184503 Origir .),' 1 84 51, 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE Council File No. 184503-By Bernard CO CIL RES TION-GENERAL FORM T. Holland- ! Whereas, The City Architect having requested the City Council to hold PRESENTED BY / -4--/y ge a public hearing to consider any com- plaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 854 Payne Ave- nue, more particularly described as Lot 26, Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Blo_,i 7 f Arli ton Hills Addition WHEREAS, the City Architect having requeste( 'T., .,,�. =" to hold a public he rin to consider any com lair rq, tiy� '",' g expense incurred by; thegCity of Saint Paul in rei plaintsic �''. r�`$ erred by the City of -flint' P.ul to removing a structure at 854 Payne Avenue, more particularly dangerous structure at 854 Payne Ave- t nue, more particularly described as 2b, Chas. Weide s S bdivision of Block 37 of Ail Lot 26, Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Block 37 of Arlington Hills Addition Addition to St. Pain, the City Council held a pu to st. Paul, the City Council held a August 30 1957 to ,consider the expense and to c Pubhe hearing pe August 30, 1957 to f consider the expense and to confirm thereof, and the amount thereof, and f i Whereas, It appears that the Council, pursuant to Council File No. 180811, approved December 19, 1956, published December 22, 1956, set a public hearing WHEREAS, it appears that the Council, pursua to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the City Council by #180811, approved December 19, 1956, published C Council File No. 181217, approved January 2o, 1957, published February set a public hearing to consider removing the da 2, 1957, ordered the wrecking by and and the City Council by Council File #181217, ap thetowner, or or othepepersoni 1957 published February 2, 1957 ordered the wr in control thereof, and the City Coun- cil by Council File No. 181628, ap- the separate cost and expense of the owner, occu Proved February 26, 1957, published p p f March 2, 1957, directed the Commis- in control thereof and the City Council by Coun public of.arks toPlaygrounds th approved February 26, 1957, published March 2, 1 Premises and wreck and remove the P p combination store and apartment Commissioner of a ks, Playgrounds and Public Bu building thereon and do any and all things therein necessary for the pro- upon the premises nd wreck and remove the combi teetion of life, limb and adjoining property, and that the City of Saint apartment building thereon and do any and all tl- Paul has incurred the expense ofY for the protection of life, limb and adjoining $SWher as,It°°ing said structure, and ppears that Clara Ruza, 824 Ottawa, St. Paul 7, Leo Riemer, the City of Saint aul has incurred theexpense 854 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, Samuel Taruscio, Jr., 1213 Beech Street, St.l said structure, and thaeul 6, are the record owners ofl premises, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to Joseph WHEREAS, it ppears that Clara Ruza, 824 0' Suporniek, Attorney, Guardian Bnild-it ing, Saint Paul 1, and to Carl A. Leo Riemer, 854 P ne Avenue, St. Paull, Samuel Swenson, Attorney, 1100 Pioneer Build- f Y f • f inEesolved,Paul Thatl the e City Council of 1213 Beech Street, St. Paul 6, are the record the City of Saint Paul does hereby copies of proceed n s herein having been sent t confirm the amount of $547.41 to be p p g g ,for luach services ncurred inl remov ng Attorney, Guardia Building, Saint Paul 1, and the dangerous structure; and be it Attorney, 1100 Pi neer Building. Saint Paul 1 ; Further Resolved, That the city y f g Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, a statement of expense RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City incurred by the City, for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, hereby confirm the amount of $547.41 to be the pursuant to the Building Code. reasonable amount; for such services incurred it 11, 1957ted by the Council September Approved September 11, 1957. dangerous structure; and be it (September 14, 1957) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be airek. L , .. .r__ Le office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, a statement ?fh expense incurred by the city, or the purpose of securing a lien on e property, pursuant tot the Bulking ode. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Lp 1 .J 1 E _195_ Yeas Nays I i ; i DeCourcy Holland Approved - 195_ Cllr .- In Favor --2: Mortinson L- '-z`.,. .) L' erson '': , (3 Acting Mayor Rosen ✓� j' Against / x// Mr. President, Dillon. 5M 2-57 ,. r_ 2 Dup: ot:f to Printer • 1845f 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 854 Payne Avenue, more particularly described as Lot 26, Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Block 37 of Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul, the City Council held a public hearing en August 30, 1957 to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof, and • 11EREAS,it appears that the Council, pursuant to Council File #180811, approvedlDecember 19, 1956, published December 22, 1956, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangem us structure, and the City Council by Council File #181217, approved January 25, 1957, published F bruary 2, 1957, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or ocher person in control thereo , and the City Council by Council File #181628, approved February .6, 1957, published March 2, 1957, directed the Commissioner of karks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the combination store and apartment building thereon and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property, snd that the City of Saint Paul has incurred theexpense of $547.41 in removing said structure, and WHEREAS, it appears that Clara Ruza, 824 Uttowa, St. Paul 7, Leo Hiemer, 854 Payne Avenue, St. Paull, Samuel Taruscio, Jr. , 1413 Beech Street, St. maul 6, are the record owners of the premises, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to Joseph Supornick, Attorney, Guardian Building, Saint Paul 1, and to Carl A. Swensen, Attorney, 1100 Pioneer Building. Saint Paul 1 ; be it c\\) .\\ RESOLVED, that the Cif/Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby confirm the amount of $547.41 to be the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, a statement Qf expense incurred by the City, f pr the purpose of securing, p lien on v. e property, pursuant to the u° ing ode ,• ,„� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ;)1=.1" 1 '- 195— Yeas Nays 8-bl DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- --Mare rafi In Favor Mortinson —---— Peter - Mayor Rosen �, ✓ Against L. •Mr: President, Dillon A Mr. ..: L. li t�etY`.'s, SM 2-57 .4.2 / W. LA•MONT KAUFMAN ROBERT A. LOBDELL ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt:of Parks - Director of Public Recreation City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL i i,c/j70 3 I Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ARTHUR F. COLEMAN, Deputy Commissioner September 16, 1957 Mr. Jos. Okon: ski City Clerk Dear Sir: We are attach' ng herewith a copy of Council File No. 184503, appro ed by the City Council and published in the official •aper of the City on August 17, 1957. This has refe ence to the property at 854 Payne Avenue owned by Clara Ruza , 824 Ottawa , St. Paul 7; Leo Riemer, 854 Payne Afe ue , St. Paul; Samuel Taruscio, jr. , 1213 Beech St. , St. Paul 6 and copies were sent to Joseph Supornick, Atty. , Guardian Building , St. Paul 1 , and to Carl A. Swenson, Attorney, 1100 Pioneer Building , St. Paul 1. As you will no e , the final paragraph directs the City Clerk to file ' n the office of the Register of Deeds a statement of e► penge incurred ,for the purpose of secur- ing a lien on he property in accordance with Section 107.7 of the B ilding Code. If you will refer to Assist- ant Corporatio Counsel , J. Jerome Plunkett's letter of February 26, 1'52, you will note the procedure to be followed. Yours truly, # ,, i " / A ' ed H. Schroeder CITY ARCHITECT CC: Robert T. 'Connell 316 City Hall. Quadruplicate to Department . - , :184 50 3 19/1. rr�� �pp CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 'UOK U41 1AGE158 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1 _ i o L L . ti 0 COMMISSIONER l ' DATE MUEREA3, the pity architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of `aaint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 854 Payne Avenue, more particularly described Ps Lot 26, Chas. Weide's subdivision of Block 37 of Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul, the City Council held a public hearing on August 30, 1957 to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof, and fflEREt ,it apfeers that the Council, pursuant to Council File #160811, approved Oecember 19, 1956, published December 22, 1956, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangeze us structure, and the City Council by Council File 1#181217, approved January 25, 1957, published ''ebraary 2, 1' 57, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost nd expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof and the City Council by Council File #13162 , approved February 6, 1957, published March 2, 1957, directed the Commissioner of Pa ks, 'lay rounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises nd wreck and remove the combination store and apartment buildingjthereon and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property, and that the City of Saint Paul ne incurred theexpense of Ve47.41 in removing said structure, and WHEREAS, it apearo that Clara ?uza, 824 Ottowa, St. Paul 7, Leo Riemer, 354 Pa no Avenue, et, Paull, Samuel Taruscio, .Jr. , 1213 Beech Street, St. `= aul 6, are the record owners of the premises, copies of proceeds gs herein having been sent to Joseph aupornick, attorney, Guardian Building, Saint Paul 1, and to Carl A. Swens•n, Attorney, 1100 Pio eer 3uilding. :: ai.nt Paul 1; be it RESOLVED, that the CiW Council. of the City of saint Paul does hereby confirm the amount of $547.41 to be the fair. true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Regis ter of .Deeds foe the County of Ramsey, a statement ►eex t►r.se incurred b he it", . qr t' e urpose of securing a lion on property, pursuant to trio sunny eodi COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council j P 1 1 1957 195_ Yeas Nays i DeCourcy 'EP 1 1 1951 Holland Approved A 195_ J .wln;ziteiii--• ()\In Favor re .-r e. S p Mortinson Petern Ac T f.Ai(�Mayor so Rosen_-i Against Mr. President, ITS 5M 2-57 4E95,2. Filed for record on the 18 day of Sept. A.D. 1957, at 9: 00 o'clock A.M. f• 1 i: _• • ; tx: i i . TV "1 •• fir. ��s5 rr (, 0 g r ,,,i,, e" �{ _ - r✓� , S- c _-s "! +" '''', S I .... P - a F) '•.d RELEASEIOF `LIEU r" 1' � c) ;:,,,-••--' r 71 �, y4 ' s� . Y\ ' iri t 7 A i . KNOW ALL NEN BY THESE PRES TSa�That -a_..certain:L 1.en4 -- nEver-6f the , City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, recorded in the office of the Register •`•° if of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, in Book 81 of Liens, page 156, as = � 3 0 3 7 ..4 � Document number and against the following described property, to L M a located in the County of Ramsey, to-wit: itf`,J eftal '4114 Lot twenty-six (26), Charles Weides Subdivision of Block Thirty-seven (37), of Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul, -4 liti-i according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record czz in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said °' Ramsey County. is fully paid and satisfied. And the Register of Deeds of said County is hereby authorized and directed to discharge the same, upon the record thereof, according to the statute in such case provided. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota haaused these pre is to be executed in its corporate name this .2o day of ,,� , 1961. J r , nle s s e s . a „AL., 1 • le_ .4,04e.IL _. ./ 7ip (Z-4,2,,r., e3,_____ce„4, x- v r-0--e- ,, . ¢ ° STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 1T r A ss / sq.11.,1 n.P.. 4 ,' v COUNTY OF RAMSEY 't:®a' ' '�'� t 6( + a1 t ' c;\ a 1 i i . On this 21st day of July, 1961, before me personally '' r ' , a a appeared Agnes H. O'Connell to me known to be the *: " ' ' �I ' a '«t- r Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minn., and to be le- ". , �;'�i`" I' ` , person described in and who executed the foregoing ("�' '' - ` g O �.G� I � k ty ! n?: instrument and acknowledged that she executed the s ' 2/"-°;, st�M1+ FI: as her free acting deed upon behalf of said City of °,I,A `. ...,,a rN,, ', 'ti■Saint Paul. .A. �, v F HAROLD J. RIORDAN / c Neal Public, Ramsey County, Minn, c M Commission Expitcs Nov, 22, 1?G1 c.e 't'�',,, ,,6:0;',,;:' + V.;, 1:1' r *,r,; ;i IY 4 t, + y M u+ 1 f7 ll on 1"_. - - 11317037 j(�(j; "{�\ (leg STATEMENT OF EXPENSE ON PART OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INCURRED IN THE WRECKING OF A BUILDING AT 854 Payne Avenue Lot 26, Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Block 37 of Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul That I, Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk, do hereby make and file a formal statement of expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in the removal and wreckage of a building at 854 Payne Avenue; described as Lot 26, Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Block 37 of Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul. STATEMENT OF EXPENSE Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on June 25. 1957 , for wrecking and removal of building at 854 Payne Avenue Expenses of Dept. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for investigations, notifi- cations, and condemnation $25.00 Photos 9.16 Specifications 23.25 To Guy Patsy & Son, for wrecking, in accordance with specifications and Formal Bid No. 6940, as per Council File No. 182698, Contract G_740 490.00 $547.41 Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on June 25, 1957. The authorization for this statement is given in Council File No. 184503, passed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on September 11, 1957, a copy of which is attached and made a part hereof. This statement is herewith being filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, pursuant to Ordinance. No. 7210 of the City of Saint Paul, as amended, Section 107, for the purpose of registering a lien in favor of the said City of Saint Paul on the land' described herein. Dated September 17, 1957. T, City Clerk