184462 - COUNCIL FILE NO. i i 1;4) • By 1 Council File No. 184462— FINAL ORDER In the matter of constructing new ornamental lights on Concord Street a In the Matter of constructing new ornamental lights on Concord Street from Wabasha Street to Ada Street with new light standards. Also installing new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of existing standards and foundations, under Preliminary Order 183158 approved Jute 4, 1957 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Cbuncil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construct new ornamental lights on Concord Street from Wabasha Street to Ada Street with new light standards. Also install new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of existing standards and foundations, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council $Ep__1_.(1_125_7 ''7 f' r'1` City Clerk. Approved • e..--' K7--)r-14 -47 o -eTz--z---- File 13836 ice—` AGti p9Mayor. Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman morktrrati Councilman MORTINSQai ...pf÷fr ,„ le (° Councilman Councilman RO Mayor D 'ON .7 2-55 2M 2 400), II OFFICE ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION HERBERT S r JOS. PAVLICEK Prin. Accountant • Capital of Minnesota BRIDGE ENGINEER MAURICE W. F,,EWETT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. • FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR H. KOCH ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. • • July 22, 1957 Hon. Frank D. Ma zitelli Commissioner of ublic Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: 1 transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for constructing new ornamental Nights on Concord Street from Wabasha Street to Ada Street with new light standards, cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appur- tenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of exist- ing standards and foundations, under Preliminary Order C. F. 183158 approved June 4, 1957. Estimated Cost $ 45,000.00 Engin ering and Inspection 900.00 Total Estimated Cost $ 45,900.00 Esti ated Property Assess. (3140 x $6.25) 19,625.00 City s Share of Cost (Bond Fund 600-U-12 $ 26,275.00 $45,900 Esti ated Cost per front foot - 3140 = $14.62 Property hare of cost is based on making an assessment of $6.25 per front foot of ssessable frontage. Yours very , Are �� A thur W. Tews CIA:) I Chief Engineer Approved for t Appro t ransmission (:)(:) to the Commissioner of Finance (41,-4) .n 0II . 41 tell C Clill ommi ssio o ir K3JP*3G OFFIQE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE July 22 , 19 57 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner Of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 183158 approved June 4, 1957 , relative to constructing new ornamental lights on Concord Street from Wabasha Street to Ada Street with new light standards, cables, conduits, pull boxes' and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete li •htin• system and the remoVal of existing standards and foundations and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 45,900.00 , and the total cost thereof See Letter Attached is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4• ` r 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propert , subject to assessment for said improvement. +) ' (X '110"111", ITS ll ��� , / tAa•-• PIN ' OP ir tOiti 00# _ - . , - , \ -\ - t._.1,-r :__ li N I 1 5 1 \ - Ili"\--- 0 , ■ 1 G 0 lz t'■-"4 AY V"- 0 .1" '',411 7 0 -.1-- 0 , . ..„ , ,,,_,::L. .- : „ •, 03/4, . ,, • Cr .4 .,., ---) a „ ,,.... „ . , .i'',' r . r in ., :;, .,, - s--I-. ,...:41•-i -, Co ----- 50- ----1 44.15';,';'•'4' 4-: \ tr. -...,,,,, 7 (""4 AV . N \ ti co 11 1 1111 71 Ci ! / . • --- :''..:'. G'Le E 1/4,•10 0 0 „.! ,..4 . „,u.,... • , ., 1 I 4.o4 • . C------ -7\--- --- . . (0 * . . 0) . -----,,____ . ,.''' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPOT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (a) In the matter of constructing new ornamental lights on Concord Street from Wabasha Street to Ada Street with new light s 'andards. Also installing new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances nec:ssary for a complete lighting system and the removal of existing standards and foundations. 1(91 0 1 GI under Preliminary Order approved June 11., 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Finance I ereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 45,900.00 The estimated cost per foot folic the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ 6.25 The lots or parcels of land th.t may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Asses .r, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LAND VALUATION JLPr Except Concord St. and the 1 . 19.71 ft,. lying North of the S. 1. ft. 21 Auditorts Subdivision No. j 30 1150 (includes other other property) ;;Except South 12 ft. of both tracts ;,& except Street; East 3.29 t. of Lot 22 and West 19.71 ft. o Lot 21 650 2700 Except the East 3.29 ft. lying North of the South 12 ft. and except the West 1.75 ft. & except Cone rd St.; 22 1475 3750 Except Concord St; W. 1.75 ft. of 22 . d all of 23 1200 5400 Except Concord St.; n': 1500 2800 do 39 8675 20,000 .. (includes other property) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B.S.A. 8-5 D CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 3 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LI ND VALUATION BL's:: . (Except Concord St.) and (ex•ept West St. Paul West 118 tt.) that part East of So. Wabasha St. of Lot 5 34 $ 1050 $ 7100 (includes other property) Except Concord St.; the West 2 of • that part East of So. Wabash: St. of 6 34 1650 16,500 Except Concord St.; 5 35 1200 --- do 3 . 51 1350 4250 • do 4 51 900 500 do 5 . 51 650 Except Concord St.; Lots 1 and 2 53 1600 5900 Except Livingston Ave.; 3 53 950 3750. Commencing at a point on S. th line of Lot 4, 100 ft. from SE frorner thereof; thence West 42 ft ; thence North at right angle to North line of said lot; thence East a ong said North line to intersection thereof with a line run from a poi t on NE'ly line of Blk. 53, 100 ft. from .. SE corner thereof to point of be- ginning of this descriptio ; thence to beginning being part of Lot 4 also part West of Livings in Ave. of the following: Commencing at SE corner of Blk. 53; the ce West . 100 ft.; thence N'ly to a point on S'ly line of Concord St. 00 ft. from place of beginning; hence to , beginning being part of Lots 3 and 4 53 1000 1950 9 54 2000 1,9000 North 175 ft. of Lots 11 = d 12 64 1500 4,5000 That part North of a line at right angles to the East line i om a point thereon 120 ft. fr. SE'ly line of Concord St. of 13 64 525 1600 FORM R.e.n TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 4 . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER T- (BI____ _ - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION 1 LOT BLOCK ADDITION LANyALUATIOIi3LDG. T Part of Lot 15, described thus Commencing at NW corner of Lo 15; . li thence SElly on Concord St. 2 ft., thence SK 32 ft. to a point o the . West line of Lot 15, thence N.rth to beginning; also all that p.rt lying North of a line drawn a right angles to the West line from . . a point thereon 150 ft. South from _ Concord St. of Lot 14 64 West St. Paul $ 950 $ ► 550 :(Except a triangle in NW corne 21 ft. on Concord St. and 32 ft. on ,. SE'ly line, and 40 ft. on W'1. line) Lots 15 & 16 64 2500 3550 • Except Concord St.; Lots 1 a. d 2 . 65 . 4300 655o ,. The lest 51 .62 ft. of Lot 4 : d (except East 95.27 ft. and e cept Concord St.) North 20.92 ft. of 5 . 66 1700 26,000. Except West 54.62 ft.; Lot and East 95.27 ft. of North 20.'2 f t.of Lot 5 also (except Concord 't. and except North 20.92 ft.; 5 66 2100 • 15,000 Nest 1/3 of Lots 4 and 5 an ; South x of West 1/3 of 3 7o 800 14200 Except East 91.7 ft. and ex ept NW'ly triangular part of BL . 71, measuring 100 ft. on North ine and. 100 ft. on SW'ly line ther=of and except widened Concord St. part of Blk. 71 N'iy of following ine: Beginning on East line of d 77 ft. . South of NE corner of B1k. 71, thence West 91.7 ft. p aral el will- . . North line of said block, hence SW'ly to a point on said t. as . .. widened and 120 ft. SE'ly from its - intersection with North l'ne of -aid Block 71 450 2950 (Except Concord St.) That part of 1 Lot 1 lying W'ly of a lin- drawn from a point on the Nort line of . s aid Lot 1, 100 ft. from the NW li corner thereof to a poin on North ; . line of Concord St. 100 ft. from said NW corner in Block _ _ __ 71_w_ ____ 1500_________12004_ FOAM B.LII : TOTAL ii 1 1 1 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Page 5 - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Subject to Concord St. and e-sement: Part of Blk. 71, S'ly of fol owing line: Beginning on East lin: of and 77 ft. South of NE corne , of . Blk. 71, thence West 91.7 ft par- allel with North line of sai. block; thence SW'ly to a point on s.:id street as widened and 120 ft SE'ly. from its intersection with North line of said Block - - + . 71 , West St. Paul $ 1600 $ 10,600, . Except SE'ly quadrangular pa t measuring 84.76 ft. on SW'ly line and 143.97 ft. on NE'ly line. part , of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7, Bl . 72, NE'ly of line run parallel Pith Concord St. and thru point o West line of and 80 ft. from Nor corner of Block --- 2300 11,800 SE'ly quadrangular part meas ring 84.76 ft. on SWIly line and 143.97 ft. on NE'ly line Df part o Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7, Blk. 72, 'ly of line run parallel with Conc.rd St. and thru point on West line of and , 80 ft. from North corner of Block 72 1700 4200 6 , 7 2 . 1000 --- . Subject to Concord St. and :xcept East 139 ft.; 1 90 1050 11,550 Except Concord St.; 2 , 90 ! .. 1900 9400., Except Concord St.; and except East 67.73 ft.; Lots 3 and !r. ' 90 i! 1800 3000 Except North 30 ft.; East 6' .73 f t. of Lot 3 and except Concord St.; t_67...73 f t.. of )4 9C 6800 . 87,'00 The Commissioner of Fi ance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ,' Dated August 13 19_57_ __ 1/?,& .. �- r t /��. Ac +ste.lst Commissioner of Fina11 .'1 Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn. April 1 1955 To The Honorable, The Cou cil, City of St. P ul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undeIrsigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Installation of mercury vapor lighting system on • Concord St. Al re. • from Wabasha St. M. to Ada Street St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ., . . % 617 /6 1; &mar % #44, ("Log', , 9.3 5 t. 127 FT ,' ,;":gi p.,..,, /,ilk _ `, P a !e 2.0yx ; 1. GIVER CO):CICL , 72 Concord. St.: by . 4 _ — MI rOTA STATE IAAS, t& lL78 So. Robert St., by C CO ashier. ilea a) T° �'�' 6 I$9 4,j. 634 11-52 411,0.2