09-817Council File #�
Green Sheet # 3p'J3//?�
Presented by
WHEREAS, the Deputy Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the application for (I.D. #20090001055)
Wine On Sale, Malt On Sale (Strong) and Restaurant (3) —13-50 Seats licenses for Green Mill Inn LLC, doing
business as Green Mill (Bin1342), 1342 Grand Avenue, be approved with the following conditions:
Per City of Saint Paul Legislative Code 409.15—The sale of Wine On Sale and Malt On Sale (Strong)
will take place only in conjunction with the sale and service of food (Menu item only). Copies of
gross/revenue receipts (from the sales of food, wine and beer) showing at least sixty (60) percent
attributable to the sale of food shall be made available for review upon request of the director of
the Department of Safety and InspecCions (D51) or his/her designated representative.
2. All corrective orders relating to food code violations cited during inspections of the main kitchen
will be issued to 7he Green Mill Inn LLC, d/b/a Green Mill located at 57 Hamline Avenue South
3. Any adverse action taken under Saint Paul Legislative Codes 331A and 310 for failure to correct
food code violations cited during inspections of the main kitchen will be against the Restaurant —
(5) license held by7he Green Mill Inn LLC djb/a Green Mill for the premises located at 57 Hamline
Avenue South in Saint Paul.
4. The service counter seating shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10) seats.
5. A Designated Drive Program shall continue to be promoted within the restaurant.
6. No dumping of glass and bottles into dumpsters by Green Mill clean-up staff before 7:00 a.m, and
after 10:00 p.m.
7. No pick-up of trash and/or recyclables before 7:00 a.m. on weekdays or 9:00 a.m. on weekends.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application
with the aforementioned agreed-upon conditions.
Yeas Na s Absent
Bostrom ✓
Carter ,/
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Requested by Department of:
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �` ��� G
Adopt�n,Certifi d y ouqcil Secretary
/ I
Appro' by Dete 0
Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
n�i-f� I �
� DepaRmenUOffice/Councii: pat¢ Initiated: � � �
� co-�°°°°�� 27-JUL-09 Green Sheet NO: 3073112
� Contact Person 8� Phone: {� � DeOartment Sent To Person Initial(Date
I, Nhia Vang I y o ouncil 0
266-8 � 1 ouncil De xrtment Director
� ��g� 2 'tv Clerk Cti Clerk
� Must Be o� Council Aqenda 6y (Date): Num6er 0
I 05-AUG-09 For 3
Routing 4 0
�Doc.7ype:RE50LUTION Order 5 0
E-Document Required: Y
Document ConWCt: ��n Birkholz
Contact Phone: 266-8673
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approving the ]icense application with conditions, per the Deputy Legisla[ive Heazing Officer, for Wine On Sale, Malt Oa Sale
i(Strong) and Res[aurant (3) - 13-50 Seats Licenses for Green Mill Inn LLC, domg business as Green Mill (Bin1342), 1342 Grand
Recommendations� Approve (A) or Reject (R)� Personai Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for th�s department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Croil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
, 3. Does this person/frm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current ciry empbyee?
Yes No
F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
I�itiating Problem, IssueS, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Totai Amount of
I Transaotion: _ CostiRevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: Activity Number.
Financial lnfortnaiion:
I (Explain)
Juiy 27, 2009 2:03 PM Page 1
Green Mill (Bin1342), 1342 Grand Avenue
Thursday, July 2, 2QQ9, 10:00 a.m.
330 City Hall, 15 Kel{ogg Boulevard West
Nhia Vang, Deputy Legislative Hearing Officer
The hearing was called to order at 10:03 a.m.
Staff Present: Kristina Schweinter, Senior Inspector, Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI); and lean
Birkholz, Councif Research
Others Present: Chris Bangs, President; Mary Jule Erickson and Jim Kreiser, Green Mill Inn, LLC
Bin1342: Wine On Sale, Malt On Sale (Strong) and Restaurant (3) —13-50 Seats licenses
Ms. Vang stated that this is an informal legislative hearing for a license application. This is a Class N license
notification which means that the neighborhood gets notified and has a chance to voice its concerns. If anyone
has a concem, it automatically triggers a hearing. Other Class N lice�ses include: entertainment, tattoo parlors,
auto repair, auto sales, etc.—issues that ha�e an immediate impact on their neighbors. The City received four
(4) letters of concern regarding this appfication. Ultimately, there are three (3) possible outcomes trom this
hearing: 1) Ms. Vang may recommend to the City Council that they approve this license with no conditions; 2)
she may recommend to the City Council that they approve this license with agreed upon conditions; or 3) she
may recommend to the City Council that they not approve the requested license but refer it to an administrative
law judge for a further hearing and findings. Ms. Vang wiil make her recommendation in the form of a
resolution that will go before the City Council for their approval. It will appear on the Consent Agenda at a City
Council meeting. The City Council is the final authority on whether the license application is approved or denied.
Ms. Vang will begin with a staff report. Staff wifl be asked to explain their review of the application and to state
their recommendation. Then, she will ask the applicant to explain their business plan. Next, she will hear from
people who are here in support and those with concerns, and she will review the letter(s) that were sent
regarding this license application.
Ms. Kristina Schweinler, Department of Safety and fnspections (DSI), reported that regarding Inspection
Building: under review (construction of bathroom)
Environmental Health: approved
License: approved with conditions
Zoning: approved with conditions
DSI recommends approval with the following conditions:
Per City of Saint Paul Legislative Code 409.15 —The sale of Wine On Sale and Malt On Sale
(Strong) will take place only in conjunciion with the sale and service of food (Menu item only).
Copies of gross/revenue receipts (from the sales of food, wine and beer) showing at least sixty
(60) percent attributable to the sale of food shall be made available for review upon request of
the director of the Department of Safety and Inspections {DS!) or his(her designated
Ail corrective orders relating to food code violations cited during inspections of the main kitchen
will be issued to The Green Mill Inn LLC, d/b/a Green MiII located at 57 Hamline Avenue South
Any adverse action taken under Saint Paul Legislative Codes 331A and 310 for failure to correct
food code violations cited during inspections of the main kitchen will be against the Restaurant
Green Mill (Bin1342), 1342 Grand Avenue Page 1 of 3