183710 Original to City Clerk , ' ..)• • RDI _ N btji Council File No, 183710—Ordinance No. � 11062-By Bernard T. Holland— An ordinance amending Ordinance NO. No. 5840, entitled: //�� // /�/� "An ordinance for the purpose of / /�� // f promoting the public health, safety, / I /.., PRESENTED BY v / order, convenience, prosperity and NO. IIIVVV general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction i of the location of trades and industries,, .,,41/414 i,p used for human habi- An ordina ce amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled: "A. ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenienle, prosperity and general welfare by provid ng for the classification, regula- tion and , estriction of the location of trades an. industries, and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified pur- poses , an. the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and deter ining the minimum size of lot line courts an. other open spaces , and establishing the bounda ies of districts for said purposes" , approved July 7, 192 , as amended. This is an emergency V, ordinance render-d necessary for the preservation of the \ '\ '- public peace, he: lth and safety. `, , THE COUNCI OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved my 7, 1922, as amended be and the same is hereby further a ended N 111 so as to rezone he following described property from "B" � ) Residence District to "C" Residence District : \ Lots 6 and 7, Block 23, Lawton' s Rear cangement of Brown and Jackson' s Addi 'ion, also described as 362-366 E. W nifred Street. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordi ante rendered necessary for the preservation of the public pea e, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. . , PETITION T 0 'REZONE A petition having •een filed request- ing that Ordinance o. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, the same being the Zoning Ordinance, b• amended so as to rezone Property de.cribed as saLots 6 and 7, Block 23, ment of Brown and ackson's Addition, also described as 362 366 E.Winifred,to "C" residence, the council of the City of Saint Paul has 'xed the 11th day 1 of July, 1957, at t n o'clock in the forenoon in the C.• ncil Chamber in the City Hall of sal. City, and at said JUL 3 �7 time and place, the Council will hear V L 3 0 X95! all persons and all •bjections and re- Yeas Councilmen commendations rela ive to said pro- Passed by the Council , / DeCourcy posed amendment. Holland Dated June 27, 19'7. JOSEPH I'. OKONESKI,Clerk. -� In Favor Mortinson (June 2', 1957) T1 Peterson -- - V Against Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) JUL 3 0 1957 Ap(ro • :/ I ik.Att I 01212A-u.,_, City Clerk 4 Mayor 1M 6 ,. 8 i'O LIS .4 D L 3,s-7 Duplicate to Printer . ORDINANCE 183710 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. / f O An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7540, entitled: ", n ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regula- tion and restriction of the location of trades a0d industries, and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified pur- poses, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and deteltmining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boun aries of districts for said purposes' , approved July , 192 , as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rend red necessary for the preservation of the public peace, ealth and safety. THE COUN IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5,..40, approved July 7, 1922, as amend d, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence Disttict to ''C" Residence District : Lots 6 and 7, Blocj 23, Lawton' s Rearrangement of Brown and Jackson' s Addition, also described as 362-366 E. Winifred Street. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public Peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon is passage, approval and publication. I Yeas Councilmen N.■ s Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mai In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 c$C:ND 8 etrie 411111-Vol. cia, 3 C".66 i,r,. (0 13 City of/Saint Paul, ilinnesota Pl<''TITIOII TO Ait'ND 0R2,Ii1IWCN NO, 5040, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re-zoning of property, call the Board of Z¢ning Office Ca, 4-4312, Ext, 251 (Please type or print) /� II Date: )J,4u.• 2 %! /14-;7 TO THE HONORABLE LIAYOR AN) CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk j City of Saint Paul, ninneSota Pursuant to Section 23, OOrdinance 5Cc 0, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to re- zone the following escr bed property: (legal description and street address) %rj,c rl<.23 4f 342.*3 Gd s /;zc/L .9 fromAa + District to a RL District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or :pLeorc:t\i:ng the following (describe 'briefly the p 'posed facility) Small si unt, 1 bedroom resedential buildin ' on lot 6 and the same on ot 7.No b siness unit to be included OWNER , SIGNATUP,. \LOT AD ITION J.- d _ Jz.c_tson�s Dora Felc�m.n , � .� � 8 ,9 23 ( ,,.,.. ,,, s / ., .�� _ .-.°1.., 1'� l�. �-f,,--rt J-c et( 6 r1 1y► -`C 1 ,Y J• '.an t: a ■ r , LLds4 f ' ‘', i•(: / Loa r-t152 Lawton Rear. --), 3 Geor :e I .Scha 1 4 / 4 / ,, i Brown ea A.ckson' s i 11 , 4/"Aig,,,L, •art.^�, '� Lanue1 0aci : , ,/� 2 -r ...J:::,ck on' s � / { �L/�►{j �r �'1,� 14 i Le- :t or,s Rear . 5 C.alixto Osuns r _ _I/�► ra _ �4 �3.rt Brown c, a c k o is -. 6f2/a7 Contract nur. - .)rt21 La..,,tors Rear . J '+'��.rren tang t . • Cl- ' ;_:..y/ 2,7, �.1 Q :�- Jackson' s -J Contract pur. iVIAIY _ , •ar•t4 Lawtonis Rearr. 1 John . �rrLb o •�j, — ‘ ; 5 23 r r: :Jp.ckson' s \j // unmarried . Y ` - i 7,18 14 Lawtor}s sub of bls / kQ rprr' r; - • . - 'i/2c�t.. i L ,14 and 24 / State of ..iinnesota) ,�---� Brown &J a c ks on s County of Ramse )7s�Y L being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is tie persn who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parities described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately ;following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and cerrect signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sw ' n t before 9 this /3 day of /r 464/1X Notary Public, Racsey County, Milne / 3G 4-1"----d, ,L ` ��v4!�? r3 ,.Iy Commission expires /7"-- _17--/9j-y-- Page 1 of - pages, HAROLD K. SE;XAS, Notary Approved as to form 7/2/54 Pub ic,Ramsey County,Minn, Office of the Corporation Counsel My commission exp res Nov. 5, 1958. Z-1 2/19/57 i 4/-/-/%-j C .ty of Saint Paul, Minnesota PgT/TION TO Ai.IEND Gi)INANCE NO. 5040, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this .,petition, For further infprma'iion about the re-zoning of property, call the Board f Zoning Office Ca, 4-4612, Ext, 251 (Please typo or print) Date: TO THE HONORABLE LIAYOR NL) CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minn sots Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 50(..10, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be, reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to re- zone the folIowing describ 6 property: (legal description and street address) Lots 6 and 7 Lawtons Resrr' genaent of Block 23 brown and Jackson' s Addition to West St. Pa- from a District to a c' District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following (describe 'briefly the proposed facility) OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION i AV + 1 LorU v. LCVtOn � � ■ , '.1/1� b & / .:� LL,c:iCiiL i1c.c TP of Brown _ _ _ � Jck on s Robert B Lev;ton ...4.--/r' t- a� 6 &7 ; 23 ti n Rooert B. Lc ,ton i:nna L. Lawton .ti ..-. . ,r ' _�... _,..c' ec'r 7 ti-% "_` n i iinn1. L. Lawt. ! 1 1 --..-. 1 /___. 1 I State of i.Iinnesota) County amsey )ss A/ being first duly sworn, deposes and states that a is the person who circulat- the within petition consisting of 6 pages; that the parties described wove are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each nine; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of t is affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures •f each and all of the parties so described, Subscribed and sw n to before me /f this day of � m , /‹. .41'/,l(AEA./ ilr I / . /. , 3o-ary Kvllic, am16unty, Minn° Liy Commission expires fc y s-_qcr Page .2 of 3 pages. HAROLD K. SEIM Nctary Public,Ramsey County,Minn, Approved as to form 7/2/54 My commission expires Nov. 5, 1958. Office of the Corporation Counsel Z-1 2/19/57 . i C ty of Saint Paul, Minnesota PU''TITION TO MEND II)INMCE NO, 5040, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer sho4ld appraise himself of the uses permitted ' under the new lassification before signing this petition. For further information about the re-zoning of property, call the Board pf Zoning Office Ca, 4-4012, Ext, 251 (Please type or print) Date: i frIG,%GH t 4/py1-z I TO THE HONORABLE I.IAYOR'I MI) CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, nifnesota Pursuant to Section 231 Ordinance 5040, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several escriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate aff cted, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage t be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to re- zone the following desc ibed property: (legal description and street address) 3407-y-344 r -i, 3,1` from a District to a (.1: • District, for the purpose OT inst lling, constructing and/or operating the following (describe 'briefly the pr posed facility) !hall six unit ,l bed room resedential b uildin on lot 6 and the same on lot 7.No business unit to be included . OWNER SIGNATUR , , LOT , BLOCK IDDITION .n1 41.1.4.'' ' �.r� •? ;:::'C 1 1 t. . un . ofb114&24 ))7 a:„ L la- �J t - iparti awtons Sib of b1 .14&24 Isadore a .Feldcikilgej IrLL`-- _14 Brown &Jackson' s �'!/���'91.x`i ' if \ : If . /4,1 ,4,41-4,441;"/ 1 adicari6,24,,Armilb„,f 1 i i State of i;iinnesota)ss County o Ramsey ) � J , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who "circulated the within petition consisting of ,:4 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and s rn to/be -ore me this %,j day of/� $2U1 / /di A • Notary Public, Ramsey Coun y, ;Jinn. 'i !- i.ty Commission expires h! , : p 57- Page A of 2---. pages. Approved to form 7/2/54 HAROLD K. SEIXAS. Notary Public,Ramse County,Minn, Office of the Corporation Counsel My commission expires Nov. 5, 958. Z-1 2/19/57 . • Lots 6 & 7, Lawton's earr. of Block 23, Brown & Jackson' s Addition to West. St. Paul . Owned of record by: Dora S. Lawton & Robert R. Lawton. The owners of the pro.erty within a radius of 100 feet of the above property which is to •e re-zoned are as follows : Lots 8 & 9, Lawto ' s Rear. of Block 23, Brown & Jackson' s Addition 1 n to West St. Paul. Owned of record by: Dora Feldman. 44,14 The West 10 feet of Lot 11 and all of Lot 10, Lawton' s Rearr. of Brown and Jackson s Addition to West. St. Paul. Owned of record dck.(,-3IP 1 , by: Alfonso de Leo 'n Sr. & Inscencia V. de Leo 'n, husband and wife. 3. The West 25 feet 4f f Lot 12 and the East 40 feet of Lot 11, Lawton ' s ?rn t f` Rearr. of Block 2 Frown & Jackson' s Addition to West St. Paul. ..r Mf 5f' ^ Owned of record b : George I. Schaab & Susanna Schaab, husband and wife . 4. Lot 12, except th- West 25 feet thereof, and all of Lot 13, Lawton' s 3si Rearr. of Block 2: , Brown & Jackson' s Addition to West St. Paul. Csx G°, ►" Owned of record b� : Manuel Capiz & Lupe Capiz, husband and wife. 3,646, 5. Lot 14 and the West 20 feet of Lot 15, Lawton' s Rearr. of Block 23, r /Brown & Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul. Owned of record by; 047°631 V Calixto R. Osuna • Consuelo Osuna, husband and wife. 6. The SEly 30 feet of Lot 15, and the NWly 10 feet of Lot 16, I Lawton' s Rearr. of Block 23, Brown & Jackson' s Addition to West '�� St. Paul. Owned of record by: George A. Kuhn & Hazel M. Kuhn, I blg „.„/)� husband and wife . 1 y, ., �.z 7. The NWly 2 of Lor `�� and all of Lot 1, and the SEly 27 feet of 41 Lot 4, Lawton' s 'earr. of Block 23, Brown & Jackson' s Addition to �` 4 ✓a'dest St. Paul. awned of record by: Robert B. Lawton & Anna L. 4' 4 ,' 1 Lawton, husband _nd wife. �, j -'4 8. The NWly 23 feet of Lot 4, and all of Lot 5, Lawton' s Rearr. of � + Flock 23, Brown Jackson ' s Addition to West St. Pau 1. Owned of V by: Dora S. Lawton. ')- ✓ 9. Lots 15 & 16, Bl ock 14 of Lawton' s Sub. of Flocks 14 and 24, Brown & Jackson' - Addition to West St. Paul. Owned of record by: 2," 1 The State of Min ,esota . 10. Lots 17 & 18, Block 14 of Lawton' s Sub. of Blocks 14 and 24, i1i4 Brown & Jackson ' Addition to West St. Paul. Owned f record by: 1 V Mike errari and Martha Ferrari , husband and wife. `t, ,,~_ 2o0� ' 4,' 11. Lot 19, Block 14 in Lawton' s Sub. of Blocks 14 and Y24, Brown & ,h� ` / Jackson ' s Additi_ .n to West St. Paul. Owned of record by: Fred 0. /-270s V Pulling. 12. Lot 20, Block 14 of Lawton' s Sub. of Blocks 14 and 24, Brown & ° /Jackson ' s Addition to West St. Paul. 0, ned of record by: Ben J. �,3 ) � , Mortenson & Gert ude Mortenson, husband and wife . 13. The South 120 feat of Lots 21 & 22, Block 14, of Lawton' s Sub of 317t•41' i / clocks 14 and 24 Brown & Jackson' s Addition to West St. Paul. VOwned of record oy: Isadore S. Feldman and Bessie Feldman husband �'/•� l' and wife. , • A DEP ■ . OF WISH ,�+' .'.: • DWG*d Mal SWAN i.». CERTIFICATE OF DEATH A I.PLACE OF DEATHt STATE OF MINNESOTA y lJAi :?.- • a.COUNTY Ramsey ..nAn Minn. news . I , b.TOOWRNSHIP f� 11� OF I a 3V/4"i' T1T1, R �. STAY )(iRH NdR QR K.CITY OR VILLAGE 1 de CITY OR VILLAIN( )iwbkoa.E a pa�'."� °Y St• Paul 45 yrs, St. Paul re ""°" d.NAME OF (Ii ad I.boapi.l w(.Nta$a.,elv.street.dd..N r Iau4a. HOSPITAL OR ..P.O.AMIN M. INSTITUTION 317 Kentucky 319 KenttiC� 3. NAME OF a.(Pint) b.(Middle) s Oat) e•DQAFTE (WaM) (Des) (Yew) DECEASED Martha Ferrari 4H1TH Mow r Prism) Oct. 31 B.SIX b.COLOR OR RACE 7.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED, E.DATE Of tINTH P.ASE(1.3"."1.4 i11l.�trfllw K WI Web,DIVORCED(Sp.dlt) ►Inbd r i baraNG R.Yr Female White �tarr�e�l July 31, 1884 87 F ID..USUAL OCCUPATION y.,biTION,Glen kind at Rork dos. Mb.KIND OF BUSINESS OR I I.IIRTHPSACE(1.t.r kwlRa o.adry) t2.Ur"?'"Al dune!mot of UPATI Nth,Ginn it Mired/ of a INDUSTRY Housewife Frontenao,Minn. USA (3.FATHER'S NAME 13b,MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME (1,SPOUSE'S NAME T i William Gense . Sophie Hacker Mi - Farr ,,_ IS. WAS DECEASED EVER IN U.S.ARMED FORCES, 114.SOCIAL SECURITY NO„ I - 7.- :-,C T n T -T__`--_-,_ V.I.. lor No I II y.,,pie..«or dates of wrvlca) •, _— IR.Enter only one MEDICAL RTIFICAT)ON 317 lientuckLy TMq cause oft Iles ,i ON RIfWEENy 5:1; Ib1 I.DISEASE OR CONDITION � T/ is -eK-Ef�1DEA • LEADING DIRECTLY TO DEATH'(.) jT J J(teare ANTECEDENT CAUSES Roe which man '° DUE 1 the IMMEDIATE CAUSE f Jesse. M.eil."‘",044••f delat TO b 4 d w1 sole / yM,.. rise to M.�r w C• mat- r. DUE V, as begirt/M. iat the•der$iat ce.r Wt. /r`�fl�a/-•tMM`K t r,,a1I.}w.,IIt. / 161/04./ L OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Contributing a Math bat not . W.d S e• w/iWa sowing , 11a.DATE OF OPERA- ITb.MAJOR FINDINGS OF OPERATION `HZ r I Ts.,AB79.5YP Yf ❑ so tQ 2 1..ACCIDENT (Sp.cily) I b.►LACE OF INJURY(... Ia a aMN 1I DI..(CITY,VILLAGE OR TOWNSHIP) (COUNTY) (STATE) SUICIDE kww,4rm,fen:bry,Mreef,.illca MdR..atc. HOMICIDE 2Id.TIME (Mo.tk) (Day) (Yew) (Hoer) 21.. INJURY OCCURRED 21t.HOW DID INJURY OCCUR? OF m. WWIGo.k al NAet WoIGrk.Q INJURY S 22. 1 hereby c that 1 attended the dotterel 19 ,t. 1/,1W that I last Raw the lesea e, _ alive on ,144' ,and that des occurred at .,from the camas.cal on the date Mated.be... 23..SIGNATURE �� (Dorm or title) 37b.ADDRESS 31a.DATE SIGNED 3Ef� e lJ.aki��,Is OPAL L CREIMA N'216.DATE 24c.NAME OF CEMETERY OR CREMATORY RM. • TION(Oty,Mime r moot) Mufti Burial 10-24-1951 Calvary St. Paul_ Minn_ DATE FILED RY LOCAL ISTRAR'S SIGNATURE 25, TUREpF FU DIR OR OR EM.ALMEE ADDRESS Miellaal a'v,.Paul 2, t7 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and orrect photocopy of the record of death filed, recorded and preserved in the office of R. B. J. Schoch, M. ., Health Officer and Registrar. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my han and affixed the seal of the Bureau of Health of the City of St. Paul. Minnesota, thisifroild day of • 1957 . (Signed11114"A*664 Deputy Registrar -OFFICE OF CITY CLER JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota I July 11, 1957 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council request=. that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached petition to rez. .e Lots 6 and 7, Block 23, Lawton's Rearrangement of Brown and Jackson's .edition, also described as 362-366 E. Winifred St. to Class "C" Residence District. Very truly yours, ,)P-24(( , , 4::4 Cit Clerk 1' I .04. ^' rata• .^°• I •1!i r�., w• 1•I. ,{ ••• 0. ;. lii/W e. 3 lr , I11P1� • II 1--,::„.II. :. 111! a c�rrs:.� .+rz ..., - °.� x.71711 v rift ; �� _ ; '` (11111,..,? ZJ.,,1 " l vit4. CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA ........:................. .......................... . .......................... ......................... .......................... ......................... .......................... ......................... .......................... .................................. ................................ ................................. • RD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ••• :4'.;14 iii#tali`.f31.3fl.SS1 171.21st PAN.INP COU*I NODUU IAPwt PAUL L.MINK IOTA June 10, 1957 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of he petition of Dora Feldman to rezone from "B" residence to "C" residency , property at 362-366 E. Winifred. This property is located adjacent to the south side of E. Winifred between Brown and Andrew and is described a• lots 6 and 7 - block 23 - Lawton's Rearrangement of Brown & Jackson's A.ddi ion. The owners of 12 out of t e 17 descriptions of property within 100' of the area sought to be reclass fied have acquiesced in this petition. The pro- perty is presently vacant and has a frontage of 100' on '\,ninifred and ex- tends to a depth of 126.5 . The applicant proposes to develop this site with two Structures each con- taining six one-bedroom u its. These buildings will be one story in height - four units on the first f oor and two units in a half basement. These details are outlined in the applicant's letter dated April 15, 1957 and the plan dated June 27, 1957. Thee will be space on the site for 12 off-street parking spaces. The existing building lines will be maintained in this plan. Field investigation revea s that this site is located in an older section of the community which has net experienced any substantial new growth or develop- ment under the existing aeplications of the Zoning Ordinance. By virtue of the existing density in t e area, the Zoning Board, finds that the use con- templated by the applican' is consistent with the proper and likely future development of the area. In that this site is presently being studied by the Housing & Redevelopme t Authority as a rehabilitation type renewal pro- ject, this plan has also teen reviewed and approved at the staff level by the Housing & Redevelopme t Authority. It was their conclusion that the proposed development woule not detract from the renewal effort and would, in fact, be an improvement o er the present situation. In consideration of these factors, the Zoning Board recommends that this petition be granted. Sincerely, 44 CDL:FS Enc. Planning Director E::ecutive Secretary Board of Zoning /� • f 1. i z i If I I I 7 s i a �� ! I ' I 1m 111 r% 0— \� IT i to f , co IT), ti in tri2 01 t i Inifr'i , 1 / , AI/F CD 5r ___._.,�_ ____.1 r______ ,...T r —1 r ! I 1---N QO O T;Fii' in i- rY) ►� i °I{r) ! 6 cz 77 ,,,tzi 1 ,4.a _.� .e _ a 1 I1 i ,,...) { 1 Z 1 i , 1 ! vt 1 1 d- 1 Din , 1 i " , CO 00 tO Tr) f m E I m� s co ' i p" n ? fr) d).L *1 . ___._� ,.».: �_,.. �> _ � ,, M��t�� � r :C.. _r _`— ,a.m.. „,, 1 7 ...\\ \ ` r., \ 4 'X.>. k\ \ a- \ \ �,y + V\ \ M 400.‘i � tcl ;c+ \ " t i� 1 . A , \ ti t� \, \ \ _ �'\ \ 'n APPLICANT : Dora Yc ldnan FILE NO. 3613 PURPOSE : To rezone from "1`3" Res, to "0" Read DATE : April 23, 1957 SCALE : 1" . 100' AREA TO BE REZONED HOUSE NUMBERS PETITION SIGNERS ti_�..- ' /2 34 (12 of possible 17 _= 70%) Pr;EPARED TEAT E CITY PLANING BOARD, ST, PAUL, MINNESO<..>. CITY CLERK FILE r ROBERT D. ?:EST 1830 Lexington Ave. April 15, 1957 The Honorable Ci y Council City of St. Paul Minnesota Gentlemen: In submitting a LLetition for rezoning of Lots 6 and 7 , Lawton' s Rear angement of Block 23, Brown and Jackson' s Additi.n to St. Paul, we have included signatures of ad acent property owners in sufficient numbers , as requ red. Also a plat of the land show- ing position of Iwo buildings which we propose to build, as well as plans for the building which will be erected on each lot. We are asking that each lot be rezoned from "B" to " C" . Buildings will be 28' x 56' and will contain four small apartments .n the ground level and two semi- basement aoartmen s. No space is to be provided for any business or c .mmercial unit. Roofs to be compo ition shingles , exteriors , stucco. Interiors , wet plaster with hardwood trim and floors. Heating: hot Tate gas , one plant for each building. Each apartment to have Private bath and kitchen. Parking for six a tomobiles for each building in rear, with entrance fro' alley. Setback to contort' to other buildings in block. Respectfully yours, 41-e-4/?WRobert D. ';Test RDW/rk CITY CLERK FILE 36/3 APPLICANT CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA EPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Valuation Engineer MRS. DO ALD M. DeCOURCY, Commissioner Chief Cashier ELTOR A. DEHN MARRY A.JOHNSON Asst. Valuation Engineer JOH W. BASKFIELD, Deputy Commissioner Chief Clerk 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 April 10, 1957 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have examined the :ttached petition which has been filed in the matter of rezoni g Lots 6 and 7, B ock 23, Lawton's Rearrangement of Block 23, Brown and Jackson's Addition (located on south side of W nifred, east of Brown) , from class "B" residence district to class "C" residence distric , and find that said petition is sufficient. Respectfully submitted, %ei.!.�i-.c.es.Ps ; • Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy Commissioner of Finance CH:se Attach. c.c. to Mr. Schroede CITY CLERK FILE APPLICANT' " '°---- Ho ZP.N : V/// . ' • . . , ____,. .-,....---.-----------..---. . . / /,• /4 I.— c___ „,.... >" , .0 ,,,- > - •,-.;• 9.-,--, -. /.-• ' , — k . . , ! - • , . . ,...... , . ,e--- .4 .7-a.. , /G. / t A44 ç . , i f , I ( ' , , .9" . . 4 . -., -4 1 . . 1 : , , . . . . . 7.:.-..7:-..-7..:;,.::::-....-t.z.z..-=-^_-.:.""_-:.'. -:-..4':-..-'-. ,,:-.7.:-t'.''' :-.:-..-.* ......i. . . . - ' , 4..- r-A- ..17. , 1 . .4. , .... 2.:-7 ..4 . I 2> 7,-. y I i'," c.-- . . -1------... . - — . -- , . , . 2.8 3 2..f.,0... ‘---' +1 " /`7,.' - b.. , , I. c.., '('''k . , , ) ', ,•C',--) • , . A - : r. ' . .. _... i 1 ' 1 ' . •., ,. 4. .r. , i• . . ... . . 1 I i . i. ' 1 14 ' 1 ■ i 3 ...: i . ; NI , , ,, Ist " • . 1 ' l. -....: / i kl [ 1 . , . , I . 1 i 1 ,, ,..: : . . .- , c 1 ,-=:,,-,_. 0 ,... ,,,, ...s• .2› 1 , i ...-z . - 0 l i.. 7'- 4 ' 1 ,, I I-.. ..0 Iv c . 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