183713 Original to City Clerk ► 18:1713 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO iii 111VVV OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE K • CIL 'ESOLUTION—eENER FORM PRESENTED BY ��� , COMMISSIONER ' +/ � J DATF —" — —— Council File No. 183713—By Robert F. Peterson. by request— Whereas, The contract for Grading Ind Paving o. White Bear Ave. from Whereas; the contract for Grading and Paving of White Bear Ave. from Third St to Minnehaha Ave. comptroller's contract L-5461-2 O.W. Swanson Cons uction Co., contractors has been substantially completed, and Whereas; Said contractor requests that a portion of the fifteen per cent ( 5%) retained from estimates for work done under this contract be id in advance of the final payment of the con- tract, and Whereas; The Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer of said department approve the payment at this time of $10,000.00 of the $11,625.00 retained percentage for the aforesaid contract; therefore be it Resolved, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay an estimate in the amount of $10,000.00 from the retained percentage of $11,625.00 to said contractor; and be it Further Resolved, That this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto in writing and file such consent with the City Comptroller. APPR •VED DEPART NT OF PUB,ORKS / EY_ ------ EN EER COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___ 1�_ X1195- Yeas Nays DeCourcy AL 1 1 1 7 Holland Approved ___—. 195- rz4t4ii Mortinson In Favor / ? . l ct=c mt ^ Mayor Rosen J Against PUBLISHED • 5M _, s Duplicate to Printer 183713 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Whereas; the contract for Grading and Paving of White Bear Ave. from Third St. to Minnehaha Ave. comptroller's contract L-1461-2 O.W. Swanson Construction Co., contractors has been substantially completed, and Whereas; Said contractor requests that a portion of the fifteen per cent (15%) retained from estimates for .pork done under this contract be paid in advance of the final payment of the con- tract, and Whereas; The Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer of said department approve the payment at this time of $10,000.00 of the $11,625.00 retained percentage for the aforesaid contract; therefore be it Resolved That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized pay an estimate in the amount of $10,000.00 from the retained p ercentaga of $11,625.00 to said contractor; and be it Further Re=+o3.ved, That this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties en the contractor's bond consent thereto in writing and file such consent Nith the City Comptroller. ;1. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland / Approved 195_ Ma-ite'.ln- Mortinson In Favor -._Peterson ; � Mayor Rosen Against 1VIr. rest , 5M 6-56 .,'