184554 Original to City Clerk 184551 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO FILE OF THE CITY CLERK PILE / PRESENTED BY O IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER - `LaL� DATE ,. — — Council File No. 184554—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That it satisfactorily ap- ear fr m the acconjpanyi erti- RESOL ED, that it satisfactorily appears from the accompanying c:rtified excerpt from the minutes of the Board of Water Commi-sioners of the City of Saint Paul, in respect of said Board' - meeting held July 30, 1957, that said Board duly considere the claim for money damages asserted against said Board by The Golden Rule, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, for the recovery of money damages on account of injury which was occasioned to merchandise and other property of said corporation claimant on Jan. 2, 1957, by reason of the breakage of a water main of said Board then maintained and operated in Eighth Street adjacent to its intersection with Minnesota Street, in the (City of Saint Paul, and the escape of water therefrom, whic dairn was originally made in the sum of $15, 000.00, an by motion duly passed at said meeting, authorized the settlement of said claim upon the basis of the payment f the sum of $12, 317.94 from the funds of said Board, Water Department Fund of the City of Saint Paul, by said Board t said claimant corporation, such to be accom- plished by such payment and the delivery of said claimant corporatiorlswri ten release, approved as to form and execu- tion by the Cor oration Counsel forever and entirely releas- ing and dischar ing said Board and the City of Saint Paul, jointly and sev rally, from all liability on account of said claim; and that such action of said Board and said settlement of said claim be, and the same hereby are in all things approved and authorized. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— SEP 1 3 `jdE195- Yeas Nays DeCourcy 1 ' Holland Approved I 195— 1 l . '4- au In Favor • or mson — Peterson 1> Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President,'Di on PUI,LISrI :I)X q_.-- 5M 2-57 , dd,-,r;,.2 „ _ l Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF —. RESOLVED; that it satisfactorily appears from the accompanying certified excerpt from the minutes of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, in respect of said Board's meeting held July 30, 1957, that said Board duly considered the claim for money damages asserted against said Board by The Golden Rule, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, for the recovery of money damages on account of injury which was occasioned to merchandise and other property of said corporation claimant on Jan. 2, 1957, by reason of the breakage of a water main of said Board then maintained and operated in Eighth Street adjacent to its intersection with Minnesota Street, in the City of Saint Paul, and the escape of water therefrom, whichcLarn was originally made in the sum of $15,000.00, and by motion duly passed at said meeting, authorized the settlement of said claim upon the basis of the payment of the sum of $12,317. 94 from the funds of said Board, Water Department Fund of the City of Saint Paul, by said Board to said claimant corporation, such to be accom- plished by such payment and the delivery of said claimant corporation written release, approved as to form and execu- tion by the Cor ration Counsel forever and entirely releas- ing and dischar ing said Board and the City of Saint Paul, jointly and sev rally, from all liability on account of said claim; and that such action of said Board and said settlement of said claim be, and the same h,reby are in all things approved and authorized. SEP 1 3 1957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved -----_---195-- Margitai, In Favor It ortirrom. �J - Peterson Mayor Against Rosen h Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 .4.7e,2 EXCERPT FROM MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING HELD JuL 30 1957 THE FOLL • WING LETTER WAS ADDRESSED TO THE BOARD BY MR . THOMPSON, PRES : NTING DAMAGE CLAIM OF THE GOLDEN RULE — $ 15, 000. HONORABLE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS JULY 24, 1957 CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINN . DEAR SIRS & MADAM : ATTACHED IS A CLAI OF THE GOLDEN RULE WRITTEN IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 15, 000 FOR DAMAGE TO GOODS AND BUILDING ON THE 8TH STREET SIDE OF THE GOLDEN RULE NEAR THE CORNER OF MINNESOTA STREET. THE DAMAGE RESULTED FRsM A BROKEN WATER MAIN ON 8TH STREET UNDER DATE OF JANUARY 2, 1957. I RESPECTFULLY RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE SETTLEMENT OF THE CLAIM IN THE AMOUNT OF ', 12, 317. 94. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, LEONARD N. THOMPSON GENERAL MANAGER ON MOTION BY COMMISSIONER MARZITELLI , THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GENERAL MA AGER WERE CONCURRED IN AND THE CLAIM ORDERED REFERRED TO THE CIRPORATION COUNSEL ' S OFFICE FOR SETTLEMENT . MOTION 4ARRIED. AYES : COMMISSIONERS DECOURCY, MARZITELLI AND PRESIDENT ROSEN . STATE OF MINNESOT • COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) SS CITY OF ST . PAUL I , C. A . FLACK , ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT HAVE COMPARED THE ABOVE TYPED COPY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MOTION OF SAID BOARD AS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD ON JULY 30TH, 1957, WITH THE ORIGINAL THEnEOF ON FILE IN MY OFFICE AND THAT S' ID COPY IS A TRUE AND CORRE •T COPY OF SAID ORIGINAL AND THE WHOCE THEREOF. WITNESS THE SEAL OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL THIS IITH DAY OF SEPTEMBER A. D. 1957• C ASSISTANT SECRETARY WATER DEPARTMENT • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • LEONARD N.THOMPSON BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ROY W. HOLZER General Manager •OMMISSIONER MILTON ROSEN, President Supt.of Distribution C. A. FLACK FRANK D. MARZITELLI MRS. DONALD M. DeCOURCY F.W. GALLAGHER Registrar Supt. of Water Supply ROSS A.THUMA William P. Behrens, Deputy Commissioner Supt. Filtration oMPO 8 February II , 1957 Mr. Donald Lais Asst. Corporatio Counsel Room 316, City H II Saint paul 2, Mi nesota Dear Sir: I am forwarding to you the Water Damage Claim which the Golden Rule has submitt-d to the Water Department due to the main break on Eighth Street near Minnesota Street on January 2, X957. We have checked - II of the items as listed, and found them to be in order. I is recommended that the claim as presented ! be accepted as ••rrect. The Water Depar ment has a complete detailed file on each of the items and if yo desire any additional information we will gladly furnish what we have. I understand you have the information and sketches abut the Golden Rule Tunnel on Eighth Street but if this is inco rect, we can forward our data to your office. Very truly yours, C20-1?4T 1((-V-41A/ Roy W. Holzer Supt. of Distribution RWH:Imp Attach. WATER IS THE LIFE BLOOD OF A CITY THE GOLDEN RULE • SAINT PAUL EXECUTIVE OFFICES February 6, 1957 City of . Paul Water Dept. City Hal and Court House St. Paul Minnesota Attentio : Mr. Roy Holzer Gentleman: Attached is a final recap of our losses suffer:d on January 2, 1957 as the result of a break in the water main. Sincerely/ OPP . M. Ginther Controller JMG:4o Encl sure OFFICE OF THE CO MISSIONEROF FINANCE St. aul 2, Minn August .30 19.57. You are hereby notified that the I ouncil of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application o Toni Division of Gillette Co, for permit to install and operate an employee parking lot at the Northeast corner o Olive and Fifth Streets and that a public hearing will be eld in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on September 12 , 19 57, in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. -4;74-- 14D4 File 13858 Commissioner of Finance. The City Charter requires this N.tice be sent from the Department of Finance. • • ' TI-*IE GOLDEN RULE SAINT PAUL EXECUTIVE O F F I C ES ATER DAMAGE CLAIM JANUARY 2. 1957 Cost Retail Dept. Dept. No. Value Value Notions, ;10 $ 46.69 $ 78.22 Coat & Suits '01 99.00 149.70 House Dresses '25 1302.00 1854.92 Lingerie '38 32.96 49.98 Mens Furnishings 960 1031.56 1525.54 Mens Work Clothes 967 91.53 135.91 Piece Goods 970 181.42 249.59 Linens 975 1102.90 1592.07 Draperies 980 2081.92 3066.04 Rugs 991 6.75 10.95 Food Shop 011 1626.49 2350.30 Candy 800 532.65 887.75 Restaurant 009W 648.20 - Supply 54-211 79.68 - TOTAL MDSE. LOSS $8863.75 Non Mdse. Loss Mech. & Porters $ 712.52 Stockmen 80.68 Painting 266.48 Flooring 134.08 Miscellaneous 544.27 Baumeister 1716.16 $12317.94