09-788Council File # 09-788 Green Sheet#3071399 CITY O Presented a-D 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached Joint 2 Powers Agreement which has an indemnification clause, with the St. Louis County SherifPs Office for 3 participation in the Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force. A copy of said agreement is to be kept 4 on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Bostrom Carter Hazris Yeas I RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA the Office of Financial Services Thune Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council ecretary BY� � :� Approved by Mayor: ate � J� �/ BY' '�'c.c./ �/C 1 � � � Approv ba ity Attorney By: Approved b Mayor for Submission�to Council BY: �c1.t.0�/ �` 1 D,u hiv�. 09-788 � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ; DeparfineMlOfficelCouncil:�� - -- -�� - �" - Date Initiafedc - - - ---- Pp _ Police Department ; o�.,�N-09 ; Green Sheet NO: 3071399 �; ConWct Person & Phone: Chief John Harrinpton 266-5588 ,_.__-___-_. __________�____. __ Must Be on Couneil Agenda by (Date): '� Doc. Type: RESOLUTION � Assign i Number For 1 Routing Order E-0ocument Required: Y i I Document Contact: Evette Scarver � Contact Phone: 26E5541 � i Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locations for Signature) 0 �o�'ee D�ar _ _ Potice Deparlment � I �Potice D�artment __ � Police Depar�ent — --� ----�' � � - � _-- _ -- 2 ( __.___ __ _ ___';_ CiNAt[omer ' _ _-._ ._ .. _.__..___—, -- 3 � inauciai Services ... . __ ._ ____� __ D�r�tor FSO � _ i 4 �or'sOffice � ---�--;�___ __ Mavor __ 5 .�Counc� —�� CouncB J 6 C ,� Clerk -- � --- � - �_ - ���CityCle� - Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the Ciry of Saint Paul, Police Departrnent, to enter into the attached Joint Powers Ageement with the St. Louis County Sheriffs Office. � r-- - ---------� - - -- � --------- - - ' Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): , Planning Commission CIB Committee Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1 Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? j Yes No i � 3. Does this persoNfrm passess a skill nol normally possessed by any ,� I current city employee? Yes No ��� Explai� all yes aoswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. �h �-- -- - -- ----- -------- --- -- - -----1------- -- -- ' Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � The St. Louis County Sheriffs Office will pazticipate in the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force of the Saint Paul j Police Deparknent. Authorization is needed. _ ,- ..__. ------�-------------------------- ; Advantages If Approved: li Opporiunity to use grant funds to parluership with the St. Louis County Sherif£s Office. �---.....---- - � - - ---------------- - ------- ----------- - - ' Disadvantages If Approved: None. ' _ _____- ___— -__-_______-____ __ '___—_—_ -- . _""'_____-- " — : Disadvantages If Not Approved: ! Lost opportunity to use grant funds to combat internet crimes against children. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: 436 j Financiallnformation: (Explain) ' ___..__.____________-_ � �` �q a P� C�':A!3 � s e''x'-�'� ' aG': .: a `=.a � . , ; ,, r �� - --- - - � 9 - --34056 �g��� ����_ — I CostlRevenue Bud eMd: � Activi Number. ������ � : June 8, 2009 2:21 PM Page 1 (� �• � GS 3071399 Minnesota Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force Multi-Agency Law Enforcemeai Agreement This Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement, and amendments and supplements theie'etc�, (hereinafter "AgreemenY') is between the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Police D artment Grantee 5�-C S� actingthroughits St-rF�iFi� (hereinafter `Undeisigned Law Enforcement Ageacy") both which are empowered to enter into joint paweis agreements pursuant to Minn. Stat § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is fiirther empowered to enter into this Agreement by Minn. Stat.�6�26.76; and �� ��,0��5 G�U�-1 � J/� W heCeas, the above subscribed pafties ha�oin d together in a multi-agency task force intended w investigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the criminat ea�ploitation of clrildren that is cammitted andlor facilitated by or through the use of computers, and to disrupt and dismantle organizations engaging in such activity; and Whereas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws to prosecute criminai, civil, and forfeiture actions against identified vidators, as appropriate; and WheCe� the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to tlus Agreement as Erl�ibit A) disbutsed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Uetinquency Prevention ("QIJDP") in Washington, D.C. to assist law enforcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of children wlrich occurs through the use of computeis by providing funding for equipm,ent, training, and expenses, including traval and averti.me funding, which are incurred by law enforcement as a result of such investigations; and WheCeas, the OJJDP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC") Crrant Manager has been established representing each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the operation of the grant and sub-grant recipients. Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows: The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into this Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of 'vmplementing a three- pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes Against Children: prevention, education and enforcement; and 1. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Ageacy shall adhere to the OJJDP ICAC Task Force Pragrain Standasds {attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B), in addition to state federad taws, when conducting undercover operations relative to ICAC; and I' " 2. All officers contributed by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force shatl be Iicensed peace officers or found by the Minnesota Boazd of Peace Officer Standards and Training to have comparable qnalifications; and 3. When a contributed officer vf the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency acts on the behalf of the Minnesota ICAC task Force within the scope of this Agreement, the officer's actions are witliin the officer's line of duty and course of employment to the same extent as if the officer had acted on behalf of the afficer's employing Agency; and 4. The Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency sha11 indemnify, save and hold harmless the Grantee, its representatives and employces from any and a11 claims or causes of action, including all reason�ble attorney's fees incurred by the Grantee, arising fram the performance of this Agreement by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency's officerlsl; and 5. All members af the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall continue to be employed by the same Law Enforcement Agency emplayer which they were employed before joining the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and a11 services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the member will be within the course and duty of that employment, and therefore, are cavered by the Workers Compensation programs of that empioyer; will be paid by that empioyer and entitled to that employer fringe benefits; and 6. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall submit all requasts for undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the Minnesota ICAC Task Force for presentatian to the OJJDP ICAC Task Force Board of Directors; and 7. Tke Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a written request far funds and receive approval for ihe funds from the Grantee to receive any funds from the Grantee; and &. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and 2 � � . ., 9. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shatl mainrAin �curate records pertaining to prevention, educarion, and enforcement activiries, to be collected and forwarded monthly ta the. Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander or his designee for statistical reporting purposes; and 10. Ths Undersigned Law Enfarcem$nt Agency shall participate fully in any audits required by the OJ3DP; and 1 L The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall make a reasonable good faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meetings in order to share information and resources amongst the mulriple entities; and 12. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall be solely responsible for forwarding information relative to investigative targets and victims, to the ICAC data system pursuant to the OJJDP guidelines; and 13. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall pmvide the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander in a timely manner a11 investigative equipment acqnired through grant funding as a result of this Agreement in the event that: future federai funding is no longer available, the Agency decides to dissalve its binding relationship with the Minnesata ICAC Task Force and the Saint Paul Poliee Department, or the Agency breaches the Agreement. �, .. Terms of this agreement: This agreement shall be effecrive upon signatures. Nothing in this agreemeut shall otherwise 2imit the jurisd'zction, powers, and responsibilities norma}ly possessed by an employee as a member of the Agency. John M. Harrington, Chief of Police Saint Paui Police Department Assistant St Paul City Attorney Director of Office of Financi&1 Services Bv and Title enc Aeency certifies that the agpropriateperson(s) have executed the A�reement on behalf of tt�e Agenc� aud its i�sisdictional �overnment entity as required bv applicable azticles. laws, bv-laws. resolutions. or ordinances. 5 ��s� .Sra,�2rt,�� sa ��.,:s co.,�,y / Date Date Date 1�.�� �a� Date Date Date 0 ;� , • �<:, Sr _ k DepartmentofJusfice +>,,.�; e 4 Office of Justice Programs _ �� �-_� }� Office of the Assistani A:?omey General woxh���o�, oC 7nss1 September 26, 2007 Citiei John �4 Harnngto� C�ry of Samf Paul 15 W rst Kello� Bouleva � d SL Paul, MT 55102 Dear Chief Hattmgton r � � Ul��'�tY� �" GS 3071399 On behalf of the Auorney General, u is my pleasure to inform you tha[ the Office of Jushce Programs has approved your application for fund�ng u:�der ihe OJJDP FY 07 Bmldmg ICAC Forensic Capacity m the amount af $20Q000 for Gty of Saint Paul. Enclosed you will find th: Grant Award and Special Cond�t�ons docume�ts This award is sub�ec[ to all admmisvanve and finanmal reqmrcments, u,�.luding the hmely submission oP all finanaal aiid pwgrammatic repons, resolu[ion of ail in[erim audn findmgs, and the m. -n[enance of a minimum level of cash-on-hand. Should you not adhere m these requirements, you will be m violanon of thc icrnis of th�s agreeme�t and the award will be sub�ect to tenninano� for cause or other adm�mstrative acc�on as appropnatc If yoa have queslions cegnr�ing this awnrd, please contact� Pmgram Qucst�ona, Jacqueline O'Reilly, Program Munager at (202) 514-5024. and Finene�al Qucsf�ons, Che Office of [he Comptroller, Customer Service Center (CSC) at (S00) 438-073G, o, you may con[act the CSC a[ ask.oc@usdo�,gov. Congratulanons, ai�d we inok forward to wodang wRh you. Smcerely, ? . �' .�`r�wa� � �:C`'°' " �,t Regma B. SchoGald Asnictant Attorncy Gonm � Enctosures �� .. f 9j '= Department of Justice ��.=�� Office of Justice Programs ;' T_ a Office for Civil Rights Wu�n:n,rnn.00 2o53t September 2G. 2067 Ch�ef 7ohn M. Hartmgton Ciry of Sa�nt Paul 1 S W est Kcltoag Boule� srd St. Paul, MN 55102 DearChief Harrington. Congraculanons on your ,ecent award. in es416hshm� financial ass�stance programs, Coneress hnked the receipi of Federal fundmg to co�:�ohance wah Federal crvii nghts laws The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Iusnce Programs (OJP),'! S Departrncn[ of )usnce is responsible for ensunng that recipient5 of financial aid from OJP, rts componeni offi<<c and burcaus, the O�ee on V�olence Against Women (OV W). a�d the Office of Commumry Onentccl Pasmg Services (WPS) comply wnh apphcable Federal crvii nghts sCatutes and regulations. We al OCR are available ro help you a�d your organization meet [he civii nghts requirements that come wrth Jusncc Dcpzrtmcnt funding Ensuring Access to Federaily Assistcd Programs As you know, Federal lawc prohibrt rec�pien[s of financial assistanee from disenminatmg on [he basis of race, color, nanonal onp,in, religion, sex, or disability m funded programs or actrvrties, not only m respect to employment practiccs bui also m the delivery of services or benefits. Federal law also prohibiLS funded programs or actrvines from d�acnmmating on the basis of age m the delivery oisecv�ces oc 6enefits. Providing Services lo i,tmited English Proficieney (LEP) Individuals In accordance with Uepn� iment oCJusiice Gwdance pertaming to T�IIe VI of [he Crvil Righ[s Act of 1964, 42 U.S C. § 2000<I, remp�eui� of Federal financial assistance must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful aceess to [heir programs and acnvrticc for persons wrth limited English profic�ency (LEP) For more mformation on the avii nghts responsibdmes that reapienis hnve m providmg langua�e services to LEP indmduals, please see the website al httpJiwww.l�p gov Ensuriuq �qual Treah�ienf far Faith-Based Organizations The Department of ]usn<= has published a regulation specifically portaimng [o [he Cunding of fnith-based orgamrabons In �enaral, the regulation, Pamc�pation m Jus�ce Department Programs by ReLg�ous Orgamralions, Providinh Cor Equal Treatment of all 7ustice Department Program Panc��paots, a�d known as the Fqual Treaiment Regula� �on 2R C F.R par[ 38, reqmros State Adm�nistering Agencies to treat these orgamza[ions the same as any olher apnhcant or reapienL The regulanon prohibrts Sta[e Admmistering Agancies from makiog award or grant admmistr.,, im� deasions on the b¢sis of an orga�uzauods reLg�ws character or affihahon, rel �gious name, or thc re,��giou5 composit�on oF its board oP directors- Thc reeulauon also proh�;ntc faith-based organ��ahons finm us�ng financial assistance from ihe Department of Susnce to fund mhcren0, rel o�oua actrvihes Wh�le fai[h-based organizanons can engage m non-funded mherenUy rehgioas acm mes, they must be hetdseparately fmm tl2e Department of Justice funded program, and eustomecs or beiieficiane, wnnot be compelled to parncipate in them The F.qual Treannent RegulaFmn also makes dcar tliat orgama�itions pnrt�c�patin� m programs funded by Ehe Department of]us[ice are not permitted to discriminatc in tlie proeic,on of se�viccs on fhe basis of a beneficiary's rehgion. For more infortnation on the regulat�oq please see OCR's webs�[a at http //www.o�p.usdoj vov/ocdetfbo.htm 09-788 State Admimsterin, A,a e�es and faith-based orgam�ations should also note thaY the Safe Sveets Act, az amrnded; the �icnins of Crime Ac4 as amended; and the Iuvenile Justice and Delinquency Preventio� Ac[, as amended, wntam p�ohC,aions against discriml�ation on :he basis oE seligion in employment These empioyment provisions have bcer� spc fically incoroorated in[o 38 C.F.R. Part 35.1(� and 382(fl Consequently. in many arcumstances. n woaid hr imocrm�ssible for fanh-based organi�ations seeking or receiumg fvndm� au[honzed by these statutes m hav;; cw!;-�es oc practices that condition hirin� and ocher employment-related deasons on the reh�on of appficancs ur cmP�oyces. Proerams subject to these nondiscnmination provisions may be found on OCR's website at htro:Ur� •vw.o�p.usdoi.aoviocrL Questions about the regula6on or the statutes tha[ prohibit d�scnminu[ion m emplo� menc may be�d�retted to this Office. Eniorc]n� Clvil Rights'..aws NI recipients of Fed:ra; :inancial acsistance, regardless of the partiwlar fundmg source, the amount of the grant award, or the number of rmployees m the workforce, are subjec[ ro the prohibitions against unlawful d�senmina[ion. Accordic_;y, OCR investiaates recipients that are the subject of disenmination complain[s from both mdrvidunls and �rau..s In addrtron, based on regula�ory cnteria, OCR sclects a number of recip�ents each year for comphance revicw�, .,islln tliat reqmre recip�ents to submit d¢u� showing that they are providing sernces eqmtably lo all segi�icnL .�i �heir service population and lhnt thev employmen[ practices moet equal employmen[ ooportunity etandards Complying with the Sa�c Streets Ac[ or Program Requirements In adAilimi to these tcnc�ni proiubitwns, an urgan�zat�on which is a recipient of fina�cial assisrance sub�ect to the nondiscrmnnation pruvis�uns of ��c Omnibus Crime Control end Sofe Streels Aet (Safe Streets Act) of 1968, 42 U.S.C. �+ 3789d(c), or othcr Fuleral grant pro�am requirements, must meet [wo additional requiremen[s (1) wmplymg a�rth FeJo�ei i cgulutions penaining to the development of an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP), 28 C F.R § 42 '�� I-308, and (2) submrtting to OCR F�ndines of Discnmination (sre 28 C.F.R §¢ 42205(5) or 3 L202i5 Q 1) Meetinf� �he EF.OP Requirement In accocdanec with Fcd�;s:,� regulaira�s, Assnca�ice No. 6 m the Standacd Assurances, C04S Assurance No. S B, or cenam Fedc�al arani prue: am requ¢emenis, your organization mus� comply with the foltowmg EEOP reportmg reyu�remenCs tf your ocgnnizatiou bns �ocerved an uward for �500,000 or more anU has 50 or more emptoyees (counting both Pull- and part-t�mc ci�ip',o�eee but exclu<Img poh[icel appomtees), tl�en it has Co prepare an EEOP a��d submit it to OCR far review within M�+ days Srom the date oY this letter, For assistance in developing an F,F,OP, please consult OCR'S wcbsne u� n«p o�p usdo�.gov/ocr/eeop.h[nt You may also request techmcai ass�stanoe From an EFOP spemahs[ ai Ot'A by d�ahng (202) 616-3208 If your orgamzauon rca�,: eA an award be[ween $25,000 and $SOQ000 and has �0 or more employees, Your orgnnization sull has to p;epare an EF.OP, but �t does not have to subinit the ESOP Eo OCR for review. Instead, your organvat�on ha� u� :amr�m thc 6EOP on file und make �E availabie for review on request In addihoq your organvnnon lias Io �on ��;te Secoon B of the Cenification Fom� and remrn it to OCR The Certficanon Form ean be louncf at ht[p //www . o usdo� gov/ocdeeop.h[m. If yuur orgnn�i:.0ou i m, cd au uward for Icss than S25,W0, or if your organizal�on has less than 50 employees, regardles� ul thcamouni of0ic ¢iwmd, or dyour orgamution is a medical i�stM1Ution, educationai inshtution, nonpmft orgvni�atio�� o Inbc, then y�w� orgamzanon is cxcmpl from 7he EEOP reqwrement However, yuur orgnni>ution niutt ccmplde Sechon A ofthe CeRification Fwm and rehim ¢ to OCR The Ceruficanon Form can be fount; at http %� w;, e-oJP ucdoj govio�r/eeop.htm. 2) Submib:r�o Findings of Disc; imination [n tlie event a Fede�zl or °tate court or Federel or State admmistratrve agency makes an adverse finding of disenmroahon against ea, � orgamzauon aftor a due process hearmg. on the gcound of race, wlor, rehgioq national origin, or scx, you� oigei �, ano� musesuhmit a eopy of tlte findmg to OCR foc rev�ew (� �• Ensuring the Compliance of Subrecipien[s Ii your o aanization makes �ubawards to other aeencies, you are responsible for assunng tha[ subrecip�ents also comp{y with all of the apa`.�cable Fedezl cn•il ri�hts laws. indudina Oie reqwrements pertainin� [o developmg and submrtun� an FFOP ::por!ir.g Fmdmos of D�scriminauon, and providm� lanoua�= services to LEP persons State agenefes Ihat mae: ��^a�.�ards must have in place standard a ant asswances and rev�ew procedures to demons�rate that they „ra :� I�ctrvcly momronn� tlic crvd ri�hcs compliance of subrecipients If we can assist yon m a;� way m fulfillino your civil n�hrs responsibdities as a recipient of Federal funding, p�ease call OCR at (?021 '"7-0690 or visit our websrce at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/oer/ S�ncerely, �� a. ��---- Michael L Alston Direcfor cr Grant n1anagr Financial Analytii , ' �` � Depattnentoflustice . ^� l Off�ce ef Iustice Progsams -- �.� J Office s�f Juveniie Jusfice ' �'"��-s� and Delinquency Prevention � Cooperative Agreement i. RECIPIEM NAME AVD ADURI l� (L cludin,Z�p Codc) Cfrv of Sam[ Paui IS W cyt Kcllo�_ BaWcveN S� Paui M4 SSI@ IA ORA�TLF.Ik$NC�DpRq'O 4160p5521 3 PRU1F.CiTfTLE , Mmnnom CumputcrPu:cn..re. Mana� um Luuam•c PAGE 7 OF 3 5 AWARDNUMBER ?005-MGCX-K008 I _ "_ i PROJECTPERIOD FAOM OV01!1005 TO I?/31R009 � BUDGEI PERIOD FAOM O1:OIn005 TO IJi1R009 '�, 6 AWARDDATE 09l�//?00"I � ACiION �I R SUPPLENENTNUMBER Suppicmrntal I 02 —f 9 PRFVIOUSAWARUAMOUVT $950,000 j —� 10 AMOUNTOFTHISAWARD 5200,000 — I �i rn'rei ewnan <� i<nnn� � �� l2 SPECIAL WNUITIONS i THF. AROVEGRAN'C 7'R011 C 1 1� �PPROV6D tiUB1F,C1 TO SUCH CONUI'I ION$ O32 LIMIIATIONS AS ARF, SETI'ORTH � ON7NFA77ACHLDPA�E(S� '� 73 S7f�TU'i'URY AUTllURIIY f VIZ.1hANt � Thu �ru�cci �s viryponrnl m�dcr Puh I. No I 10.5, cmbedd�l scrs I OI-I04, Dub L No 109-108, I 19 Ste� 2290, :230, 42 LLS C 3'160 39fi2a as m eBcciao5op� i0.?00((FY?p07"��incDncmnovvry"7 � IS MLTHODOPPAYMLNT PAPRS I_� �GI.N� F . PPROVAL � � 16 TYPEDNAME.AND"IIiLLUDN'�'ROVINGOP�ICIAL �, RcgmaB Schofaid . A�ittam Auomcv Gonervi � GRANTEEACCEPTANCE � I R TYPED NAMF AND TITLE Of AUTHORIZF.D GRANTEL OFFICIAL Jol�n M Hanmp�on Ch�cfoPPulmc �, I9 SIGNATUREOPAPPROA'INGC,:I:CI1� ' 19 SIGNA'tU2E0pAUTHORIZEDRECIPIENTOFFICIAL � 19A DATE , "�� SS 'T i i . s , :.� , , :.x :4 0 � ! t Y L/ AGENC Y USE ONLY �2ona-oiviin��._�nssiFUniic-�icoi>ES zi nr,o�nono3i � I FISCAL FUND BUD I)IV � YEAA WDE ACT OPC RCG SUB POMS AMO[1N7 X S ll6 i6 OG 00 2000tl0 OIP FORM 4000.�? (REV 5-R'1) PRF.V:�IU$ J;DITfONS ARE OBSOLETE. �, .. .. OlP FORM M)OOR (REV 4-ftR) �, .. . "'�"'� DcoanmentofJustice . O�rce of ]u,c6c� Pro�rams � � ` �` Office af Jwenile �.�..�:..�' - = Jusrceaod Delinquency `�`� Prn�: nYion PftOIE('I' �UMBbR ?OOi-M. -� X-K003 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEE1' Cooperative Agreement pW�DDAiE 09R6(_�00] rncE � oF � i _ _ i SPECIAL CONDITIDNS �� 1 The recipien: a,^.ecc to cmnply with [he financial and admimstrative requiremenLS set forth in the cutrent edmon of [he Offiee oClust�ce i:u�rart�c (OJP) Finaneial Gwde I ?. The recip�en( acknuwledges that failure ro submit an acceptable Equal Emptoyment Opportumty Plan (if reapient is I rrquired to su`ir .' uio pur�uant to 28 C.F.R. Secnon 42 302), [ha[ ts approved by the Oifice for Civd Rights, �s a J violation ot m G�vfcd Assuranecs and may result m suspenson or termmat�on of fundmg, unnl such nme as the rccip�cn( �s m cumphence. � 3 The reeip�ent agr^ec to crompiy with the organizanonal aud�t reqwrements of OMB Cireular A-133, Aud�ts of States, Local Govemmer.ts. and Non-Profrt Orgamzat�uns, as further dzscnbed m tlie curten[ edmon of the 07P Financial Guidc. Chapti�.. 19 4 Recipicnt uncicr�!ands and agrees thal il cannot use any federal funds, either directly or mdirectly, m support of Ihe enuctmcnt,; cpe�'. inodifma[ion or adoption of any law, regulnt�on or poLcy, at any level oCgovemmen[, withou[ the express pnor mrnan app�oval ofO7P 5. The apphcant bud�et is omiding rcview or approval The rempient may no[ obligate, expend or draw down any grant tunds until thc OIY�u; of tlm Comptroller, Office oTlushce Progrnms has issued dearance of the application budget, and n Grant Ad�ia!�nad \ouce has been �ssued removing this spectai condibon 6 Tl�c Yro�ec� D��a :�a an2 key program personnel designate[( in Ihe applicanon shall be replaced o�ly for compelling reasons and M:', :. cuncurtence of OIP. OJP wilt not unreasonably withhold concurrence All auccessors to key pci sonnd mue! L.. npproved, and such approval is contm�ent upon submission of appropriate informatroq includin�, but not hinrtcd ta n reaume. Changes in other pmgram personnel reywre mily notificanun to OJP anU submission of resumes, m�;ea ��.ncrwise designated in the awazd documeot � 7 The reapient ,:gra :s to submrt quarterly financial s[aws reports lo [he ORice of Justice Proorams usmg Standard Form � SF 269A on thc trrtemet at https�//grants.ojp.usdo� gov These reports shall be submitted on-line not later than 45 days '� nflcr ihe end of cu,h calendar quartcr The flnal report shall be submitted not laCer t6an 90 days following the end of �, thc o'an1 par�od �� R. TF.e rccipicnt ,ha�� ,ob,n,[ scn��ianmixl progress rcports. Progress repor4s shall bc subnvtCed wiflvn 30 days aker t}�e end of the mpon,�,g .�cuuds, a�hich ue Jmi� 30 and December 31, for the Lfe of [he award These reports will be submitted tu the Office oF i o:ii�c Programs, mi {me-through the Intemer at https�ligrants.o�p.usdoj.govi 9. Approval of �.�,:.....ard Qocs not mdica[c flpproval of any consultanl ra[e m excess of $450 per day. A detailed �astif cahon n.,is� Pv subm�neA to and approved by the Officc of lasnce Programs (OIP) pmgram office pnor to oL-nganon or �'cpeuSRi�ie or�uch funds 10 The rec�pie�ll agr.:es to coo�ply with the ICAC Task Force P�ogmm Standards as estabLshed by the ICAC Task Force I, iAdvisary GofuA �� <: appm�ed by OJJDP � L The recipien� ;�gr�,c, to iorward reports of iCAC Task Force Program Monthly Performance Measures to the OJJDP- des�gna[ed sne o�rFORnna000,zrar.� �sx� . ' Dc, o(7ust�ce � 0.`��<:.��7usticePro�rams —� . - ; ��. � �' t7Fiice of.iuvenile AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET 09-788 � PAGE i OF i �''`^`" ' 3ustice and Delinquenc�� Cooperative Agreement � `°_ n:eleation i PROJECTNUM1iRER '_OO��ti^�" K�nF 1RARDDAl6 09n_6R00] SPEClAL COND7770NS I 12. The Office oC �u�.-�iil: Justice and Delinquency Prevention has elected to enter into a Cooperarive A� eement rather �, than a�rant wnn ihe ra:iP�ent This deason refiecis ihe mutual imerest of ihe recip�e�t and OJIDP m the operanon of the pro�ect as „ei, ns the anticipated level of Federal mvolvement m[h�s pro�ecL OJJDP's pame�patory role in the I pro�ect �s as Ir'! . � i a. Revieu� end a��,i - nve major work plans, mcluding chanees to such plans, and key decis�ons pertaining to pro�ect operat�ons b Revicw and nporovc ma�or project gencrated documents und materials used m the provision of pro�ect services. Provideguid�incc �s�gni�cantpro�cct�lamm�omcctings,andpemcipa[empro�ectsponsoredtraimngeventsor coiiferences OJPPORM4000/3fREV 4-R�i) I _ '_ � � � .., .. `��~` Department of 3ustice "`: �, _ - Office of Iustice Programs � ��.^�;.:;-d' :` -�-.- O�ce afJuvenrle Ju.siice mid Delinqzrency Preventron w�,.rn���«,.,. � c >nsii Memorandum To: <�8i�_ �al Grant Fi1e From: Katip- Grasso, Nepa Coordinator Suirject Ca�.z.orical Exclasion for City of Samt Paul The recipient agrees to a�-sis[ OJJDP to comply with the NationaJ Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other re]atcd fedc�al ci?v��nnmenral �mpact analyses requ�remci�ts m the use of tl�ese grant funds either direcUy by the recipicr.t ��� a subrecipient. Accordmgly, prior to obligating grant funds, the grantee agrees to first detarmr�c .i any of Cl�e followivg activities wiil be related to the use of the grant funds and, if so, to adviss OJJDP aa_i mquest further NEPA implemenfapo� guidance. Recipient understands that this special condition &ppiics to its activities whetheL oc notthey are bemg specifically funded with these grant funds. That is, a�; I�ug as the activity is being conducYed by the recipient, a subrecip�ent, or any third pariy and the actrvdy nccds to ba undertaken in order to use thcse grant funds, Yhis specia] condition mnst first be met. The acovrties covered by this special condition are: a. new construction; b. minor reuovation or rcmodelut� oF a property cither; (1) listcd on or eligible for lisdng on the National Register of Historic Places or, (2) located within a 100-year flood plain; c. a renovation, lease, or any other proposed use of a buildin��, or facility that will either; ( I) result m a change in its basic prior use or; (2) significantly cl�ange ih ,�-e and; d Implementation of a new program involving the use of chemicats other than cl�emicals tri�� are; (i) purchascd as an incideutal componcnf of a funded activiry and; (2)traditionally used, fnr exnmpiq in office, household, recreaYional, or educaf�on. '� •• � ��.RTOF� S J � C � : G. e� �' -�°plrtment ofJusoce O�itCC O�J:1fi�il'L P[O�.^5 U*fice oi 3u�emlc Jusx�ce and )chncuency Are�ention __� GR�NT MANAGER'S �.VIEYIORANDUM, PT. I: ; PROJECT SUMIIARY I Cooperative Agreement ?20JECT kUMBEA 2�Oi-�1GCX-K006 PAGE ! OF 1 Th�s pro;ec� is.unry�rto,; r�� I, r Puh L\u I I(1S, enoedded sa�. 701-16A, Pub L �b i 09-IOF. 119 S�zt '290,?2i0, i? C S C i760 37Qa u in effa<t on Sep' 30.30061 �l"_UC7 "Bymc Dnc�e�io�arv") I STAIFCU�7ACi ^.n�. � � �clzohoncnumbcr) iacqveLne O'fieilly U'02)Sll-SU�1 3a "{JTI.L Ok IR6 Pll<�i;�i .�I OJIDP FY 0"1 BuJdine I. ,4 , oicnxieC, pamry 4 lITLEbFPROIECI' Mmne.ao�('ompu�cl l n� �bl.magem¢N In�navve 5 NAbtt&ApUILtSCnt ^��NCtt Cily nl �dinl Petd IS W<u ICCllogry Bwd� `A St PauI.MNS109 ] PROGILA��IPIRi��i, FROM 01'01 _">bi �U 1?/37/2009 9. AUiOUNT UF ,1WAI;D $ ?0� 000 ll SECpn�ll y� qR�ti °{� �•�r � i I1 71fIRU YLAI'.'Y Ri Ot, i PGRIOD 15. Sl :M�IARY OliS^I+:PI (O�' OE P2UIECT (See ins�nmtlon on reveise) I 2 PROJECT DIRPC"I'OR (hame, zddress & telephone number) Ned Nelsoo CommaMei 769 Grove S�aet St PauI.MN 55101 (fi5I179J-105> ! 36 POMS CODE (SEE INSIROCT10N5 I i ONREVERSE) � I (.�AMLiADRSSSOFSUBGRAN"fEE J � I R BUDfETPERIOD F120M Ol/01/2005 TO I2/312009 I 10 DATflOPAWARD 09/2GR009 � I L S�iC'ONDYEAA'SBUllGGTnMOUNT I _ _�_.i 14 TH1RD YEAR'S BUD�ETAMOUNT � Ihe 1CP.( prn¢mm i> a n ino�al neiwork of mulu-agenty, mulhyovsdwbonal �ask forcet engageA �n omact�ve �m:s[�ahons, forevsic exainnaunm, and c0eci� � prvnecmions Adt7i0onally, lhe lask foses prov�(le Carensm, p�eventwn, and mve.sRganov as�stznce ro parents, i educeiors, p�ottcmor� �a , cntorcement, anA othen coneemed wi(h cM1�ld vicWn¢anon �ssues. Supplemental lundin;� n;_m� pmvided for the nu[posu of developmg and miplemenh�g st�alee�es ro budd the Tazk Fo�ces' wpamty �0 6andle forert i. �m-astiganon. ^r.n mJucr Co�ensm backlou.+ CA/NCF OIPFpRSvlaClpp2(k[• i<K� o -� LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE �A��� /�'�`�' GS 3071399 Internet Crimes Against Children 1'rogram 1' '� � � �.ND INVESTIGATIVE , . ; 1, . � 1 ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR d�AW ENFORC'EMENT PURPOSES ONLX Page 1 of 15 09-788 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Defiaitions As used herein, the following definitions shall apply: "OJJDP" is the Office of:iuvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. "NCMEC" is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "CEOS" i:; P,le Child Exploitation and Obscenity Secrion of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. "ICAC" is the Internet Cnmes Against Children program composed of Task Forces and Affiliates. "TASK FQRCF' is defined as an ICAC law enforcement agency designated by OJJDP to act as a State and/or Regional Task Force. "AFFILIATE" is defined as a law enforcement agency that is working in partnership with a Task Fere� and has at�eed in writing to adhere to ICAC Operational and Investigarive Stand�uds. "PART'NER" is defined as an agency assisting a Task Force absent a written a�eement. "NATIONAL INITIATIVE" is defined as any investigafive proposal that relies on the cooperation ra�e� resources of all Task Porces or mandates action by OJJDP. "CVIP" is the Child Victim Identification Pro�am operated by the Nafional Center for Missi�lg & Exploitecl Childxen. "CYBER'i'I"LINE" is a reporting mechanism for cases of online child sexual exploitation and enticement operated by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. For the pur��oses of this program, crime is defined as any offense that involves the exploitation of children facilitated by technology. Investigative inrerest is established when there is reasonable suspicion that a screen name or other poteatially identifiable entity has comrnitted a crime or that entity is engaged in a sequence nf activities that is likely to result in the commission of a crime. A prroactive i=zve.rtigation is designed to identify, investigate and prosecute offenders, which may or may not involve a specific tazget, and requires online interaction and a sigiificant deb ee of pre-operative planning. ICfiC PYOgram Operafional and Investigative Szandards FOR LALV ENF�DRC.EMENT PUI2POSES ONLY Page 2 of 15 � , . ., . L,AW ENFORCEMENT SENSITNE A reactivc investioation involves the investigation of a complaint of a crime. Reasonable suspicion is established when sufficient facts exist to lead a law enforcement officer to bc',ieve that an individual or organization is involved in a definable criminal acrivity. _ ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOI2 LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 3 of 15 �, .. . LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 1. O�ersigint I.1 Each ICAC agency shall have supervisory systems and procedures, which shall provide for observation, documentation, and periodic review of ICAC activity. Such syst°m should comply with the principles of quality case management and ensure that ICAC activities comply with both agency and ICAC Standazds. 1.2 Task rorces shall submit all ptoposer national initiatives to OJJDP prior to project iniriation. 13 OJJD1' inay suggest amendments to the original proposal following consultation with the presenting Task Force and other federal, state, and local entities. ICAC P:•ogram Operational and Investigative Standards F'OR LAW ENFOg2CEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 4 of 15 ' � • �• LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 2. Selection and Retention of ICAC Task Force Personnel 2.1 Mana�ers and supervisors should evaluate prospective ICAC candidates for work history tha± indicates prior investigative experience, court testimony skills, ability to handle sensitive information prudently, and a genuine interest in the protection of children. 2.2 Given the graphic nature of evidence routinely encountered in ICAC related cases, the m �ntal health of investigators working such cases is a great concern. Task force supervisors at all levels are encouraged to make reasonable efforts to ensure dia� a,� a,signed ofiicers remain fit far duty in accordance with applicable departmental policies and procedures. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOit LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 5 of 15 '� �� � LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 3. `fi'rainnaeb 3.1 All Invesfigators will be supplied with appropriate training consistent with the tCAC Operational and Investi�ative Standards. 3.2 ICAC Ta�k Force Commanders are responsible for ensuring that the individuals nominated for 1CAC sponsored training are employed by agencies that have aa eed in writing to adhere to the ICAC standards of invesrigation and that any prereouisite requirements for the training session have been met. 3.3 ICAC task forces may give regional training. The training shall comply with current ICAC standards. Any subsequent support required as a result of the regional tia;nivg shall be the responsibility of the task force providing tbe training. ICAC Prrogram Operatio�aal and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 6 of 15 �, .. . LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSIT'IVE 4. Case TVianagement 4.1 Case Preaication and Prioritization 4.1.1 Cases may be initiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Intemet service providers, or otner law enforcement agencies, and by information gathered through s�bject interviews, documented public sources, direct observations of suspicious behavior, public complaints, or by any other source acceptable under agency policies. 4.1.2 iCA�` supzi visors are responsible for determining investi�ative priorities and selecting cuses for investigation. Assuming the information is deemed credible, that detennlnatio,� should begin with an assessment of victim risk and then consider otl;�r factors such as jurisdiction and known offender behavioral characteri;ti�s. The following prioritization scale shall be considered: a� '� �,hi13 is at immediate risk of victimization bl A rhild is wlnerable to victimization by a known off�ender c} A known suspect is aggressively soliciting a child(ren) d) Manufacturers, distributors or possessors of images that appear to be home ph��±o�rranhy witb domiciled children e) : high-volume child pornography manufacturers or distributors who cit'.;c� ara; commercinl distributors, repeat offenders, or specialize in sadisfic in:ages f} F�lanuf'acturers, distributors and solicitors involved in high-volume trafficking or he�ong to an organized child pomography ring that operates as a criminal conspiracy g) Ciistrinators, solicitors and possessors of images of child pornography _�) � ry� r^`'�.er fonn of child victimization. �.2 Itectrr';g '��� �+a?t� 4.2.1 IC�,<' agen:;ies shall be subject to existing agency incident reporting procedures and case supe*vision systems. At a minimum, a unique identifier shall be assi�med to each ICAC case. 42.2 Al? afiiiiate� agencies will report their activity to the respective Task Force Cnm ��ander by the I Oth of each month using the ICAC Monthty r es �onnance Measures Report. 4."l.3 : us.t �:,: c: s a�ill compile and submit their monthly performance measures rer�ort to the OJJDP designated location before the end of the following %C�C Progr•am Gperational and Investigative Standards �'OR I.AW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 7 of 15 � � . ., . LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE calendaz rnonih. This monthly report does not replace the semi-annual progress report rea�!ired bv the Office of Justice Pron am's Financial Guide. 4.2.4 ICA C' i�ase Tracker — Task Forces will compile and submit information on all cases refened ior ei#h�r state or federal prosecution. Information is required for all cases referred b}� the �ant receiving agency, as well as all affiliates that received morathan $20,000 a year. "£his report is on-going and begins with the prosecutorial agency the case is referred t� and continues through the fina; disposirion of the case. I'his on-going quarterlv � P»�rt Will be due within five (5) business days of the start of the quarter and does not r:p; li;;e �ither the semi-annual progress report required by the Office of Jusrice Prob, am' � F':r:sncial Guide nor the quarterly statistical performance measures report (see 4?3 abo ,:,?'he report is submitted to �c�ceasc:traeker(r��usdoi.so� and copied to the ICAC Prog�am Manager assigned to the task force. 4 � UncCe. eavca• knve�tiga@ions 4.3.1 Czr: i�;;,� :r:anaged undercover operations conducted by well-trained officers aze ainong the ,;.cst effecrive techniyues �vailable to law en£orcement for addressing ICAt; u� l: ,: ec. lJndercover operations, when executed and documented properly, cvilE:,t virtualiy unassailable evidence regazding a suspect's predilection to exploi: ct::;dren. 4.3.2 ICAC 5upervisors are responsible for ensuring that 1CAC investigators receive a copy of the iCAC Operational and Investigative Standards. 43.3 IC.h: r�ves�igations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the principles of Iaw anu �.�,e; p� ocess. ICAC investi�ators are encouraged to work in con�uncCi��ci w �F� their local, state or federal prosecutors. 4.3.4'I`lie �,rif�,wing rninimum standards apply to ICAC investigations: a. C?>>Iv sworn, on-duty ICAC personnel shall conduct ICAC investigarions in an un�iercover capacity. Private citizeas shali not be asked to seek out investigative tai;zrets, nor shall the-y be authorized to act as police agents in an oniine �Inc`t•�� cover capacity. b. E� �=.0 nersonnel shall nat electronically upload, transmit, or forward } ;=,�:=-�;rhic or sexually explicit images. c. .�cner L'nan images or videos of individuals, age 18 or over, who have prc,, ueti their infoiu ed written consent, and at the time consent was given �� ere employed by a criminal justice agency, no actual human images or vidv:�s st�•�II be utilized in an investigation. Employee is defined as a sala.^'ed or comp�nsated individuul. 1LAC P�-ogram Operational and Investigative Standards �'�R Y,AW ENFORCEMENT PTJRPOSES ONLY Page 8 of 15 I' ' .. LAih1 EN�'OItCEMENT SENSITIVE d. �urin� online dialogue, undercover officers should allow the investigative tar_r� t;; se: the tone, pace, and subject matter of the online conversarion. Image hac._tct ;inall be initiated bythe tar�et. e. '.i; ae-cover online activity shall be recorded and documented. Any departures from this policy due to unusuai circumstances shall be documented in the relevant ca�e nie �nd reviewed by an ICAC supervisor. 4.4 �vide �^� P-o�edures 4.4. ( Tl�e ._.��.:aga, security, and destruction of investigative information shall be consiste;.: �.- t.: e5ency pciic}�. Access to these files should be restricted to authoriz�� ;,�,:actmel. 4.4.2 The exarr;ination of computers and digital media shall be consistent with agency policy anc': ;�-�::�dure. 4.4.3 Chii 's :� nc;d�raphy ia ccntraband and should be maintained pursuant to each agar�c�'<; r�. ',;� ;, ; ega.ding such. lt is recommended that absent a court order specificai!, ,�dcring otherwise, evidence containing child pomo�'aphy shall not be relea���i , a;ty defe�zdazit orrepresentative tnereof. 4.4.� The �.� a;!siet of evidence containing child pornography among law enforcement shal] be dc,nt� i r a secure manner. Methods of transfer may include hand-delivery, transmis�i:,i� c;f ��nitaily protected files, dalivery via a service which tracks the shipmer,i. :.".;�er methods consistent with agency policy and practices. �.5 �k'os:.,�. �,e ��r� Cquip�yeut 4.5. i]C/,'� ,,:;anoutcrs and software shali be reserved for the exclusive use of agency desi '%;�_' r,ersom�el. When possible, undercover computers, software, and online, u.:: omits shall be purchased covertly. No personally owned equipment sha11 be n�e' ;n 1CAC investigations and all software shall be properly acquired and licer,s. d. 4.5.2 ICr ,�f rs..,nnel shali not use 1CAC computers, software or online accounts for personal u;e 4.5.3 Absenr c�xiheni or unforeseen eircumstances, all ICAC online invesrigations shall be condu��;,: :„c✓ernmenY workspace as desi,�mated by the agency. Exceptions mus_ be �; -� ..��ec!'i, advance by an iC[�C supervisor. : c:AC Prograr,i Operationul and Investigative Standards �t`3it i.f?.V�' �NFCiRC�;t;�iIENT PURPOSES ONLY Pagc 4 of 15 I' " . LA�h! EN1��I2CEMENT SENSITIVE 5. Infor°�r =t:i-,s� Sharing �.i Con �:.r., •.;:ai houndaries are virtually meaningless in the electronic world of the Intemet 4r.c' tt:e usual constraints of time, place, and distance lose their relevance. 'F'hese fu�; ia�.::ase the nossibility of ICAC agencies targering one another, investiga� .ne; :i�z ;:;ne subject, or inadvertently disrupting an ongoing investig�=..-.. ; r:oster ceordination, collGboration, and communication, each ICAC agerc,J �" ;?. �:;a.:tribute ca �c i:ifcr_�a:ion c n aii active investigations (local, in<<�r�-�'.e. reactive and proactive) to a common database as designated by OJJDP cu�; _:�tly, refened to as the ICAC Data Exchange. 5.2 If any �-=:nimon target is identified, the iniriating ICAC agency is responsible for contactint, �:�m�, law enforcement agency targeting the suspeet. �.� ;niti,.i '_'�� agenci�s should also consider contacting other local, state, and fZC�ET&� h17.:7 't.dS Wii�Cll lilii'y' �J0 17140iVoCl li1 SllR1�3T 1IlV0Sti�8(LOT1S. �CAC Prooram Operational and Irzvestigative Standards a+�32 L.�W ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 10 of 15 ' � � �� • �,AW ENFORCE1rvIENT SENSITIVE 6. Nictirr� ';��a�iification 6.1 =den::: :,; :;;;;id eictims is a critical element of the ICAC Pro�am. DOJ and OJ7�P re;r: -. �:i Task Forces to submit child victim irnages to the CVIP as a means to :�•x��� e child victim identification. Absent exigent circumstances, child victim in�._�._; w:i: be sent to the CVIP consistent with NCMEC guideIines. In addiYion r: _ s.;�' :g�ncies are encouraged to wllabo:ate with NCMEC to identify children �+�r c:re� in c'_iild p�rno�aphy. 6.2 A foc.:�= ��f The iCAC Program is to protect children. In circumstances where reportmg of ::nilr� abuse is not required under existing laws, ICAC agencies are strongly nr:; ,�=ra�>ed to report instances in which a child may be at risk for abuse or eriplo,,.:; ... 6.3 Aose�: ��_r�t circumsYances, victim identifying information should be protected froin put;r< «scfosure. .'�AC Program Opc-rutional and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 11 of 15 09-788 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 7. Vietirr �t�€:fi;,ation [Ne�N se: __- . tc -�e drafted in 2009 about JliSTICE FOR ALL Act Provisions that govem victim no.:��;;stion.] ICAC P% Operatiotzal and Investigative Standards �'OR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 12 of 15 09-788 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 8. Sest ?'� co;�i:ce, ior Interacting with Potential Child Victims and thefr Non- Offendir_;; f�ami€� Members [To be de�.cioped in 2009.] IC'AC' P Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 13 of 15 '� �� � LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 9. Comar_*=.aat;� Education and Crime Prevention 9.1 Prevention education activiries aze a critical component of the OJ3DP ICAC Program. ICAC agencies should foster awareness and provide practical, relevant b idance :o cnildren, pazents, educators, librarians, and other individuals concemeci a; ou� child safety issues. 9.2 Prese;;.u;:;,ns to schooi sta8; paren�s, and community groups aze excellent ways to p;omote :;u•a��eness. These presentations shall not depiet identifiable victims, not othen�,�is� in the public domain; nor shall they use pomographic or sexually explicit ima,tes. Yresenters shall not discuss confidential investigative techniques. 9.3 iVo n;embe� �F an ICAC Task Force may endorse any product or service without the expres; ;,,�nsc:it of an O7JDP Pro�am Manager. While appearing at public presentati; �n;. 1C.�C members may indicate a preference for a product or service, but to avcic d<< i���plicit endorsement, such ICAC members should indicate adequate ai;emat;ves. ICAC Program Operatiorzal and Investigative Standards �OR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 14 of 15 '� �• • LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 10. Mec�;4 ��`sations and Releases 10.1 Mec� �� relating to prosecutions, crime alerts or other matters concernuig ICAC ope-s.rons shall not include information regarding confidential investigativ� techniques and should be coordinated (when applicable) with other Task Fo:c= ;;articipants, Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and local agencies irvo?ved in the invesrigarion consistent with sound informarion manageme.' and media;elari.�ns practices. ] 0.2 ICAC :'^m�nanders (or their designees) may speak to members of the media about their owr, c: _.�zranents' 1CAC-related activities according to their own agency's guidelines. `.�ic� individual affiliated with the ICAC program may speak on behalf of the ICAC Fic-��.':;.� ua a whote. 10.3 1CAC. :'o�;�rnanders snould inform their OJJDP Program Managers if approached by nat:or,al n��_,�u o�tlets about the 1CAC Program (as opposed to media seeking inionnaiic,�t about local activities) so that a coordinated national response can be prepared by �JP. 10.4 ;nfo� �r�. ;x by ICACs To 2he media shall be consistent with the guidance beluw: I°urpose iz "be bz_:f1t; �robram The miss.on of fhe Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force program is to assist stata <,nca ;ccal law enforce�nent agencies in developing an effective response to cy�Lr ent:4;;a.�cnt and child pornography cases. This support encompasses forensic and investigaLv;: caiziponents, training and technical assistance, victim services, prevenfion and ccmm�:r�ity education. 13�ckgrc:a<y;.i :,;� FSae I�.4� Program The lnternc� t.rin�es Against Children (ICAC) program is a national neYwork of fifty-nine coordinat�::i ���cai task forces and their 1,8001ocal and regional affiliated agencies eng�geG i.°;z�n ,,roactive snd reactive invesrigations, forensic examinations, effective prosecati, •� • anc; conunwlity education. i The 1CAC Program was developed in response to the inci::;.;i��st, i�umber of children aud teenagers using the Intemet, the proliferation of chii�i porn�.;�_.�po=�, and the heightened online activity hy predators searcbing fox unsupervi�°ci =onYact �vith underaae victims. By helping state and local law enforcement agencies c:�: ,e;ox; efiective and sustainable responses to online child vicrimizarion and chiid nornc>��:aphy, the ICAC program delivers national resources at the local level. 'rl;e i�.A� ,, ,��'.,.,zc acEively protecCs children who use the Internet by proacrively invesiigat, �.-- tli<, on-line sexual exploitation of children by predators. Because ICAC pracr�ror, �_'erstand that arrests alone can not resolve the problem of on-hne r..� � �%�.t.un, the ICAC program is dedicated to training law enforcement and educa.t�r�t ;> �r;:ai= and youth about the potential dangers online and offering safety tools. 1�AC Program Operational and Investigative Standards �'C912 LAW ENFORCEMENT' PURPOSES ONLY Page I S of 15