182989 Council File No. 182989—By Bernard T. Holland—Severin A. Mortinson- Robert F. Peterson— Original to City Clerk Resolved, That Motor Vehicle Drivers' J4.,,,t►�01�q,� CITY OF ST. P1 licenses applied for by the persons s named on the list attached to this res- �• ,-' --ti a OFFICE OF THE CIT olution be and the same are hereby LICENSE" COMMITTEE granted, and the City Clerk is in- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—=thepay to issue such licenses upon payment into the City treasury of /.._- r the r-mi4rell fees. q COMMISSIONE' / a� , Af ? 0.LC-,d- t�_ P ' DATE Y 2J• 1957 -- RESOLVED: That licenses for Motor Vehicle Driver's Licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. William F. Singer 464 N. Fairview Apo, 2002 Renewal John L. Bradehoft 314 Michigan, Apt. 1 " 2003 " Lewis Bogdanovich 164 E. Congress " 2011 " Vieto N. Jasper 55 Front n 2012 " Harold E. Breckon 1232 Thomas " 2013 " Adam R. Letson 584 Dayton, Apt. 2 " 2014 " Dell Weller 820 Holly " 2015 " Lester Brown 591 Burgess " 2016 Leonard L. Sklenar 672 Simon " 2017 " Paul L. Proulx 1552 E. Maryland, Apt. B It 2018 " Leonard Warren 271 Cathedral P1. it 2019 " Donpld M. Johnsen 790 Grand, Apt. D " 2020 " Russell W. Layer 236 Arundel " 2021 " Louis Schlichting 512- Wabasha " 2022 " Elmer E. LaChape'le 1327 Oakdale " 2023 " Wm. A. Vanda 1306 Laurel " 2024 " Joseph Anzaldi 53 Front " 2025 " Bert E. Brost 135 N. Grotto " 2026 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_____ _ _______195 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ . Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 .,',.1„,"`t,-,2 Original to City Clerk i_89989 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. I - CAB OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY NV 23. 1957 COMMISSIONER DATE MOTOR VEHICLE £ vER3(Cont. Page Ho. 2 Bred Kunert 1501 Klainert App. 2027 Renewal Joseph Forbes 1810 E. Orange • 2028 • Ray F. Rice 292 Iglehart • 2029 Harvey Lange 1533 Old Hudson Rd. " 2042 • Kenneth R. Olafson 1076 Norton " 2043 • Claude Fitzgerald, Jr. 655 LSota • 2044 Peter Roy Haas 494 Iefond " 2045 Frank lli. TM fl 681 Fry " 2046 " Roy J. Snively 399 Michigan " 207 " Orbin K. Hanson 8% H. Prior " 2448 " Edward S. Wood, Jr. 969 Front • 2049 s' James H. N Kellepp 255 N. Smith, Apt. G.6 " 2052 • . Limos L. Lienemsnn 673 Si= " 2053 II Raymond D. Stevens 1710 St. Anthony • 2054 • Earl W. Hugo 282 Clarence ' 2059 Phillip E. Ie •son 655 Desota • 2060 Gordon Engen 524 Rice " 2061 • Joseph A. Huber 623 .Ashland, Apt. 3 " 2062 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2.57 OW 2 Original to City Clerk 8998 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ` LICENSE .COl aTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y► PRESENTED BY May 23, 1.957 COMMISSIONER DATF MOTOR VEHICLES DRIVERS (Cont.) Page No. 3 Louis C. Weinke 362 Fuller App. 2065 Renewal Roger H. Olson 1856 Reaney " 2066 " Roman Seifert 1180 Hewitt " 2067 " Charles H. Stinson 340 W. Maryland " 2068 " MAY 2. 31957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays MAY 2 3 1957 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195 Marzitelli r aQac„..,"L2'(:),In Favor ` Mortinson Peterson Mayor Against --ter L / Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED, 5M 2-57 eat