183781 Original to City Clerk 8'17`!1 • CITY OF ST. PAUL FI°ENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ... COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / , COMMISSIONER r�� — DATE RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to sign for the City of Saint Paul, the petition of Nobles Engineering & Manufacturing Co. for the vacation of streets in the City of Saint Paul, described as follows: That part of Culvert Street, according to the plat of Wagener's Addition on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the southwest line of Lot 1, Block 1, of said Wagenerts Addition extended also That portion of Hoffmann Avenue according to the plat of Lyman Daytona Addition to the City of Saint Paul lying northwesterly of the northwesterly line of East Seventh Street as presently platted. Council File No. 183781—By Frank D. Marzitelli- Resolved, That the proper City offi- cers are hereby authorized and di- rected to sign for the City of Saint Paul, the petition of Nobles Engineer- ing & Manufacturing Co. for the vaca- ,tion of streets in the City of Saint Paul, described as follows: ' That part of Culvert Street, ac- cording to the plat of Wagener's ' Addition on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minne- sota, lying northeasterly of the southwest line of Lot 1, Block 1, of said Wagener's Addition ex- tended also That portion of Hoffmann Avenue according to the plat of Lyman Daytons Addition to the City of Saint Paul lying northwesterly of the northwesterly line of East Seventh Street as presently platted. Adopted by the Council July 17, 1957. Approved July 17, 1957. (July 20, 1957) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JUL 1 7 195 95 Yeas Nays JUL 1 7 195 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli 9 Mortinson n Favor lam, --Pti Mayor Rosen (. Against ) Mr. President, Dillon 51,1 6-56 "2 Duplicate to Printer • 1.83781. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _DATF R.FSOLVED, thet the proper Cit - officers are hereby authorized and directed to aim for the City of Saint Paul, the petition of. Nobles Engineering & Minuf .ctu ring Co. for the iraca.tion of streets_ in the Cit7 of "sin t, Psul, described as fofl ovs: That part of Cur ert Street, according to the plat of Waaener's Addition on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in ;>nd for PrAinsey County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the south-'est line of Lot 1, 13lock 1, of srid 74ag<.ner's Addition extended also That portion of Hoffmann Avenue sccordin7 to the plat of Lynnn Day tons Addition to the City of Stint Paull lying northwesterly of the northwesterly line of rAst Sevent h Etreet as presently platted. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council u U 1 7 1951. JUL 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson Tn Favor T. , ___a _ z-�zrasr— Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 A i • FARICY, MOORE bt COSTELLO ATTORNEYS AT LAW ROLAND J_FARICY FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING CAPITAL 2-2751 RICHARD A_MOORE HARRY G.COSTELLO,JR_ ST.PAUL I, MINNESOTA WILLIAM A,BIERMAN B.WARREN HART NORMAN E_BIORN ARNOLD F.STROMBERG WILLIAM F.ORME MARVIN J_PERTZIK JULY 11, 1957 MR. JOHN MCNEIL CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE THIRD FLOOR, COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 1 , MINNESOTA DEAR JACK: I HAVE LEFT MY CALL FOR YOU AND IN THE MEANTIME AM HAVING OUR LAW CLERK DROP THIS COPY OFF AT YOUR OFFICE. VERY SINCERELY YOURS, FARICY, MOORE & COSTELLO By WAB/YT .„ 1.14.171ilL INv t6, 1957 Mt. Jcwu Marc f C.RMlsAT,.I :C ,s O fcE 'C01RtT INK 54 1wr P**• i, 111uw1CSIOT4 gilt: VACATION M PART Or CULVCRT S OtAR ! t t1 •MAr M 1 /► TAt[T raisins A,,IIS IL . t1t i L s kii) Ise AiCIIROwCt �fi rhf owtt COM!►E1t•AT$EMl• er long o rw a DAY Alai Act I Nt •• AryOR1t.r• TeR objet to [Joss fop I Nr a P r*cyw1 f rs Ci •lec root NCRti♦ , A OC .v UT I am T T eAT vow TANt •Tor• T11 licia t NT TO TN( CITY Caaftt it, VON AC1 f SUS A Rt S•L 1n f ON AUfl s t f NS Tut Co s,s•f etl•R er �'NSL I t s, rew Alf W $tw*t r or Tut CI,• er SAS WI' pAll<, re ie I N w,TM NOet.ts Eflal aCtst l *fta : MIKAtTYi+��3 Co. I w A ,rtr s T ION Pelt T.t v'ACAT I ON er Stout• ON SA I h1T PArl<s w f cN wow hfiv K I*SCR I eti AS ?O<LetS IN ACCS0 .lot lie TN /W CeMMtN•A?f M WI Tw Mt. faE.m I ' That PORT or CIRMtit sTRtty, 11A TO •«t KAT 1�OCMLIM�s AOS l r1ON SN V ILt 6*0 Or R[Cssi /i Til MI1 to er ';'Ise STCA eP L*M IN Ala ION Rart•tr CST//IhlMllt*0?*, LrfNA NORTNCASTtRLY ar TUE S0UTO E•T L 1 ftt eI LOT a[ f �► �.o61c i'� or $A$6 wfet�tcR•• Asi,Tlou tzTSaKO. Al se i THAT PMT low oI l�rfleANN avtMK h wD TO Tuff AIL Or rrises +iitl0i r I eM TO TOE C I Tr OF RAs NT �lR. L T!N MONTH sTC11<r M TMt N•RrMRItSTiR<r t tti or tA•r Sistine Stile A• $tWTt T 1'LATTti. As I f Ni/GATED TO YOU, h. MAS •NOICAT[i rhtAT Pits LANs s*tery *N tetN t•Ole$ *PPRNrt! Tits ACTION, ANe I Q AM •tRN Ms A CMr e► ,w,• LttTtR T• MIS ATTt*r s 5M. i %eta a •I�It9tA t AYt iE t tls LOIl f JIt D A• TO MKM Tilt NAr!"tt1 NOV it Asay SOC TO Tilt 1 SOLO, Se Nr CL S EW! ANi 1; NOV St lie ATTtMSAMCt I M CASE ANY +wclr f Soot A>w[ RA1•tO. • M. Jar Milk IL Play 16, 1957 . s . 1/ VIM - MIV 011111111011111, PLEASE •I V[ 11[ •• CBALI• 1awr sllut4•p• faros, *. FOAMY, NOOK a =MELLO eV /Y* J OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul'2, Minn. June 28 19. 57 • You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of Application of G. and K. Corporation for permit to install and operate drive-in dry cleaning and laundry on the northwest corner of Iglehart and Snelling Ayes., and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on July 11 , 19 57 in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. File 13807 Commissioner of Finance. The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance.