183977 Original to City Clerk ' CITY OF Sly - ' .I COUNCIL NO Council File No. 183977—By Bernard OFFICE OF THE T• Holland- . Resolved, That upon appeal of Fair- COUNCIL RESto LUTION theudecsionuofMthe°Commhssione from of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bu'ld- PRESENTED BY requir he side yard and building area COMMISSIONE' re governed byertaing to churches paragraph "e" of the Zoning Ordinance are hereby relaxed so as to permit a. six foot side yard from the westerly property line of Lot 20,a and awe 43 per cent building RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Fairmount Avenue Methodist Church from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the side yard and building area requirements pertaining to churches as governed by Sec. 8, paragraph "e" of the Zoning Ordinance are hereby relaxed so as to permit a six foot side yard from the westerly property line of Lot 20, and a 43 per cent building coverage affecting Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 7, Summit View Addition, adjacent to the northwest corner of Fairmount Avenue and Saratoga, so as to permit the construction of an addition to the Church in accordance with the statements and conditions set out in applicant's appeal of May 21, 1957 and the development plan dated July 3, 1957. AUG 11957. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195—._ Yeas Nays AN 1 '1957 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor _to. Abu j I : __ Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED t 3 ora e.oc OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk • BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota July 24, 1957 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached appeal of Fairmount Avenue Methodist Church. Ve ruly y u Cit 'Clerk �L/ f..:.; 1 ...-e, 7.. 11 . , Mg �lif:, .•e ••• ' .( -7°.t4 ) I ;:: : :, r ■ / `I t I , _ ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA ,J • • . ' - ArAw 'RD OF ZONING, • CITY OF SAINT PAUL :141441110.210 sils CITY NMt Nee WWI NSU$f WOW Min L MINMINU iikra...av:ri::•we July 24, 1957 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of "the appeal of the Fairmount Avenue Methodist Church to relax the side yard and building area limitations applicable to churches on lots 19, 20, 21 and.22 - block 7 - Summit View Addition, located adjacent to the northwest corner of Fairmount and Saratoga. The applicant owns four lots with a frontage of 215.7' on Fairmount and extending northerly to a depth of 127' . The church is located, on the easterly two lots. The parsonage is on a third lot and a residence used by the assistant pastor is on the fourth lot. • This appeal, if granted, would allow the construction of a new wing extending west from the existing church with a connection to the rear of the parsonage as shown on the attached plan dated July 3, 1957. The proposed addition will be two stories and approximately 44' x 52' . It will be located at the rear of the lot used for the parsonage. This structure will extend northerly to a line 11' south of the alley line which is the same line as the northerly extend of the existing church. The surrounding area is used for residential purposes. A petition dated May 21, 1957 in favor of the proposed addition signed by the four property owners across the alley to the north is attached. The appli- cants are requesting a relaxation of the area and yard requirements pertain- ing tw.churches in section 8, paragraph "e" of the Zoning Ordinance which provides that churches may not be built closer than 25' to an adjoining resi- dence and,.the building area may not be more than 30 percent of the site area. The applicant's plan shows this building to be within 6' of the residence owned by the church and used by the assistant pastor. The addition will produce a buikiing area which will cover 43 percent of the total site. The proposed expansion of the building on the site will be at the rear of the premises and will not affect residences other than those owned by the church. The recorded sentiment in favor of this change on the part of adjacent pro- perty owners verifies the contention that this development, if approved, will not be a detriment to the neighborhood. It is the opinion of the Board that this site cannot be properly developed to meet the needs of the church within the framework of the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance as it applies to this site. • (!/4--/ 19\° • The Board is also mindful of the general desirability of permitting churches to expand their services to the community in a manner consistent with the public interest. In consideration of these factors, the Zoning Board finds the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance would be substantially achieved under these circumstances and that, therefore, the portion of the ordinance specified in the applicant's appeal pertaining to land coverage and yards may properly be relaxed in this instance all in accordance with the statements and conditions conveyed in the applicant's appeal of May 21, 1957 and development plan dated J ly 3, 1957. lcere C. D. L eks CDL:FS Planning Director Enc. Executive Director Board of oning tttrmattnt uenite gtEt1 ohizt Ut.iurt.I • SAINT PAUL 5, MINNESOTA John G. Lewis Minister Church: Fairmount and Saratoga Church: Midway 9-1762 Parsonage: 1533 Fairmount Avenue Minister's Study: Midway 9-1523 To the Honorable City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 7e, the undersigned, property owners on the north half of Block 7 of Summit View Addition to the City of St. Paul, said property being on the opposite side of the alley from the property owned by the Fairmount Avenue Methodist Church, have no objection to the estab- lishment of a building set-back line from the alley on Lot 20 of eleven (11) feet; this line being a continuation of the rear wall of the existing church. The existing parsonage is located on Lot 20 and the existing church on Lots 21 and 22. Dated May 21 , 1957 Lot 1 ,152L1 Goodrich , Lot 3 ,1534 Goodrich, L. '�!� . Lot 2 525 1 Goodrich, , < 2- 4,1540 Goodrich , A. CT! CLERK PILE f _ APPLICANT Z,F.N.;. 1/°I Q • thrmount kuettute ffietWist (64=4 cI SAINT PAUL 5, MINNESOTA , John G. Lewis' Minister Church: Fairmount and Saratoga r;f q Church: Midway 9-1762 °,;_�: MAY 31 Pfv1 Parsonage: 1533 Fairmount Avenue s •Minister's St y: Vfldway 41543 c ? t .i Y LE.ttt(� To the Honorable City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 'e, the undersigned, hereby appeal for the establishment of a building line at the rear of Lot 20, Block 7, Summit View Addition, of eleven (11) feet from the alley at the rear thereof; this property being designated as 1533 Fairmount Avenue. At present Lot 20 is the site of the parsonage which is adjacent to the church building on Lots 21 and 22. Lot 19 with a house thereon is also owned by the Fairmount Avenue Methodist Church. It is the desire of the Fairmount Avenue Methodist Church to extend the church building to the rear of and connect it to the parsonage to utilize the addition and the present parsonage as part of the church. Dated, May 21 , 1957 FAIP.MOUNT AVEIUE METHODIST C'H By Chairman Board of Trustees. an CLERK FILE /J--t C 6 - G� /I APPLICANT Z F N ///1/ 22/