182868 • Original to City Clerk C ;«. ) CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE OU CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER . DATE RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is authorized to enter upon the south one—half of of Lots 23 and 24, Block 1, Brokmeiert s Subdivision o f Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Cruickshank' s Garden Lots, City of St. Paul, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as 937 Hazelwood Avenue, in Saint Paul., and wreck and remove the dwelling thereon, and to do any and all th'ngs therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. Council File No. 182868—BY Robert•F. Peterson— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build - ings is authorized to enter upoBlock south one-half of Lots 23 and 24, and 7, Block Subdivision Cruickshank Garden and 7, Block 1, Minnesota, ac- cording City St. Paul, c cordd the to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Re Minnesota a o of Ramsey County, described the as 937 in Saint Paul, the dwelling thereon, and to do any and rotection of life, limb e necessary.adjoin- ing p ing property. 1957. Adopted by the Council May 16, Approved May 18, 1957) MAY. r 4y 161 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays "UeCourcy Holtand Approved 195- Marzitelli In Favor • Mortinson Peterson Mayor Against / Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2.57 1°?y 2 18!-) Duplicate to Printer 868 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RPSOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parka, PL37:rounds and Public }landings is authorized to enter upon the south one—h-;lf of of Lots 23 and 24, T3lock 1, tirokmeierls Subdivision of Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Cruickshankts Garden Lot,-, City of St. Paul, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Pegistr,r of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minneiotal also eescribed rts 937 liazelwooe.1 Avenue, in Saint Paul, and wreck and remove the dwelling thereon, and to do any and all th. ngs therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. MAY 2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 1 6 lor .• uq.95_ Yeas Nays .v 197 _DaCetieey Approved 195_ Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Against Mr. President,President, Dillon 5M 2-57 02 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK = ".l JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota May 15, 1957 MAY 4 )4 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley £i ►1rt� . 'TPt COUNSEL, Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Counsel requested that you draw a resolution No. 3 authorizing the Comsr. of Parks, Playgrounds, & Public Buildings to wreck and remove a dangerous structure at 937 Hazelwood Ave. as more fully described in the attached letter of Alfred H. Schroeder. Very truly your, • City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA Co T. Hl File No. 182418—By Bo and T• Holland- • Resolved, That the four roo;..1 dwell- ing on the south one-half of Lots 23 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ROBE and 24, Block 1, Brokmeier's Subdi- ALFRED H. SCHROEDER vision of Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Supt. of Parks Director o Cruickshank's Garden Lots, City og City Architect recorded Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as No. 937 Hazelwood CITY O Avenue, in Saint Paul, was and is, by reason of its structural condition, un_ sdfe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property; that said structure Capri- is incapable of reasonable repair, re- placement or remodeling so as to DEP make the same reasonably safe, and should be wrecked and removed fro PARKS, PLAYGROUN structure'be d orthw thde red ha m t and' 445 Ci the separ to costa nd aex by and at owner, occupant or other nse of the BERNARD T. F control thereof. person in ARTHUR F. COLE 19g7 dopted by the Council Apirl 23, Approved April 23, 1957. (April 27, 1957) May 14, 1957 Hon. Council City of St. raul Gentlemen: Under date of April 29 , 1957 , a copy of C. F. 182418, adopted by the Council on April 23, 1957 , and approved by the Mayor on the same date , pertaining to the wrecking and removal of the dwelling on the south one half of Lots 23 and 24, Block 1, Brokmeier's Subdivision of Lots 6 and 7 , Block 1 , Cruickshank's Garden Lots , City of St. Paul , Minnesota , also known as 937 Hazelwood Avenue , as publish- ed in the official paper was mailed to Maggi Jeski, 471 Broadway, Apt. 15 , St. Paul 1 , Minn. Francis E. & Catherine E. Taylor, 937 Hazelwood Ave. , 6 Atty. General , State of Minn. , 102 State Capitol, 1 Comr. of Taxation, 209 State Office Bldg . , St. Paul 1 Mr. Len Seamer, Land Comm'rs Office , 286 City Hall 1 Mrs. D. D. DeCourcy, Land Comm'r, 113 City Hall No appeal has been filed with this office for a rehearing of the condemnation proceedings and the building has not been removed. Please proceed with the condemnation action which will authorize the Commissioner of Parks , Playgrounds And Public Buildings to enter upon the property and wreck and remove the building thereon and to do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life , limb, and adjoining property. Yours truly, /AC- Alf -d H. Schroeder C ARCHITECT y/ A f