09-772City of St. Paul RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT Amended 7/15/09 COIJNCIL FILE NO. 09-772 By . �J�-(� File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELO W Voting Wazd In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for J0906A1 (8708) smnmary abatement (properry clean-up) on private properry at 869 Maryland Ave E on March 11, 2009. J0906A2 (8709) suimnary abatement (property clean-up) on private properiy at 493 Lyiuihurst Ave on Mazch 12, 2009. J0906A3 (8710) suminary abatement (properiy clean-up) on private property at 406 Sherbume Ave on March 10, 2009. LAID OVER TO 07/07/09 LEG HEARING AND 07/15J09 PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom � Carter � Hazris �- Helgen � Lantry �- Stark ,r- Thune �r �a � f 09-772 Adopted by Council: Date �%/��/1�/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� l /" //ii/i✓�.i�Cra�r Approved b� Date ? d By: July 15, 2009 City Council Action Minutes Page 11 56. Resolution Ratifying Assessment — 09-772 — In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost, and expenses for summary abatement (property cleanup) on private property at 869 Maryland Avenue East on March 11, 2009 [J0906A1]; summary abatement (properiy cleanup) on private property at 493 Lynnhurst Avenue on March 12, 2009 [J0906A2]; and summary abatement (property cleanup) on private property at 406 Sherburne Avenue on March 10, 2009 [J0906A3]. [Laid over from June 17] (GS 3071896-Wards 1,4,6) (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends the following: 493 Lynnhurst Avenue West (J0906A) — reduce the assessment from a total of $363 to a total of $100 and spread the payments over two (2) years; 869 Maryland Avenue East (J0906A) — delete the assessment; and 406 Sherburne Avenue (J0906A) —^ °° *'�° ^°°°°°�°r+ referred back to the July 21 Legislative Hearin� and August 5 City Council public hearing;) Adopted as amended Yeas — 6 Nays — 0 City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology & Management Sero. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT COUNCIL FILE NO. File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW Voting Wazd In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for J0906A1 (8708) Mazch 11, 2009. J0906A2 (8709) 12, 2009. J0906A3 (8710) 10, 2009. 09-772 smmnary abatement (property clean-up) on private properiy at 869 Maryland Ave E on summary abatement (property clean-up) on private property at 493 Lynnhurst Ave on Mazch summary abatement (property clean-up) on private properry at 406 Sherbume Ave on March LAID OVER TO 07l07/09 LEG HEARING AND 07l15/09 PUBLIC HEARING To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total costs DSI Admin Fee Parks Admin Fee Charge-Code Enforcement Real Estate Service Chazge Attorney Fees TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $884.00 $ $ $150.00 $ 60.00 $ 15.00 $1,109.00 $1,109.00 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $1,109.00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefitted by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits confened thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, idenrified by the signature of the said V aluation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such acfion thereon as may be ons' ered proper. Dated (Y�O�Y �q ��. /CJd �aluation and Assessment Engineer L. Q. - L�/ - 7- 7 D 9 L-D. -�'�1- 7- /5-D� 09- 2 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Departrnent/OfficelCouncil: Dabe InBiated: FS — FinancfalServices 24JUN-09 Green Sheet NO: 3071896 Contact Person & P one- �euartme^t Sent To Person InkiaUDate Lvnn Moser �� y 0 ;nanc�at servtces L n Mnser 2668851 1 oouc0 Erickson � 2 " L7erk C' Clerk Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number For Routing Doc. T OTHER (DOESNT FIT ANY Order � CA7EGORl� E-0ocumentRequired: Y Document Contact: Kim Ranweiler ConWd Phone: 266-8856 ToWI � of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for SignaWre) Acfion Requested: At Council's request these items were laid over to 7/7/09 LEG HEAR and 7/15/09 PUBLIC HEAR, summ abate (property cleaa-up) at 869 Marylaud Ave E on Mazch 11, 2009; summ abate (property clean-up) at 493 Lynnhurst Ave on Mazch 12, 2009 and summ abate (property clean-up) at 406 Sherbume Ave on Mazch 10, 2009. File No.'s J0906A1, J0906A2 and J0906A3. Recommendadons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answerthe Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has lhis person/firm ever been a city employeel Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any currenl city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various rimes tluoughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. The City is required by City code to clean up the property and chazge the properiy owner for The clean up. AdvanWges IfApproved: Cost recovery progams to recover eacpenses for summary abatement, grass cutting, towing of abandoned velucles, demolirions, gazbage hauling, vacan[ bldg fees and boazding-up. DisadvanWges IfApproved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: If Council does not approve these charges, general fund would be required to pay the assessmenL Total AmouM of Trensaction: $��� CosURevenueBudgeted: Funding Source: AcHvity Number. Financial Information: (Explain) 3 property owne� will be notified of the public hearing and chazges. June 24, 2009 720 AM Page 1 July 7, 2009 Legislative Hearing Minutes 09-772 Page 2 Laid over Snmmary Abatement Assessments: J0902B Emergency boarding & securing and boazding of vacant buildings during December 2008 and January 2009; J0906A Property clean ups from March 2 to March 12, 2009; 493 Lvnnhurst Avenue West (J0906A) Owner failed to attend the June 2 Legislative Hearing; referred back by Council on June 16. Mr. Essling stated that orders were issued on March 6, 2009 to remove an appliance near the garage with a compliance date of March 10. The property was re-inspected on Mazch 10 and was not in compliance. A work order was sent to the Pazks Department who did the work on Mazch 12, 2009 for a total assessment of $363. The orders were mailed to Robert McLean at 493 Lynhurst Avenue West. Robert McLean, property owner, stated that he had purchased the house in February 2008 and it was a vacant building at the time. He had put all of his time, energy and money into rehabbing the house and was recently issued a certificate of occupancy. He said when he received the orders to remove the appliance, his neighbor indicated that she wanted it so he put it out by the garage for her to take. She did not take it so he contacted his trash hauler to take it; however, it was removed by the City before the hauler could take it away. He said he could not afford the cost of the assessment. Ms. Moermond asked what the history was at this property and what the disposal fee was far the appliance. Mr. Essling responded that there was no history for the current ownership of this property and the disposal fee was listed as $28. Ms. Moermond recommended reducing the assessment from a total of $363 to a total of $100 and spreading the payments over two (2) yeazs. 869 Marvland Avenue East (J0906A) Owner failed to attend the June 2 Legislative Hearing; referred back by Council on June 16. Mr. Essling stated orders were issued on March 4, 2009 to remove a couch/loveseat from the yard with a compliance date of March 10. The property was re-inspected on March 10 and was not in compliance. A work order was sent to the Parks Department who did the work on March 11, 2009 for a total assessment of $363. Ray Hatchett, property owner, stated that he never received the order. Mr. Essling stated the orders were mailed to Sharon and Ray Hatchett at 869 Maryland Avenue East. Mr. Hatchett responded that he lived at 1313 Hillwind Road in Fridley. Ms. Moermond reviewed the suuunary abatement order and noted it was not sent to Mr. Hatchett at the correct addresses. Since the property owner did not receive proper legal notification, she recommended deleting the assessment. July 7, 2009 Legislative Aearing Minutes 406 Sherburne Avenue {J0906A) 09-772 Page 3 Owner failed to attend the June 2 Legislative Hearing; referred back by Council on June 16. No one appeazed; Ms. Moermond recommended approving the assessment. 0 .,Q� N O W V' .� [l (1 F � M a a W N a N O a rn a N � N Cll � 0000 II o i [y � O O O O II O� z, .�� � o�m�,N����, F 5� N mm n ri � h r1 � v} n vr � E n � u C4 O II w F n C� U n a � II � L•� II � U} i 0000 F� o 0 0 0 N I O O O O W ,'Z.� � 0000 O � h I OJ �-1 e-I N m a�m � i N A H U � F � E W W i m W i o 0 0 0 FC E � o000 r.� i o000 FC i ti � .+oo �n 5C F �n rv 1p H O '/ 0� ."J O FJ F U W h o a ct •mm a � wmc� �H aw � x w � aE�cw O � � � O V W z � a� E+ � a+xww �n a � xu�z � o � aw..a a H�Ex>o U UfL' E C� FC �� W W H 2 W i u�rkmFC H a � W i x E z z w o�o E N� H FC m W F+ i E o > a�zo ••o o � � o�n wN a a��w F� a c� � Fz o�+ E �n��z z� i+ W i Q H M \ ❑ � Cl� W M U � �C ^•C U] �-+ N i - �7 FC nt .] E � m.7at W r m a � - a a� p w�aamao, a a�maN M ° �Q E +o a �HO m 3m.7 0 E � H ol i �w o� i 5 � u o, i � 4 r� � w ;' � m � x z m �o � o a i inWO i N r�z aMa �v FC � �-+ E d� W � � W � E E-�Q�nQO � � ��zwz�z� o �wx., m� E � aFaEaa+`� � m a�> FC a x c� �� M o � x�a+�z � N a�oa�a i `�' z � q�+tiQ�w � .`�', o � �atiwo�a � 0 0 0 o n o 0 0 0 o II o ii • woo�n n r� O]NNiR II �O N L? t/} II M � ��� i n n n n n n n n II II n n a �� �ww n F � a w ii 0.�l O x C ii �CUV � ii f�4 U U 'Z, II � a w N a n F Ex>o��o EUa.' F n H a w w E n mam�CuF ��u aaaanw aaaa��h E F F F n O 0000 ;ia � a w U a � a E a E W x � 0 m a w U � a � 09-��2 ,� ,� � Q�o W ��o � r � Ft E � �v w a� w n a i ry O � C rn a i N M i � In i O O O O II O [�' i O O O O II O Z � . II a i<U O O �fl II t"t O� m �f1 N L? II lp F � N i?UT II t�l h � v+ II in E n a � n a o� u w F� �� a a � ii g w � n 4� � (n I O O O O F� O O O O M i O O O O m 2�0000 0 7 � h i m .y rf .+ m a�m OiN � E � U i E rC � £ [z � m m W i o 0 0 0 FC E� o 0 0 0 � � o 0 0 0 N i i O O lfl FL E � �n c� � H r � � i m o i h E U W � O C a i i W � W U' 0.' W � FCE�C[ O � � � O U W z� r m a � ac a °��x>o u�EUaH z w��a�a 0 N N 0 m M � z� o� H i Ol H � o a � � o H i (i] N a F� V i � N m i 2 ,y W i � q i W r� �+ � a � a F � FC W N a�a�aM a�2ti O � O + o P � Z O � m �,7 0 W m � a O i U i E rn w3ti z o � w 3vw�o W i W W v�� .'» i .T. 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W O O Ifl II M O !n N LT II ¢) rl�� IIM � n v? n i u n n i � i u n n n u u ce u • w W u W m C9 II ��� W ii woxwu rCUU� i� auuz ii � FCWrCL nH Ex>ono �w�F i� m a m a n H II U a a a a n w FL t RC RC n h E F E F u O 0000na H F H H u a � a w u � a E a £ m x W 0 � a W U a � w � 09-772