01 Palon rain~Sly s eagle l of 90° straight line line an of ry 181794 a us palueaS 6gaxao 1',;.,,,".as an MAD us1 ail uotlnlosaa stul ,tq Snelling Avenue a distance of 94 ft. P r lg t 2ul to sasn ati suyysapantosao that point;akes an anglento the straight ight 1 of Intermediary Order 827 1 z0; pallddc —ucsaelad '3 4,;,,.,°""‘ 3°26' a distance of 400.72 ft. to a point; —uosu?ltoyS 'T u?sanag—Pu9I7-u0-thence on a straight line that makes p s. --szu •ori alga i? an angle to the left of 2°17' a distance A public hearing having been had upon seuaas of 84.90 ft. to a point; thence on a P g g P straight line that makes an angle to heard all persons, objections and recommel ctssl,''"W) noaddv the right of 90° a distance of 863.55 ft. P 0£ i?adV PI: to a point which point is the point of ; therefore, be it t 61 aldopV beginning; thence' on a straight line r fq that makes an angle to the left of 0£ Itad`o' i?ounoC aul iinsea sat; paxtnbaa aul odn SW 79°06' a distance of 697.51 ft.; thence RESOLVED, By the Council of the Ci 4l?a aul olu? lua"g �nalsul on the straight of 11°36'20"makes distance angle s? xsa y -A uausl pne I aluea8 Bgaaao aiauae 538.20 ft. to the end of opening, under ' provement to be made by the said City is AID pus ail uontsiosal still l cal Preliminary Order 181794, approved will aul uo pacueu suOsaadanios March 6, 1957, Intermediary Order ls?[ a dde sasua0? lEtl� P 182551, approved April 30, 1957. ao; P ?i —uosxalad •3 sago —uosullsOYS 'o' a?xa�'ag—Pt15U0B A public hearing having been had =ACS gQ�nczat •oN all. 11 !upon the above improvement upon �_�• due notice, and the Council having heard all persons. objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,be it Resolved, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be opening and extending the proposed Rosen Road to a width of 150 ft. by and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. taking and condemning the following described parcels of land: All that land in the South 14 of the NW1 and the RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easemer.North 1a of the SW14, Sec. 27, T. 29N., g R. 23W., lying 48 ft. northerly and 102 hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of ft. southerly of the following described P P line: Commencing for the purpose of , establishing the point of beginning, on All that land in the South 1,4 of the the East line of Snelling Avenue as NW 1/4 and the North '1 of the SW',, ; described in the opening of Schroeder Sec. 27, T. 29N., R. 23W., lying 48 ft. Drive; thence easterly on a straight ,northerly and 102 ft. southerly of the line making an angle of 90° with the following described-4 ffe?'Ciimmencing, east line of Snelling Avenue a distance I for the purpose of 'establishing the of 94 ft.to a point; thence on a straight point of beginning, on the East line of line that makes an angle to the right I Snelling Avenue as described in the of 3°26' a distance of 400.72 ft. to a I opening of Schroeder Drive; thence point; thence on a straight line that easterly on a straight line making an makes an angle to the left of 2°17' a angle of 90° with the east line of distance of 84.90 ft. to a point; thence Snelling Avenue a distance of 94 ft. on a straight line that makes an angle gat point; thence on a straight line to the right of 90° a distance of 863.55 RESOLVED FURTHER, Thi that makes an angle to the right of 'Vorks ft. to a point which point is the point directed to prepare plans and spec. a distance of 400.72 ft. to a point; of beginning; thence on a straight line P P P p thence on a straight line that makes and th that makes an angle to the left of an angle to the left of 2°17' a distance 79°06' a distance of 697.51 ft.; thence authorized and directed to proceed of 84.90 ft. to a point; thence on a 'ement on a straight line that makes an angle straight line that makes an angle to to the left of 11°36'20" a distance of the right of 90° a distance of 863.55 ft. 538.20 ft. to the end of opening, and Adopted by the Council to a point which point is the point of the Council hereby orders said im- P Y — beginning; thence on a straight line provements to be made. that makes an angle to the left of f Resolved Further, That the following 79°06' a distance of 697.51 ft.; thence land, lands or easements therein be on a straight line that makes an angle and the same are hereby ordered to be to the left of 11°36'20" a distance of taken, appropriated and condemned 538.20 ft. to the end of opening for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: Approved-- — , 19 \ �� 1 All that land in the South 14 of the f , NW,4 and the North ,4 z of the SW 1/4, Sec. 27, T. 29N., R. 23W., lying 48 ft. V northerly and 102 ft. southerly of the following described line: Commencing for the purpose of establishing the Councilmen: - E point of beginning, on the East line of Snelling Avenue as described in the opening of Schroeder Drive; thence }QC DeCourcy easterly on a straight line making an angle of 90° with the east line of li'1DC:XXXXX Snelling Avenue a distance of 94 ft. . to a point; thence on a straight line Holland that makes an angle to the right of Marzitelli thence on distance a straight line that makes an angle to the left of 2°17' a distance Mortinson / of 84.90 ft. to a point; thence on a Peterson / straight line that makes an angle to Rosen the right of 90° a distance of 863.55 ft. Mr. President, Dillon to a point which point is the point of beginning; thence on a straight line that makes an angle to the left of 500 7-55 0451PC4 79°06' a distance of 697.51 ft.; thence on a straight line that makes an angle to the left of 11°36'20" a distance of 538.20 ft. to the end of opening. Resolved Further, That the Com- missioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvements, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and erected to proceed with the making ✓ . /3 ‘.9.$ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ _ xxxxx , and the total cost thereof is $ xxxxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4• ImmA 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. O 3 Y/pep l 0.mmissio e = 'marks. 961 LO) % / c't, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 18751 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE GI ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 44 In the matter of opening and extending the proposed Rosen Road to a width of 150 ft. by taking and condemning the following described parcels of land: All that land in the South 1/2 of the NW 1/4 and the North 1/2 of the SW 1/4, Sec. 27, T. 29n. , R. 23W. , lying 48 ft. northerly and 102 ft. south of the following described line: etc. under Preliminary Order approved March 6, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above opening 25.00 The total estimated amount of 1 assessmen-t-fe� kc�al3ov�i�xpFave •t is - - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'', ADDITION ASSESSED ar4VALUATION A Site 41SIIIIM�'It i so St234012110 > • $114140111 Aire.« Cow Le 4 ,+so$44' atiorlios 1S SS Moot d Mk of se fix S. to V. $2.2140 l $L .32 OS. Mr t td stall thsoto *l lin.14* is rtl 40 rt. to a Vast SQ *1. ; . fro . lift of r S. at *s" .. to iatt .4 v * and *3 ft. 6« S► of as .15 ft. t I. at ' t o $*. f t.; M �:n' " sail* to .+ A. t o tort utok ..' n +4 et., *N 16' to MI sone *11;. , I et., tob0441111 ai'l at 5.3142140. is 14110 4 It., iiiMaa v. at to Ian 9,0A1 • to plot v. ltraa 1020.95 ft. S. trot bostoologi theme S. to basitaLas ** &p 0. Saw 23. , I � f i . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.j ` /J ,gyp Dated April 30 19.__57 �)'c rer�-,�c 4• . itJ�- . Commissioner of Fi nc . Form B.S.A. 8-5 D QN 1* e 4.o R w ° . ; a X 1 V fi h r `k4 vY v) 4 . .t, ..,- `1£i ¢ 'ry a 'i.., , . -5 , ., • - ,:,- „.1.'--,-,-.,,,,,-, ,,,r r�,._ .- , ,, r _ • . ill -x1 o-� t,1..,.....„.,,. ,.,„,_.. ..............!, . , _ _,... ,, ,. _ _ V ' + - TS S yPn _ ---,1, :,,i':, , [:,..1:4;..;4.,...-0,,. ,,,,,. ,,..1 . . i ' I.1 ,,l' ex v4 7 I .y _,Y I • . aY 1 ''z k) , ,- ' / , 'T;:, ,:*;',47..,-,;:,':; is i r' q y� y ;. 4Pzit5:}y t -fir • t + $ .. . • ' i -. N p" x 11) Y ,';/ , • I// . oo I ... L ' ,N.. •- I N :j � f 11 l0 . t �.1 - tg'‘''''''',...:11:----7'' ' 1 ke 1 li o p 1 11,034 4 s . Y/C. , � r * O � w d. K: ,, .. _ ask t_ i ' Sh' '9 E. s r �. eC N1{ +: , ,; .�"`! . it :; - - ' ` -' • _ .■".:1,i/:::.1--;:-,,l''4.11* "...,1`;' 2,:.;...P ...41,;,:','-— '' ' '-: th ,� f. a� �oryv ', , .\1 , $, --„,,, ,;,-0 I: . . ,.. w .' X51 _ . . .,7, :N r N vVI / 1• w sJ .e ;t4 . ti r .,........... ,, , .,.,..„,,.. 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