182901 "r • I • • It" • COUNCIL FILE NO. . _ By FINAL ORDERS FINAL ORDER Council File File No. 182901— In of Street from Front AIN7gruoevulg Lar- penteur Avenue by surfacing the pres- ent pavement and track area with In the Matter of improving Isle Street from Front Avenue to Larpenteut Aienue by surfacing the present pavement and track area with asphaltic concrete from Avenue to Maryland Avenue; by grading and paving the center 20 foot strip with r eenerete balm and 3Li-c' asphaltic concrete and also surfacing the present east and vest side strips of concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete from Maryland Avenue to Arlington Avenue; widening the roadway to 46 feet by grading and paving the east and west side strips with y" concrete base and 3i" asphaltic concrete and surfacing the existing concrete pavement in the center 20 foot strip with asphaltic concrete from Arlington Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue by owing alley and driveway returnL by constructing new curbs and sidewalks where neces- sary; by constructing new storm water severs from Wheelock Parkway to Arlington Avenue sad from Iowa Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue; by constructing sever, water and gas service connections from the street maias to the property lines where necessary; by reconstruct- ing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on tir intersecting streets where not in conformity with amid improvemeatiud b1 441; 4111 c4k10., !9,4 m4144 is nSemary and incidental to said in:prevalent, P1Q.( 1-,17r,T) , f of St. • provement to be made by the said City is. improving Dale Street from Front Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue by surfacing the **Sent pavement and track area with asphaltic concrete from Front Avenue to lieolmndlaemme; by grading and paving the center 20 foot strip with 7" concrete balls and 31" asphaltic concrete and also surfacing the present east and west :Ade strips of concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete from Maryland Avenia to Arlington Avenue; widening the roadway to 46 feet by grading and paving the east and west side strips with y" concrete base and 3i" asphaltic concrete and surfacing the existing concrete pavement in the center 20 foot strip with asphaltic concrete from Arlington Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue; by paving alley and driveway returaS; by constructing neW ousts and sideWalks where :14:tees- sary; by constructing new storm water severs frisidoselock Parkway to Arlington Avenue and from Iowa Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue; by constructi4g sever, water and eme service coanections from the street mays to the property liLles where :±eceesary; by ramxuaguat- ing the paving, curbing anti sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not In conformity with said improvement and by doing all other work which is neeeseary and incidental to said improvement, MAY 2 11957/ Approved 4:(VC6e6N, File 13670 Mayor. Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELU Councilman MORT!NSON ( Coundhnan PETERSON PUTUSIITIV=IS1. 1147 Councilman ,-Pieg6(44— Mayor D■LLON 2-55 2M 2 alielh. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE tJ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of improving Dale Street from Front Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. etc. under Preliminary Order approved January 3, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 300,181.18 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ See P .W- J etter The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bids 1 7 Ware and Hospes Addition to $1600 $9000 St. Paul, Minn. Lots 1, 2 and 3 Ware and Hospes Rearrangement 5100 9800 "A" 10 do 800 350o 2 3 Ware and H::spec Addition to 500 4000 St. Paul, Minn. 45 2 450 4250 44 2 do 500 4900 3 Rutz Rearrangement 425 2 do 400 1 do 45o 3500 1 1 Ware and Hospes Addition to 350 -_ St. Paul, Minn. 2 1 do 350 4400 3 1 do 350 2750 4 1 do 350 2300 5 1 do 350 2200 FORM e.B.n TOTAL • 2 . CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - Q __-_. _._. �= --- = II ASSESSED . , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ' ndVALUATIOpLl -f -1 - I I 6 1 Ware and Hospes Addition to 400 295o 1 St. Paul, Minn. 7 1 do 250 32 1 Tilsen's Maywood Heights 675 3 ' 1 do 625 3 1 do 625 3 1 do 625 3 1 do 625 Subj. to sewer easement 37 1 do 625 4700 Subj. to sewer easement 38 1 • do 625 4950. 39 1 do 625 4950 40 11 do 625 4700 411 1, do 625 4700 421 1 do 625 5350 43:. 1 do 625 5350 i , 44 1 do 1 625 4700 A 150 ft. railway R/W across NEI of NEl of Unplatted 14000 I Sec. 26, T. 29, R. 23 E. 189-ft. of 1 4 Dale Street Garden Lots, St. 300 1900 Paul, Minnesota E. 132 ft. of S. . of Lot 2 and ex. W. 225 ft. ; the N. of 2 1 do 650 2150 . 1 Trossen's Sub. 325 1850 . 2 . . do 350 2350 1 Lots 1 and 2 Richie's Addition 850 700 Ex. Coleman St., Lots 4 and 5 8 , Rogers & Hendricks Acre Lots 3750 17,0D0 Ex. Coleman St. ; 3 8 do 1850 6900 Ex. St.; s. 64 ft. of 2 8 do 1075 3200 ; Ex. St. , North 54 ft. of 2 8 do 900 5950 4 Ex. W. 120 ft.; 1 ' _8 do 1350 3300 1 FORM B.B.11 1 J I TOTAL . 3 . CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) . -DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I ---- Land B1dg7 - S. 68 ft. of E. 176 ft. of 5 5 Rogers & Hendricks Acre Lots $800 $2750 N. 50 ft. of E. 176 ft. of i 5 5 do 550 3454; Part of Lot 4 E. of W. line of I i II alley in Coleman's Sub. extended across sd. 4 5 do 950 2300 S. of Lot 3, Blk. 5, lying E'ly of the S'ly projection of alley ii Coleman's Sub. , Lots 1 and 2 and part of 3 5 do 650 4250 N. of Lot 3, Blk. 5, lying E'ly of the S'ly projection of alley in Coleman's Sub. , Lots 1 and 2 and part of 3 5 do 650 4550. 2 Coleman's Subdivision of Lots 550 4250; 1 and 2, Block Five, Rogers 3 i & Hendricks Acre Lots 450 4 do 450 615 5 i do 450 6 do 450 3450.. . 1 Slayton's First Addition to 400 1650,1 Saint Paul �) 2 do 600 2001! Subj. to sewer easement 1 1 Warren & McDowell's Sub. of 350 II I I Blk. 4, of Rogers & Hendricks Subj . to sewer easement ! 2 1 Acre Lots 200 I Subj . to sewer easement 3 I 11 do 150 Subj . to sewer easement i 4 1 do 150 Subj. to sewer easement 5 I 11 do 150 Subj . to sewer easement, Lots 7 &. 6 , 1 do 300 5500 I Subj . to sewer easement 8 * 1 do 150 Subj . to sewer easement 9 1 , do 150 Subj. to sewer easement 10 1 do 150 Subj. to sewer easement 11 1 do 150 Subj. to sewer easement 12 1 do 150 FORM R.B.1I 1 I TOTAL L CITY OF ST. PAUL 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - H11._= DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED TaudVALUATIONBi Subj . to sewer easement 13 1 (Warren & McDowell's Sub. of 150 (Block 1+ of Roger's and Hendricks Maywood St. vacated adj. and (Acre Lots all of Blks 1 and 2 J. N. Rogers 5th Addition 25500 150 Ex. alley, Lots 1, 2 and 3 8 Northern Pacific Addition to 1550 1+900 the City of St. Paul, Minn. Ex. alley; N. 2 of Lot 5 and all of 1+ 8 do 750 3350 Ex. alley; S. < of Lot 5 and all of 6 8 do 750 1300 Ex. alley 7 1 8 do 500 Ex. alley 8 8 do 500 950 Ex. alley 9 8 do 500 Ex. alley 10 8 do 500 950 Ex. alley 11 8 do x+25 11+0011 Ex. alley, Lots 12 and 13 8 do 975 11600 Ex. St. and alley 1 1 do 150 Ex. alley 2 1 do 500 3750 ,Ex. alley 3 1 do 500 1600 Ex. alley 1+ 1 do 500 1900 Ex. alley 5 1 do 500 2900 Ex. alley 6 1 do 500 Ex. alley 7 1 do 500 Ex. alley 8 1 do 500 Ex. alley 9 1 do 500 1300 Ex. alley 10 1 do 500 1850 (Ex. alley, Lot 12 and 11 1 do 1325 3000 ( (Ex. alley 13 1 do 1 7 Lane's North Dale Park 375 4900 2 7 do 350 FOAM e.e.I1 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -(B) : -- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION dVALUSSED ldg. 'r Lane's North Dale Park $350 $2050 � 3 7 � ii 4 7 do 350 ., 5 7 do 350 6 7 do 350 7 7 do 350 !I I 8 7 do 375 9 7 do 375 10, 7 do 375 39001 Ex. Hoyt Ave. ll1 7 do 400 1500; 1 4 6 do 450 31001 2 6 do 400 6400 3 6 do 400 1650 4 6 do 400 5 6 do 400 4850 6 6 : do 400 4600 ii 7 6 . do 400 300 8 6 do 400 1650 9 6 do 400 14.600 10 6 do 400 1600 . 11 6 do 400 4550 12 6 do 400 635o 13! 6 do 400 5500 I 14 6 do 400 4750 15 6 do 450 500 Lots 1, 2 and 3 1 do 2575 5450 l Lots 28 and 29 1 do 1350 6750 30 1 do 750 5800 TOTAL I FOI1M B.13.11 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) --__ I! (1 ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lana Biag� = Ex. Dale St. & ex.Wheelock pkwy. ) the W. 80.10 ft. of the N. 263.10 ft. of 34 Cottage Homes $1425 $5000 Subj. to Dale St. & ex. E. 130 ft. ; the S. 73.28 ft. of N. 336.38 ft. of 34 do 1125 3550 Subj. to Dale St. ; the S. 73.28 ft. of N. 409.66 ft. of W. 168 ft. of 34 do 1100 2550 Ex. D le St.; S. 53.55 ft. of N. 463.21 ft. of W. 2 of 34 do !I 800 42501 Ex. D::le St. ; and ex. N. 463.21 ft. 11 & ex. S. 112.66 ft., W.2 of 34 do 875 39501 (Ex. Dale St.) the W. 2 of S. 112.66 ft. (ex. S. 62.66 ft. of W.2) and the W. 10 ft. of the E.2 of the S. 112.66 ft. : of E. 10 ft. of W.2 of S. 112.66 ft. 34 do 900 2700 Ex. E. 10 ft. & ex. D le St., S. 62.66 ft. of W. 2 of 34 do 1000 4150 Lots 14 and 13 1 Mardale 2300 8800 15 1 do 750 16 1 do 750 5000 17 1 do 750 4800 13 1 do 750 4000 19 1 do 750 5100 20 1 do 750 4800 21 1 do 750 5700 22 1 do 750 4750 23 1 do 750 560011 24 1 do 825 5350 . A strip 150 ft. in width being 75 ft. on either Unplatted 3750 t side of C/L as located over and across the NW of the NW4 of Sec. 25, To. 29, R. 23 _4 Lots 18 and 19 1 Como Prospect Addition 800 11200 FORM e.e.7i TOTAL - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED La ndVALUATIONB_dg. Lots 20 and 21 1 Como Prospect Addition S550 $1+500 22 1 do 250 23 1 do, 250 1000 24 1 do 250 25 1 do 250 9501 Lots 26 and 27 1 do 600 56501' 28 1 do 200 i 29. 1 do 75 I Lots 2 thru 11 6 do 1 250 1 ( 6 do 25 ! i I 12 6 do 25 13 6 do 25 14 6 do 25 300 15 6 do 25 1 7 do 75 2 7 do 50 Lots 3, 4 and 5 7 do 150 5000 Lots 6, 7 and 8 7 do 650 7150 9 7 do 250 1 10 7 do 250 j 11 7 do 250 1 j 12 7 do 250 1850 . 13 7 do 250 100 14 7 do 250 15 7 do 275 I 1 I 11 do 400 2 12 do 300 300 FORM e.B.II TOTAL ' w CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 ASSESSED LandV ALUATIOnd 13 g 3 12 Como Prospect Addition $300 $1500 1 3 Tilsen's Third Addition 600 1+000 2 3 do 600 4000 3 3 do 600 4000 4 3 do 600 1+000 . 5 3 do 600 4000 6 3 do 650 5700 Lots 1 and 2 13 Como Prospect Addition 85o 2850 3 14 do 350 4 13 E 350 I I 5 13 375 7 11 do 400 81 i do 425 Lots 9 and 10 11 do 950 4000 1 11 13 do 625 6350 Ex. S. 10 ft. ; Lot 2 and all of 1 lir do 1050 9850 S. 10 ft. of Lot 2 and all of 3 14 do 700 10000 Lots 4 and 5 14 do 1150 3850 6 14 do 65o 3550 7 14 do 700 8 14 do 800 9 14 do 1100 3150 10 . 14 _ do 1350 4550 TOTAL $177,325 $818,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Workkss..y Dated April 23 19 57 /i hik. ..414 9)'1• AL Form B.S.A. 8-5 D Commissioner of Finan -2- Improving Dale Street from Front Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. Estimated Property Share of paving cost including curbing is based on making the following assessment rates per front foot: 4454 lin. ft. of frontage at $2.50 (Residential - Front to Wheelock) 2326 " IT " " " 3.25 ( - Wheelock to Arlington) 4167 " if " " " 3.75 ( - Arlington to Larpenteur) 2268 " " if " 4.00 (Commerical - Front to Wheelock) 659 " " " " " 5.50 ( " - Arlington to Larpenteur) Driveways, where necessary 4 $5.00 per square yard Sidewalks, " at an estimated cost of $0.55 per sq. ft. (Charges for sidewalk shall be made in accordance with prices in effect as per annual sidewalk contract) . Dale Street between Front Ave. and Arlington Ave. 3/4" Water Service Connection $130.00 each, where necessary 1" 140.00 " 180.00 " " N Dale Street between Arlington Ave. and Larpenteur Ave. 3/4" Water Service Connection $100.00 each, where necessary 1" " " ., 110.00 " N " 1" N N N 150.00 " N N For larger services, estimates will be made by the Water Department. 6" Sewer Service Connection $200.00 each, where necessary. Yours very truly, Arthur W. Tews Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance Frank D. Marzitelli r Commissioner of Public Works J 0 I OFFICE ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION HERBERT S. WEST JOS. PAVLICEK Prin. Accountant • Capital of Minnesota BRIDGE ENGINEER • MAURIaE4W. HEWETT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. • FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT • GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR H. KOCH • ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELIN BUREAU OF CORRECTION a s8 JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. • • April 15, 1957 Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith a revised preliminary estimate of cost for the improving of Dale Street from Front Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue by surfacing the present pavement and track area with asphaltic concrete fran Front Avenue to Maryland Avenue; by grading and paving the renter 20 foot strip with 7" concrete base and 3-1/2" asphaltic concrete and also surfacing the present east and west strips of pavement with asphaltic concrete from Maryland Avenue to Arlington Avenue; widening the roadway to 46 feet by grading and paving the east and west side strips with 7" con- crete base and 3-1/2" asphaltic concrete and surfacing the existing concrete pavement in the center 20 foot strip with asphaltic concrete from Arlington Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue; by paving alley and driveway returns; by constructing new curbs and sidewalks where necessary; by constructing new storm water sewers from Wheelock Parkway to Arlington Avenue and from Iowa Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the inter- secting streets where not in conformity with said improvement and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 180952 approved January 3, 1957. Estimated Paving Cost $ 272,621.46 _ Add for Engineering and Inspection 21,809.72 $ 294,431.18 D Add for Water Department changes 5750.00 TOTAL, ESTIMATED COST $ 300,181.18 (Paving $47,017.25) 67,503.75 Estimated Property Assessment(Sidewalks 20,486.50) r City's Share of Cost (County Aid Fund) $ 232,677.43 m ry l / /36 7o • - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. SEE LETTER 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ATTACHED , and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. FRANK M • ZIT LU it'\10 mil vOrl ca 0 1 Z 7 C w ` h I.9 .7/Vd'Ohrl4/IPH i!1 . ! `' o r Qt a C I 1 l : i � i j / G j = � =4 �6 'gal I ` r` v , i 71�01314M ,-- - - f� X; iD1 1 1 • C ),j 71 NI _1 I j r D P �; o; r ,3 0 y j NI n -4 I I . s a 0 ; o►l to .3A b li t t - T I �: In -,..r.':., OJ N/7J 17/ E r e 11 D i � ; ; D 0 3 -I rn o s r y Q t11 -i' � L } i •.7'Ay d.vre., rr a' .�� I. .I 11�oH . r I D LAOH J r . :y D (11 73 zI t I -I -Ij _ 1 7uj D � . r OI4 Q1 4 b 1 z CI) N - r ',', r #. I 1 1 IA ,. , .I I 1 I� I. _____ N N ! I L - -- __,,,vc,,,,_, - — - 13 A v— - ____ 6' ,.) c . N . -i 3'AF/ A.›...t Ail-7 ; ' 0 _ ___ I ..,-- ,1 ,-- _____--— — 1--- , '''■ . ' i 1 ..* _7A P /vos--.A4 I/7 - -146" N1 - (4 1 1 - 1\ N. f I • t, ■>......, ; ,. ,46.. "1-• N.L..=J 0 N — -- AL 7A I-, _-■..o..7 b ' 4.A. ■C\ —- -- » ( :1 'JAY 3N/A/VS M g..7., 1 ' >:4 V4 . 1 . o 0° . 1 .; . . (f)1 . 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