183840 ` X40 Original to City Clerk 4 ��3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C•UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY St ‘1 ad -_. COMMISSIONER M111L01111111LINLMi --.� DATF � \ Council File No. 183840—By Milton[ _ 1, k/ Rosen— G Resolved, That the budget of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary Dis RESOLVED, -at the budget of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District for the calendar year 1958, heretofore submitted to this Council, listing and itemizing the sum of $431,013.43 as the apportioned share of the City of Saint Paul of said District's Operation and Maintenance Expenses; the sum of $42,515.71 as the apportioned share of the City of Saint Paul of said District's Capital Additions Costs; and the sum of $45,960.00 as the City of Saint Paul Sewer Rentals Collection and Billing Expenses, together with the separate item in the sum of $65,000.00 as the City of Saint Paul Intercepter Sewers Maintenance Expense for said calendar year, be and the same and such items of expenses and costs are hereby approved; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sewer Rental Charges scheduled and prescribed under the prior resolution of this Council, C.F. No. 160722, adopted and approved July 30, 1952, and thereby provided to be made and levied against property within and without the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, respectively, served by said Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District, shall be and said sewer rental charges hereby are continued in operative force and effect therefor, and hereby are scheduled and prescribed as the Sewer Rental Charges to be made and levied, as applicable, against property served by said District for the year 1958, all with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said prior resolution had, by its express language, so provided; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be authorized and directed to forward forthwith a certified copy of this resolution to the Board of Water Commissioners, and a certified copy to the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary District. JUL 2 31957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council —195— Yeas � Nays JUL 2 3 Si ,e�I3 .Croy -1 o�11 nd Approved `195- �'117ar itelli �, �Mortinson c aLui1/4.„....._ 7Tfl Favor �Q eterson Mayor ,-Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon T (� _{�j�7//J� • /� 5M 6-56 2 F'L'il.l`SHE /'^.`��^��„��f.��.�— 8PINdli ;1 July 22, 1957 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sire and Madam: The budget of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary District for the year 1958 has been submitted to the City of St. Paul for approval and the establishment by the City of sewer rental rates for 1958. As of January 1, 1957, there was= a balance in the sewer rental fund of $23,875 and, based upon the experience of collections and ex- penses for the first five months of this current year, it is estimated that the balance in the sewer rental fund will approeimate $29,000 at the and of the year 1957. This estimate is based upon the 1957 budget provisions of the Sanitary District for capital improvement expenditures. During the years 1955 and 1956 the expenditures charged to St. Paul for capital improvements have materially exceeded the budget provisions of the Sanitary District. The budget estimate of the Sanitary District for St. Paul for the year 1958 amounts to $431,013.43 for operation and maintenance and $42,515.71 for capital additions making a total of $473,529.14. The District budget also includes an estimated budget of the St. Paul Water Department for collection in the amount of $45,960.00. The 1957 City budget contains an item of $65,000 for expense of the Public Works Department for maintenance of intercepter sewers, and it is assumed that a similar amount will be required for 1958. In view of the existing conditions, your committee is of the opinion that the present schedule of sewer rental charges should meet the requirements for the year 1958 and recommends that no change be made in such charges. Respectfully submitted, /OP TECHNICAL COMMITTEE A . . )-t4.1,---r---i--------------- _ onard C. Seamer, Chairman nerd N. Thompson Va tion 8 Assessment Engineer Gen ral. Manager, Water Department Edwin F. Jones, tary Carl P. Herbert Utilities Engine Director, Bureau .fir nicipel Re earch A' r'-eo _ 0 �. " e She"a H. :F,� r9 / p Alfa h. Schroeder is 8 ghway Eng neer ng Coordinator Ci Architect ha 1 . . .L a ohn J. icy Corporation Counsel Chief Accountant, Offic, of Comptroller EFJ:ew