183733 Ogiginal.to City Clerk I
COUNCIL Fl • O. 0 er
PRESENTED BY �, ":, o, NO. J , V
An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 7473, entitled:
"An ordinance to Preserve the public heal h
by licensing and regulating. the distribution o
ice offered for sale w.thin the City; of St. Pa ,
providing for bond under certain circumstances,
and for expiration and revocation of license, and
for the punishment of violation thereof":
approved May 12, 1933, as amended. • a - ., ordina aca- .. .
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7478, approved May 12, 7933, as
amended, hereby is repealed. -
Secti:�_ . This di 'ance hey b, is decla.r-• t. be an e. gency
or _ ce ende ed. necess. fo the eser a.tion .s the ou._' peace
he . th, and s..fety.
Section a This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 10 4./.4-
omits pass.gge, approval, and publication.
Council File No. 18 733—Ordinance No.
11085—By Berner T. Holland—Sever-
in A. Martinson Robert F. Peter-.
An ordinance repealing Ordinance
No. 7478, entitled:
\ health ordinance to!and r g the public
health by licensing!and regulating the
distribution of is offered for sale
within the City of St. Paul, providing
for bond under certain circumstances,
and for expiration and revocation of
license. and for the punishment of
violation thereof,"
\ approved May 12, 1983,as amended.
The Council of alb City of Saint Paul
Does Ordain:
That Ordinance No. 7478, approved
May 12, 1933, as amended, hereby is
This ordinance s all take effect and
\�\j be in force 35 day after its passage,
approval, and publication.
Passed by the Council August 27,
Yeas—Councilmen Holland, Mortin-
son, Peterson, Rosen, Mr. President
Approved August',27, 1957.
Ci y Clerk.
(August 1, 1957)
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
DeCourcy .
Itili+eiii In Favor
-Peterson Against
—Rosen AUG `2 71957
•. President (Dillon)
-,- m
i ' Approved: .
Att t• r'` `,, f edit.tyi_`�
City Clerk ayor
1M 6-56 8
Council e No
18.1734—BY Bt:rnar
�chrneder. C'ItV
T Hull nd - C•i'Y
Wherea,• A-11 red 11. t„_ted the i
Architect hav�tttK:,i t'. Wit:. hb'tut g th to li
Council I comPiaui`s of $❑uttl
consider ncurred by tl,q City
expense uving
a d:;ngerous struiruci_
Paul in 'rrtrrgtolt Sueet, tuorl�lPc'k
at 910 . as L4 t 9.
Marty •earthed M
;,t.,t,s Su,dtvistan of Lot 11. '.';akin
Bey wa .'s Outlets to St. Paul. the
ay Con I•tl held a public hearing
on July n 1957 to consider the expense
an •„ e nfrtn the amou',i, hereof,
Wlu,icas It appears that the City
(..ci•i;:!. f ursuant to C. F. Noa 180203.
au,pruvrd Oetuber :Il. 1956, 1'
November 3, 1956, set a public hearing
to c into.id°r removing the :IA tt ..1"nS
itruciure. and 'tie rrt, C'■tur i .1 by
C. V No 180526, approved November
28, 1956, ublished December 1, 1956,
ordered I e wrecking by and at the
separate cult and expense of the
owner, u•cupant• or other person in
' control t ereof, and the `,.City Counc l
by C. F. No. 180845, pp t
ber 21, P56, published Janua'y 5. 1957.
directed the ttointnlssioner of Parks.
'Playgrou ds and Public Buildings to
enter it An the premises and wreck
I and rem ve the buildn.gs thereon mid
do any nd all things therein neces-I
sat y for the protection life. limb,
and :id) fining property. and the
City of Scant Paul as ineut led the
xpe,tse of $3'.5154 in remuvint; said
structur;; and
%V1,e.,•,s, It appeals that Anton Al I
1 Josef, .wit•l., X110 }',11!.}',11!.n u
;.° tt Stii,a.
are the uwm•t s ,1 the pienilses, be
iII-sole,d. That we, the City Council
ot the C!t, ot Saint Paul di, hereby
l;nfirtr, 1t I ,u I ,'e' It iii $3114.51 to be
j the fair tra,•. avid 1e,,St•nable :,mount
fat s,i•h -%ICS. !lit u!it'd :n to
mu : t .I.� '■ sit t
,r1!I,, l
I F:,1, t t 1 h:d ,
ti t.. ciit 1
ni thi. t8,si it llc 1ti fair t Cou^ty
Itln nt ,i1 •vp.r,r
i F i iii iota ,i.
fiat'.: try t �C'ttt tut
of „.i ring a Lou on t:te PI
ptti sir 1 t to tilt' ttutldittC .:•,rt,•
I Ad Ai)ed by. the Cuutictl ,tula lit. 195;
( Apt I.',Jed J:a) 16. 145,
I :July 20, tip:71
1-1.2".1/#3773 "
St. Paul, Minnesota, July 26, 1957
We, the unde signed Off Sale Liquor Dealers of the City
of St' Paul, request th:t the St. Paul city Council do not repeal
the Ice Ordinance which requires licenses for the manufacture and
retail sale of ice.
If this ordinance is repealed, the City of St, Paul will !
Lose the policing power to help maintain compliance with The State
Law which makes it ille..al for Off Sale Liquor Stores to engage in
the business of manufac uring ice. We do not believe the State has
the manpower to enforce this part of the State Law governing Off Sa
Liquor stores — and as - result, the ice making machines now in
several Off Sale Liquor Stores will continue to operate.
If these ice making machines are allowed to continue to
operate and the owners •ive away ice cubes or sell them at a nomina
charge, it means that all Off Sale Liquor Dealers will eventually
have to follow suit to old their present customers. The expense of
buying and operating the,.e ice machines, with little or no monetary
return, will be a definite hardship for the smaller dealers — and al
sizable unnecessary expe se for all the Off Sale Liquor Dealers.
Further, if t e present.icCe—sachines are allowed to continue
to operate and thus fort- us to purchase machines for our stores in
self—defense, we would b- doing so with the knowledge that we were not
observing the State Law •y entering the manufacturing business and
possibly violating the Fair Trade Law by giving cubes away. Then, if
and when the State might enforce this provision of the law, our investment
in the ice making machin• will be a definite loss.
We feel very .trongly that the Ice ordinance should not be
repealed and that its licensing provisions should be strictly and promptly
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/ ; (-C( . 6, ALEXANDRIA LINOR ez/m c„. L2d.
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St. Paul, iianni,sota, July 26, 1.957
We• the undersigned Off Sale Liquor Dealers of the City
of Paul, request that the St. Paul City Council do not repeal
the Ice Ordinance whirl, requires licont,es for the manufacture and
retail sale of ice.
If this ordinance is repealed, the City of St! Paul will
lose the polid.ng power to help . aintain compliance with the State
Law which makes it illegal for Off Sale Liquor Stores to engage in
the busirz' ss of manufacturing ice. We do not b lieve the `,.tdte has
the manpower to enforce this part of the State Law governing Off Sale
Liquor stores — and as a result, the ice making machines now in
several Off Sale Liquor Stores will continue to operate.
If these ice making machines are allowed to continue to
operate and the owners !Ave away ice cubes or sell the at a nominal
charge, it means that a, I Off Sale Liciudr Dealers will eventually
have to follow suit to lad their present customers. Thc., expense of
buying and operating t -se ice :tachines, with little or no monetary
return, will be a 'efi te hardship for the smaller dealers — and a
sizable unnecessary ex. -nse for all the Off Sale Liquor Dealers.
Further, if the present ice machines are allowed to continue
to operate and thus fa ce us td purchase machines for our stores in
self—defense, we would be doing so with the knowleage that we were not
observing the State La by entering the manufacturing business anci
possibly violating the Fair Trade Law by giving cubes away. Then, if
and when the State mig t enforce this provision of the law, our investment
in the ice making mac ne will be a definite loss.
We feel, ver strongly that the Ice ordinance shoul- not be
repealed and that its icensing provisions should be strictly and promptly
•—11 - Liyor virr
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f k416149, ? -7‘.
s 2nd_7/ _
L.id over to i �!I 777
1 I
3r and app
' . / Adopted I
Ye:; f Nays Yeas DeCour y may,
L/ J
II" and ' ‘0.-- Holland 1►-, �/id
I Ma_. elli pl ✓Marzitelli /�JI/"
111 I'6°
o son Ii li'Mortinson
i Pete :on ./Peterson
Ii •osen ti, Rosen al.
`, ' r. P,esident Dillon U/Mr. President Dillon