183745 „ti°P 7 3 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC - ' TIO,, G E•AL FORM PRESENTED BY �l� / 7 Jul, 16 1' COMMISSIONE <<� -����� �i.. . /.'i - L . RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, Ray E. Haertel 865 E. Minnehaha Confectionery App. 1189 Renewal ” " Florist Nusery fl " " " " Cigarette " " " Nelson Drugs Inc. 1984 Stillwater Confectionery " 2186 " n n Cigarette n 1' n Joseph Polansky 459 Broadway Grocery " 2388 " " " Off Sale Malt n II 11 It 'I Cigarette II ii If Luella Moffitt 2277 Ford Road Restaurant 11 2455 ii If " Cigarette 11 11 II Gene L. Lowe 1984 Stillwater Barber 0 2490 " William R. Fox 861 University Gas Sta. 3 P. " 2666 " " " V.M. Loc. n n n Joseph Anderson Cleaners, Inc. 1986 Stillwater Ldy & D.C. Pickup " 2693 " Eugene Kubiszewski 191 N. Western Restaurant " 2702 • " " On Sale Malt II N N It " Off Sale Malt " " " n t' Cigarette I' If " Josephine & Mario Greco 823 S. Robert Grocery " 2728 " " " Butcher " It II I' " Off Salle alt II U It " " Cigarette " II n C T n 1 Rol a d 183745—B M Bernard orttlnson Robert . Peterson— Resolved, That licenses applied for by the parsons named on the list and attached t. this resolution be COUNCILMEN the same re hereby g the Adopted by the Council 195 City Clerk is instructed to issue such p y Yeas Nays licenses u e p int the City tress ry on of th the required ayment fees.o Adopted .y the Council July 16, 1957. DeCourcy Approve July 20,1957. Holland Approved— _ _195- Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 2 Original to City Clerk r 1 .4t'374. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL P) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. LICENSSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Jul 16, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE 2: Sam, Jack & Harry Ward 500-2 Selby Grocery App. 2772 Renewal " " Butcher t1 II 11 u n Off Sale Malt II It It " " Cigarette It 11 " Margaret M. Schwope 591 N. Snelling Grocery " 2773 tI It " Cigarette Il n It George R. Weber 1522 Portland Grocery " 2778 " It " Fr. Meats It II n It n Off Sale Malt n II n " " Cigarette 11 n n Schiller's Inc. 1494 N. Dale Grocery " 2780 tt II " Butcher II n n II n Off Sale Malt II II II It " Cigarette II II n Wayne B. Franke 1520 Como Orig. Cont. tI 2788 " Nelson Oil Co. , Inc. 782 Rice Gas Sta. 3 P. II 2791 " 11 " V.M. Loc. II II II Benny D. Rose 238 W. Kellogg Restaurant 11 2793 ti " a On Sale Malt II II n II n off Sale Malt II II It II a Cigarette II II II Harrison M. Williams 1818 St. Clair Restaurant 11 2803 " tt 11 Cigarette II 11 It Anthony Williams 197 E. Ninth Parking Lot II 2812 " Founders Inc. 60-80 E. Seventh Parking Lot II 2315 " Fred W. Fabian 1834 St. Clair Restaurant II 2826 " It " On Sale Malt II It II " II Off Sale Malt II It II 11 N Cigarette it II II COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195 Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 ■2 Original to City Clerk 1_83745 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C PRESENTED BY July 16, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE 3: Albert F. 8uzichka 979 Randolph Grocery App. 2834 Renewal " " Butcher " N " II II Off Sale Malt N N " If " Cigarette II ■ " P. T. & J. E. Bowes 170 N. Pascal Grocery " 2838 " n " Butcher II II II II " Off Sale Malt II " II " " Cigarette " It II Clifford J. Parent 626 W.Larpenteur Gas Sta. 3 P. " 2839 " If II V.M. Loc. It II " Edyth Bush Theatre 690 S. Cleveland V.M. .Loc. " 28+1 " John E. Schreier b7 N. Snelling V.M. Loc. " 2842 " Lauretta McCord 232 N. Cleveland Beauty Shop " 2851 " Henry Parasal 176 N. Western Grocery " 2857 " n " Butcher II II II " n Cigarette II II n Clarence St. Martin 620 Como Gas Sta. 5 p. " 2860 " n Gen. Auto Rep.Gar. n " n " V.M. Loc. n n n " Cigarette II II II Nick Squillace 818 Como Grocery " 2861 " II " Fr. Meats n n n " " Off Sale Malt " II " II " Cigarette II II 1I Marvin Merrick 1551 Payne Butcher " 2871 n William C. Kane 238 S.Snelling Orig. Cont. " 2879 " David Gerr 65 State Off Sale Malt " 2881 " " Cigarette " " H COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2.572 Original to City Clerk T CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NCIL NO. - LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE July 16, 1957 PAGE 4: Bishop Neal 620 Rondo Grocery App. 2887 Renewal " " Cigarette II II n Al Mergens Mtrs., Inc. 1326-30 Grand 2nd Hd. Auto Dlr. if 2490 " n n Dlr.Auto Rep.Gar. II II II " n V.M. Loc. H II II Schumacher Motor Express 661 LaSalle Cigarette II 2891 " Frank T. Dreyling 79 E. Ninth Gas Sta, 3 P. II 2892 II n II Cigarette II II II John Howard 2023 Marshall Gas Sta. 3 P. n 2894 " t1 a V.M. Loc. II H II Transport Clearings of the Twin Cities 2453 University V.M. Loc. II 2895 II Shell Oil Co. 988 Arcade Cigarette 11 2896 " N.W. Bell Telephone Co. 426 N.Fairview Y.M. Loc. It 2902 " Park Liquor Co. , Inc. 140 N. Snelling Orig. Cont. " 2907 " It " Off Sale Malt II U It 11 n Cigarette n n II Grand Grotto Motors Inc. 744 Grand Gas Sta. 4 P. 11 2908 " Engineer Research Assoc =tee Inc. 1902 W.Minnehaha Cigarette n 2914 " Sears Roebuck & Co. 900 E. Lake, Mpls. Elec. App. Rep. II �9�9 II Stevens Amusement Corp. 1053 Grand Mot. Pic. (1032) II 2925 " " t1 Confectionery 11 II It Richard Stone Jr. 1465 Klainert Mtr. Veh. Driver " 2942 II COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JUL 1 195.195_ Yeas Nays JUL 1 6 1957 DeCourcy Holland z pproved —_ 195_ Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson n r,ri,�' Mayor Rosen-- Against Mr. 5M 2-57 2