184461 COUNCIL FILE NO By Council File No. 184461— FINAL ORDER In the matter of constructing new ornamental lights on South Robert Street from Fillmpre Avenue to Con- In the Matter of constructing new ornamental lights on South Robert Street from Fillmore Avenue to Concord Street with new light standards. Also installing new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of existing standards and foundations, 1835 3 June 2b 1957 under Preliminary Order � approved � Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections ,nd recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construct new ornamental lights on South Robert Street from Fillmore Avenue to Concord Street with new light standards. Also install new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of existing standards and foundations, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council I SEF_1.4 195 QSEP101957. \ City Clerk. Approved PUBLISIIEDSSs File 13834 3 3 ,• Mayor. Councilman DeCOURtY Acting Councilman HOLLAND Councilman tb ARL1TLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman 444•Estscrs ' Councilman RO'SEN , / P A!aya : bftll'aN Mr. Vice trslltit tF'wr itc4 ,.., 2-55 2M 2 MOW CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY LAW DEPARTMENT FOR MINNESOTA GRANNIS @ (MANN'S F.J. BCRVLT BUILDING ATTORNNSS FOR MINNRBOTA SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA September 10 , 1957 Commissioner of Finan .e City of St . Paul 113 Court House St. Paul , Minnesota Re : In the matter of the construction of new ornamental ights on South Robert Street from Fillmo e Avenue to Concord Street . Dear Sir : Pursuant to our notice of public hearing on the advisability of the i provement involving the construction of new ornamental livhts on South Robert Street from Fillmore Avenue to Concord St eet with new light standards together with other appurtena ces , on behalf of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, one of the abutting property owners on South Robert Street , objection is hereby made to said improvement . nd to an assessment therefor against said Chicago Great W: stern Railway Company. The reasons for this objection are that the present street lighting facilities in this area are adequate for the typ- of commercial and industrial ac- tivity carried on. he property of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company is entirely industrial and this property will not be benefited in any way by better or different street lig ting. The only possible benefit to be derived from sai. improvement so far as the property of the Chicago Grea . Western Railway Company is concerned would be a general .enefit to the traveling public. Yours very truly , GRANNIS & GRANNIS BY: DLGJr/gb CITY OF ST. PAUL • • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • (D) 16,> - In the matter of constructing new orname tal lights on South Robert Street from Fillmore Avenue to Concord Street with new light standards. Also installing new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenacnes necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of existing standards and foundations. .1184461 under Preliminary Order approved June 26, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 75,990.00 The estimated cost pero t for the abov4 improvement is - - - - - - - $ 6.25 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TAU 3 A_ triangular piece of land adjoin- ing and S'ly of and Lot 5, Blk. 23, in Bazil and Robert's Addition to Kest St. Paul, County of. Dakota, Territory of Minnesota, and Lots 1, 2 & 3 . ,Auditor's Subdivision No. 39. $ 5000 $16,300, St. Paul, Minn. (includes other property, 1 !� 1300 - 5 . 1150 ----�� 6 . lo5o 7 . 2000 ---- 8 1100 ---- �� 9 900 --- l0 300 --- 11 1800 -- ,` -,r,'1.uds other prop- _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in. reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -'T 49- Form B.S.A. 8-5 D Commissioner of Finance: . . - . CITY OF ST. PAUL T I1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + ._xb.t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -- • . ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LdT BLOCK ADDI TION TIONTITM Lots 1 & ' , 7 Bazil and Robert's Addition ' )4750 $ 5350 to West St. Paul, County of • i I 7 Dakota, Territory of Minn. 2150 8100 East 40 feet of Lots 4 and 5 7 2200 .. Except Robert St.; Lots 6 &. 7 8 . 4400 23,000 . - do 8 . 8 . 2000 7600., .. do . 9 . 8 . 2000 9500 .. do 10 8 2400 4000. Except Robert St.; Lot 6 and S'ly . 1.37 ft. of East 47 ft. of Lot 7 9 2400 3500 Except Robert St.; and except the .. South 1.37 ft. of East 47 ft. of 7 9 , 1950 7450 ,. Except Robert St.; 8 9 1950 --_ Except Robert St.; South 35 ft. of 9 9 13150 4050 Except Robert St.; Lot 10 & North . 15 f t.o' 9 9 3000 2550 „ East 94 feet of 1 10 2200 -..--- 2 _ 10 . 2375 ---- Lots 3, 4 5 , 10 7350 12,600 Except West 15 ft.; Lots 1 and 2 15 4400 29,500 Except West 30 ft.; 3 15 1900 ---- Except SW'ly quadrangular part of Lots 4 and 5 measuring 10 ft. on SE'ly line of Lot 5 and 24 ft. on NW'ly line of Lots 4 and 5 ' 15 3850 3700 The SW'ly quadrangular part of Lots 4 and 5 measuring 10 ft. on SW'ly line of Lot 5 and 2)4 ft. o Willy line of Lots 4 and 5 15 55o --- 1� Chicago Ave. vacated adjoining d. , except SW'ly 20 ft. for street; part SW'ly of R/W for spur track , . of Lots 6 thru 10, Blk. 16 and -- ---I Lots 3 th a 7 17 16,200 20,000 FORM a e.n TOTAL iii. 1 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 3 . ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON: PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) a ■ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION L T BLOCK ADDITION LArTDVALUATION :,-r 1-,.-4 • Lots 1 Se , ' 18 , Bazil and Robert's Addition ' $ 4200 $ 1100 ' to West St. Paul, County of Lots 3, 4, & . 18 Dakota, Territory of Minn. 6100 --- . Except West 15 ft.; Lot 1, also except West 15 ft. and S'ly 20 ft. of the East 79 ft.; Lot . 2 23 2850 7800 . S'ly 20 ft. of East 79 ft. of Lot . 2 23 5Q0 ---- 3 23 1500 ----', . 4 23 . 1500 -- Lots 3 thru 7 . 21i 11,950 ---- Lot. 2 and (except Robert St.) Lot 3 25 225 Except that part taken for opening . • , of Eaton St.; that part lying East ' of South Robert St. 3 . Eaton and Morrison's Addition 5150 ----- . to West St. Paul (Except widening of So. Robert St. That part of Block 7 lying SW of a . line drawn from NW corner of said ( 6250 ---~ ) block to NW corner of Lot 10, .said ( 2250 3600 ) .. block, thence to SE corner of 10 7 ( 1800 ----- ) (includes other property) Except part taken for opening of . Eaton St.; that part lying East . of So. Robert St. 8 . 600 ----_ (includes other property) _ South 35 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 and , part of Wood St. vacated adjoini • _ i� and N'ly of a line run from poin,' • , on center line of said St. and 150 ft. East of East line of Robert St. to SW corner of said 1 1 West St. Paul 650 --- { Except South 35 ft. of Lots 1 & ' and except part of vacated Wood •t. i'' accruing to said lots: the fol t lowing: Block 1 and part of Cl'n- '� ton Ave. and Wood St. vacated . d lying West of center line of sa d Ave. and NE'ly of a line beginn g at point on said center line 50 ft. South of extended South line of 1 Wood St.; thence NW'ly to a poi t . on said extended line and 12 f f. East of NE corner of Block 17; I thence NW'ly to a point 12 ft. North of said corner; thence 1`' 'ly • to a point 55 ft. West-of West —_ _�___ _._:;.________________ �.— FORM B.B.T, TOTAL i i _, (continue• CITY OF ST. PAUL I gee u DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �'v • • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LAVALUATIONBI.JJ. "(con't from Page 3) line of said Ave. and 20 ft. North , of North line of Blk. 17; thence NW'ly on a line, which if extended , would intersect SW corner of Lot 4, Blk. 1, to the center line of Wood St.; thence West on said cen— . ., ter line to a point 150 ft. East . of East line of Robert St.; thence NW'ly to SW corner of said Block---- 1 . West St. Paul $ 5800 $ -- Except South 100 feet; 2 4300 - -- •South 100 feet of 2 2850 10,200„ East 65 feet of 2 _ 16 400 55o 0 . Except South 12.25 ft; -Lot 6 & all/ 3 16 1575 11,'000 South 12.25 ft. of Lot 6 and all of Lots 7 & 10 16 2225 16,650 Part of Wood St. vacated adjoining and S'ly of a line beginning at a . point 12 ft. North of NE corner of Block 17; thence NW'ly to a point 55 ft. West and 20 ft. North of said corner; thence NW'ly on a . line, which if extended would intersect SW corner of Lot 4, Block 1, to center line of said St.; thence West on said center line to a point 150 ft. East of East line of Robert St.; thence NW'ly to SW corner of said Blk. 1 and all of Lots 1 thru 55 & Lots 8 & 9 . 17 6825 100,700 -(includes other property) West 2/3 of 1 21 800 2500 West 2/3 of 2 21 750 ---_ 3 21 . 900 4 21 900 2200 5 21 1500 3000 Lots 1 thru Lt.in Thomas Walsh's Re—Arrangement and Lots 8, 9 an. 10 22 5700 2350 .. East 100 feet of 6 36 . 1750 13,600 East 100 feet of 7 36 1300 10,900 South 27 feet of 8 36 . , 825 3250. FOAM 9.6.11 + TOTAL I - p I , --- I CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED IANpVALUATIONBLL r. . North 23 febt of 36 West St. Paul $ 700 $ 400 . • 36 1500 13,500 36 1800 3700 West 100 feet of Lots 1 and , 2 37 4500 7250 (includes other property, North z of West 100 feet of 3 . 37 600 5000 South a of West 100 feet of 3 37 6Q0 303 West 100 feet of 4 37 - 1200 6000 West 100 feet of . 5 37 1750 12,800 . West 2/3 of Lot 1 and West 2/3 of ) North 2 of 2 50 ) 1 West 2/3 of South i of Lot 2 and 1 West 2/3 of North i of . 3 50 ). 3650 2500 West 100 ft. of South i of Lot 3 and West 100 ft. of North 20 ft. o: 4 50 1075 600 South 30 ft. of West 100 ft. of - Lot 4 and North 10 ft. of West 100 ft. of 5 50 950 400 South 40 feet of West 100 feet of 5 50 1400 2750 Lots 6 ' 7 51 46o0 6200 8 51 1500 300 South .. of 9 51 750 41oo North i of East- 100 feet of 9 51 675 1950 Except West 50 feet; : . 10 51 1600 4200 Except Concord Street; 2 65 14300 6550 (includes other property) Except East 50 feet; 1 66 2600 11,500 West 100 feet of 2 66 1200 3500 II Lot 3 and South 10 ft. of North , 25 ft. of West 40 ft. of 8 66 1525 • ---- __ — FORM 13.13.II TOTAL I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ The West 54:62 ft. of Lot 4 and (except 'East 95.27 ft. and except Concord St.) North 20.92 ft. of 5 66 West St. Paul $ 1700 $ 26,000., Except West 54.62 ft.; Lot 4 and East 95.27 ft. of North 20,92 ft. of Lot 5, also except Concord St.; and except North 20.92 ft.; 5 66 100 15,000, ll1 1 i a I To tol $ 15,200 $481,iQO The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 13 19 57__ Commissioner of Finan'e. Form B. B. 12 i8 .51 St. Paul, Minn. April 1 19 55 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Installation of ;mercury vapor lighting system on South Robert St. .fie. • r from Water St. ACA. to Concord St. Atm. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION / ) i ..5-/ a i eo.'6rl .JJ —11,29' S: R; ert. 10 r 1 'l/ •. fr �� -i--4-:62/1 y� � a� �71 3 75/4 o.04 . Cam, , e G-74:4'f°.° , ... ' , -A4 .90 ,‘--Ne ,,,,...4,,0 _ 4 6 -1. ��a..ea, . omit_ ,....d.„. ,e , , �e� ,4) vai rinnesota State Bank of ' :nt Paul III 66 West St, Paul Proper 4-6.4-- Cashi-r - , . �'1 42� . t L .0 '� v ' Ru( L PEES P Ak "1'1+ 1 1 . j ..,-- --- ' 4-7,1A, V /1 .. ,q7—'J 0 I 634 11-62 41m4.2 Date • { ADDITION ADDITION DELINQUENT TAXES ( DELINQUENT TAXES ' Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount Sp I L.3e34 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE July 22 19 57 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 183513 approved June 26, 1957, relative to constructing new ornamental lights on South Robert Street from Fillmore Avenue to Concord Street with new light standards, cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete lighting system and the removal of existing standards and foundations and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 75,990.00 , and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent Letter said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or ketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 91st mlittiN tr■ L3. pirkAr, RECEIVE 0 AO." � _ 1r .�� i s--.0 i s Work JUL .i o07 Dom. OF RMANCII 1101P OFFICE ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL .ACCOUNTING DIVISION HERBERT S. WEST JOS. PAVLICEK Prin. Accountant • Capital of Minnesota • BRIDGE ENGINEER 1 MAURICE W. HEWETT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. • FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER ' EUGENE'.V. AVERY CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT • GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR H. KOCH • ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELIN BUREAU OF CORRECTION 8 JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. July 22, 1957 Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith . preliminary estimate of cost for constructing new ornamental lights on South Robert Street from Fillmore Avenue to Con- cord Street with new lig t standards, cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances nece-sary for a complete lighting system and the re- moval of existing standa ds and foundations, under Preliminary Order C. F. 183513 approved June 26, 1957. Estimated Cost $ 74,500.00 Engineering an. Inspection 1 ,490.00 Total Estimate. Cost $ 75,990.00 Estimated Prop-rty Assess. (5925 x $6.25) 37,031 .25 City's Share of Cost (Bond Fund 600-U-11) $ 38,958.75 Estimated cost per front foot - $75,990 _ $12.83 5925 Property share of cyst is based on making an assessment of $6.25 per front foot of assessable! frontage. Yom very truly, c. D Arthur W. Tees Chief Engineer (:)(:) Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance 1 (:4) Commis' ioneri '• • o''{ liii ,. , '.' / I II Il lc J 1 a 39-1039 LI o r o y/ a Z .ri LIJ \\ P o 3tao?j = — cI z C >o Pt P co o o aab��NiM � r o L tr -I - Cli r '� Z �P o ? 0 o.'r- � 0 ),r u Il . . C A ;� Cs-az►arvo7 .4 71-----( D ?'/ - - # Ick.., \ �C -138bC1 ; i rt y N \ _ ...L Q • c'i4,:' :''i.1";`, . 1 ' / ----- \ *S--; i\. o .+ ( , M O D o 1s ti Z oat�'a'o7v..) rt ,' A Q F �N 1-Q . `' '000A1 �"�� S e o rt I ;\ ''' ' H> d + I t'l`' DI--I a a r- 1 c. . :'qtr,. ' N:\..,,,,,_ th i d IL G ri.,; N0S 171b OH \:- T 4 72' .4 IPA 1 Q rpr- . ',7,,\ -;07- -.. V ‘i - t�0 ;. 1,d dU 9. H 9 K D 7 ` fp:\ R iiI : , `C �1 r` k 1 \, t�. 1 — Fo 1 ,-- \ \ a'