183859 Original to City Clerk 183859 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO._._ L�laN.SE C(nR 'I'PF,E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,,'1�, PRESENTED BY COMMISSIIONE• --.�_ - �I. •I -C L. .ALT"A<.MP– '' DATF July 1957 RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor License No. 4949, expiring January 31, 1958, issued to William C. Gaffey (deceased) at 828 East Seventh Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Margaret E. Gaffey, Adnthiistratrix Estate of William C. Gaffey at the same address. On Sale Licuor Establishment TRANSFER (Licensees) Council File No. 183859—By Bernard T. Holland—Severin A. Mortinson- Formally approved by Council Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That On Sale Liquor Li- cense No. 4949, expiring January 31, u1-y 23, 1957 1958, issued to William C. Gaffey (de- ceased) at 828 East Seventh Street be and the same is hereby transferred' Orig. Appn, E-20 to Margaret E. Gaffey, Administratrix Estate of William C. Gaffey at the same address. Adopted by the Council July 23, 1957. Approved July 23, 1957. (July 27, 1957) JUL +r 31957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays 2 3 1951 eCo cy r' (Aland Approved 195_ ..-IGiarzitelli cc2(In Favor -ello tinson �jj! Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr:President, Dillon 5M 2-57 2