184563 COUNCIL FILE NO. 2'1 BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 184563 In the matter of partially opening, Widening and a ttending the proposed 1 - • Northern Route by condemning and I FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION taking, the following described lots I PROCEEDINGS and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. -0 Those parts of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, Council File No. 184563-- 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block 12 and Lot 15, Block 10, Winter's In the matter of partially opening, Addition bounded by the following widening and extending the proposed described lines: Northern Route by condemning and Commencing at a point on the east aAtoty' ; xldia�6t1,n1`�gec il�'iosu'gopots line of Chatsworth Street, that is of sixty five (65) feet north of the south- 1 g,, 03 'I SEKLp?INI o; d SauaH `uosugor west corner of Lot 32, Block 11, 'I BaAJEH o; A& 2g Jr saucer Al `.Saauarn, Winter's Addition; thence in a south- f 1 approved Mar, ri IEa7uao o;m 29 g g;auuag `uosaloEr 10, easterly direction on a straight line , .7e; ;u S setoaaW 3s1 of,3 asuaaela 'seiner.'s to a point that is thirty (30) feet west o SanaE o uo Se osaa2u .of the southwest corner of Lot 15, 6. Z H u J P U `u I tg .Block 10, Winter's Addition as meas- 31 , approved Au& 55, op 'I Sana5H 07 V a=?IIFI sag2fH st ured on the prolongation of the south line of said Lot 15 westerly; thence sa.`r#E2;aow lauvtio is in a northeasterly direction on a' 1 straight line making an angle to ,tt,,,1 had I upon the above improvement upon dl) jam 'xvauoiu 'f O IOUVH 1_ left of 90°, a distance of one hundrel, i(100) feet to a point; thence in a . recommendations relative thereto, and hflaal0 S7?) `IMSHNOS10 'u tumor ce ,northwesterly direction on a straight [3 Spa mu; 5 line making an angle to the left of 90° £ a IdWO to a point on the east line of Chats- a INIVS RI P n a ,h worth Street; thence south on the said I �g�--S��IQ�O���I east line of Chatsworth Street to the 1 of the City of Saint Paul that the precis e point of beginning. ,e Also those parts,of Lots 10, 11, 12, aid Cit y is d 13, 14 and 15, Block 10, Winter's Addi- �r partially opening, a tion, bounded by the following de- ing -rid extending the proposed t scribed lines: ern Route by condemning and Commencing at a point on the north th- following described lots - line of Seminary Avenue, which is arce s of land, all in the City of d the southeast corner of Lot 10, Block ul, innesota. e 10, Winter's Addition; thence west se •.rts of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, , on the south lines of the said Lots , 2., 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, , ;, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 10, 12 nd Lot 15, Block 10, Winter's - Winter's Addition and the prolongation ion bounded by the following'i -i thereof, a distance of two hundred bed lines: I sixty seven and six-tenths (267.6) feet me cing at a point on the east ifs0L ..a."a.i ,a Lll ncpuumq pug 0114 uu 11 I to a point; thence in a northeasterly of Chatsworth Street, that is paeaq eq sunup plus. lug; pus ;oaaaq s I direction on a straight line making five (65) feet north of the south-I app aq; wary sg7uout ono; tritium ;, ,an angle to the right of 122° 14' 39", corner of Lot 32, Block 11,, i 1.11103 sun ill sunelo a?etu a uuapaoap 'a distance of one hundred (100) feet ,r's Addition; thence in a south-oe• ;o sao;[pear ;Eq7 GEU3GIJO SI .L1 to a point; thence in a southeasterly •ly direction on a straight line 1 •ur 'mud' ed • s u? asnoH ;anon , direction on a straight line to the�ooi t that is thirty (30) feet west 1 'aq; u? ;anon situ Sq Rtv Kooio,o OT le I point of beginning,-y'u f-cff I of the .outhwest corner of Lot 15, cls Or easement`LS6T `ST aago;pO AAepsen,L uo paeat Block 11, Winter's Addition as meas- eq u?aaaq paw uo?;dals?unupe Tuaaua2 t hereby ordered to be taken, line on the prolongation lsation westerly;Cet south the purpose of to; uoq lad aq;;5q7 oauaado sf,L1 k in a ortheasterly direction on a _ ' ' uuapaaaQ straight line making an angle to the 2, 3, 4, 5, 21,,NIRLSN7IO [S Hd3Sor t left of '0°, a distance of one hundred . 29 and 30, ;o ate;s3 all r (100) fret to a point; thence in a 10, Winter's I -f-- northwe-terly direction on a straight e following 05b96 o aT?3 ' line ma ing an angle to the left of 99° ,LUf1o3 Ldf1OUd to a po nt on the east line of Chats- on the east • worth 'treet; thence south on the said eet, that is •Slasmen ;o Siunoa east ii - of Chatsworth Street to the of the south- 'V,LOSr31NINIIAT 3o aZV.Ls'1 point o beginning. Block 11, --- --- , Also hose parts of Lots 10, 11, 12, in a south- ' Z MlBOS sunoa ai,vuoUd 1 13, 14 d 15, Block 10, Winter's Addi- straight line tion, b.unded by the following de- 30) feet west RESOLVED FURTHE scribed lines: of Lot 15, :s b, s3gt oo 'I S;? Com encing at a point on the north on as meas- dear sSuu?. directed to prepare plans at line o Seminary Avenue, which is of the south the o;oSaa 09, 3u1 r. the so theast corner of Lot 10, Block:erly; thence s2gt Pao3 £S, s[d1�T 3IH l; authorized and directed to 10, W nter's Addition; thence west ction on a ;nt i pao,3 0S, Do ' on the south lines of the said Lots angle to the stt aPrcuS 05 03 I 'Cum 10, 11 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 10, one hundred ,nags uc;t Winter's Addition and the prolongation :hence) in a Adopted by the Council. thereo , a distance of two hundred a a straight Ski SS, dao3 .13 It sixty even and six-tenths (267.6) feet Le left of 90° s3gq A51.13 oS, 03 3 to a ,oint; thence in a northeasterly ze of Chats- ` AId SS, 3I'l direct on on a straight line making i on the said L. SId SS, 31-1 ae an a :le to the right of 122° 14' 30", street to the -. a distance of one hundred (100) feet Ic4ut10D i esure8 r17.1na-se £. to a .oint; thence in a southeasterly s 10, 11, 12, Approved__ direc ;on on a straight line to the inter s Addi- 00'OOZ aTaL hh point of beginning bounded by the following de- 00'00£ still 03 'I scribed lines: 00'00£ aim daoo 3 ;sa!, Commencing at a point on the north 00'008Ti line of Seminary Avenue, which is Z ng 95, the southeast corner of Lot 10, Block 80.811"80.81 3lo?61 sT1R r., 10, Winter's Addition; thence west Councilmen: on the south lines of the said Lots 00'0001 s;uaurgaellV V a;aay pao,g b5, 3I'] 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 10, 00'010 a2poQ oc, 31 fidstaancx DeCourey Winter's Addition and the prolongation 00'0091 - 3laousaA?'I;db3 Kama ZS, 31'1 a ikitEXECIN thereof, a distance of two hundred 06'1081 sPIO L5, 3I'I aeag our �Ol]an sixty seven and six-tenths (267.6) feet OS'1S6T sf.g3 LS, 3I'I to a point; thence in a northeasterly ZE'bIZ Pao3$5. 3I I aeag au?tA1 3Ifi ; HOW= YOrtlnson direction on a straight line making 00'01£ aPn;5 1S. 31E1 a an angle to the right of 122° 14' 30", MAME Peterson a distance of one hundred (100) feet 00'00£ A NOPLIUME to a point; thence in a southeasterly 00'000 s Rosen direction on a straight line to the 00'00£ o7osa0 ZS, Dinkel point of beginning,' Aa Peterson J 00'001 qo s�. Mr. President, Dillon 500 7-55 ' • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 184563 . REI'OR OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER /f (D) ?7 3 In the matter of Partially opening, widening and extending the proposed Northern Route by condemni4_',- and taking the following des bed lots and parce.&s of land, all in the city of St, ?aul, Minnesota. Those parts of , Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block 12 and Lot 15, Block 10, Winter'r Addition bounded by the following described linos: Commencing at a point on ril e east line of Chatsworth Street, that is sixty five (65) feet north of the Bout st corner of Lot 32, Block 11, Winter's ..ddition; thence in a southeasterly directio on a straight line to a point that is thirty (30) feet ,lest of the southwest come of Lot 15, Block 10, Winter's ^5ddition as measured on the Prolongation of the south 1 e of said Lot 15 westerly; thence in a northeasterly direction on a straight .l.in making an angle to the left of 900, a dis+.since of one hundred (100) feet to a poi ; thence in a northwesterly direction on a straight line making an angle to the left f 90° to a point on the east line of Chatsworth :street; thence south on the sid ea line of Chatsworth Street to the point of beginning. e theee;= of 1,8te. , .Z, 3, .*prig#,r - . lied lay _ e -fu - 1 r encinn at a``point on ;the east line o Chatswo h Street, thy. is mix* ive (65) eet north of\the sou hest corner of LL 32, Bl 11, Winteits Addition thence n a northwesterly irection on a strain line a ?pint why is the northwes corner of Lot 4, Block 18, Winter's °edition; t ace east on\the north lines of Lots 4, , 2 Ind 1, k 18, ''inter' '-dditioitr and the - alongatign'thereof to & point on the et line o hatsworth Ntreot; thencev outh on a said east, line of Chatsworth `'t t to the nt of linhnq. Also those Darts of Lot 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 10, Winter's Addition bounded by the following scribed lines: Commencing at a point o the north line of Seminary Avenue, which is the southeast corner of Lot 10, Block. 1 , Minter's Tddition; thence west on the south lines of the said Lots 10, 11, 12, 13,E 14 and 15, :flock 10, Winter's Addition and the prolongation thereof, a distance of tWo hundred si,•ty seven and six.tenths (267.6) feet to a point; thence in a northeasterly direction on a straight line making an angle to the right of 122°-14'-30", a idistance of one hundred (100) feet to a paint; thence in a southeasterly direction On a straight line to the point of beginning. Total "'-r=800 2100 The Commissioner o; Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter .y the Commissioner of Public Works. y • Dated August '0 19 57_ Arn.ie1 '22. Arla- Commissioner of 'nano Form B.S.A. 8-5 D ' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _____ April 1, , 19 57 To the Commissioner of Fina ce of the City of Saint Paul : C The Commissioner of Pub is Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- (90. f ary order of the Council, k own as Council File No. 182071 approved Y� March 26, 9 57 , relative to _____.___ . f?..\.'t- Partially or+eni-n. - wideniing and extendingr the proposed Northern r'iuty by conclesn ink ' and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of Lt. Paul, Minnesota. < , 'Phone parte of Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, 3lock 11, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, 22, 23, 244 2 , 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block 121 and Lot 1,5, Block 10, Winter' Iaddition bounded .. the following described lines: ComMencing at a point or the east line of Chatsworth `Htreet, that it sixty five (65) feet north of the sothwest corner of Lot 32, Block 11, :inter':. '.ddttion; thence in a tonthnertorly direct on on a straight line to a point that ie thirty (90) feet 'rest of the southwest co er of Lot 15, Block 10, Winter's Addition as measured on the prolongation of the rout ,•line of said Lot 15 westerly; thence in a northeasterly direction on a straight ine making an angle to the left of 90°, a dWance of one hundred (100) feet to a , pint; thence in a northwesterly direction oe a straight line making an angle to the 1 ft of 90o to a point on the east line of Chatsworth :street= thence south on the s id east line of Chatsworth :otreot to the point of beginning. lao those parts of L. .F 1, 2, 3, and 4, Mock 18, ',Iinter'c: r',.ddition, bounded by the following described lines: . Commencin', at a point on the oast line of Chatsworth 4'treet, that; if- sixty five (65) feet north of the outhwest corner of Lot 32, Block 11, Winter's Addition; thence in a northwesteroy direction on a straight line to a point w Lich is the northwest corner of Lot 4, Mock 18, ' inter's Hdition; thence east on the north lines of Lots 4, 3, 2 :end 1, ;lock 18, Winter's 'ddition and the prolongation thereof to a point on the east line of Chatsworth treat; thence south on the slid east line of Chatsworth "treat to t, . point of beginnin:;. Also those parts of otn 10, 11, 11, 13, 14 and 15, Block 1U, Winter's addition bounded by the followi - described lines: Commencing at a poi t on the north line of Leininary Avenue, which is the southeast corner of Lot 10, 111.4 10, Minter's ! iditior; thence west on the south lines of the said Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, i:loclz 10, Winter's aldition and the prolongation thereof, a distance o two hundred sixty sever and six tenths (267.E) feet to a paint; thence in a no thoanterly direction on a v-traight line making an angle to the right of 122°-14'..30% a distance of one hundred (100) feet to a point; thence in a southeasterly direct on on a straight line to the point of beginning. .........� k N I "' I .■ %Z... ka kt° °' /tea �x , �� i __I _ CNATSYYOQTN ST. ,' ......\ , _ . . , iD ' —. ® 72 . in la n Y rwk /x 41 A ,_.z N W / ;iit'''.-' -:''' -,'``:.... • --- N p N J Ai N - N N a 61 it, 4 R 01 i� / N cA . ..a. a //k ~ N 4 µ / �y `:r k C _ r ]� L11 01 4 . 4o N /w GI 4:.',.;,,,,,;-.. ....-. ..'J, ') N 1 '� r a M r M o o N 0 I ko "( . r ,.,'itv'-'r.' .' . 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