D001913- r'. �m coaws m: - CM1Y CIeAc l0�(9�1 - Finance Depc.'s Aecountirig Div4sion - PoGce Dept.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 � 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 � C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR :-1 u IU . Y: <_ ►/_ � : 1 ; No: ,Dao 19�.3 Date: .4-,36 nD WHEREAS, the Crifical Incident Response TEAM (CIR1) of the Samt Paul Police Department is conducting weapons and tacfical trammg. WHEE2EAS, this trammg is of an advanced nature and the facilities mquired must provide mulfipurpose rxnges and a mock vil{age where gas, smoke and sim�mifions will be deployed. The facility must also mclude structures for tactical assa�lt, rescue and entry WFIEREAS, this training will take place on September 24-27, 2000 at the United States Army Base located at Camp Ripley, Fort Ripley, Minnesota 'I'HEREFORE BE 1T ORDERED, that the City of Samt Paul pay for eapenses of the CIRT members mcluding lodging and meals. Advanced monies will be admmistered to Commander Jce Neuberger for meals espenses, and lodgimg eapenses will be paid to Camp Ripley upon completion of the trxining. Total cost is not to esceed $2,800.00. The FoRowiug is a breakdown of espenses: Meals 1,380 Lodging and Ranges 1,A20 A copy of said order is to be kept on fde and on record in the O�ce of Financial Services �.t` by: Departrnar s a. t uc� Data gl�loa Ap v by C y Attamey � Date campnpleyspL24-27, 2000 „� TM, � . FFICEICOUNCIL DATEINRUITED rot��t .-. osii�ia000 GREEN SHEET ►uo. 107050. � �. N8. ON INI[lAt/D INrt1AU0AlE Wil?iam Finney 292-3588 1 oE.nx,�nr cau�o4 MUST 8E ON COUtiCiL AGENDA 8(DA i � L F�YAiTOWIEY � Y qIYCLERK ��� L� �FllANO4L5E1tVIGESWL_ ❑FMANLIhL5WNb1CCT6 , IWTOR(ORASSSTAM� �RNi1T5 V..1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTm Approval of the attached Ad*r+;n;�native Order authorizing the Saint Paul Police Depaztment Critical Incident Response Team (CIR'f) to utilize ffie United States Army's advanced training facility at Camp Ripley, Fort Ripley, Minnesota on September 24-27, 2�00 RECOMMENDA710N Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRpCTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this petso�rm ever worked under a cont2ct for this deparimeM? PLANNING COMMiSSION YES NO CIB COMMIT�EE �. Has this perso��m ever been a city employee? C1V1L SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does [his person/firm possess a sWll not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YFS NO 4. Is this perso�rtn a targeted vendoR YES NO E�lain all yes answers on separa[e sheet and attach to green sheet INITIAT{NG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNfTY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The 5aint Paul Police Department's CIRT Team will be required to travel to Camp Ripley on September 24-27, 2000 in order to utilize the United States Army's advanced training faciliry there so as to better prepare the CIRT officers for critical incidents. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The CIRT members would be better prepazed as a cohesive unit to deal with incidents in the City of Saint Paul that would threaten citizens. The CIRT members would also be able to use this training in order to help their fellow officers on the department. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED none. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The citizens of the Cily of Saint Paul and ihose visiting Saint Paul would not be as adequately protected as possible. ALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N$ nottoexceed$2,800.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Special Fund (436) ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34117-0299 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPIAIf�