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Original to City Clerk • CITY OF ST. PAUL F OE NCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER L�. t DATF 'EAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul heretofore referred to the Technical Committee and to a Council committee consisting of Commissioners Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy, Bernard T. Holland and Severin A. Mortinson, the matter of health and welfare benefits for City employes, and directed said Committees to prepare the necessary specifications for regular bidding procedures by insurance companies interested ; and WHEREAS, the specifications prepared by the afore- said Committees have heretofore been considered by the Council, which made recommendations as to changes desired by the Council relative to employe coverage under said Specifications ; and WHEREAS, there is presently re-submitted to the Council the Health and Welfare Specifications heretofore considered by the Council, together with the changes reques- ted by the Council incorporated herein, a copy of the Speci- fications being attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached Health and Welfare Speci- fications for the purpose of calling for formal bids thereon, and directs the Purchasing Agent of the City of Saint Paul to request bids from insurance companies interested in bidding on a Health and Welfare Program for the City of Saint Paul. i Council File No 184460—By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor— Whereas, The Council of the City 71100'' IJOr of Saint Paul heretofore referred to kitipA Council committee consisting of Corn- ( ' missioners Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy, / i Bernard T. Holland and Severin A. Mortinson, the matter of health and / rf welfare benefits for City employes, and directed said Committees to pre- .-- pare the necessary specifications for regular bidding procedures by insur-, < ance companies interested; and ) re 0:.(2 SEP 1 0 195 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—__ 195— Yeas Nays I SEP 10 1967 DeCourcy Holland Approved - — 195_ In 'avor ) r Mortinson ���, Mayor -Hem- Y n� Rosen Against Mr. Pretiretat,aDillern PUBLISHED 9--//---6-7 5M 2-57 2 • 184460 Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N© OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul heretofore referred to the Technical Committee and to a Council committee consisting of Commissioners Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy, Bernard T. Holland and Severin A. Mortinson, the matter of health and welfare benefits for City employes, and directed said Committees to prepare the necessary specifications for regular bidding procedures by insurance companies interested ; and WHEREAS, the specifications prepared by the afore- said Committees have heretofore been considered by the Council, which made recommendations as to changes desired by the Council relative to employe coverage under said Specifications ; and WHEREAS, there is presently re-submitted to the Council the Health and Welfare Specifications heretofore considered by the Council, together with the changes reques- ted by the Council incorporated herein, a copy of the Speci- fications being attached hereto and made a part hereof by ref erence, Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached Health and Welfare Speci- fications for the purpose of calling for formal bids thereon, and directs the Purchasing Agent of the City of Saint Paul to request bids from insurance companies interested in bidding on a Health and Welfare Program for the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___ —195— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved_ _— —_ __195- Mar2iteIIi In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Against Rosen / Mr. President, Dillon SM Y•57 LY. i`2 C titeOLi) r 1go ADDS UM TO HEALTH AND WELFARE SPECIFICATIONS Under Request for Bids, that paragraph stating the proposal should include : "Since th se Specifications provide that retiring employees, to inated employees and employees on leave of absence in xcess of thirty (30) days are giventhe right to conve t their coverage under the proposed City insurance program without evidence of good health to an individu 1 policy or policies containing the same benefits held under this program, bidders shall submit schedul s showing present conversion rates in effect at the time of submission of bids herein. Where the type of coverage pe its of dependency benefits, bidders shall submit schedul s showing the change in rates, if any, relating to such depend ncy coverage upon conversion from City plan, if any. " • • CITY OF SAINT PAUL TERRANCE S. O'TOOLE LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN THOMAS J. RYAN SPECIAL ASSISTANT ROBERT E. O'CONNELL MARSHALL F. HURLEY DONALD L. LAIS JOHN J. McNEIL CORPORATION COUNSEL ASSISTANTS AEPP2 September 5, 1957 Honorable Joseph . Dillon, Mayor, and Members of t e Common Council of the City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: The Cou cil heretofore considered the report of the Council' s Tec nical Committee pertaining to the procure- ment of health an. welfare insurance for City employees in a letter dated July 26, 1957, from the City Clerk to the Office of the Corporation Counsel. The City Clerk indicated that th= Council requested the office of the Corporation Couns =l to modify the specifications submitted with the Technica Committee' s report so as to include all of the "10 month _mployees" described in the memorandum of Edwin F. Jones, S:cretary of the Technical Committee. The changes requested have been made, and they are found on Pages 1 and 3 of she Health and Welfare Specifications submitted herewit . If the c anges herein made are satisfactory with the Council, we s ggest that the Resolution submitted here- with be adopted , - aid Resolution authorizing the purchasing agent to call for bids on the contemplated Health and Welfare Program. Respectfully submitted, /;‘.. 1- R bert E. O'Connell, Assistant Corporation Counsel REO:bl i r t . / fo JulY_15T_1952 August 28 , 1957 HEALTH AND WELFARE SPECIFICATIONS REQUEST FOR BIDS The City of Saint Paul requests that you submit a formal bid with respect to the employe insurance program currently contemplated. The City will evaluate all of the proposals re- ceived on the same basis . If your proposal is to receive consideration, it must conform to the specifications herein outlined. The attached exhibits set forth the coverages and other data necessary for your proposal. 1. Exhibit A : Sets forth the program of insurance contemplated and specifications as to various benefits to be provided and the proposal form. 2. Exhibit B : Outlines other information concern- ing ages , sex , and dependency status as well as other information pertinent to consideration of rates for your proposal. Proposals will be accepted for : 1. Group Life 2. Accidental Death & Dismenberment Coverage 3. Hospitalization Insurance 4. Surgical Benefits 5. In Hospital Medical Care 6. Out of Hospital Benefits The City may accept any one or more bids or any combination of bids for the above unless a combined bid of two or more companies is conditioned otherwise. If a com- bined bid is submitted , one company shall be named therein as the administrator. The proposals shall include : 1. The complete schedule of insurance. 2. The monthly rate per person for each component part of coverage. That is , the rate applicable to each item shown in Exhibit "A" . 3. The bid should show the composite monthly rate per person for life and casualty benefits separately and also show a breakdown of the components of the monthly cost for dependents ' casualty coverage separately. 4. Projections illustrating the dividends paid or rate credits under the life insurance allowed for the first ten years . We request two illus- trations assuming that the Paid Claims are (a ) $50, 000 and (b ) $35 , 000 respectively. 5. You should assume that all claim payments will be handled by the administrator selected, but that accounting details will be handled on a "short form" or "self-accounting" basis. Be- cause the City Council is undecided as to the type of administration which will best suit our onerations , we request that you enclose an outline of the various types of administra- tion available along with the pertinent forms for use with each and the cost thereof . 6. Exhibit "C" sets forth the dividend or rate credit information we desire. No figures as to dividends or experience credit will be con- sidered unless completed and attested to by an executive officer (President , Vice-President , Secretary or Treasurer) of your company. Answers to the following questions are also requested : 1 ) If the policy is terminated , will any excess of the incurred claim charges over the paid claims be returned to the City of Saint Paul? 2) If you are awarded only the life insurance portion of the plan, will the dividends you have illustrated be decreased? 3) If your bid includes both life and casualty, will bad experience under the casualty pro- gram affect the life insurance dividends you have illustrated? 4 ) How long is the table of rates for the life insmnce portion of the plan guaranteed? 7. Bidders shall outline service facilities available in the City of Saint Paul. 8. Specimen copies of the group master contracts your company would issue to the City of Saint Paul should be furnished. Be sure to include a specimen of the $200.00 surgical schedule. Your proposal , exhibit and answers to the specific questions raised should be postmarked no later than - to receive consideration. These should be sent to : Otto P. Simon, Jr. Purchasing Agent 253 City Hall and Court House St . Paul 2, Minnesota Proposals will be opened at The sealed envelopes containing same should bear the informa- tion: "Bid for Health and Welfare Coverage. " By direction of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. Dated June , 1957 SPECIFICATIONS This Contract is for the term of one year, beginning at midnight Central Standard Time on the last day of February, 1958. Unless discontinued by the City, it shall be renewed automatically on the first day of March, 1959, and each suc- cessive year thereafter during its continuance, for successive terms of one year each, without medical examination. Any re- quested cost adjustment shall be made in writing to the City prior to July 1st to be considered for the next following yearly term. This Cant act may be canceled by the City by written notice given or or before February 1st. All acco nting details will be handled on a short form or self accountin basis. Any employee becoming eligible for coverage or terminating on or before the 15th day of any month shall be account d for on the basis of paying for the full month. Any employee becoming eligible for coverage or terminating after the 15th day of any month shall be covered immediately without charge to him or the City for the balance of that month. Therea ter, the charges for such employee shall be as hereinafter provided. In the even of conflict between the provisions of any policy submitted a$ a part of a bid herein and these speci- fications , the provisions of these three shall govern: 1. Requestlfor bids 2. Specifications 3. Insurance specifications (Exhibit A ) Pre-existing illnesses and conditions shall be covered by this Contract. Retiring employees , terminated employees , and employees on written leave of absence from employment in excess of thirty (30) days , other than sick leave with pay, shall be given the right to convert with continuous coverage without evidence of good health to an individual policy or policies containing the same benefits held under this program. Employees who have been suspended or whose employment has been interrupted temporarily by virtue of lay-off , lack of funds, etc. , for thirty days or less shall be continued under coverage as if they were steadily employed. Leaves of absence or suspensions of over thirty days' duration (except sick leave with pay or as otherwise hereinafter provided ) shall result in the discontinuance of the City' s contri- bution after the first thirty (30) days of such leave or suspen- sion; provided, however, that City employees who are permanently appointed full-time or part-time employees of the City and whose terms of employment in each year are governed by the period of the normal school year ( approximately ten months a year) shall be continued under coverage with premiums being paid by the City on a twelve-month basis , the same as if such employees were employed by the City on a yearly basis . Employees, including elected and appointed officials and their deputies , on leave of absence with pay for sickness , shall be covered during such sick leave. Employ- ees who are separated from service with the City for periods not exceeding ninety (90) days ' duration shall have the right to pay premiums under the -1- group policy direct , and thereby continue under the protection of the City group plan. Any employee separated from service with the City for longer than ninety days ' duration shall be considered a terminated employee and shall thereafter be entitled to the conversion rights hereinbefore provided with reference to retiring employees , terminated employees , and employees on written leave of absence other than sick leave with pay. Said individual policy in the case of life insurance shall be charged for at the rate for the then attained age set forth in the standard schedules of the company and without penalty. Said individual policy in the case of hospitalization and surgical and medical insurance shall be charged for at the rate then being charged for individual policies by the company without penalty. Dependents ' benefits shall be allowed from birth to age nineteen (19 ) if not a student , to age twenty-three (23) if a student or to the date of marriage, whichever is earliest. The dependents of and employees in the service of the City on the effective date of this Contract shall be eligible for maternity coverage immediately upon commencement of the program if the employee elects to pay for dependency coverage. The group life insurance contract shall provide a waiver of premium benefit if an employee is disabled prior to age sixty-five (65 ) . The accidental death and dismemberment coverage shall include both occupational and non-occupational accidents . There shall be no restrictions as to age for any of the coverages . Specimen copies of all bidding companies ' pertinent policies shall be furnished, but if there is a contradiction between them and these three requirement sheets ( (1 ) Request for Bids ; (2) Specifications ; and (3) Insurance Specifications ) the City' s requirement sheets shall prevail. . All officers and employees of the City of Saint Paul employed by the City upon the effective date of the coverage herein contemplated shall be entitled to such coverage and payment of premiums by the City, subject to the following stated exceptions : 1. Persons employed less than six complete con= secutive calendar months shall not be covered until they have completed said six complete consecutive calendar months . -2- 2. All officers and employees of the City who devote less than half time to City business , such determination to be made by the City. It is the intention of the City to provide paid coverage for all officers or employees, including part-time officers or employees who devote at least half of their working hours to City business. Employees who devote less than half of their working hours (a work week to consist of forty (40) hours ) to City business are not eligible for coverage except as provided at Page 1 of these specifications. Every employee and every appointed or elected official or deputy of such official must have completed at least six months ' employment with the City before being eligible for City contributions . However, such persons may apply immediately and pay the entire cost themselves on the same basis as eligible employees . Elective and appointed officials holding office for successive terms, having once been covered, will continue to be eligible for coverage for succeeding terms of office. All officers and employees eligible for coverage shall have thirty (30) days after initial employment by the City in which to apply for coverage without evidence of insurability and shall have an additional thirty days after having been employed by the City for a six-month period, during which period they shall be given coverage without evidence of insurability. Coverage shall be extended to dependents without evidence of insurability where desired by employee, after the employee has been covered for six months . The City shall furnish successful bidder(s ) with a list showing names of all persons originally covered, and from time to time thereafter with all additions and removals therefrom. -3- • EXHIBIT "A" INSURANCE SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL FORM LIFE INSURANCE Amount of Bid Employee GROUP LIFE INSURANCE Benefit $1000.00 $ ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT COVERAGE BENEFIT--$1000. 00 principal sum $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE Employee Dependents* ROOM AND BOARD - Full and complete payment of semi-private room accommodations (2 or more beds ) , average semi-private room allowance toward private room accommodations within each individual hospital. For 365 days per disability or confinement - - - - - - - - - $ $ SPECIAL SERVICES - To be paid in full and shall include : $ $ I. Anesthetics administered by salaried employees of hospitals 2. Operating Room 3. Clinical laboratory service 4. Pathological laboratory service 5. Surgical dressings, plaster casts 6. Drugs , biologicals and solutions , listed in the United States , Pharmacopoeia , The National Formulary, or New and Non-Official Remedies , except blood and blood plasma 7. Serums 8. Intravenous solutions 9. Liver Extracts 10. Glandular Products 11. Physical Therapy, including diathermy, radiant heat , ultraviolet ray 12. Oxygen Therapy - including gases , inhalations 13. Electrocardiograms 14. Basal Metabolism Studies 15. Unlimited Diagnostic x-rays MATERNITY BENEFITS - Maximum allowed under $ ** these specifications -4- EXHIBIT "A" (cont 'd ) Amount of Bid Employee Dependents* OUT-PATIENT COVERAGE FOR ACCIDENTS - Full cost if treated in outpatient section of a hospital - includes diagnostic x-ray, laboratory tests and other emergency care $ ; $ Total bid for Hospitalization Insurance _ SURGICAL - MEDICAL INSURANCE SURGICAL SCHEDULE - $200. 00 maximum for any one procedure - (Submit table of coverages ) $ $ IN HOSPITAL MEDICAL CARE - 120 days maximum (List amount of benefits per day and all other In Hospital benefits ) Must include benefits toward pro- fessional anesthesiologist not a salaried employee of hospital. OUT OF HOSPITAL BENEFITS (List Benefits ) Must include emergency care in hospital, doctor' s office or clinic. * Amounts in Dependents ' Column shall be paid by employee. ** This coverage may be purchased by employee for herself , if a woman, or under dependents ' coverage if a husband. Maternity benefits are not part of the coverage granted to an employee or dependents unless the premium for coverage is paid by the employee. Proposal submitted by Name of Company Signature Title -5- EXHIBIT "B" CITY EMPLOYEES (not including Fire, Police, or Teachers) Age # males # females Age # males # females 17 0 1 51 29 11 18 8 9 52 21 19 19 8 17 53 24 15 20 6 13 54 27 9 21 17 20 55 28 15 22 24 11 56 45 17 23 22 19 57 42 16 24 34 13 58 25 12 25 22 11 59 35 13 26 26 10 60 38 7 27 33 7 61 40 11 28 23 6 62 31 15 29 40 11 63 36 7 30 29 9 64 25 4 31 49 8 65 21 7 32 36 9 66 15 2 33 36 8 67 19 5 34 33 7 68 17 4 35 46 14 69 9 2 36 42 17 70 10 3 37 37 10 71 5 2 38 35 17 72 8 2 39 41 12 73 11 1 40 37 15 74 4 0 41 37 17 75 2 0 42 41 18 76 3 0 43 36 21 77 2 1 44 38 19 78 1 0 45 32 25 79 1 0 46 24 14 80 1 1 47 30 17 81 0 0 48 28 10 82 0 0 49 38 8 83 1 0 50 22 14 (Totals) 1586 638 Dependency Status Female - Single with no dependents - 278 Single with 1 dependent - 12 Single with 2 or more - 14 Married with no dependents - 88 Married with 1 dependent - 115 Married with 2 or more - 131 Male - Single with no dependents - 257 Single with 1 dependent - 7 Single with 2 Or more - 9 Married with no dependents - 5 Married with 1 dependent - 486 Married with or more - 822 -6- • EXHIBIT "B" (continued) TEACHERS Age t males # females Age # males # females 21 3 45 12 21 22 1 21 46 10 19 23 3 23 47 11 28 24 6 37 48 8 24 25 7 34 49 8 26 26 7 22 50 6 29 27 15 23 51 2 31 28 18 26 52 10 31 29 20 16 53 5 39 30 16 5 54 12 53 31 25 11 55 6 34 32 24 6 56 9 25 33 28 7 57 5 30 34 19 8 58 4 41 35 26 9 59 4 27 36 18 9 60 3 31 37 21 13 61 4 24 38 10 11 62 4 26 39 12 14 63 7 25 40 5 10 64 3 21 41 14 16 65 2 15 42 12 21 66 4 14 43 14 14 67 2 15 44 14 13 68 4 (Totals) 476 1005 Dependency Status Female - Single with no dependents - 590 Single with 1 dependent - 13 Single with 2 or more - 7 Married with no dependents - 138 Married with 1 dependent - 177 Married with Z, or more - 80 Male - Single with no dependents - 30 Single with 1 dependent - 1 Single with 2 or more - 0 Married with no dependents - 1 Married with 1 dependent - 112 Married with 2 or more - 332 -7- EXHIBIT "B" (continued) POLICE AND FIRE Age # males # females Age # males # females 18 0 2 43 28 1 19 0 0 44 20 0 20 0 0 45 15 0 21 0 1 46 22 0 22 1 1 47 15 0 23 6 1 48 18 1 24 8 1 49 16 1 25 11 0 50 12 1 26 19 1 51 10 0 27 16 0 52 14 1 28 20 0 53 16 0 29 37 0 54 4 1 30 54 1 55 9 0 31 43 0 56 8 0 32 44 0 57 13 0 33 35 1 58 10 0 34 29 0 59 9 0 35 37 1 60 17 0 36 29 1 61 12 0 37 16 1 62 11 0 38 26 0 63 9 0 39 27 0 64 10 0 40 28 0 65 0 0 41 27 0 66 0 0 42 35 1 67 2 0 68 1 0 (Totals) 849 19 Dependency Status Female - Single with no dependents - 16 Single with 1 dependent - 1 Single with 2 or more - 0 Married with no dependents - 2 Married with 1 dependent - 0 Married with 2 or more - 0 Male Single with no dependents - 45 Single with 1 dependent - 6 Single with 2 (in- more - 9 Married with no dependents - 0 Married with 1 dependent - 177 Married with 2 or more - 612 -8- EXHIBIT "C" To : City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (Life Insurance ) Gross Paid Incurred Dividend or Year Premiums Claims Claim Charge Rate Credit 1 $50, 000,00 2 50,000.00 3 • 50, 000.00 4 50, 000.00 5 50,000. 00 5 Yr. Avg. 50, 000,00 6 50, 000.00 7 50, 000.00 8 50, 000,00 9 50, 000. 00 10 50,000. 00 10 Yr. Avg. 50, 000.00 Gross Paid Incurred Dividend or Year Premiums Claims Claim Charge Rate Credit 1 $35, 000.00 2 35, 000.00 3 35, 000.00 4 35, 000.00 5 35, 000. 00 5 Yr. Avg. 35, 000. 00 6 35, 000.00 7 35, 000. 00 8 35, 000. 00 9 35 , 000.00 10 35, 000, 00 10 Yr. Avg. 35, 000. 00 I hereby attest that the foregoing figures are based upon: 1 ) Our Company' s current dividend or rate credit formula. 2) No change is currently contemplated in that formula (if so, state whether change would decrease or increase rate credits or dividends shown ) . -9- / g July-15,._1952 August 28 , 1957 HEALTH AND WELFARE SPECIFICATIONS REQUEST FOR BIDS The City of Saint Paul requests that you submit a forma bid with respect to the employe insurance program currently contemplated. The City will evaluate all of the proposals re- ceived on the same basis . If your proposal is to receive consideration, it must conform to the specifications herein outlined. The attached exhibits set forth the coverages and other data necessary for your proposal. 1. Exhibit A : Sets forth the program of insurance contemplated and specifications as to various benefits to be provided and the proposal form. 2. Exhibit B : Outlines other information concern- ing ages , sex, and dependency status as well as other information pertinent to consideration of rates for your proposal. Proposals will be accepted for : 1. Group Life 2. Accidental Death & Dismemberment Coverage 3. Hospitalization Insurance 4. Surgical Benefits 5. In Hospital Medical Care 6. Out of Hospital Benefits The City may accept any one or more bids or any combination of bids for the above unless a combined bid of two or more companies is conditioned otherwise. If a com- bined bid is submitted, one company shall be named therein as the administrator. The proposals shall include : 1. The complete schedule of insurance. 2. The monthly rate per person for each component part of coverage. That is , the rate applicable to each item shown in Exhibit "A". 3. The bid should show the composite monthly rate per person for life and casualty benefits separately and also show a breakdown of the components of the monthly cost for dependents ' casualty coverage separately. 4. Projections illustrating the dividends paid or rate credits under the life insurance allowed for the first ten years . We request two illus- trations assuming that the Paid Claims are (a) $50, 000 and (b) $35, 000 respectively. 5. You should assume that all claim payments will be handled by the administrator selected, but that accounting details will be handled on a "short form" or "self-accounting" basis. Be- cause the City Council is undecided as to the type of administration which will best suit our operations , we request that you enclose an outline of the various types of administra- tion available along with the pertinent forms for use with each and the cost thereof . 6. Exhibit "C" sets forth the dividend or rate credit information we desire. No figures as to dividends or experience credit will be con- sidered unless completed and attested to by an executive officer (President , Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer) of your company. Answers to the following questions are also requested : 1 ) If the policy is terminated , will any excess of the incurred claim charges over the paid claims be returned to the City of Saint Paul? 2) If you are awarded only the life insurance portion of the plan, will the dividends you have illustrated be decreased? 3) If your bid includes both life and casualty, will bad experience under the casualty pro- gram affect the life insurance dividends you have illustrated? 4 ) How long is the table of rates for the life insurance portion of the plan guaranteed? 7. Bidders shall outline service facilities available in the City of Saint Paul. 8. Specimen copies of the group master contracts your company would issue to the City of Saint Paul should be furnished. Be sure to include a specimen of the $200.00 surgical schedule. Your proposal , exhibit and answers to the specific questions raised should be postmarked no later than ' , to receive consideration. These should be sent to : Otto P. Simon, Jr. Purchasing Agent 253 City Hall and Court House St . Paul 2, Minnesota Proposals will be opened at The sealed envelopes containing same should bear the informa- tion: "Bid for Health and Welfare Coverage. " By direction of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. Dated June , 1957 SPECIFICATIONS This Contract is for the term of one year , beginning at midnight Central Standard Time on the last day of February, 1958. Unless discontinued by the City, it shall be renewed automatically on the first day of March, 1959, and each suc- cessive year thereafter during its continuance, for successive terms of one year each, without medical examination. Any re- quested cost adjustments shall be made in writing to the City prior to July 1st to be considered for the next following yearly term. This Contract may be canceled by the City by written notice given On or before February 1st. All accounting details will be handled on a short form or self accounting basis. Any employee becoming eligible for coverage or terminating on or before the 15th day of any month shall be accounted for on the basis of paying for the full month. Any employee becoming eligible for coverage or terminating after the 15th day of any month shall be covered immediately without charge to him or the City for the balance of that month. Thereafter, the charges for such employee shall be as hereinafter provided. In the event of conflict between the provisions of any policy submitted as a part of a bid herein and these speci- fications , the provisions of these three shall govern; 1. Request for bids 2. Specifications 3. Insurance specifications (Exhibit A) Pre-existing illnesses and conditions shall be covered by this Contract. Retiring employees , terminated employees , and employees on written leave of absence from employment in excess of thirty (30) days , other than sick leave with pay, shall be given the right to convert with continuous coverage without evidence of good health to an individual policy or policies containing the same benefits held under this program. Employees who have been suspended or whose employment has been interrupted temporarily by virtue of lay-off , lack of funds , etc. , for thirty days or less shall be continued under coverage as if they were steadily employed. Leaves of absence or suspensions of over thirty days' duration (except sick leave with pay or as otherwise hereinafter provided ) shall result in the discontinuance of the City' s contri- bution after the first thirty (30) days of such leave or suspen- sion; provided, however, that City employees who are permanently appointed full-time or part-time employees of the City and whose terms of employment in, each year are governed by the period of the normal school year ( approximately ten months a year) shall be continued under coverage with premiums being paid by the City on a twelve-month basis , the same as if such employees were employed by the City on a yearly basis . Employees, including elected and appointed officials and their deputies , on leave of absence with pay for sickness, shall be covered during such sick leave. Employ- ees who are separated from service with the City for periods not exceeding ninety (90) days ' duration shall have the right to pay premiums under the -1- group policy direct , and thereby continue under the protection of the City group plan. Any employee separated from service with the City for longer than ninety days ' duration shall be considered a terminated employee and shall thereafter be entitled to the conversion rights hereinbefore provided with reference to retiring employees , terminated employees , and employees on written leave of absence other than sick leave with pay. Said individual policy in the case of life insurance shall be charged for at the rate for the then attained age set forth in the standard schedules of the company and without penalty. Said individual policy in the case of hospitalization and surgical and medical insurance shall be charged for at the rate then being charged for individual policies by the company without penalty. Dependents ' benefits shall be allowed from birth to age nineteen (19) if not a student , to age twenty-three (23) if a student or to the date of marriage, whichever is earliest . The dependents of and employees in the service of the City on the effective date of this Contract shall be eligible for maternity coverage immediately upon commencement of the program if the employee elects to pay for dependency coverage. The group life insurance contract shall provide a waiver of premium benefit if an employee is disabled prior to age sixty-five (65 ) . The accidental death and dismemberment coverage shall include both occupational and non-occupational accidents . There shall be no restrictions as to age for any of the coverages . Specimen copies of all bidding companies ' pertinent policies shall be furnished, but if there is a contradiction between them and these three requirement sheets ( (1 ) Request for Bids ; (2) Specifications ; and (3) Insurance Specifications ) the City's requirement sheets shall prevail . All officers and employees of the City of Saint Paul employed by the City upon the effective date of the coverage herein contemplated shall be entitled to such coverage and payment of premiums by the City, subject to the following stated exceptions : 1. Persons employed less than six complete con= secutive calendar months shall not be covered until they have completed said six complete consecutive calendar months . -2- 2. All officers and employees of the City who devote less than half time to City business , such determination to be made by the City. It is the intention of the City to provide paid coverage for all officers or employees , including part-time officers or employees who devote at least half of their working hours to City business. Employees who devote less than half of their working hours (a work week to consist of forty ( 40) hours ) to City business are not eligible for coverage except as provided at Page 1 of these specifications . Every employee and every appointed or elected official or deputy of such official must have completed at least six months ' employment with the City before being eligible for City contributions . However, such persons may apply immediately and pay the entire cost themselves on the same basis as eligible employees . Elective and appointed officials holding office for successive terms, having once been covered , will continue to be eligible for coverage for succeeding terms of office. All officers and employees eligible for coverage shall have thirty (30) days after initial employment by the City in which to apply for coverage without evidence of insurability and shall have an additional thirty days after having been employed by the City for a six-month period, during which period they shall be given coverage without evidence of insurability. Coverage shall be extended to dependents without evidence of insurability where desired by employee, after the employee has been covered for six months . The City shall furnish successful bidder(s ) with a list showing names of all persons originally covered, and from time to time thereafter with all additions and removals therefrom. -3- EXHIBIT "A" INSURANCE SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL FORM LIFE INSURANCE Amount of Bid Employee GROUP LIFE INSURANCE Benefit $1000.00 $ ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT COVERAGE BENEFIT--$1000. 00 principal sum $ * * * HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE Employee Dependents* ROOM AND BOARD - Full and complete payment of semi-private room accommodations (2 or more beds ) , average semiprivate room allowance toward private room accommodations within each individual hospital. For 365 days per disability or confinement - - - - - - - - - $ SPECIAL SERVICES - To be paid in full and shall include : $ $ 1. Anesthetics administered by salaried employees of hospitals 2. Operating Room 3. Clinical laboratory service 4. Pathological laboratory service 5. Surgical dressings , plaster casts 6. Drugs , biologicals and solutions , listed in the United States , Pharmacopoeia , The National Formulary, or New and Non-Official Remedies , except blood and blood plasma 7. Serums 8. Intravenous solutions 9. Liver Extracts 10. Glandular Products 11. Physical Therapy, including diathermy, radiant heat , ultraviolet ray 12. Oxygen Therapy - including gases , inhalations 13. Electrocardiograms 14. Basal Metabolism Studies 15. Unlimited Diagnostic x-rays MATERNITY BENEFITS - Maximum allowed under $ ** these specifications -4- • EXHIBIT "A" (cont 'd ) Amount of Bid Employee Dependents* OUT-PATIENT COVERAGE FOR ACCIDENTS - Full cost if treated in outpatient section of a hospital - includes diagnostic x-ray, laboratory tests and other emergency care $________ $ Total bid for Hospitalization Insurance _ SURGICAL - MEDICAL INSURANCE SURGICAL SCHEDULE - $200. 00 maximum for any one procedure - (Submit table of coverages ) $ $ IN HOSPITAL MEDICAL CARE - 120 days maximum (List amount of benefits per day and all other In Hospital benefits ) Must include benefits toward pro- fessional anesthesiologist not a salaried employee of hospital. OUT OF HOSPITAL BENEFITS (List Benefits ) Must include emergency care in hospital,, doctor' s office or clinic. * Amounts in Dependents ' Column shall be paid by employee. ** This coverage may be purchased by employee for herself , if a woman, or under dependents ' coverage if a husband. Maternity benefits are not part of the coverage granted to an employee or dependents unless the premium for coverage is paid by the employee. Proposal submitted by Name of Company Signature Title -5- EXHIBIT "B" CITY EMPLOYEES (not including Fire, Police, or Teachers) Age # males # females Age # males # females 17 0 1 51 29 11 18 8 9 52 21 19 19 8 17 53 24 15 20 6 13 54 27 9 21 17 20 55 28 15 22 24 11 56 45 17 23 22 19 57 42 16 24 34 13 58 25 12 25 22 11 59 35 13 26 26 10 60 38 7 27 33 7 61 40 11 28 23 6 62 31 15 29 40 11 63 36 7 30 29 9 64 25 4 31 49 8 65 21 7 32 36 9 66 15 2 33 36 8 67 19 5 34 33 7 68 17 4 35 46 14 69 9 2 36 42 17 70 10 3 37 37 10 71 5 2 38 35 17 72 8 2 39 41 12 73 11 1 40 37 15 74 4 0 41 37 17 75 2 0 42 41 18 76 3 0 43 36 21 77 2 1 44 38 19 78 1 0 45 32 25 79 1 0 46 24 14 80 1 1 47 30 17 81 0 0 48 28 10 82 0 0 49 38 8 83 1 0 50 22 14 (Totals) 1586 638 Dependency Status Female - Single with no,dependents = 278 Single with 1 dependent - 12 Single with 2 or more - 14 Married with no dependents - 88 Married with 1 dependent - 115 Married with 2 or more - 131 Male - Single with no dependents - 257 Single with 1 dependent - 7 Single with 2 or more - 9 Married with no dependents - 5 Married with 1 dependent - 486 Married with 2 or more - 822 -6- • EXHIBIT "B" (continued) TEACHERS Age it males # fipmales Age # males # females 21 3 45 12 21 22 1 21 46 10 19 23 3 23 47 11 28 24 6 37 48 8 24 25 7 34 49 8 26 26 7 22 50 6 29 27 15 23 51 2 31 28 18 26 52 10 31 29 20 16 53 5 39 30 16 5 54 12 53 31 25 11 55 6 34 32 24 6 56 9 25 33 28 7 57 5 30 34 19 8 58 4 41 35 26 19 59 4 27 36 18 9 60 3 31 37 21 X13 61 4 24 38 10 11 62 4 26 39 12 14 63 7 25 40 5 10 64 3 21 41 14 16 65 2 15 42 12 21 66 4 14 43 14 14 67 2 15 44 14 13 68 4 (Totals) 476 1005 Dependency Status Female - Single with no dependents - 590 Single with 1 dependent - 13 Single with 2 Or more - 7 Married with no dependents - 138 Married with 1 dependent - 177 Married with 2 or more - 80 Male - Single with no dependents - 30 Single with 1 dependent - 1 Single with 2 or more - 0 Married with no dependents - 1 Married with 1 dependent - 112 Married with 2 or more - 332 -7- I EXHIBIT "B" (continued) POLICE AND FIRE Age # males # females Age # males # females 18 0 2 43 28 1 19 0 0 44 20 0 20 0 0 45 15 0 21 0 1 46 22 0 22 1 1 47 15 0 23 6 1 48 18 1 24 8 1 49 16 1 25 11 0 50 12 1 26 19 1 51 10 0 27 16 0 52 14 1 28 20 0 53 16 0 29 37 0 54 4 1 30 54 1 55 9 0 31 43 0 56 8 0 32 44 0 57 13 0 33 35 1 58 10 0 34 29 0 59 9 0 35 37 1 60 17 0 36 29 1 61 12 0 37 16 1 62 11 0 38 26 0 63 9 0 39 27 0 64 10 0 40 28 0 65 0 0 41 27 0 66 0 0 42 35 1 67 2 0 68 1 0 (Totals) 849 19 Dependency Status Female - Single with no dependents - 16 Single with 1 dependent - 1 Single with 2 or more - 0 Married with no dependents - 2 Married with 1 dependent - 0 Married with 2 or more - 0 Male - Single with no dependents - 45 Single with 1 dependent - 6 Single with 2 or more - 9 Married with no dependents - 0 Married with 1 dependent - 177 Married with 2 or more - 612 -8- • EXHIBIT "C" To : City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (Life Insurance ) Gross Paid Incurred Dividend or Year Premiums Cl ar ims Claim Chase Rate Credit 1 $50, 000.00 2 50, 000.00 3 50,000.00 4 50, 000.00 5 50, 000. 00 5 Yr. Avg. .__.__. 50, 000.00 6 50, 000.00 7 50, 000.00 50,000.00 9 50, 000. 00 1C 50,000.00 10 Yr. Avg. 50, 000.00 Gross Paid Incurred Dividend or Year Premiums Claims Claim Charge Rate Credit 1 $35, 000. 00 2 35, 000. 00 3 35, 000.00 4 35, 000.00 5 35, 000. 00 5 Yr. Avg. 35, 000. 00 6 35, 000.00 7 35, 000.00 8 35, 000. 00 9 35, 000. 00 10 35, 000. 00 10 Yr. Avg. 35, 000. 00 I hereby attest that the foregoing figures are based upon: 1 ) Our Company' s current dividend or rate credit formula. 2) No change is currently contemplated in that formula (if so, state whether change would decrease or increase rate credits or dividends shown ) -9- • EXHIBIT "C" (cont 'd ) 3) The premiums illustrated are as set forth in the policy we will issue to the City of Saint Paul. (Attach a copy of your table of rates to this Exhibit "C" . ) 4 ) Conversions charged as follows : 5 ) "Self-accounting" or "Short form" administration by the City of Saint Paul. Name of Company By Date Title -10- EXHIBIT "C" (cont 'd ) 3) The premiums illustrated are as set forth in the policy we will issue to the City of Saint Paul. (Attach a copy of your table of rates to this Exhibit 'C" . ) 4 ) Conversions charged as follows : 5 ) "Self-accounting" or "Short form" administration by the City of Saint Paul. Name of Company By Date Title -10-