D001910� • BUDGET REVISION 132,500 132,500 100,000 100,000 465,000 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authoxity granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 0£ the City Charter and based on the request of the Directos of the Department of Libraries to amend the 2000 budget of the Capital Impiovement Budpets fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Sexvices is authorized to amend said budget in the £ollowing manner: Current Budqet Capital Zmprovement Budget 2000 CIB - C00 9T030-0279-93008 Other repaix, maint. 9T030-7320-93008 Transfer from CIB 2000 9T030-0279-00000 Other xepair, maint 9T030-7320-00000 Transfer from CIB 2000 u r ' """ f Pr ared by: Activity Manager Reque��pa/ e�ec City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Chanqe 14,838 14,838 (14,838) (14,838) -0- No' d I U Date: ���0� Amended Budc(et 147,338 147,338 85,162 85,162 465,000 •-_ �� _I.. / � �i"��� ' '�r �• • Date 7-�J7- 00 • �Dt�nl�lll� DEPARTMENY'/OFFICFJCOUNCII,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 64173 ' raries 7uly 27, 2000 ' ACP PERSON & PHONE: � m�ITTALDaTE INiTTni/nax% Lee Williamson 266-7080 , D�eaRTa,�rr Dm �m c�r�wnr,cn. ASSIGN ���� CITYATTORNEY 3 LTTYCLERK MUSl' BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATL� � ROUTING 2 FINANCInL SIIiV D� 4 FINANCU�i. sII2viCES/ACCf ORDER MAYOR(ORASS'i.) CIVI[.SII2ViCECOMMISSION TOTAL # OF SIGNATi1RE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acr►ox xu�uESrEn: Approval of Administrative Order revising the 2000 Capital Improvement Budget to move funding from the Capital Maintenance Contingency to the Lea-ington Library Roof project. RECOMIvIENDAI'fONS:A�prove(A)orReJect(R) IP�FTAII.�6'I[27L�FTIl7�AQ.'Il'ffiA�IlIQSPAFI3RY@L@'Il'ID�IlPQDII,7[.� `471�`J� ��SIl°II�F�a PLANNINGCOMA�IISSION _CIVII.SERVICE COMIvIISSION y_ p�gqygjg gygg��aW�trastfce9➢eis Cffi CAMI�fC1TEE STAFF _ 2. Ans8h9S 6vea6se¢ac�Y�gH4oS'eCT DISIRICT COURT SUPPOR'LS WIIICHCOUNCII.OBIECTIVE? 3. IDossffias pdsas/�tgn�s8 a��8mo¢3�aH1$' P��9 �3' � Cg$' �IoYse? �� � q¢� �aw�va � sm�Pe el�x¢ �dl mf�m¢ID� Gm �uu¢� ��s¢¢ IPIITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Whq WLat, When, Where� Why): The bids for the roof repair project at the Le�ngton Library exceed the budget by $14,838. Monies will be moved from the Capital Maintenance Contingency to fixnd the project and allow the repair to proceed. i ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , There will be sufficient funds to complete the roof repair. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Less funds will be available in the contingency. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Library will only be able to do a partial repair of the roof within the existing budget. TOTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACTION: $-0- COST/REVGNUE BiJDGETED: Yes FiJNDING $OURCE: 2000 Capital Lnprovement Bndget ACTIVITY NUMBER: 9T030 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (F.XPLAIlV) _ D:�susen c\wpdocs\CB.GRN3.wp3 �