D001911CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF 1'HE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, �o: ��0l91/ D�: �- 3d-Da _ That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay Dr. Ralph Farnsworth, Como Zoo Veterinarian , the sum of one thousand four hundred and twenty nine dollars ($1,429) to attend ffie 2000 Annual Conference of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians held in New Orleans , LA, September 16-21, 2000. To be charged to activity code: 33140 • AYPROVED AS TO FORM � i i � I �!'.�— �Q- Assistan[ City Attomey Date �Joot 9�l C� Estimated Expenses For Conference of Am. Assn. Zoo Veterinarians New Orleans, La Sept . 16-212000 Travel Air Fare Aotel 5 nights @ $130.00 Registration fee Meals 4 days @ $ 35 Travel to and from airports • 239.00 650.00 320.04 140.00 � 80.00 Total 1,429.00 • ��� �Jao lqll Gf2EEN SHEET No � C `� � � � � � �,�.� �„�.. r, .. ...�;; �n TOTAL B OF SIGNATURE PAGES � ...onEr ❑ an«m� _ sNWCMLaFn�aeFSO�t /�_��❑ N�xo�la[nwllKro ,.� w�tu�wa�v+nl �� (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� t �dw«u�5 C�rz�e�rd�Y�� tn��e. �pro�-rC���cia.ls - k� (� � 1'Y Gt��YCUnC� �O �('. ���► �ct�r'�� �6�1/-O� Ct+2�riVla^.��lA.Vl�Jca'• Q'�°�A�LI.�G c�.'��� �-tl/�VIUe�Q �AVb�2�eV1G20�'�v12�'�e �- ��v,�:�n�e.u.s VtSL-Qc� �v� N�br�ea.as,l.-A �-ewLbQr �� Zt, 2� PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION RSONAL SERYICE WNTRAC7S MUST ANSWERTNE F�LLAW[N6 Q Fias ihis Pe«�m ever xnrketl under e contrac[ torMie tlepartment7 YES NO Has this P�rm ever 6een a aty empbyee7 YES NO Does this ueBwuhrm o�sess a sian nat namal�vaossesseE bY any wrteM citY emWoyee7 YES NO Ic Mis peBONfirm a tarpMetl verMOYt YES NO f YRVOLCM IJJVC� VrrNll VIYII �YYIN� Y 1� t� Y���CII� ��IICIS� ��IY/ '�Q,�(��lu �v(s¢� Vb2�ded�✓�', ����l.rh5�.c�o�'�1��6 �� r�. 6�e-c�.►n��(,,�- �wh�a.Q C��e�o-�-��4tR�r�ca.�,, ��cL�c�,��� s�t Vt�.Vla;u-s 4Le�d � �t �� a� �-Si ���'ti+ Io.QV� IC� -Z�, Z�oo ����"� CO�'1,��ttiU1 vlr.t �Y�)�`�. �+-�d� 2�c�v,cu¢ o-�- ipYaCc-r�cWeS c.u.GQ �e�r-�se � �. - t - t� v��n�. � �.�e a.ud wel�re , -�j-�`fC.�.�. Cr��uo'� �-�i� w�,l-s '�iQ� lTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � � � � &o awttu�a.P.s � �to h.G.�e-'1-t,�Q°p'P vt�-��'p �$ c�ere_ '..' a:..... OF TRANSACTION � ���C-�• � COST/REVpIUE BUDQETED (CIRCLE ON� YEE NO :E "71Y`� {�YI�MfiX � WW� ACiNT'NUMBER ���� �J�19ii[/ �noN`�M , RECE4VED AUG 18 200� AUG 2� 20D0 CITY AT�I�ORNE�I 7t6 Annual Canuarative Patholo� Worksh9n - Dick Moniali and Linda Lowensfiae This ali day workshop, co-sponsored by the C.L. Davis Foundadon and the Atmed Fomes Institute of Pathology, featums pcesensationc of imecesting a� often �w entities of zoo and wildlife species with emphasis on clinico-pathological correlarions. It should be of gxeat irnerest to zoo and wildlife clinicians, interns, residents and students. The foimat is interactive with the presentation � of 15-20 cases (bY P�MP� �bmlttin8 cases) to the attendees, followed by quesuonc and piovocative dis�ussion. You may register as an attendee even if you have not submitted a case. No lunch will be provided for tbis wo�shop; a o� and one-half hatt midday break will �ve pazticipa�s the oppornmity w eat lunch if they desire. The workshop will be held at the hotel from 8:00 to 5:00. Enrollment is ' ted. Cost is $35. Limited histoslide sets will be available at an addidonal cost of $25 to zoopath list-server pazdcipanu. :ss:rs::::s: ��� � t't�z� �btn.-�2V�tnr�� �,.���r�S� L� TENTATIVE PROGRAM Drs. Scott Ckino and Suzanne Kennedy-Stoskopf, Co-Chairs MONDAY, SEPTEMBER t8 Joint Session (AA�: Conservation MedicinelRemrts FYom the �dd - Sharon Deem aud William Van Bonn, Co-Chaics Biomedical survey of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melawleuca) in capdvity in China: 1998-2000 - Donald Janssen Health assessmenc of Antarctic pack ice seats - Pamela Yochem Wildlife health in Latin America-conservation goais - Mucela Uhart The decli� of the soutLem sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis): is it an indicaror of contaminam and pathogen pollntion, anthropogevic interfere�e, a�i declining mazine ecosystem health? - David Jessup Medical aspecu in Paewalki ho�e (Equus preZervalskt) reintroduction to the Dzungazian Gobi, Mongolia - • Christian Walzer Entanglemeras in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris): a case report of amputation following muldple surgeries in a pregnant female - Magdalena Dougherty Conservation medicine and ecosystem health across borders: from the Brazilian rainforest to the African savanna - Alonso Aguiae Infertility observed in wild bonnetthrdd sLacks (Sphyma aburo) may be due to antluopogenic effects - Charles Manire A simple method for providing internrittent positive pressure ventilarion to etorplrine-immobilized elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the field - William Home Medical implicationc of hypothermia in threatened loggerhead (Carena caretta} and endangered Kemp's Ridley (Z,epidochelys kempr) and geen (Chedonia mydas) sea turtles - Beth Turnbull Detwr�g the human diseases trcnsmissible ro the great apes of westem Uganda - Jonatl�an Sieeman Molecular analysis of stress activated proteins a� ge�s in dolpLins and whales: a new technique for monitoring em�uommental stress - Sarka Southem Joint Sessiou (PA�: ReMiles and Amplu'bians - 7uergen Schumacher and Brem Whirakec, Co-Chaits Experimental trensmission and ttealment of cutaneous chytridiomycosis in poison dart frogs (Dendrobates mrrratus and Dendrabates rinctorius) - Donald Nichois Eight cases of inctusion body disease in captive palm vipeis (Botluiechis marcJu) - Michael Gamer Experimemai inoculation of a Mycoplasma sp. in broad-nosed caiman (Cafman laiuostris} and Siamese crocodiles (Crocodytus siamensis) - Geoffrey Pye Comparison of white blood cell counts in wld-smnned a� subsequently reLabilitated IoggerLead sea tucUes (Caretta carena) - AtnY Hancock Cazdiopulmonazy effects of inedatomidiae a� ketamine in the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemur) - Pam Dennis Paramyoxvims infecdons in wild-caught Xenosauncs a� Abronia spp. - Rachel Mazschang Piiwary lipid keratopathy in amphibians and ceptites - CathY Shilton Medetomidine, ketamine, aud sevoflurazle ane�rhecia in loggerhe�d sea nutles (Carena earetta) - Elizabeth Chittick Treatment of suspected Ptarmodium spp• infec6on in star tortaises (Geocheione elegans} - Shazon Redrobe Concurrent Sessions (PA�: AAZV New and Im�roved Sursicai Tec6niaues - R. Avery Bennett, Chair Distal femoral fracture repair with a modi5ed cobra head plate in a roan amelope (Hippotragus equinus) - Jill Heatley Surgical lengthemng of the manclible of a bactrian camel by disuaction osteogenesis - Graham Crxwshaw Cervicat �ngle pedicle adva++r��++r �p in birds - Ned Genu ann � p1�ma restostero� and aggressive behavior in male green iguanas (Iguana iguana) following orchidectomY - BI3d LACk • Subtotal colectomy in a tiger (Ptmthera tigrisl - S�P� � pdtis iniema in a Bongo (Tragelaphus eraycencs? - P�ic�a �� Concidexation for lapacoscopy in megavectebntes - Rolfe Radcliffe The effect of endoscopic satpingohysterectomy in juveIDle cockatiels (1Vymphicus lwllmrdicus) on ovuladon a preliminary report - Geoffrey' PYe iAAA �nm�al BuSineSS MeetinP Joi� Session (PA�: West Nile V�.+� Epi��� in New York - Robect Cook, Chait West Nile Vims: the institutional implications of an emerging disease outbreak - Robert Cook The pathology of West Nile Vixus - Tiacey McNamara C(inicai aspects of West Nile Virus infecaon in a zoological collection - Paul Calle TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Concurrent Sessions (AA�: AA7 V- L•�e ��c/UnPulates - Robin Radcliffe, Chair Immobil'uarion of wild animals: both t1�e two-legged and four-legged types - Ted Stanley piemical restxaim and ane.cthesia in the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) for reproducdve evaluation, semen collection and artificial insemination - Christian Walzer Chemical immobil'vation of takin (Budorcat tdcicolor) at the San Diego Zoo - Lce Y�S Blood gas analysis in bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus) and eland (Trageiapiws oryx) antelope - Ellen Boyd $tanding sedation and mnnquilization in captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana) - Ed RamsaY Use of a long-acHng neurolepdc to decrease LandlinS st�ess in wapifl - Maa Read Evaluation of seiuw GGT activity in neonates u an incli�awr of passive immunoglobulin transfer in exotic hoofstock species - Chrisdne Fiorello The role of veterinary medicine in an ecological study of Baird's tapir (Tapinu bairdit) in Comovado Nadonal Pazk � Costa Rica - Soma Foerster Evidence for possibie iron overload affecting captive tapirs - Don Paglia Sumatra's elephant tiaining centezs: a call for assistance - Susan Mikota IAAAM Lm�nunoloev/Clinical Patholo¢v - Steven Pcet, Chair Changes in TGF-beta expression following experimentai infecfion with Mywbacterium marinum in dlapia and sttiped bass - Krisana Howatd Oyster innate immumty - Sylvain De Guise Effects of inelatonin on the innate immu� system of cainbow trouc (Oncorhychus myldss) - Scott Weber Evaluation of the humoral immu� rasponse 10 DNA vaccination in tilapia - Tracey Schock Preliminary studies of immune system evaluadon in free-ranging sen otteis - Julie,Schwazu Characterizarion of monoclonal antibodies to California sea lion immunoglobnlin molecules - Michelie Hure pinniped immunogenetics: characteri7arion of class I MHC ge�s in Larbot seals and California sea lions - Brian Aldridge Immunological characterizarion of slon from the Adantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops m�ncatus) - Tanja Zabka Clinicai approach w suspected immunologicat abnom�atides in mazine.mannmaSs - Brian Aldridge Seasonal variadon in male beluga whale tesmstero� 1e�e1s - Paul Calle Emiro�ental challenges aud the immu� system: implications for cetaceans - Tracy Romano AAZV Smai1 TZamm9ld('�m�voses/Pcimates - Barbata Mangold, Chait Muiti-species leptospirosis in an urban zoo: exhibit modi5cxrions a� impact on-a wildlife poim source - Kaduyn Gamble Viral papilloma y� squamous cell eareinomas in s�w leopards (Panthera unicia) - Janis Joslin Gastritis in capdve cheetaht: Hekcobacter or host immune response - Karen Terio The factor influencing the pazasite status of the thtee gorilla subspecies (GoriUa gorilla graueri, Gorilla gorilla beringei, Gorilla gorilla gorilta). A plea for a multidisciplinary approach in coaservation medicine - Ute Eilengerger An epizootic of sudden death in tammaz wallabies (Macropus eugenii) - Kanie Rose Compazison af tcansabdaminal, trans�aginal. and ti�nsTe�l ultras°u� exam�nanon of seven femate westem lowland • gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) - Pau1 Calla Glomenilonephrias and cazdiovascutaz disease in the PY�Y mazmoset (Caliithriz py8maea) - Luis Padilla Long ac;ting deslorelin implants to comrol aggression in male lion-tailed macaqnes (Macaca silenus) - Terry Norton Use of oral detomidine and�ketamine for anesthedc i�uction in nonhuman Piimates - Michele Miller IAAAM - Patholoav - Daniel Cowan, CLair Ozonation effects an the speciation of dissolved iodi� in aztificial seawazer at the Naziomel Aquarium in Baltimore - Johanna Sherrill • Deimal and remel £ungal infecdon in an Arabian bamboo shuk, ChiloscyUiwn arabicron - Ilze Beains Developme� of a reve�e uanscriptase polymerase chain :eacdon-based assay for d�e detection aad diffecentiazion of cani� and phocine distemper viruses - J. Stanton Evaluation of the dige�ive gla� in disease and health from the Common C�ttlefish (Sepia o�cinaZis) - J. Scm�a:a Dicrnin?+� hespesvital disea.� in boalenose dolphins - N. Santiago Blastomycosis in rno captive sea lions - Michael Cremer Skin pazhology, poss'bly caused by pox vims, leading m seveze Lealth problems in Larbor porpoises from Eurapean wateis - N. van Elk Can Fibrocapsa kill seals? - U. Siebert 'Lhe IustopatUology of the alami zeacnon in dolpLins - Daniel Cowan Hemochromatosis in capfive otaziids - A. Gazcia WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Joint Sessions (ANn: . Nutrition - Mazk Edwazds and 3eff Bcehm, Co-Chairs Fish for the future? The status of our mazine 5sh populations - Kimberly Davis Fish handling guidelines - Susan Crissey An overview of ionizing inadiation technology foi pathogen conttol in fishery products - Mazilyn Kilgen Effeccs of dietary vitamins A, E and K on tiody composition of iainbow trout - Ellen Dierenfeld Dietary alternatives m fish - Mark Griffin Iron s[orage disease in fur seaLs - Lisa Mazzaro What's New in Diazmostics? - MicLael Ctxufield and Tom Reidarson, Co-Chairs Candida diagnosdcs - Mike Waish What's new in erysipelas reseacch? - Rhonda Patterson In�une pro5ling in mazine mammals - Jeff Stott • Developments in diagnosis of diplomonad flagellate infecaons: Spironucleus, Hexamita and Bmgerolleia - Sazah Poyton Bone scintigaphy and computerized tomography: advanced diagnosdc imaging tecLniques in endangered sea nutles - Cyndria Smith Preliminazy evalnation of gonadotropins and prostaglandins for the regntation of ovulation in bottlenose dolplvns - Todd Robeck UltrasonograpLic imaging of the int�atarsal joint of cranes - Kathy Linn Multiple antigen ELISA foi detecting tubezwlosis in elephants - Scott Lazsen Renogrdphic diagnosis in sea oaers - Mark I1oyd New PCR technique for canine distemper - Jefftey VV�imsatt ELISA anribody tesc, PQt and a DNA vacxine for use with avian malaiia in black-footed penguins - Mike Crenfield Coucurrent Sessions (PM): AAZV - Case RepQrts - Truy Qippinger, Chair Cardiomyopathy in captive Africau hedgehogs (Atelerix albinventnsj - James Raymond Myocardial failwe in a two-[ced sloth (Qwloepus dzdactulus) - Stuart Rosenberg Clssonic recurrent mulnfocal osteomyelitis in a ruffed lemur (Yareaa v. variegata) - Kay Backues Subcutaneous Taenia crassiceps cysticercosis in a red ruffed lemus (Yareaa u rubra) - Lee Young Unnsual clinicopathologic findings of chronic colitis associated with anemia, myopaihy and steadtis in a common mamioset (Collithrix jacchus) - Carles 7uan-Salles Chronic hypeiadrenocorticolism in a female lowland goriUa (Gori[!a garilla) - Ray Ball Medetomidine/aletami�-zolazepam and medetomidine/butorphanoUtiletamine-mlazepam: a comparison of two anesthedc regimens for surgical implantation of inuaperitoneal radio uxnsmittexs in free-:anging juvenile Eutopean wild boazs {Sus s. scrofa) - Kitty Enqvist Use of naloxone to revexse carfentanil citrare-induced hypoxemia and cardiopuimonary depression in Rocky Mouwain Wapiti CCervus elaphus neisone) - Anneke Moiesco Surgical diagnosis and management of a fiill-temi ectopic pregnancy in a geremilc (Litocrpraus walleri wallen) - Kelly Helmick • Salmonellos'ss and subseque� abortion in two African elephants. (Lomdonta africm�us) - Kacen Emanuelson Hypokalemia-i�uced PolYmYOPathy in an African cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus jubaius? - Donglas Wluteside ra_aaM - case Repoiu - I.aurie crnge, cnair Thoraco-l�baz fracture dislocation repair in a Florida mauatee (Trichechiu� raananrs latiroszris) presemed with a propeller wound - Gtegory Bossaxt • A hazbor sea monstei - tumor oi twin? - Frdnces Gulland ,_ Ultcaso�giapluc gender dr*-a^^;n��on in the paddle5sh (PaZyodon sp�thula) - Joanne Paui-Mutphy Caliciviral infection in a pptive Califarma sea lion - Lee Young lmestigation of a saanded mmke w}�are (Balaenoptera acutorostra) in the Chesapeake Bay - Cindy Driscoll Chemical testiainc and s¢igical removal of a peri�al mass in a Nile hippopotawns {HiPPoFormm�s mnghibius) - Genevieve Dumo�eanx Systemic mycosis caused by Seedosporium apiospeimwn in a smanded nortl�em elepl�arn seal (Mirounga angustirosuis) - Mazry Haulena Disseminated muiticemric T�ell lymQhosazcoma in an asian water dragon (Physignarhus cancinnus) - ColeUe Wheler Medical and behavioral management of chromc regurgitarion in a walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) - LauLie Gage Fusariomycosis, atypical mycobactexial panniculitis and fatal aozdc rupture in a wlilte wLale (Delphiapterus leucus) - Lawie�e Dunn Addison's disease in a grey seal (Halicoerus grypus) - Cy�hia Su'ingfield Several osteomyelitis cases in pinnipeds - Geraldine IaCave A disease in captive FYSmY �PPoP��� t�eropsis liberiensis Ziberiensis} anarrn.�;�y resembling polycystic � kid�y disease - James Raymond AAZV - Avian - Lisa Tell, Chair Macaw conservafian in Bolivia: the role of the Saata Ciuz mumcipal Zoo - Jonathan Sleeman Lysosomal storage diseese in a Costa's hummingbirds (CaIypte costae) - Ieff Proudfoot Tream�ent of epideimal cysts assa;iated with Aspergillus fionigatus and Alternntia ap. in a sillcy bantam ciricken (GaUur gallus) - Kidc Suedmeyer Bilateral phacoaspirazion in two greater sulfur�rested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) - C7ayton Hellner Treuma-induced periosteal bone cysts in psivac:i� species - Thoznas Tully Translocation of a large flock of American flamingos (Phoenicopterus n�ber ruber) and compazisons of hematology and plasma biochemical values wirh a semi-free-ranging populafion - Ray Ball Circovims in lories and lon'lceers - Holly Reed • The fluill of victory and ffie agony of defeat: implanted rran.mtitters in sea ducks and sea birds in Alaska - Dan Mulcahy Midazolam, butocphanol, ketamiae, and isofluiane combination anesthesia of osttiches (Struthio melus) - Pam Govett Applicaaon of a positive pressure conuast technique in �rthem pintails (Ana acuta} to enhance radiograpluc diagnosfic capability - Jotianna Sheixiil - Pathology of the avian embryo: What veterina.;a � to know about pathology as a disease surveillance tool for avian captive propagarion pmgcams - Bnue Rideout IAAAM - InEec3ious Disrrse - Frances Guiland, Chair Iridoviridae in Florida fisheries - Ruth Francis-Ftoyd Morbilliviral demiaatis in pinnipeds - T. Lipscomb Isolarion and characterizafion of Helicobaaer sp. from the gastric mucosa of dolphins - Claudia Harper Identificarion of the seiotypes of Erysipetoihrix rhusiopati�iae stiains isolated from diffetent cesacran species - G. Iacave Marine brucella - a review - T. Patterson Isolation and cl�acacterization of protozoa from liacbor seal and sea otter encephaliades - M. Checkowifz Pro[owan and helminth infections of marine mammals - recognized and emerging diseases? - L. Measures Pazasites imolved in the mortality of a juvemle gray whale (EschrichEaUS robusius) stranded along the northem Califomia coast - M. Dailey THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 doirn Sessions (AM): Envimmnental laues/Faalities Desi¢n - Micbael Stoskopf and Mazk Stetter, Co-G7�aiis Implementing the philosaphy of zoologiral design - Lee Simmons Concideiations in aix-handling design fox waik-through indoor exlubits - Michael Dykstra Public viewing axeas in zoo hospitals: a great opportunity for public education - Mark Stetter Design covsideraaons for necropsy firilides, a climcian's peispecave - Scott Citino Design and conmvction of oiled wildlife response centers - 3o�a Mazet Pcesumprive volatile organic compou� intoxication of s6arks and teleost fish in a newly constmcted aquarium - • J� Rasmussen ` Use of 9, 10 Anthroquinone w deter Caaada geese from zoos -%irk Suectmeyer Use of false bottom pools in medical ueatments of marine mazumals - MicLael Walsh • Toxicology/PbarmacoloEy/TheraR,ew3cs - J. Andrew Teare and Stephen Smith Co-Chairs Post-anesrhetic hypoxemia in 5sh - Beth Qritack Litexamre review and techniques for the h�ie eutbanasia of strended cetaceans - I.eah Greei Treamient of a cutaneous, subcuta�ous Apophysomyces elegans, a mncoimycoac fungi, infection in a bottlenose . dolphin, Tursiops mrncatus, with the �w antifungal agent, Nyotran - Todd Robeck Vertebral osteomyelitis in a botdenose dolphin, Tursiops tnmcarus: A�vel aeatment „� susrained ielease anribiotic impregnated biodegradable micro-spheres - Caztie Goertz Butorphanol and butorphanolldiazepam administ�arion for analgesia and sedafion of l�arbor seaLs (Phoca vituZina) - Pam Tuomi Treamient of a developing scoliosis in a� dolphin (Delplunus delphis) - H. Rh;+�rha** Evalnation of rhe a�sthetic effecu of eugenol with varying iaaos of euge�l to etUanol in ldllifish (Fundulus 3zeteroctitus) - J. Gemma Regiomal digital perfiLSion in an African elephaat wath osteomyelitis - B. Yates Feset cardiovasculaz dynamics with medemmidine and with sevoflurane - Jef&ey Rrimsatt AAZV Sessioffi (PM}: Innovations in 1'ra���� at Home and Abroad - Mitchell Bush, Chair African-Amexican cooperarive efforts in wildlife health - Dave Jessup Development of zoological medici� in swtheast Asia-The Thailand model - Micl�ael Stoskopf Role playing as a teaching tool in wildlife cucricula - Jerry Haigh ' Veterinary outreach coordinating technology transfer and professional training in Latin America - Roberto A, , g�* VJild animal captuxe couise-A stiucnued appioach to training wildlife pzofessionals in Zimbabwe - Mazk At}3nson G�irure awazeness-a vital compo�nt of fareign t�aining progiams - Erin McNulty PreveMive Medicine/Grouo and Herd Health - Ray Ball, Chair Medical management of caprive gcouper and jewfish - Mazk Stettez Contact animal health issues - Ann Manharth Preliminary evaluadon of risks/benefits of a comprehensive preventative health program at Disney's Animal Kingdom - Michelle Millet 7ohne's disease in AZA hoofstock collecdons-prevalence a� biosecuriry - El'uabeth Manning General consideradons for determining the epidemiology and wnaol of gasaointestinal nematodes in wild and exodc • rnminantc _ M. C22ig Tuberculosis in zoo ungulates: survey res�il[s and surveillance glan - Michael Ziccardi 7oint Poster Session - Kelly Helmick and Skig Young, Co-Chairs Ovei fifry posters presemations will be featured az tlris year's conference. The posters will be displayed in the E�ibi6on Hall next to the exlubiu. A spec:ial, one hour, break at the end of Monday's morning session, will allow pazticipanu to view the posters and discuss the topics with the speakers. • �. Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Date: 10 Aug 00 To: Liz Anderson Subject: Administrative Order and Green Sheet for Travel Expense for Dr. Ralph Farnsworth to Attend the 2000 Zoo V�t Conference From: Victor L. Camp ��� Attached are an Administrative Order and a Green Sheet to process funding approval for Dr. Farnsworth to attend the 2000 zoo vet conference. Also attached are Dr. Farnsworth's estimated costs for this travel and a tentative program of the conference. Funding for this expense is available in the Zoo Animal Fund(380-33140). Please note that the conference dates are 16 -21 September and any assistance in expediting the processing of this expenditure would be greaily appreciated. • Approved��h-� �� Date � — �y � U Liz An erson, Deputy Director Division of Parks and Recreation attach: 4 cc: R. Farnsworth • H:\wp\trav.vetconf9. req Itr#1