184477 1477 Original to City Clerk ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CO1&t1ITT COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1 ti 7 y �/ mss" COMMISSIONER _ t. •- i . �'"t''VI °'y. :r (A- " L September 10, 1957 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Roland Chaput 1+84 S. Wabasha Cigarette Appn. 3763 New Old Loc. Division Sales Inc. 237 W. 7th Hardware " 391+3 " New " Oscar W. & Inez M. Enebak 939 Conway Grocery " 3998 0 Old " II (I Off Sale Malt " u II II II II II Cigarette II II II II li N. W. Aeronautical Corp .ass. Depot tun. Airport Gas Sta. 3P 1000 'I New II Shirley L. a Philip S. 'arlson 538 Selby Foods MDP 3e W " 1039 " Old " Roland Chaput .:4 S. Wabasha Gas Sta. 3P " 10)42 II " " II H Garage Gen. It 11 II II II II II V. M. Loc. n II It II II E. B. Rath 278 University Gas Sta. 2P 'I 11011.3 II II II Al Bauer 86 S. Robert Garage Gen. II 4094 II II II The Hoover Co. 177 University Elec. App. Rep. " 1126 " New " Cameron G. Lewis 375 N. Lexington Mtr. Veh. Dr. " 4195 II Old " Roland Chaput 181+ S. Wabasha 1 Add. Pump II 4230 " " II Arlan E. Race 708 S. Victoria Mtr. Veh. Dr. " 11-241 " II II Orrin Chas. Sticley 873 Charles II II 1253 H II II I Council File No. 184477—By Bernard T. Holland Severin A. Mortinson— Robert F. •eterson- Resolved, hat licenses applied for by the per •ns named on the list' • attached to this resolution be and the same ar- hereby granted, and the City Clerk i instructed a issue t sthe `� !O �A,.� licenses upo.. the payment into the S I {� City treasur of the required fees. Adopted b the Council September 10, 1957. COUNCILMEN Approved eptember 10, 1957. Adopted by the Counei 195- (Se•tember 14, 1957) Yeas Nays DeCourcy '� ) ' `�` � Holland Approved 195 /� Mortinson In Favor `� .deter Mayor Rosen gainst MIN et_41.44.<4 Mrs , # 5M 1'4137�V (I' tIIQn)