183731 COUNCIL FILE NO. LC . 01 By Council File No. 183731— INAL ORDER In the matter of constructing relief sewers in Geranium Ave. from Rice St. to Albemarle St., Jessamine Ave. from Rice St. to Albemarle St., Cook In the Matter of construc ing relief sewers in Geranium Ave. from Rice St. to Albemarle St., Jessamine Ave from Rice St. to Albemarle St., Cook Ave. from Rice St. to Albemarle St. , Hatch Ave. from Rice St. to Albemarle St., Wayzata St. from Rice St. to Albemarle St. as plat ed north of Wayzata St., Albemarle St. and in Albemarle St. (vacated) from Atwater Si . to Geranium Ave., all of which is to be known as the ALBEMART,E-RICE STREIi,'1' RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, under Preliminary Order 1820 1 approved March 22, 1957 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objectio and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council o the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construct relief sewers in Geranium Ave. from Rice St. to Albemarle St., Jessamine Ave. from Rice St. to Albemarle St., Cook Ave. from Rice St. to Albemarle St., Hatch Ave. from Rice St. to Albemarle St., Wayzata St. from Rice St. to Albefir.rle St. as platted north of Wayzata St., Albemarle St. and in Albemarle St. (vaca ed) from Atwater St. to Geranium Ave., all of which is to be known as the ALREMART.F-l$ICE STREET RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thilt the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said i .rovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JUL 1 6 1957 JUL 1 6 1957- City Clerk. Approved File 13714 Mayor. Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman -PETERSo r Councilman RoSErr Mayor Bfttt77— 2-55 2M 2 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) I8rs�f-1 t ,.' In the matter of construction of relief sewers in: ��� ` Geranium Ave. fro Rice St. to Albemarle St. Jessamine Ave. fr m Rice St. to Albemarle St. Co4 Ave. from Ri e St. to Albemarle St. Hatch Ave. from R ce St. to Albemarle St. Wayzata St. from ice St. to Albemarle St. as platted north of Wayzata St. Albemarle St. and in Albemarle St. (vacated from Atwater St. to Geranium Ave. all of which is tp be known as the ALBEMARLE—RICE STREET RELIEF SEVER SYSTEM. under Preliminary Order approved 183731 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby eports as follows: The total estimated amount of the ass:ssment for the above improvement is - - - $174,103.62 The estimated cost per foot for the abo e improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may b, assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are a- follows: DESCRIPTION LOT =LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ - .--- Land Bldg. Except North 140 ft. ; Part lying North of Wayzata Street of 1 Auditor's Subdivision No. 16, 25 ---- Lot 1, 16 & 17 in Block 2 Bergholt• ''s Rearr. "A" & alley vacated between St. Paul, Linn. said lots; also the North 140 ft. of , 1 do 1250 3100 I 2 do 55o 1550 East 40 ft. of the No. 115 ft. of 8 do )400 1600 Except East 40 ft. of the North 115 ft.; 8 do 900 2000 Lots 1 thru 15 Auditor's Subdivision No. 17, 4950 30000 Lots 6 & ` I 7 St. Paul, Minn. 3200 22700 Subject to Easement; 8 do 1700 4ioo Subject to Easement; 9 } _. do 900 4900 H X0 eX C&XXIM W3IMi liaa:X 'i ii0di s'l,`1taYrl it C Viii E lava cK llidlIaii aEiiiiffla K,XXif(1 Naapci ax [1axiii iii Xu +:-.. X i iitiXti6Xt# laii14 ,XX XII;arX3f iDIiXX&CX'3£ fXa XXx Xr7CDU iX MareEigfigs/i .Xi(rX4X 'eX:r.AO ifanb.EXIMbECRilikaWarEa Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S.A. 8-5 D CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -_ I ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LandVALUATION Bldg. 10 Auditor's Subdivision No. 17, 1800 2900 11 St. Paul, Minn. 1100 1850 i i12 do 1100 ---- North 40 ft. of Lot 16 and all of 13 do 1100 1800 (.!West 75 ft. of 14 do 850 65o _a Except West 75 ft.; 14 do 150 ---- , 15 do 2100 16200 South 80 ft. of . 16 do 425 i +,Lots 1 and 2 11 Auerbach & Hand's Addition to 2800 11400 I. 3 11 the City of St. Paul 1400 3150 I 4 11 , do 1400 ---- 5 11 do 1400 1300 6 11 do 1400 250 I _ 7 11 do 100 2000 Lots 8, 9, & 10 11 IR do 5600 8350 I South 8.33 ft. of Lot 12 & all of 11 11 ' do 525 425o Except South 8.33 ft.; 12 11 do 400 1450 1 13 11 ` do 500 3650 z)1 11 do 500 ---- 15 11 do 500 2450 16 11 do 500 2800 17 ; 11 ! do 500 1750 18 11 do 500 2050 19 ' 11 do 500 65oo 20 11 do 425 ---- . 1 , 12 do • 450 1950 II _ do 12*_— 2 _ I __500 ____ 2650 FORM LB.n I ._._.__ TOTAL i{ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. g !lots 1 and 2 25 Auerbach & Hand's Addition to 900 2650 3 25 the City- of St. Paul 500 2800 b 25 do 500 2750 Lots 5 and 6 25 • do 1000 3600 ' 7 25 do 500 2200 , 8 . 25 do 15oo 1300 9 25 do 1900 525 10 25 do 1400 1 26 do 1650 50o0 i2 26 do 1800 ---- 3 26 do 1600 5700 L 26 do 1000 2050 ;.Lots 5 and 6 26 do 2 0 9100 7 26 do 0 0 14100 8 26 do 1000 ---- 9 26 do 1000 300 , 10 26 do 1500 14900 *est - of 11 26 do 250 1550 East a of 11 26 do 200 1700 12 26 do 500 2350 13 26 do 500 1300 34 26 do 500 11i50 15 26 do 500 2800 16 , 26 do 500 2950 17 , 26 f do . 500 2/450 18 26 do 500 14000 19 26 do -- 500 1800 FORM R.•.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED __ LandVALUATION Bldg. } 20 26 Auerbach & Hand's Addition to 400 2000 1. lots 1 and 2 41 ' the City of St. Paul 800 2400 . f . 3 41 do 475 1750 4 41 do 475 200 5 41 do 475 1900 1 6 41 do 475 1600 7 41 do 475 1350 8 41 , do . 275 1 42 do 800 ---- 2 42 do 800 55o 3 42 do 800 4 42 do Boo 5 42 do 800 ---- Lots 6, 7 and 8 42 do 4600 33000 9 42 do 275 ---- 10 42 do 475 1650 11 42 do 475 1100 12 42 do 475 1200 13 42 do 475 2300 ]J 42 do 475 2050 15 42 do 475 ----- l+ 116 42 do 325 1500 If 1 1 ' 43 do 1650 1550 2 43 do 1000 3200 I3 i 43 do 1000 800 4 43 do 1000 1250 --f 43— do 1200 3700 FORM B.0.II I TOTAL • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) --_ - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION - ' - LOT BLOC ADDITION LandVALUATION Bldg. 6 43 Auerbach & Hand's Addition to 1600 2400 7 43 the City of St. Paul 1550 3050 East 40 ft. of Lots 10, 9 and • 8 43 do 575 1900 West 83.75 of Lots 8, 9 and 10 43 do 1250 2950 11 43 do 475 1850 Lots 12, 13 and 14 43 do 1375 5200 1 44 do 300 1850 i 2 44 I do 400 ------ 3 44 do 400 3200 4 llli do 400 2900 East 2 of 5 1111 do 300 ---- East z of Lots 7 & , 6 44 do 900 4100 1 ' 1 1 Barney, Norton and Kingsley's 1500 9300 2 1 Second Addition to St. Paul 1300 ---- ILot 3, No. part of vac. alley adj. & Lot 4, 5, 6, vacated South 100 f iof alley adj. & Lots 7 thru 12, Bl. . I (Includes other prop.; and vacated alley and Lots 1 thri. 12 2 do 8550 81500 iExcept East 4.74 ft.; , 3 3 Bergholtz Rearrangement "A" 175 200 I 4 3 do 200 ---- 5 3 do 200 ---- 6 j 3 do 200 7 i 3 do 200 2250 8 j 3 do 200 1800 I East 4 of North 105 ft. of 1 , Bazille's Addition of Acre Lots 400 1350 South 40 ft. of 1 to St. Paul, County of Ramsey 350 2400 'West 2 of East z of No. 105 ft. of 1 and Territory of Minnesota 375 2050 East 2 of West 2 of No. 105 ft. of 1 do 37 2350 ;West i of North 105 ft. of 1 i . do . 4.. ,=====,......=._ � -------- - _ -- -- --- 375 _ 2050 ROOM 18.t.0 TOTAL - .I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED . LandVALUATION Bldg. g it No. z of vac. alley adj. & Lots 1 & 2 1 Bergholtz's Rearrangement "A" 575 2650 Vac. alley between & Lots 3 & 12 1 1 do 1 450 11150 No. z of vac. alley adj. and Lot . 4, 5, 10, and 11 I 1 do 825 2250 Lots 6 and 9 1 do 400 1700 North z of vac. alley adj. & ; 7 1 ii do 300 2250 South z of vac. alley adj. & 8 1 l do 125 Vac. alley adj. & 13 1 do 100 Vac. alley adj. & . 14 1 1 do 125 (Includes other prop., . 15 1 do .. 625 1800 North ? of vac. alley adj. & 2 2 do . 300 2050 North z of vac. alley adj. & . 3 2 do 300 1600 Vac. alley accruing & part of Lot- 5 & 14 East of extended East line of West 37 ft. of said Lot 5, also e cept East 28 ft.; Lot 15 and all o 4 2 do 475 11100 Vac. alley adjoining and part of Lots 5,6,13 & 111 between extended west line of east 4 ft. of Lot 6 extended East line of West 37 ft. said 5 2 do 600 2600 Except South 62 ft. Lots 12 & 13; Vac. alley adj. and part of Lots 6,17, 12,13 Between extended West line of 4 ft. of Lot 6 & extended West line of East 18.07 ft. of 7 2 do . 475 425o Except South 62 ft.; Lots 11 & 12; f vac. alley adj. & Part of Lots 7,8, ' 11 & 12 between extended West line of East 18.07 ft. of Lot 7 & extended West line of East 26 ft. of 8 2 do 425 3400 Except South 62 ft. Lots 10 & 11; vac. alleys accruing & part of Lots . 8,10 & 11 West of extended West line of East 26 ft. of Lot 8 & all of 9 2 do 5 ilo t Except East 36.03 ft.; the South 62 ft. of Lot 11 & vac. alley adj. on West & the South 62 ft. of 10 2 do , 2 2001 __ The West 5.97 ft. of the South 62 ft of Lot 12 & the East 36.03 ft. of South 62 ft, of ---� FORM BALII — _U . 2 -- , TOTAL 11 - ._ do 20Q :_ IIII CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED La dVALUATION Bldg. South 62 ft. of part of Lot 13 West of extended ;'West line of the East Bergholtz's Rearrangement "A" ' 14 ft. of Lot 6 & except West 14.97 ft.; the South 62 ft. of 12 2 275 2000 South 2 of vac. alley adj. & East 28 ft. of 15 2 do 125 -.—.4 1 1 Bergholtz's Subdu. of Lots 2,3, 650 2450 2 1 14,5,6,10,11,114 & 15 Bazille's 550 2200 I Except West 10 ft.; 3 1 Acre Lots to St. Paul 4 0 2000 Except West 30 ft.; Lot 14 and the West 10 ft. of 3 1 do 3 0 1250 West 30 ft. of 14 1 do 350 1250 East 40 ft. of r ?_ do I ).4 270 I West 10 ft. of Lot 5 & East 2 of ' 6 1 do 3 2100 West 1 of 6 1 do 2 1000 7 1 do 55 1700 8 1 do 660 3750 Except Park Ave.; 10 1 do 550 2700 11 1 do 625 1350 12 1 do 625 2450 13 1 do 625 3050 114 1 do 600 2100 15 1 do 600 1950 16 1 do boo )0150 Except Park Ave.; 17 1 do 550 3000 North 1414 ft. of 19 1 i do 200 800 South 76 ft. of 19 1 1 do 1400 1350 20 1 do 500 1850 21 1 i do 500 1300 22 1 ! do 500 li----- j 23 1 ! do 500 1250 FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1C noVALUATION Bldg. i Lot 24 and the West 2 of 125 1 1Berghoitz's Subdn. of Lots 2-3- 750 1750 I East z of Lot 25 & the ;pest 14 ft. 4'26 1 14-5-6-10-11-M & 15 Bazille's 375 1350 i i Except West 14 ft.; 26 1 'Acre Lots to St. Paul 450 2000 27 , 1 do 425 1500 Lots 28 & 29 1 do 750 1800 1 3 do 625 1800 Lots 1 and 2 1 "Brayton's 2nd Addition" to the 3600 7200 3 1 City of St. Paul 800 5050 4 1 do 800 3300 5 1 do 800 2800 6 1 do 800 3050 7 1 do 825 4450 ;Vacated alley and Blks.1 and 2 ;Dawson & Rice's Addition to 27200 9000 ;Saint Paul, Ramsey 1 1 Dore's Addition to St. Paul 450 1550 , 2 1 i do 450 2150 3 . 1 do 450 1) 00 , 4 1 do 450 1950 5 • 1 do 450 2150 ,I o 6 1 do 450 1550 7 1 f do 450 2000 8 . 1 do 450 1750 9 . 1 ; do 450 1850 . 10 1 do 450 1400 11 1 do 450 1750 12 1 do 45o 145o -- --- ---- 1 2 -I do 450 ------ 2950 FOAM B.6.t1 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. g 2 2 Dore's Addition to St. Paul 450 2250 3 2 do 450 1900 4 2 do 450 3250 Lots 5 & 6 2 do 900 4250 Lots 7 & 8 2 do ' 900 3400 9 2 do 45o ---- 10 2 do 450 2250 11 2 do 450 1900 12 2 do 475 ]400 1 1 J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition 475 390o 2 1 to St. Paul 400 2100 3 1 do 400 Wi5o 4 1 do 400 455o 5 1 do 400 2300 6 1 do 400 1250 7 1 do 400 4850 8 1 do 400 3050 9 1 do 400 2800 10 1 do 400 ---- 11 1 do I 400 1800 Except South 93.46 ft.; Lots 12 & 13 1 do 300 2150 South 93.46 ft. of Lots 12 & 13 1 do 600 2200 Lots 1)1,15 & Ex. East 10 ft.; 16 1 do 1400 2600 17 1 do 45o 750 ', 18 1 do 450 1500 19 1 i do 450 1500 do 45o 1450 FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LaT1dVALUATION Bldg. 21 1 J. F. Eisenmengerts Addition 450 22 1 to St. Paul 450 1750 23 1 do 450 340o 24 1 do 450 2200 25 1 do 450 1600 26 1 do 475 ---- 1 2 do 500 1200 2 2 do 450 2350 3 2 do 450 1300 4 2 do 450 3100 5 2 do • i 45o 4050 6 2 do 450 3600 7 2 do 450 1300 8 2 do 450 1750 9 2 do 450 5500 10 2 do 2400 12800 11 ; 2 do 1800 ---- _12 2 do 1500 ---- 13 2 do 1500 ---- 14 2 do 1100 2350 15 2 do 1300 2100 West 20 ft. of 16 2 do . 250 1100 Except West 20 ft.; 16 2 do 250 500 17 j 2 do 500 1100 18 l 2 do 500 1850 j 19 2 do 500 2.;00 4- 0 2 do 500 2300 FORM e.B.TT TOTAL 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. , 21 2 J. F. Eisenmengerls Addition 500 3900 i22 12 to St. Paul 500 1750 23 2 i do 500 1050 North 2 of 24 2 do 250 1300 South of 24 2 do. 325 1)io0 North 2 of 1 3 do 4.00 2150 South 2 of 1 3 do 250 1700 2 i 3 . do 500 2150 I� . 3 i 3 do 500 2150 4 3 do 500 2900 ,I 5 k 3 do 500 2600 6 t 3 do j 500 11 00 7 , 3 do ' 500 1504 8 3 do 500 1900 9 3 do 500 1550 10 3 ; do 2000 4250 11 3 do 1500 ---- 12 3 do 1100 1950 Lots 13 & 14 3 do 3300 5400 15 3 do 2000 2200 I1 16 3 do 500 1200 it. 17 3 do 500 2600 • 18 i 3 do . 500 2200 1 jj 19 3 do 500 1600 j 20 ! 3 do 500 1650 I 21 13 do 500 1800 i 22_ do -- ,y 500 ------ 1500 FORM e.a.II TOTAL - I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lana 31aE;. North 1/3 of Lots 24 & 23 3 J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition 300 1050 South 2/3 of Lots 24 & 23 3 to St. Paul 850 700 1 4 do 475 2 4 do 450 35o 3 4 do 450 2550 4 4 do •450 1800 5 4 do 450 2700 6 4 do 450 2000 7 4 do 45o 2400 8, 4 do 450 1000 9 4 do 450 1600 10 4 do 450 800 11 4 do 45o 520o 112 4 do 450 2300 13 Ii. do 500 1950 • South 2 of 14 j 4 do 325 500 II 1 15 4 do 450 800 16 4 do 450 1100 17 4 do 450 1000 . 18 4 do 450 1600 19 4 I do 450 1400 20 4 I do 450 1950 21 i 4 do 1450 ,__ 22 4 do 450 1150 . 23 4 do 45o 1500 24 4 do 450 130 0 25 1 ____ do 450 1900 FORM B.B.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. g 26 4 J. F. Eisenn nger1s Addition 475 2000 North 2 of 14 4 to St. Paul 175 700 1 1 Fawcettis Addition to St. Paul, 275 1150 2 1 Minnesota 275 1300 3 1 do 425 1250 4 1 do 450 1750 5 1 do 450 1300 6 1 do 450 7 1 do 450 1000 8 1 do 450 95o 9 1 . do 450 2200 i 10 1 do 450 150o 11 1 do 450 2000 Lot 12 and the West z of 13 I 1 f do 675 1200 East a of • 13 I 1 do 225 1250 14 1 ° do 450 1300 15 1 do 450 2050 16 1 do 425 3100 i 17 1 do 275 1600 18 . 1 do 275 -----. 1 2 do 250 ---.1 2 2 do 250 1150 3 2 do 400 3900 4 2 do 425 3650 5 , 2 , do 425 3100 11 6 2 do 425 1750 II -- -- — 7 — 2 _ do 425 2050 I FORM 19.13.11 TOTAL . I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 8 2 Fawcettts Addition to St. Paul, 425 1150 (Includes other prop., West z of 9 2 Minnesota 525 1650 East z of 9 2 do 200 10 2 E do 600 1400 11 2 ` do 450 ----- 112 2 , do 450 2400 X13 2 do 450 2500 111.E 2 do 450 1150 115 2 do 450 2650 i 1 16 2 do 450 2350 17 2 do 450 2550 West 32.75 ft. of Lots 1-2 & 3 4 Grayts Addition to McKenty's 250 1600 West 33 ft. of East 66 ft. of Lots E 1-2 & 3 4 0ut Lots to Saint Paul 250 1750 East 33 ft. of Lots 1-2 & 3 1 4 I do 275 2000 14 4 { do 200 750 5 4 do 200 750 (Includes other prop. Lots 6 thru 21 4 j do 6000 58500 1 1 jLanoux's Subdivision of Lots 525 1900 I i 1 2 1 I7-8-9 of Basille's Addition of 525 2800 Except West 23.75 ft.; 3 , 1 Acre Lots to St. Paul 280 ---- West 23.75 ft. of Lot 3 and all of 4 . 1 i do 825 ---- 5 1 do 2600 2900 6 1 1 do 2200 4100 ,.Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10 1 I do 9200 11650 11 ! 1 I do 500 3000 12 1 do 500 3450 1 13 1 do 500 3650__� FOAM 8.B.II .__ - _ _ � TOTAL _ -__-_ Y CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED La dVALUATION I l.,ig. i11 1 Lanoux's Subdivision of Lots 500 2.,x., 0 Except East 42 ft.; the following: South 5 ft. of Litchfield St. vac. 7-8-9 of Bazille's Addition of ad;. and Lot 1 and except South 20 ft.; 2 2 Acre Lots to St. Paul 3600 1){000 ,Alley vac. adj. and East 42 ft. of ;following: South 5 ft. of Litchfiel St. vac. adj. and Lot 1, and except ;;South 20 ft.; 2 2 do 375 1450 Alley vac. adj. & South 20 ft. of Lot 2, all of Lot 3 & except Wayzat St.; 4 2 do 5550 7700 Alley vac. adj. and Lots 5 and 6 2 do 3800 16000 1 1 Lanpher Addition, St. Paul, 400 2200 . 2 1 Minn. 400 2200 3 1 do 400 2450 4 1 do 400 2550 Lot 1, Block 1, Ransom's Subd. "A" and 5 1 do 600 2000 Lot 12, Block 1, Ransom's Subd. "A" and 6 1 do 625 2350 Lot 7 and the West 10 ft. of . 8 ; 1 do 500 2600 Lot 9 & except West 10 ft.; 8 . 1 . do 6?5 3150 10 1 do 400 375o (Includes other prop. 1 2 do 525 1650 Lot 2 & the East 9 ft. of 3 2 do 400 2450 Except East 9 ft.; Lot 3 and Excel:). West 10 ft.; 4 2 do 400 2650 Lot 5 & the West 10 ft. of 4 2 do 400 3750 Lot 1, Block 2, Ransom's Subd. "A" and 6 2 do 625 1850 East 4.74 ft. of Lot 3 & all of Lo' 2, Block 3, Bergholtz Rearrangemen, Lewis' Addition to St. Paul "A" and 3 2 do 725 2050 10 12 do 2500 11700 f Lots 11 and 112 1 2 : do 50o0_ 29500 ' FORM B.B.tI • i i I TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER iiiii_ - (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED HAMUL VALUATION bld g. —IThat part of Lot 10 lying north of a ii line drawn from the Southeast c. ner Lewis' Addition to St. Paul of said Lot to a point on the We.t line thereof, 2 inches from the bouth- west corner thereof, of 10 3 2600 4500 That part of Lot 10 lying South .f a Kline drawn from the Southeast co ner of said Lot to a point on the We-t . ;",line thereof, 2 inches from the 'outh- west corner thereof, also all of 11 j 3 do 2000 6800 North 2 of 12 3 do 1000 2700 i 1 'South z of Lot 12 and all ofl3, and 14 3' do 4000 7200 i 15 3 do 2000 1650 1 . 16 j 3 do 2200 2850 ' Lots 10 and . 11 6 do 4000 6000 I 11 12 1 6 do 1600 ---- iI ' 13 6 do 875 1550 11 34 6 do 1600 2200 . 15 6 do 1600 ---- 16 6 • do 2000 4050 Lots 1,2, and South 7 ft. of 3 1 McKentyls Outlots to Saint 2900 7300 North 19 ft. of Lot 3, and all of Lots 4 and 5 1 Paul 3100 16850 Lot 6 and the South 6.75 ft. of ; 7 1 do 1450 2150 • Except South 6.75 ft.; Lot 7 and a1 8 1 do 2000 15900 9 1 do 1175 2000 Lots 10 and 11 1 do 2300 4500 12 1 do 1175 1900 Except West 15.50 ft.; 13 1 do 1175 300 With easement; the East 17 ft. of 1 Lots 16-17-18 & the West 15.5 ft. o Lots 13,14 & 15 1 do 300 1300 Except Weste rly_1.5.x._. .;�.ots___ 1L-&- 1 - ---- __ .__._do_. _ .2550 -____ 6100 FORM e...n - TOTAL �; • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) � DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION la�� — I and � _ Except East 17 ft.; 16 1 McKenty's Out Lots to St. 200 1650 Except East 17 ft. & Except So h 0.4 ft.; 17 1 Paul do 175 750 Except East 17 ft.; the South 014 ft. of Lot 17 and Except East 17 ft ; 18 1 do 175 1550 Lots 19 & 20 1 ( do 100 1850 1 121 1 do 200 700 I 22 1 do 200 ---- 23 1 do 200 1650 I 24 1 ; do 200 1350 25 , 1 do 200 1200 26 ` 1 do 200 27 i 1 do 200 ---- Except South 7 ft. of the East 3 ft.; 28 1 do 200 South 7 ft. of East 33 ft. of Lot 28 and East 33 ft. of Lots 29 & 30 1 do 225 West 33 ft. of the East 66 ft. of Lots 29 & 30 ! 1 do 200 ---- West 32.75 ft. of Lots 29 & 30 , 1 do 225 250 Except Street; the East 45 ft. of Lots 1, 2 & 3 2 do 350 East 90 ft. of L. 2 do 200 1900 !East 90 ft. of 5 2 do 200 1800 I East 90 ft. of 6 2 do 200 1800 East 90 ft. of 7 2 do 200 1) 50 East 90 ft. of 8 2 ( do , 200 1150 East 90 ft. of 9 2 do 200 1100 East 90 ft. of 10 2 do 200 1250 East 90 ft. of 11 2 do G 200 750 Fast 90 ft. of 12 1 2 do 200 2050 9 East 90 ft. of 13 2 do '` 200 1250 East_4 .ft. Qf_ 2 . -- . do _-____._ 1500 FORM MIL II TOTAL '` _----= - _ -- --- - --- - �_. -- - __IL- _ 11 • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) J. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION L�11).C- ASSESSED ,VALUATION _ Icg. "o 15 2 McKenty's Out_ Lots to St. Paul. 250 1150 3 3 do 95o South .2 of Lot 5 & the South 5.5 ft. of North 11 ft. of 26 3 do !;Lot 6 & the North 2 of Lot 5 & the South 3 ft. of the North 5.5 ft. of ! 26 3 do 2350 7450 (Includes other prop. ' )4 3 do 1)450 2400 (Includes other prop. 7 3 do 2350 7450 8 3 do 825 1650 9 3 do 825 10 3 do 825 -.— 11 3 do 825 -M— 12 3 do 825 13 3 do 1025 1200 1 14 3 do 11200 ---- 15 3 do 1350 3400 !East 33 ft. of the West 66 ft. of ;;Lots 16 & 17 3 do 200 1000 `East 32.75 ft. of Lots 16 & 17 ; 3 do . 200 ---- Lot 18 & the North z of Lot 19 & th_. West 33 ft. of Lots 16 & , 17 3 do 525 1500 :Lot 20 & the South z of 19 3 do 300 2450 ,Lots 21 & 22 3 do 400 3500 iiLot 23 & Except South 1.65 ft.; • 24 3 do 400 1550 South 1.65 ft. of Lot 24, all of Lo' jf25 & the North 2i ft. of 126 3 do 1 250 1450 i South 15 ft. of Lot 26 & all of 27 3 do 350 1200 West 40 ft. of Lots 28 & 29 & 130 3 do 325 155o j xcept West 40 ft.; and Except St. 1 I[Lots 28, 29 & 30 3 do ii 425 3950 ii 1 Murphy's Addition to St. Paul ' 325 1750 g'ot 2 and South 65.6 ft. of the Eas 8 and the North )�)1 .4 ft. of th; Minn ft. of ' 3 4- do 400 _— 1750 FORM B.O.n I TOTAL il • I CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPO T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATION Bldg. Except West 50 ft. also Excep South 65.6 ft. of the East 8 ft. and except Murphy's Addition to St. Paul the North 44.4 ft. of the East 3 ft. ; 3 Minn. 925 2850 West 50 ft. of 3 do 600 4550 16 2 Pottgieser's Subdivision of 425 1000 17 ! 2 Lots 5 to 16 Inclusive all of 375 2550 18 12 Weide and Dawson's Garden Lots 375 1550 West 25 ft. of Lots 19,20 & 21 2 to Saint Paul 250 1950 West 36.60 ft. of the East 98.6. ft. of Lots 19, 20 & 21 2 do 325 2000 East 30 ft. of 19, 20 & 121 2 do 275 700 22 2 do 350 1800 23 2 do 350 600 24 2 do 350 1650 25 2 do 350 1100 Lots 26 & 27 2 do 500 5250 28 2 do 250 800 29 2 do 250 350 30 2 do 225 i `East a of Lot 8 & all of 7 3 do 525 5500 f Lot 9 and the West 2 of 8 3 do 525 5600 Lot 10 & Except West 20 ft.; 11 3 do 525 )0100 • is Nest 20 ft. of Lot 11 and all of 12 3 do 525 5450 13 3 do .350 1750 14 13 do 350 1300 1 I 15 3 do 350 2450 1 16 3 do 400 500 17 . 3 do 350 1150 18 -._ _� �_ do -- _ 350 ------- 850 FORM B.B.II TOTAL. ------ --- - - , --i- -L __-____.___,_-__t.= CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) __ __ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED I LandVALUATION Bldg. 19 3 Pottgieser's Subdivision of 350 145 20 3 Lots 5 thru 16 all of Weide & 350 55 21 3 Dawson's Garden Lots to Saint 375 1050 22 3 Paul 200 23 3 do li, 225 ____ 24 3 f do I 250 900 ' 25 3 do 275 2100 26 3 i do 275 2300 27 3 do 275 105 28 3 do 275 60 Except North 10 ft.; Commencing .t %the NW corner of Front St. & Park Ransom's Second Addition to Ave., thence North along said Av_ ! I 1 120 ft., thence West 26.87 ft., fence St. Paul, Minn. South to a point on said Front S feet 29.37 ft. from place of beginriin:, I thence East to beginning being p-It ' of Lots 10 & 11 2 375 ----!+ Commencing on the North line of Font Ave. 29.37 ft. West of Park Ave.; thence North toward a point 120 ft. Nort of 1 Front Ave. and 26.87 ft. West of i'ark Ave. for a distance of 110 ft.; t ence ; East to Park Ave.; thence North li ft.; thence West 57.87 ft. ; thence Sou h ii 120 ft. to a point on North line .f1 Front St. 31 ft. West from point if ifi j1 commencement; thence East to begi ing it being part of Lots 10-11 & i i! 12 2 do � 425 75 Commencing at a point on the port. line of ;Front St. 60.37 ft. West of the W.st line • of Park Ave, thence North 120 ft. to a point I 57.87 ft West of said West line oL Park Ave., thence West to the Northwest corner of the East z of Lot 13, thence South to the Southwet corner of said East 2 of Lot 13, 'hence East to beginning being part of Lots 1. and 13 , 2 do 425 2950 F Lot lit & the West 2 of 13 2 do 600 2300 I _____ 1 Ransom's Subdivision "A" St. 400 ._____--_ _ 2050 FORM B.13.It I Paul, Minn. TOTAL ---- Rte.. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lazed Bldg. Lots 3 & 4 1 Ransom's Subdivision "A" St. 700 2400 Lots 5 & 6 1 Paul, Minn. 700 4700 Lot 7 & the West 7 ft. of 8 1 do 450 2250 Lot 9 & Except West 7 ft. 8 1 do 625 2850 Lots 10 & • 11 1 do 750 3600 11 Lots 2 & 3 2 do 700 3550 1 ��Lot 4 & East --- of 5 2 • do 475 3700 Lot 6 & West z of 15 2 do 475 3950 II 12 1 "St. Bernard's Villas" St. Paul 425 13 1 Minn. 375 2100 Lots 111 and 15 1 do 750 4050 Lots 16 and 17 1 do 750 3150 18 1 do 375 1800 19 1 do 375 2650 20 1 do c 375 2050 21 1 do .. 375. 2500 Lot 10 & North 15 ft. of 11 2 Stinson's Rice Street Addition 3200 6850 Except North 15 ft.; 11 2 to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 925 1300 12 2 do 1525 4700 Lots 13 & 14 2 do X0050 2600 Lots 15 & 16 2 do 13600 11100 i Lots 10„ 11, and 12 i 3 do 5100 8950 Lots 13 and 14 3 ido 3000 2000 15 3: do 1500 6200 16 3 do 1900 3200 . 17 3 do 450 1700 1 18 3--! do 450 2050 FORM 1J.tt TOTAL f 1 22 --- d - - - -_- ---- - j d6 ploy cvw f 23 8 do 400 1650 I 24 8 do t;�400 25 8 do II 400 2000 26 8 do 425 4800 South 2 of 1 1 Weide's Addition and Re-Arrange•-300 2250 North 4,2-- of I 1 1 ment of Paist Out Lots 275 1300 2 1 do 450 1850 , 3 1 do 450 1750 14 1 do 450 1)150 5 1 do 450 1150 6 1 do 450 2150 7 1 do 450 8 1 do 45o 4750 9 1 do 450 2400 Except East 58 ft. ; s do 450 ----- 4350 FORM 13.6.11 TOTAL • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) — DESCRIPTION 1 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lana Bldg. East 58 ft. of 10 1 Weidels Adnition and Re— 45o 2350 1 2 'Arrangement of Paist Out Lots 3000 4950 Lots 2 & 3 2 do 3200 400 4 2 do 1100 1150 5 2 do 1100 2700 6 2 do 1100 2550 7 2 do i600 3400 8 2 do 1800 7500 Lots 9 & 10 2 do 5200 9700 East 30 ft. of Lots 11, 12 & 13 2 do 450 1550 West 93.75 ft. of Lots 11, 12 & 13 2 do 2750 6000 14 2 do 450 1900 15 2 do i45o 1850 16 2 do 1450 2100 17 2 do 450 3350 18 ' 2 do 450 1500 19 2 do 450 1450 West 90 ft. of 20 2 do )475 1400 Except West 90 ft.; . 20 2 do 150 10o0 1 527,375 . 1,795,525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated c21.1,724.0 If 19 J y d /,<. 41. Commissioner of Finan e. Form B. B. 12 ha �3 7/ L. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPOT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE March 28, , 19 57 To the Commissioner of Financle of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, kncwn as Council File No. 182041 approved March 22, 197 , relative to constructin. the Albemarle - Rice Street Relief Sewer System and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. SEE LETTER 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ATTACHED , and the total cost thereof is $ and the natre and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. (:)0 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject t. assessment for said improvement. 11 �" ommi s si• 41171,11"11170_,- — V) c4\9 co • T %-1 OFFICE ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION HERBERT S. WEST JOS. PAVLICEK Prin. Accountant • Capital of Minnesota BRICGE HEWETT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. • FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT • GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR H. KOCH ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer • STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN 'OSD8 JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. March 28, 1957 Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of he Albemarle - Rice Street Relief Sewer System, under Prelim nary Order C. F. 182041 approved March 22, 1957. Estimated otal Cost $174,103.62 Engineerin and Inspection 12,896.56 City Share 31-E1 64,103.62 Bond Issue 84,000.00 Estimated ssessment Residential 2,643,437 sq. ft. @ $.006 2/3 Commeric 1 810,598 sq. ft. $.01 Light In ustry 32,270 sq. ft. @ $.O1 $ 26,000.00 Yours very truly, Arthur W. Tews Approved for transmi-sion Chief Engineer to the Commissioner .f Finance Fra k Lo . - itel i� Commissi•t= • „' . - � c W• s %:`h A.lb k . . is 1 t N 0 ' ---A--- 4 .h i.$4 �sss7'l r......m....i.7777r4 hi 1 ' 4 e 13F.2s' 'Y lk N 4 hl o ' .r N AL BER r sT o G � 1 . o O aX k0